Extraordinary David

Chapter 1158: enter

David originally had a good impression on Archbishop Choate, and the non-positive attitude of Archbishop Choate allowed him to face the chase from the Temple of War more calmly.

He even wondered whether he would keep Archbishop Choate alive, thus affecting the actions of the Temple of War against him.

However, the situation of Garmixing made David very angry. He had already regarded Archbishop Choate as a dead person. He would kill Archbishop Choate as long as he had a little chance.

Of course, what we have to do now is to solve the space war temple on Garmistar. Even if Garmistar has no value, it is his leader, and no one is allowed to show off his power here.

David sneaked in the direction of the Space War Temple underground. As he got closer and closer to the Space War Temple, he also felt the scanning energy coming from the Space War Temple became stronger.

With a distance of fifty kilometers from the Temple of Space War, David had to stop moving forward. In his perception, a little closer would be detected by the scanning array of the Temple of Space War.

Although the magical tool "Crown of Trailing Head" has an excellent effect on hiding the breath, David is not still. When he uses the talent ability of "Underground Sneak", his breath will still leak.

If it is in a completely static state, the magical ‘Tracement Crown’ can even be undetectable by unsuspecting gods, but as long as the energy is used, the perfect concealment of the ‘tip Trace Crown’ will be destroyed.

At a distance of fifty kilometers, David thought about how to approach quickly. He needed to act first before the Space War Temple could react.

David tried to activate the ‘Broken Air’ talent ability, and wanted to see if he could open the other end of the space channel directly inside the space war temple.

Facts proved that his idea was wrong. At the moment when he tried to activate his talent ability, the space energy of the talent was discovered by the magic circle of the Space War Temple.

The warning bell on the clock tower of the Space War Temple rang suddenly, and the short chimes made everyone in the Space War Temple nervous.

"Turn on the highest defensive energy, the scanning priest told me what happened!" Noel, the fourth-level priest who was sent to manage the space war temple, shouted.

How could Noel's sacrifice be nervous? This is the territory of the first knight of the gods in the great world, and even his gods and descendants were defeated by Lord Arthur.

It can be said that Lord Arthur's threat surpassed the appearance of the evil god. It is important to know that every evil **** that appeared before was destroyed by the gods.

In fact, this is not to say that Lord Arthur is more powerful than Cthulhu, but that Cthulhu's divine power is extremely limited after a long sleep, and even some Cthulhus are unable to display even more powerful abilities.

The most important point is that Cthulhu is naturally suppressed by the rules of the world in the divine world, and part of its strength is used to resist the rules of the world.

David's side is different. He has his own soul space small world and the existence of a world tree, so that he can always be under the world rules of his own soul space small world.

Although the world rules of the small world of his soul space cannot compete with the world rules of the main world, there is no problem in protecting David from the influence of the world rules of the main world.

Under this rise, it is no wonder that Noel sacrifice believes that Lord Arthur's strength is more terrifying than Cthulhu.

The sudden alarm made Noel the first sacrifice to think of Lord Arthur's return. Under his command, the Space War Temple quickly entered a state of combat readiness, and the pale gold energy shield protected the Space War Temple.

"Reporter, no life breath was found. I checked the scan records. It was the fluctuation of spatial energy that triggered the alarm of the magic circle!" The scanning priest reported loudly.

"Where did the spatial energy fluctuate?" Noel asked the priest in a deep voice.

"Unable to confirm, is the space on the planet-level portal anomalous?" the scanning priest asked uncertainly.

The original planetary portal of Garmistar was taken away by Lord Arthur. The current planetary portal has just been rebuilt. Because the debugging time is too short, some abnormalities are normal.

There is another reason why the scanning priest thinks so. The scanning array of the Space War Temple constantly monitors the situation of Garmistar and space, especially in space. Anyone who wants to approach Garmistar cannot avoid scanning. Monitoring of the circle.

The scanning array did not find anything approaching from space, that is, no outsiders have entered Garmistar.

In this case, of course, he would be the first to doubt whether there was an abnormality on the planet-level portal.

"Let people check the planet-level portal, the temple side is on alert!" Noel sacrificially ordered.

After using the ‘air-breaking’ talent ability to fail, David also realized that a situation had been discovered on the space war temple, and immediately moved towards the ground, into the deep underground.

He has enough patience, at this time he is a hunter, and the Space War Temple is his prey.

The tense atmosphere of the Space War Temple lasted for a day, and two groups of alchemists successively inspected the planet-level portals.

The Noel Sacrifice also couldn't keep the Space War Temple always on the highest alert, neither the power of faith nor the priests and priests stationed here could withstand the long-term tension.

"Switch to the normal defense state, take turns to prevent and rest!" Noel Sacrificial looked at his tired subordinates, and also reluctantly ordered.

The pale golden energy shield outside the Space War Temple slowly faded, and finally returned to a colorless state.

David returned to the belly of the mountain, his eyes lit up, he didn't need to perceive mentally, he only needed to use the real-time map on the light screen to discover the changes in the outside world, especially any changes in the space war temple, will be controlled by the intelligent system Tell automatically.

The ‘underground sneak’ talent ability was activated again, and soon David returned to the place where he was fifty kilometers away from the Space War Temple yesterday. He emerged from the ground to observe the situation of the Space War Temple with his eyes.

At this time, two priests carrying a huge space box appeared at the distant planet-level portal, which was responsible for transporting supplies to the Garmistar Temple.

The rich Garmistar has become a Jedi, and can no longer produce any products, even the water source cannot be guaranteed.

In addition, the materials needed to build a standard temple of war need to be transported continuously.

