Extraordinary David

Chapter 1162: prophecy

"God of justice, need your help to locate a demigod!" The **** of war said in a deep voice.

The **** of war does not need to plead, nor speak the terms of exchange, they have known each other for countless years, and they all understand the value of something in their hearts.

This time the **** of war is equivalent to paying a favor that is equivalent and positioning a demigod, and this favor needs to be returned in the future.

Every **** has his own specialties, like the **** of war is good at close combat, the **** of justice is good at soul research, and has a very powerful prophecy ability.

The God of War wants to borrow the prophecy ability of the God of Justice to accurately locate the position of Lord Arthur.

"It has reached this level, must the **** body be dispatched?" The **** of justice was slightly taken aback, he did not expect the **** of war to make such a request.

Even if the **** of justice is a god, it is also recognized by the rules of the world of the gods, but the use of prophecy to locate a demigod of the gods of the big world will cost a lot of money.

"It's rare to be able to meet an opponent who can fight a battle. Although I am weak, I am still ready to give him an equal opportunity to fight!" The **** of war didn't want to explain the real reason, and replied lightly.

"You have decided, give me the breath of a demigod, and I will use prophecy!" The God of Justice nodded and said.

The **** of war directly imitated the breath of Lord Arthur, and fought against Lord Arthur. He was very familiar with the breath of Lord Arthur.

As far as the gods are concerned, as long as they have sensed the breath, they can be simulated at any time, and there is no need to take out the remaining breath through a related item.

In his own small world, the God of Justice stretched out his hand to grab a handful of ‘Divine Power Crystals’. This ‘Divine Power Crystal’ seemed to have at least a hundred pieces, and he threw it up.

The ‘crystal of divine power’ formed a complex pattern in the air, and the **** of justice placed the breath of Lord Arthur in the pattern.

The ‘crystals of divine power’ broke apart one by one and turned into pure divine power, which flows in the manner of divine marks.

The God of Justice came into contact with the world rules of God's Great World through the **** of prophecy. According to Lord Arthur's breath guidance, he knew that he should get the result soon.

In the prediction of the **** of justice, these ‘crystals of divine power’ that make up the **** pattern require at most several ‘crystals of divine power’ to predict the position of Lord Arthur.

However, ten ‘Divine Power Crystals’ and 20 ‘Divine Power Crystals’ until all the ‘Divine Power Crystals’ were consumed, and the prophecy **** pattern did not indicate the location of Lord Arthur.

The God of Justice felt a trace of fatigue. This time the consumption of prophecy was not only a consumption of the ‘Divine Power Crystal’, but also a consumption of his divine energy.

To predict an inconclusive question is tantamount to searching through the power of rules in the entire divine world.

At this time, the divine pattern of the prophecy had consumed a lot of divine power, and the horror was also revealed, and it broke the world barrier directly and entered another great world.

At the moment when the world barrier was broken, all the "crystals of divine power" were completely consumed, and the **** of prophecy began to absorb the divine power of the **** of justice, which changed the expression of the **** of justice. His palm turned into a knife, Prophecy is disconnected from oneself.

The God of Justice snorted slightly. Prophecy is a secret technique related to time and space. Originally, with his power, it was not difficult to predict the position of Lord Arthur.

But the problem is that Lord Arthur is not in the great world of God at all, and crossing the great world makes prophecy more difficult than the God of Justice.

We must know that the God of Justice is only recognized by the world rules of God's Great World, but not recognized by the world rules of the Zerg world. He is tantamount to being an enemy of the world rules of the Zerg world.

Not to mention the use of prophecy, even if the **** of justice enters the Zerg world, the strength will be suppressed a lot.

Fortunately, the God of Justice would break when it was judged, and immediately disconnected the connection with the prophecy. This did not cause much harm to the divine body, but even if it was, his efforts were far beyond what was previously expected.

"God of war, do you want to harm me!" The **** of justice opened the light and shadow of the **** of war, and shouted as soon as he connected.

