Extraordinary David

Chapter 1157: return

To build a standard war temple in Garmixing, it takes many years to prepare for the materials alone, plus the construction and decoration work, even if it is built at full speed, it will not be completed in less than ten years.

In other words, the Space War Temple needs to be stationed in Garmistar for at least ten years. In these ten years, the Space War Temple needs to be managed and maintained by someone. In addition, this is the territory of Lord Arthur. Although it is occupied, it can be Be prepared to accept Lord Arthur's counterattack at any time, so there must be someone to protect him.

The Temple of War finally stationed four thousand ascetics in Garmixing, and sent an experienced four-level priest and a hundred priests and priests to be responsible for the management.

Archbishop Choate wanted to leave Garmixing immediately, but he needed to appease the priests and priests who were left behind and let them do their best to work.

Not only Archbishop Choate knew that Garmisch was dangerous, but the remaining priests and priests also understood this except for the ascetics.

Archbishop Choate met with the priests and priests who stayed behind in Garmixing, and after confessing some promises, he finally calmed people's hearts.

Using the time that Archbishop Choate was dealing with affairs, the professionals of the Temple of War rebuilt a planet-level portal on Garmistar.

Of course, the various components of the planetary portal have been manufactured for a long time, and only need to assemble and connect the planetary portal to the transmission network.

After handling the affairs, Archbishop Choate did not leave with the two space war temples, but returned directly to the main temple through the planet-level portal.

David is currently leading Duner Star in another place of his. It is extremely secret for him to return to Duner Star. He didn't even use the planet-level portal, but directly used his talent ability to break through the sky.

Dun Erxing is different from Garmisch. David has always had a sense of urgency in his heart. He has many secrets in his body, and it will be a matter of time before he breaks with the temple.

It is for this reason that David himself lives alone in Garmixing, letting the world know that he lives in Garmixing.

The temple wanted to attack him, so he could only go to Garmixing, so that it would not cause additional damage to his other lords.

When he came to Duner Star, he was still a little worried about this leader, and worried that the Archbishop Qiaot of the War Temple would not attack Duner Star at the same time.

It is necessary to know that the methods used by the temple against the hostile forces are very terrible. There is a trace of the evil **** on a certain planet. After the evil **** is killed, the temple is likely to clean the planet.

The conflict of beliefs is cruel, and it is precisely under this high pressure that the number of followers of the evil **** has been compressed to a very small range.

David saw that Duner Star did not have the slightest influence, even if he, the lord, and the Temple of War had a huge contradiction, they were both at odds with each other, which had no effect on Duner Star's status.

In any case, Lord Arthur is a strong man who can face the Temple of War. For ordinary people and most nobles, the contradiction between Lord Arthur and the Temple of War is not something they can participate in.

Lord Arthur and the Temple of War are both unattainable and powerful to them, even if Lord Arthur is at a disadvantage, it is not something other forces can underestimate.

When David returned to Duner Star, he only notified Dickens butler, but none of the others.

He didn’t want the Temple of War to know that he was in Duner Star, nor did he want to fight the Temple of War in Duner Star. He didn’t even activate his lord-level contact circle, worrying about being tracked by the Lord-level contact circle by the war temple To his place.

In the past, David was normally in Garmixing, and he was tracked to the location even if he used the lord-level contact circle.

He took out a contact circle, connected it to the planet-level portal of Duner, and then connected to the legendary Annabella contact circle.

Through the transit of the planet-level portal, this ordinary connection circle can be connected to the ultra-long-range connection circle.

"Lord Lord, you are all safe!" It was obvious that the legendary Annabella was worried about him, and only after receiving his active contact, he was relieved.

Just a moment ago, an old friend of the legend of Annabella in the Temple of War received a message that the Temple of War successfully occupied Garmistar, and there was no specific news about Lord Arthur.

This made the legend of Annabella nervous. She knew the horror of war-level weapons dispatched by the Temple of War.

"It's okay, just didn't stop the war temple from attacking Garmixing!" David said with some regret.

"Lord Lord, if you lose Garmistar, you will be lost, as long as you are safe!" Legend of Annabella comforted David.

"By the way, I removed your castle and mine, and I will relocate it when I find a suitable place!" David said with a smile.

For him with the talent of ‘underground sneak’, it’s extremely easy to separate the castle from the earth and allow the spirit to collect the castle into the space pendant.

Of course, this seemingly easy thing is extremely difficult for others.

If you want to store a huge object like a castle into a space object, you need not only a large enough space object, but also isolate the huge object from the surroundings, and there can be no place to connect it together.

"Then Garmistar occupied by the Temple of War is an empty shell?" The legend of Annabella heard David say that even the castle had been removed. I can imagine that there should be nothing left on Garmistar.

"It's almost like this, but it's a pity that crops will be harvested soon. I don't know if the Temple of War destroyed them!" David replied.

"Lord Lord, this is the latest information I have received, do you see if it is useful?" Legend Annabella sent a piece of information and said.

In order to complete the task of collecting intelligence given by David, Legend of Annabella took the initiative to contact some friends in the Temple of War.

Although due to different positions, most of these friends did not want to get involved with her, but two friends chose to help her and provide her with some information.

This collected intelligence was obtained from the legend of Annabella in the Temple of War from two friends. These two friends were not combatants, but people who had direct access to intelligence.

David opened the intelligence and saw Archbishop Choate's battle report and subsequent plans.

Upon seeing Archbishop Choate's battle report, David shook his head helplessly.

He didn't expect that Garmixing's perfect defense system would be easily cracked by the timid Archbishop Choate.

The Archbishop Choate took a perfunctory attitude towards the task of arresting him.

This was not felt by David, but it was written in the intelligence. This was also the opinion of the two friends of Annabella's legend, or the opinion of most people in the Temple of War.

