Extraordinary David

Chapter 1161: reward

The ‘light magic (God-level talent)’ knowledge sphere was introduced by David from the Shadow Servant into the small world of soul space, and then attracted by the branches of the World Tree, forming a fruit on the branches.

David's mind touched the fruit, a part of the fruit turned the knowledge of ‘light magic’ into his mind, and the other part turned into the ‘light magic pattern’ into the soul fortress.

He sorted out the knowledge of ‘light magic’ and found that he had underestimated the ‘light magic’.

The ‘light magic’ is the most familiar magic technique in the world of Gods, and it is also the representative magic technique of the five temples.

But this does not mean that the ‘light magic’ is not strong, on the contrary, because the five major temples all use ‘light magic’, it shows the practicality of the ‘light magic’.

The ‘light magic’ is an exclusive magic. As long as it is deemed evil, you can use the ‘light magic’ to attack it.

The most frightening thing is that the ‘light magic’ has a very wide range of attacks, and it can attack all enemies in the range at once.

The god-level ‘light magic’ can directly designate the target as evil, and then the target will become the target of the ‘light magic’, which is also the ability of the god-level ‘light magic’ to be more powerful than the ordinary ‘light magic’.

To be honest, if the ‘light magic’ was just like this, David wouldn’t pay too much attention to it, because he has a lot of natural abilities, and the power of the natural ability of range attack even surpassed the ‘light magic’.

The ‘light magic’ can only target evil targets. If the opponent is not evil, he needs to specify evil first, which is a little troublesome.

But ‘light magic’ has an effect that no other natural ability has, that is, you can give ‘light magic’ to your believers.

Of course, this believer has extremely strict requirements. The first is that the degree of faith must be up to the standard, and the second is that he must have spiritual talent, so that he can perform the ‘light magic.’

David did not get the inheritance of faith as a god, but he got the first magical magic that can be given to believers, although he has not yet qualified believers.

He felt that the **** of war was like a treasure, with some unexpected gains.

David turned his mind to Shadow Servant again, and this time he found four thousand complete souls.

The four thousand complete souls are the souls of those ascetics, but why didn't Shadow Servant convert these souls into soul energy, and extract the useful light ball of knowledge and soul origin from them?

David had questions in his heart, and Shadow Servant gave the answer after thinking in his heart.

The soul of the ascetic who has experienced a hundred years is an important asset for any god.

There are many devout believers, but not too many can achieve fanaticism. Among fanatics, the faith of ascetics is more solid.

Ascetics have been honing their beliefs for a hundred years, and how precious a hundred years are in the life of a human being, plus this kind of hardening is extremely boring, and few can sustain it.

Ascetics must have a certain level of strength, otherwise a hundred years of hard work will not be able to bear it. This is not a problem that can be solved by a firm belief.

Even in the temple of war, there are not too many centuries-old ascetics.

The bald and brawny gods who make shadow servants will also decompose their souls according to their value, just like the soul of a centuries-old ascetic is extremely valuable and does not need to be decomposed into soul energy.

This does not mean that Shadow Servant does not deal with the soul of these four thousand-year ascetics. After the soul of four thousand-year-old ascetics is absorbed, part of the consciousness in the soul is purified.

The soul of a century-old ascetic who has been purged of consciousness becomes a tool, a tool for producing the power of faith.

With a move in David's heart, the souls of four thousand-year-old ascetics appeared in the small world of soul space, surrounded by the "Temple of Destruction".

As soon as the soul of these four thousand-year-old ascetics entered the small world of soul space, the branches of the world tree swayed slightly, and a stream of pure life energy gushed out.

The original illusory figure of the ascetics soul was enriched by life energy, bones and flesh were formed, and the ascetics regained their bodies.

In fact, this is also the reason that David's own strength has not reached the **** level, otherwise his soul space small world does not need the world tree to display the ability, and will automatically reshape the body of the accepted souls.