"God of justice, what's going on?" The **** of war was startled when he saw the **** of justice, and then asked puzzledly.

Although the **** of justice does not always maintain a gentle attitude like the **** of knowledge, his personality is not too fluctuating. How could he be so gaffe.

The **** of war does not think that using prophecy to find the position of Lord Arthur is too difficult. A demigod can find the position of Lord Arthur with a little price.

"You didn't tell me that the demigod is not in the great world, so my divine body has been bitten back!" The **** of justice said in a deep voice.

"Not in the great world of God, how is this possible!" The God of War shook his head and said.

If Lord Arthur is not in the divine world, then there is only one possibility, and that is to go to the Star Federation. As for the Zerg world, the only possible way to enter has been blocked by the five major temples.

Lord Arthur wants to enter the world of Zerg from the space gate, he needs to pass through the highest space war temple when the guard is turned on. The **** of war does not believe that Lord Arthur can sneak into the space gate secretly.

The problem is that the intelligence system of the Temple of War has been paying attention to the world barrier in the battle star, and has not found Lord Arthur at all.

"God of justice, this time is the favor I owe you!" The **** of war does not believe that the **** of justice will deceive him. He also recognized the price paid by the **** of justice.

The **** of war cut off the light and shadow, and for the first time a look of helplessness appeared in his eyes. Lord Arthur had left the world of the gods, and he could not enter the Star Federation to hunt down.

However, it is not impossible to apply pressure to the Star Federation through the Temple of War, asking the Star Federation to expel Lord Arthur out of the country.

But the negotiation between the two big worlds will take a long time.

No matter how depressed the **** of war, the **** of justice has a strange look on his face.

In fact, the God of Justice concealed some things from the God of War. For example, the God of Justice perceives the world consciousness of the Zerg world when he performs prophecy.

But the God of Justice did not inform the God of War of this news. The two sides knew each other too much. The God of War’s style of capturing Lord Arthur alive did not conform to the character of the God of War.

The gods of war act mainly to kill, where will they catch the enemy alive.

There must be some kind of interest in this, perhaps just like the rumor passed over, a certain kind of transaction has been reached between the **** of war and the god-level Zerg.

In the eyes of the **** of justice, Lord Arthur is like an introduction, which will disturb the peaceful world of the gods and break the balance of the five gods.

He doesn't think this is a bad thing, because God belongs to the big world, and the truly powerful gods are left with only five gods.

Other evil gods, in the long sleep, some can barely maintain themselves, and there are very few evil gods that can save more power of faith.

And the five gods of them rule the great world of God, and the accumulated power of faith is billions of times that of evil gods.

Originally tens of thousands of years ago, the strength of these evil gods was inferior to that of their five gods. Now the strength of the five gods has made great progress, and the evil gods have fallen behind too much.

Therefore, in the great world of God, the only **** that can threaten justice is the other four gods, and so are the other four gods.

Without a strong foreign enemy, there is a chance to weaken the power of the **** of war, which is what the **** of justice is willing to see.

But the **** of justice is also very curious, how did Lord Arthur travel to the world of Zerg quietly?

The new President Biddle of the Interstellar Federation is in the large office of the Presidential Palace. He just took office is dealing with a lot of government affairs, which are due to the military management and the government affairs left over after the former president was impeached.

"Janet, if Admiral David returns to the Federal Headquarters, he will immediately issue an invitation to Admiral David. I hope to meet him!" After reading a series of materials, President Biddle looked up to Secretary Janet and ordered Tao.

President Biddle has seen many detailed information about General David from the data, which is more accurate than rumors.

As the President of the Interstellar Federation, despite the constraints of the military, President Biddle is still the supreme authority of the Federation.

But President Biddle eagerly wanted to meet with Admiral David shortly after taking office. From this we can see Admiral David's current influence in the Star Federation.

The first man in the military is himself General Marshal Andre, but General David is second only to General Marshal Andre in the Federation.

