Extraordinary David

Chapter 1138: situation

The black dragon Alexis watched David's test on the sidelines, and to be honest, he was more surprised than David.

Because the black dragon Alexis didn't even see the passing of David's left index finger, he just saw David stretch out his hand and the space shattered.

Perhaps David didn't feel it himself, because the process of flicking with the left index finger was already short. Without comparison, he could not perceive the changes in speed and time.

But the ‘rule of destruction’, which combines the ‘rule of power’ and the ‘rule of speed’, can be displayed even faster than the ‘rule of speed’ alone.

David looked at his left index finger and thought about finding a leather noble glove from the space pendant to put on.

If it is not covered, the abnormality of his left index finger cannot be concealed.

When he returned to Garmistar, David flew back slowly, and his promotion to a demigod calmed his sense of urgency.

Among them, many of them have the strength to fight against the gods. Although the ability can only be used once in ten minutes, it is truly capable of causing damage to the gods.

This is not easy. You must know that David is holding a divine weapon. Before the defense of the divine spirit is broken, his damage to the divine spirit is almost zero.

It is extremely rare to have the ability to cause damage to gods, even among demigods.

After he returned to the castle, he took out the lord-level liaison circle, and immediately a series of messages sounded.

For so many days, David has been in sentiment. During the period of sentiment, his consciousness was completely immersed in the understanding of the rules, and he had no spare energy to distract himself from other things. He was in a predicament of mental deprivation. The'Holy Knights' handled it on their own, not to mention paying attention to the contact circle.

These ten days were far from being as peaceful as he had imagined. While the knights were still showing great enthusiasm for the future of the knight profession, a large number of attacks occurred simultaneously across the entire divine world.

These attacks are extremely bad, and most of them are directed at civilians. Each attack involves the disappearance of more than a thousand civilians.

In addition to the intelligence sent by the Supreme Council and the Main Family, what David saw was an invitation to the meeting of the Supreme Council.

He looked at the time of the meeting and found that the meeting had already been held, but he didn't need to go personally. With a movement of his mind, he entered the soul of Lord Harlow.

Lord Harlow was sitting in front of the lord-level liaison circle. In front of him was a virtual conference hall. Lords all around were sitting in their positions. Speaker Gould was speaking.

"I just showed you the latest intelligence. The situation is very serious. In a total of more than 600 attacks, investigators found more than two hundred altars!" Speaker Gould said in a deep voice.

Although David hadn't seen the content of the previous meeting, he also knew that he was checking the latest information. He had also read the information, but there was no delay in the content of the meeting.

It's just that in the information he looked at, it didn't say that more than two hundred altars had been discovered. It seemed that the news was either intentionally blocked, or it was just discovered not long ago.

"More than two hundred altars were discovered at the same time, and they were all in a state of being abandoned when they were discovered. The reason why only more than two hundred altars were discovered was due to the manpower problems of the investigators, and some altars were more secretive. I didn't find it during the time, but in any case, the incident that happened this time far exceeded the scope of any Cthulhu incident in history." Speaker Gould continued.

It’s not that there have been a large number of deaths of civilians in the past, but they are all concentrated on a certain planet, and even the deaths of all people on the entire planet have not happened.

But this time the situation is different. More than 600 attacks have occurred on more than 600 planets. Not all of these planets are remote.

Perhaps the number of people who died this time was not counted, but the influence was great.

In just a few days, the people of all planets in the great world were in fear.

"It used to be a certain evil god's believer doing things, this time looking at the style of these altars, there are at least ten or more evil **** believers involved in the sacrifice, it is extremely scary to think carefully!" Lord Ludwig said afterwards.

Lord Ludwig’s voice was full of worries. Recently, although the Supreme Council has added a few more legendary ranks, when facing the evil god, the legendary rank is no different from the fifth-level Templar.

And from the news that the **** of death had awakened from the past, what he was most worried about was that this was all caused by the **** of death.

"What did the temple say?" Lord Darryl looked at Speaker Gould and asked.

"Except for the Temple of War, the other four major temples have sent a large number of priests, and they have begun a more in-depth investigation. In this regard, the temple has some experience!" Speaker Gould replied in a deep voice.

Although the temples have been somewhat dissatisfied with the legendary knights recently, they will give priority to the Cthulhu incident before the Cthulhu incident.

The appearance of the legendary knights made the four temples have to recognize the identity of the legendary knights, and only the war temple because of the archbishop's delay, the war temple did not publicly express its attitude.

Even now that such a major incident has occurred, the Temple of War is paralyzed. The huge organization does not have the leadership of the archbishop, and several bishops are arguing with each other, making the Temple of War not responding to this incident.

"This meeting of the Supreme Council is to set up an emergency team to stand by at any time. Please pay attention to everyone here. Once you find any danger, report to the emergency team immediately. The emergency team will rush to support you as soon as possible!" The speaker stated the main topics of the meeting.

Because of the establishment of the emergency team, a certain number of high-level knights need to be mobilized, which requires the support of the top nobles.

This is also the tradition of the Supreme Council. In the event of an incident, it is impossible for one or several top nobles to contribute. Every member of the Supreme Council needs to pay for this.

Even if there is no need for the top nobles to come out, it also needs the corresponding resources.

Like the emergency team, at least two or three groups of knights are required to rotate. A group of six knights is the standard configuration, which means that at least more than ten high-level knights are required.

"For this emergency team, I plan to set up three groups, each led by a legendary knight. In addition, the Supreme Council will also issue some combat missions to cooperate with the emergency team's actions. The specific plan will be sent to your contact. In the circle, if you have any objections, you can raise it now!" Speaker Gould said at last.

He didn't ask for a vote, because this kind of summoning knights was originally the power of the speaker. It just required the top nobles to provide resources and naturally need to be notified.