The two priests carried the space box and walked to the gate of the Space War Temple. This Space War Temple is for war. For greater security, there are no other doors. The door is the only entrance.

David concentrated and opened the Space War Temple. When the two priests carried the space box and stepped into him, he appeared on his body, a pair of energy feather wings, and six artifacts, the Death Chain. The energy feathers are flying beside the wings.

He turned on his strongest state. After completing the pre-war preparations, he activated the ‘Break through the air’ talent ability while also enabling the ‘Speed ​​Rules’.

Although the ‘air-breaking’ talent cannot send the other end of the space channel into the space war temple, it’s not a problem to send it to the door.

The energy feather wings behind him flapped gently, a thin energy protecting his body, he stepped into the space passage, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of the gate of the space war temple.

In front of David's eyes, there are two still priests carrying the space box, and the wide open door.

David understands that he must be faster, because the Space War Temple cannot be allowed to react, otherwise he will face a body that is stronger than the last time.

His left index finger lightly tapped the energy shield in front of the gate, which was also the fastest way he could break through the defense shield.

Although the energy shield of the Space War Temple was partially lowered, and after the gate was opened, there was no substantial **** pattern protection at the gate, but it was enough to withstand the full blow of the demigod.

Only the "Destroy Field" of David's left index finger can instantly solve this energy shield. At the same time, due to the particularity of the left index finger, this attack did not trigger a backlash in the "Rule of Speed".

As far as his left index finger is concerned, the ‘rule destruction energy’ is the normal energy of the left index finger, and the attack using the ‘rule destruction energy’ is just an ordinary attack by a demigod.

The ‘rule of destruction energy’ is originally the fusion of the ‘rules of speed’ and the ‘rules of power’, so naturally it will not backfire itself because of being in the ‘rules of speed’.

David did not wait for the energy shield to be completely destroyed. When the'rule of destruction energy' opened a hole in the energy shield at the gate of the space war temple, he activated the'body of thunder' and turned his body into an electric light to penetrate into it. The interior of the Temple of Space War.

Like all temples, the main hall of the temple is when you enter the gate, and here is also the place where the gods are worshipped.

The idol is the core of the temple. David also knows this through the idols in the small world of soul space.

It is also the understanding of the temple that he can have the confidence to quickly solve the temple of space war.

The hall was densely packed with ascetics sitting cross-legged. Under the influence of the'speed rule', even the strongest level five among them did not respond to the sudden appearance of lightning.

The flashlight was in front of the idol. At this time, David's ‘speed rule’ also lost its effect, and his speed with the main world regained synchronization.

Just when David broke away from the'rule of speed', the alarm from the Space War Temple also reacted. The alarm from the circle and the bell on the clock tower merged into a tense atmosphere.

The idol in front of David is also automatically gathering the power of faith. This is a sense of the invasion of the demigod and is ready to descend.

How could David let God descend successfully? He took a huge risk to enter the space war temple, and he had already made a plan.

When he activated the ‘Spider Silk Entangling’ talent ability, he also automatically broke away from the state of the ‘Thunder Light Body’ and regained his body due to his attack methods.

David really took a big risk. In order not to be affected, he even took the black dragon Alexis into the'artifact space card'.

As long as there is a slight mistake in this operation, he must withstand the first wave of attacks from the **** of war before he can summon the black dragon Alexis again.

The six sacred tools, the "Chains of Death" turned into six phantoms, and they were immediately entangled with the statue of the God of War.

The main thing is that the distance between David's standing and the statue is too close, which is also calculated by him.

The idol that was preparing for the surrender was bound by the ‘Death Chain’, the divine tool that used the ‘Spider Silk Entangling’ talent ability, and the spirit inside was immediately imprisoned.

After the divine consciousness was imprisoned, the fluctuation of the gods came to an abrupt end, and there was no subsequent movement.

Without the cooperation of the **** of war among the idols, the goddess will no longer exist.

At this moment, the four thousand ascetics in the main hall were also awake. After seeing David, the **** of war, their eyes were red.

David's eyes were cold, and while his thoughts moved, the "Electric Light Field" was activated, and lightning moved back and forth in all the spaces in the hall.

An ascetic was struck by lightning and his body lost the ability to move.

But David was shocked. The ‘Electric Light Realm’ is a demi-god realm. Based on his strong spirit, his ‘Electric Light Realm’ power has even surpassed the demigod’s Light Beetle King.

However, the ‘Electric Light Realm’ failed to kill the four thousand ascetics here, it just used the special paralyzing effect of the ‘Electric Light Realm’ to make these ascetics lose their mobility.

David actually wants to thank his small world of soul space and the world tree in the small world of soul space.

Without the World Tree to resist the rules and restrictions of the outside world, when he entered the space war temple, he was already suppressed by the magic pattern in the space war temple and could not move.

The Space War Temple is the highest-level war weapon in the War Temple, and its internal use of the magic pattern is equivalent to that of the main temple.

This divine pattern transfers the rules of the small world of the **** of war into the space war temple, let alone a low-level demigod like David, even if a real **** enters here, the strength will be greatly restricted. .

Of course, David's strength was not completely unaffected. Attacks like the "Electro-Optical Realm" that were out of the body, after leaving his body, were suppressed by most of his power by the **** pattern array of the Space War Temple.

Inside the Space War Temple, the strength of every priest and priest will be blessed, and the intruder will be restricted by the rules. Under this rise and fall, the intruder will not be able to make an effective attack.

Fortunately, David used the “Electric Light Domain”. Although the attack power of the “Electric Light Domain” was greatly limited, the paralyzing effect did not fail. All the ascetics in the hall were unable to move or attack Guardian attacked.

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