David perceives that there are 4,000 thick channels of faith formed between the four thousand-year-old ascetics and the "Temple of Destruction". Each one-hundred-year-old ascetic is like a pump that conveys a large amount of condensed power of faith. 'Destroy the Temple'.

In terms of the power of faith, a century-old ascetic can compare to the power of belief of 10,000 devout believers. In terms of quality, the power of faith of a century-old ascetic is like the difference between diamond and glass. .

David did not expect that the first humans in the small world of his soul space would be fanatics of the God of War.

In the past, there were only phantom humans and spirit races in the small world. Although phantom humans resemble humans on the surface, they are composed of the remaining human souls in the sphere of knowledge and the illusion generated by the ‘phantom determination’.

His mind entered the statue of the "Temple of Destruction", where the power of faith of the four thousand years of asceticism gathered here, and the speed of the "crystal of divine power" was increased several times.

Don't underestimate these improvements. You must know that the spiritual races and phantom humans in the small world of David's soul space have reached a very high degree of piety, and in a sense, have reached a level of fanaticism.

Four thousand-year ascetics are equivalent to the power of faith provided by 40 million devout believers, which is already several times the sum of the number of spirit races and phantom humans in the small world of his soul space.

Perhaps these four thousand-year-old ascetics are nothing to a **** who rules a world like the God of War, but for those gods who do not have the identity of the main world, they are unimaginable wealth.

It is not easy to cultivate a hundred-year ascetic. First of all, it is the source of a hundred-year ascetic. Generally, only one seed of a hundred-year ascetic can appear in one billion believers.

Asceticians do not produce, they need logistical support. The process of asceticism cannot be disturbed. This requires a dedicated area. Ascetics may not be able to persist for a hundred years. This process cannot be forced, but only by voluntariness. .

These conditions make the evil gods have no ability to cultivate ascetics at all. Only when luck is good, a century-old ascetic has occasionally appeared for many years, all of which are regarded as treasures.

Without the help of the Shadow Servant, David would have met a centuries-old ascetic and could not make him his own believer.

For a hundred-year ascetic to change his beliefs, this requires a strong study of the soul. The original owner of the Shadow Servant, the bald, brawny god, is good at soul research.

David estimates that within a month, he will be able to have his own "Divine Power Crystal", and the "Divine Power Crystal" will continue to be produced at the same rate in the future.

He has the idea of ​​actively looking for the Temple of War, and killing more ascetics to enhance the belief in the small world of soul space.

But David was not impulsive. He knew that the Temple of War had suffered huge losses many times, and the God of War estimated that he would do his best to deal with him.

When he wanted to come, as long as he knew his location, it was estimated that the next time the war temple would find him again, it might be the **** of war.

Because the temple of war used almost all the means, the envoy of the gods was still the strongest of ordinary means, and then the strongest war machine, the temple of space war was deployed.

If the temple of war does not hide more powerful means, then the temple of war basically has no way to deal with David.

If you want to be sure to deal with David, then there is a great possibility that the **** of war will take action.

David released the five demigod clone clones from the'artifact space card'. After this period of consolidation, the realm of the demigod clone clones has also stabilized and can continue to improve.

When five cloned clones of demigods appeared in the Zerg world, all the gods in the Zerg world felt the influence of the'Imperial Inheritance Pattern'.

"Find the human!" The mother emperor's consciousness echoed in the mind of every Zerg in the Zerg world.

Through the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King", the demigod "Electric Beetle King", and the legendary "Half Spider King", David also perceives the mother's command.

Only the legendary "Blade Mantis King" was resurrected in the divine world, and did not enter the Zerg contact network, and could not accept the consciousness of the "mother emperor".

David was not worried at all. This time was different from before. He had no influence in the Zerg world before, so he could only stay in the cracks of space. Even in the cracks of space, he was worried that the Zerg would find them there.