"Lord Ludwig, Lord Daryl, Lord Harlow, I need to trouble you to lead the team this time!" Speaker Gould turned his head and said.

All the lords present were stunned. Speaker Gould just said that the three emergency teams were led by legendary knights. Lord Ludwig and Lord Daryl were legendary. All lords knew about it, but Harlow When did the lord become legendary?

However, it was quickly realized that all the legendary knights were related to the resources provided by Lord Arthur, and Lord Harlow was a knight under Lord Arthur, so the resources were naturally sufficient.

"No problem!" Lord Ludwig and Lord Darryl were informed by Speaker Gould, so naturally they would not object.

Speaker Gould didn't worry that Lord Harlow would object at all, because Lord Harlow had been ordered by Lord Arthur to cooperate with him.

"I agree!" It is impossible for David to lose face to Speaker Gould on this kind of matter. Lord Harlow is in charge of the emergency team and is also revealing the legendary facts to the divine world, which is also a good thing.

Afterwards, Speaker Gould announced the list of the remaining five-tier Templars. He did things fairly. He chose families with multiple Templars among the top nobles, plus the resource compensation from the other top nobles. , This kind of action is not a loss for the participating Templars.

Coupled with the legendary knights leading the team, there is almost no dangerous task. Hearing the announcement of Speaker Gould, no lord objected.

No one has noticed the changes in the Supreme Council. Speaker Gould’s authority is increasing, especially as he enters the Legendary Rank, all the lords who have been promoted to the Legendary Rank are closely related to him, which makes his influence more and more. Big.

Speaker Gould is considered an invincible existence in the knight profession, holding the magical ‘Knight Prohibition Card’, which is also an important reason for his power growth in the Supreme Council.

In this important historical period when the nobles wanted to get rid of the constraints of the temple, they needed such leaders.

David's mind quietly withdrew from Lord Harlow's soul. After he learned about the incident, he didn't have much interest in these things.

Having reached the Demigod Rank, he has a little more time, and he needs to do something he is going to do.

After forging the demigod-level light swords for the legend of Annabella and Speaker Gould last time, David has some experience in forging demi-god weapons. This time he is going to be all legendary knight clones and demigods. All clone clones are changed.

Since the legendary knight clone and the demigod clone clone are almost equivalent to a part of David himself, he is prepared to be more refined in the style and utility of weapons.

He had to be more familiar with his demigod body, and he decided to stay in Garmixing and retreat.

Haida star is located on the edge of the great world of the gods. It is an agricultural star and its value is not high.

Haida Star is jointly owned by more than 20 noble families. All the people on the planet believe in the **** of war. There are twelve war temples on the planet. The war temple in the main city is a standard temple, and the remaining 11 wars The temples are small temples.

There are actually many planets in this form. Like some commercial stars, there are only temples of wealth and no other temples.

Only the more important planets will gather the five major temples and share faith together.

Just like Haida Star, with a population of only 5 million, it is not worthy of multiple temples to come to share their faith.

This is also the norm in the great world of the gods. Many planets with few resources, due to the small number of nobles, coupled with the insufficient inheritance of the nobles themselves, are mostly low-level nobles, making the planets they manage very primitive.

Haidaxing's agriculture is to watch the sky and eat, coupled with diseases and so on, so that the population has been unable to increase, but from time to time disasters will lead to population decline.

On the entire planet, the strongest person is only an earth knight, and there is a third-level priest among the priests of the main city war temple.

Since Haida Xing has always been peaceful, and at most only a little friction between the nobles, the war temple here has lost its vigilance.

After dark, in an aristocratic manor, six people in red robes were surrounding an altar.

There are weird patterns on the red robe, which is the symbol of the "God of Blood". These six people are all believers of the "God of Blood".

There is no vitality in the noble manor, it seems that it has been cleaned up, and there is no life.

The leading believers in Hongpao began to sing the ancient "God of Blood" "Book of God". The rest of the Hongpao believers poured buckets of blood on the altar while responding.

The smell of blood is accompanied by the dark red, which makes the scalp numb in the dark, but the six "God of Blood" believers here do not have the slightest disgust, but rather enjoy the color on their faces.

A faint red light rose above the altar, bringing a weird red to all the surroundings.

The noble manor chosen by the six ‘God of Blood’ believers is far away from any war temple, so the breath here was not noticed by the war temple.

The establishment of the temple is not only a need for the spread of beliefs, but also a pair of eyes, as long as they are within the scope of the temple, they are all under the monitoring of the temple.

When the gods need it, the temple can expand the perception of the gods infinitely, and each temple can become the spiritual source of the gods, expanding to the surrounding area.

But because the construction of the temple is too expensive and the materials are too special, even the five major temples occupying the great world of Gods cannot be distributed to every corner of the great world of Gods in ten thousand years.

This also gave Cthulhu believers room for activity. After tens of thousands of years of confrontation, Cthulhu believers have a good understanding of the role of the temple, and it has become difficult to find Cthulhu believers using temple buildings.

A little blood mist rose on the altar, and the blood mist spread to the surroundings, making it impossible to find under the cover of the dark night.

There were some farmer houses next to the noble manor. When the blood mist passed by, the sleeping peasants in the room exploded, and the blood collected in the blood mist, and the scope of the blood mist continued to expand.

In the silence, a whole area was covered by blood mist. Where the blood mist passed, life died and the breath of death enveloped the earth.

The blood mist seemed to be wise, bypassing the nearby war temple, and growing continuously in areas that the war temple could not detect.

This is also because there are no high-ranking knights on Haida Star, and the strength of the third-level land knights is unable to detect the existence of blood fog, and no one knows what happened in the dark night.

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