And within the military, Admiral David's influence tends to surpass General Marshal Andre.

If it were not for Admiral David's lack of power, he would have disappeared after becoming the deputy commander of the Federation and would no longer appear. Now Admiral David's influence will be even higher.

Admiral David's influence in the upper ranks of the Federation is even higher than in the military.

This is because the senior leaders of the Federation better understand the strength of Admiral David, that is, one person can resist the powerful existence of the Zerg army, and even the strong of the gods of the great world fear the strength of Admiral David.

Admiral David is the strongest combat power in the military except for the "Doomsday Weapon", and he is a truly one-man terrorist strong.

President Biddle did not have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to conflict with Admiral David. He only wanted to make good friends with Admiral David in order to make the president's position more stable.

"Yes, I will do it!" Secretary Janet responded, and then she took out another letter and handed it over and said: "This is a letter from the Temple of God's Great World War!"

President Biddle was taken aback for a moment. Although he had just become President, he also knew from previous official documents that there had never been a temple in the Diplomacy between the Star Federation and the Divine World.

The letter from the Temple of War is estimated to be the first time in history.

He accepted the quaint letter, opened the lead seal on it, and his face couldn't help but stop, because what he saw was the text written in the language of God.

"Janet, translate it!" President Biddle felt the arrogance and ignorance of the Temple of God's Great World War. Even if this letter is written in God's language, it should be translated into the corresponding federal language. This is a kind of Be polite, and there will be no misunderstanding due to unilateral translation.

To know the diplomatic translation, it is very likely that a sentence will make the content appear completely opposite.

Secretary Janet was able to become the secretary of the president, not because of her beautiful appearance, but because of her knowledge, genius who graduated from a prestigious school, and knowledgeable.

"Archbishop Choate of the Temple of War invites you to meet at the junction of the outer space of Battle Star and the divine world in ten days!" Secretary Janet read the letter and said after the translation.

"Archbishop Choate? The temple of war has been replaced by archbishop?" President Biddle said strangely.

He just checked the information, and the archbishop of the war temple in the intelligence is still the archbishop Guy.

But this kind of official letter can't go wrong, that is, the temple of war has changed the archbishop, but why does the archbishop Choate meet him!

"General Marshal Andre and some ministers, please come over!" President Biddle ordered in a deep voice.

A few hours later, in the office of the Presidential Palace, the most powerful members of the Federation sat together.

President Biddle took out a letter from the Temple of God's Great World War and told the story.

"President Biddle, I don’t recommend that you go to the Archbishop Choate’s church. As far as I know, the temple of God’s great world has the ability to affect the soul. It is not something we ordinary people can resist, and it may be unknowingly I was influenced by them without knowing it!" Minister Chambers immediately objected.

The other ministers also agreed. They didn't want President Biddle to be surprised.

There should be no more accidents in the interstellar federal government. Several consecutive presidents have had an accident, which has brought the reputation of the federal government to a freezing point. If it hadn't been for the presence of the powerful force of the federal military to stabilize the people's hearts, the federal government might have been in chaos.

As federal ministers, I don’t want President Biddle to follow in the footsteps of previous presidents.

Just like the temples of the Great World of Gods look down on the Federation, the Federation has a great resistance to the temples of the Great World of Gods. It is important to know that in the information they receive, the temple is higher than the Supreme Council.

In the past diplomacy, the temple has never appeared. That kind of superior posture makes the federation that promotes equality very unbearable.

More importantly, the priests of the temple have the ability to control people's hearts, which is what the Federation people fear most.

The confederation can still use advanced weapons to fight against the combat power that can be seen, but the confederation cannot face the mental abilities that it cannot see.

"Archbishop Choate personally sent the invitation letter. If we refuse, I am afraid that our previous diplomatic achievements with the divine world will be greatly affected!" Marshal Andre did not want the military to pay so much. At the price of this, the cooperation with the divine world in many aspects was stopped, he persuaded.

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