But now it is different. He is in the territory of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King", where the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" is the ruler, and all Zerg races are under the control of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King".

Coupled with the demi-god ‘Electric Beetle King’ patrolling the surroundings, it can be 100% guaranteed that this place will not be discovered by the Zerg.

David can safely and boldly let the five half-god clone clones use the "Imperial Grade Inheritance Pattern" to practice, and reach the God-level earlier to help him.

Archbishop Choate knelt on the floor of the main hall, his body trembling.

In front of him, the **** of war gave a terrifying coercion, which made him unable to support his body and could only maintain a prostrate posture.

Archbishop Choate was even more afraid of the anger of the **** of war. The anger conveyed by the idol made the air in the hall seem like substance.

The **** of war in a small world, how can he not be angry.

The Space War Temple is not an ordinary object. It is a material created by the God of War in a small world using the power of faith and produced by many generations.

Although the Space War Temple is not an artifact, it is not much different from an artifact, at least in terms of materials, it can be compared to a weaker artifact.

There are also some materials obtained by the God of War from the turbulence of time and space, or the Temple of Space War would not have only built four in ten thousand years.

But such a precious space war temple was lost in the hands of Archbishop Choate.

The **** of war did not know what method Lord Arthur used, anyway, he could not perceive the location of the space war temple.

It is necessary to know that even if the Space War Temple is placed in space objects, the God of War can also find out its exact location based on the positioning of the God Pattern inside the Space War Temple.

As long as you find the location of the Space War Temple, the God of War can even dispatch the body once for the Space War Temple.

The **** of war forcibly resisted the idea of ​​slapped Archbishop Choate to death. In addition, Archbishop Choate was incompetent, but the reason was that Lord Arthur had too many methods. Archbishop Choate cannot be blamed entirely.

Archbishop Choate felt his whole body loose, his body could no longer be supported, and he collapsed to the ground.

Although he was weak, he was thankful that he was not killed by the angry **** of war.

"I'm still alive, I want to live!" Archbishop Choate shouted in his heart.

When the will of the **** of war left the statue of the main temple, he did not give an order to Archbishop Choate again, which made Archbishop Choate understand that the **** of war should not want himself to complete the task of capturing Lord Arthur alive.

Archbishop Choate thought so, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally, without facing the terrifying Lord Arthur, it was worth it to endure the wrath of the **** of war.

The God of War didn't know what Archbishop Choate thought, otherwise he would have slapped Archbishop Choate to death.

The **** of war at this time, his eyes flashed with helplessness.

As one of the five great gods of the great world, God is the ruler of the great world, but there is no way to deal with a demigod, which makes him lose face.

Next, the **** of war has to do something even more shameless. His hand waved light and shadow, and in the light and shadow was the figure of the **** of justice.

"God of justice, I have something to ask for!" The **** of war did not want to contact any of the four gods, but in order to find Lord Arthur, he still contacted the **** of justice.

"God of war, please say something!" The **** of justice has a standard smile on his face. This is deliberately done by the **** of justice, otherwise he can't guarantee whether he can maintain his expression and let the **** of war see.

Recently, the **** of justice has known about the repeated failures of the temple of war.

Since the **** of war did not notify the four gods, he wanted to have his own plan, so the four gods did not know this.

But what happened after that surprised the four gods. Two consecutive archbishops of the Temple of War have fallen, and the **** of war has also been defeated. Recently, even the Temple of Space War has been lost, and a large number of centuries-old penances have fallen.

All these things show that the God of War suffered a loss. In the past ten thousand years, it is the first time that the four gods have seen the God of War suffer such a big loss.

Although the five gods are close to each other and share the great world of the gods, there is competition among them. From various interests to various resources, they all need to compete.

After the defeat of the God of War, a large amount of faith resources will naturally be vacated. Therefore, the four gods saw that the God of War suffered a loss, so they let it be natural and did not actively ask for intervention.

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