David saw Archbishop Choate's successor plan again. When he saw that the Temple of Space War was to be reserved on Garmistar and to build a temple on Garmistar, he couldn't help but move.

Garmistar is different from other planets. It is the spatial coordinate of David's "Safety Point of God's Great World".

He can reach Garmistar at any time without going through a portal.

A space war temple is left in Garmisch, and it is only presided over by a fourth-level priest. Although there are four thousand ascetics to assist in the defense, the four thousand ascetics will not take the initiative to participate in any action, and will only be attacked. Shot afterwards.

In other words, a fourth-level priest will control the Space War Temple. As long as David is fast enough, he can solve the trouble before the fourth-level priest finds danger.

Even if it was discovered, it would expose the existence of the black dragon Alexis at most.

David has seen that the two god-level souls in Shadow Servant can be completely purified in a few months and become controllable god-level souls.

His strength has reached the Demigod level. As long as the Shadow Servant completely purifies the two God level souls, he can try to resurrect the two Zerg God level. By then there will be as many as three God level subordinates.

In case the God of War pursues too closely, David is prepared to go to the Star Federation for a while. After the two Zerg God-levels are resurrected, he does not believe that the three God-levels cannot fight the God of War.

David activated the ‘Safety Point of God’s Great World’ of ‘Space Coordinates’, and the space wormhole appeared in front of him.

He stepped into the space wormhole, and he didn’t have to worry about the safety point of the “God of the Great World”. One is that the safety point is 500 meters underground, and the other is that he has left a fifth-level bishop clone at the safety point. Safe point situation.

The 500-meter underground is a depth that cannot be scanned by the scanning array. Unless it is to destroy the planet, it is difficult to find underground safe points without accurate positioning.

When David came to a safe point, there was a divine weapon, the "Crown of Traces" on top of his head, which blocked his own breath.

He didn't know whether this divine weapon, the "Crown of Traces" could conceal the scan of the Temple of War. He hadn't tried it before, and he had to try it this time.

Because this space war temple is just above his ‘safety point of God’s Great World’, this is too dangerous.

Without taking advantage of the management of the Space War Temple, he has not yet cooperated and used this opportunity to destroy the Space War Temple. Then he must be extremely careful every time he uses the ‘Safety Point of God’s Great World’.

Besides, Garmixing was occupied by the Temple of War. This is his leading star, how can outsiders be stationed here.

David did not dare to use the mental scan, he worried that his spirit would be discovered by the scanning circle of the Space War Temple.

He didn't even use the ‘Broken Air’ talent, but instead used the more concealed ‘Underground Sneak’ talent to travel from underground to the surface.

When approaching the ground, David's head protruded from the surface and he saw the surface of Garmistar.

Although it was only a limited area, it also made him feel extremely angry.

The destruction of Garmistar was beyond David's imagination. He thought that the Temple of War would only attack key areas at best, but the scene before him showed that the Temple of War was an overwhelming attack on Garmistar.

The residual energy fluctuations of the terrifying ‘Divine Retribution Technique’ made this area that David saw lifeless.

The residual energy after the attack of the "retribution magic" is somewhat like the radiation after the explosion of David's previous nuclear weapons. If this radiation does not disappear, the entire area will become a dead place.

Jiamixing is David’s home in the great world of Gods. He built a comfortable residence here. The flowers and plants on the planet were all planted after he came. He has a special feeling for Jiamixing. .

After seeing Garmixing's destruction so severely, David's heart was aching.

If it had been known that Garmisch would suffer such severe damage, he would have blocked the Temple of Space War in space together with the black dragon Alexis.

David was sneaking a meter below the surface. He looked at the situation outside from time to time, and everything he went through was all miserable caused by the "retribution magic".

He sneaked to a large mountain, saw the situation of the mountain, and found that the overall structure of the mountain was not damaged.

This big mountain is where the backup intelligent system is located. David entered the interior of the mountain and saw the backup intelligent system.

On the light curtain of the standby intelligent system, a series of red information remains on it, these are damage reports.

Through the information on the light curtain, David can know that all the facilities on the surface of Garmisch have been destroyed in a short time, and only the Space War Temple can have such power.

He tapped on the light curtain and began to check the damage to the defense system.

One hundred percent of the defensive facilities in the sky and the ground were destroyed, and 80% of the facilities below the surface were destroyed. The remaining 20% ​​can still support the existence of a small skynet.

Unfortunately, without the support of the equipment in the sky, Skynet can barely cover the ground about ten meters upwards, and it is also unable to include all the Garmistar within the skynet.

Since the knowledge of the Interstellar Federation and the knowledge of God’s Great World are two completely different systems, the Temple of War does not have a scanning array for the equipment of the Interstellar Federation, so after 20% of the facilities under the local table were re-working, they were not affected. The temple of war found out.

In front of David, a mutilated map of Garmisch appeared on the light curtain.

David looked quietly at the real-time map of Garmisch, what he saw was a broken planet.

Although he was mentally prepared for this situation, he still felt uncomfortable after confirming the situation.

Now all the green plants in the continent he transformed have been destroyed. With the residual energy left over from the'sect of punishment', those continents will soon become deserts. In addition, all lakes and rivers on the continent will disappear, and the ecosystem will be rebuilt. Also lost the important foundation of water.

"Gamixing is over!" David said in a deep voice.

David looked at a place on the map again, where there was a space war temple parked on the ground and a planet-level portal not far away.

Gently pulling his fingers on the map, the space war temple on the map quickly zoomed in, revealing the full view of the space war temple.

The Space War Temple is much larger than the ordinary standard war temple. There are many complicated **** patterns on the outer wall, and the energy that makes people feel palpitation flows in the **** patterns.

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