Extraordinary David

Chapter 1190: destroy

"Black Dragon Alexis, you turned out to be a subordinate of mankind!" The voice of the God of Storm God descending body was still erratic, but the voice was full of horror.

The **** of the storm recognized the black dragon Alexis, the powerful fighting force of the dragon family.

Back then, the black dragon Alexis relied on the black dragon's strong defensive power, making the **** of storm unable to fight with it.

The scales of the black dragon are inherently resistant to various energies. Coupled with the action of the'power of the black dragon', the god-level energy attack acts on its scales, and the effect will be reduced by more than half. The black dragon's powerful physique, the remaining power is completely fearless.

Even in the age of the gods, the black dragon Alexis was an extremely famous existence, but the black dragon Alexis obeyed the humans in front of him.

Alexis, the black dragon, ignored the words of the **** of the storm. In his opinion, taking refuge in David was the wisest choice he made.

This is not only because David saved the black dragon Alexis, but also because the black dragon Alexis can get great benefits.

Although the lifespan of the black dragon is long, the longest life has an end, but as long as you follow David, you don't have to worry about lifespan. The endless'immortal vitality' can ensure that the black dragon Alexis is always at its best. status.

In addition, David's potential is also the reason why the black dragon Alexis is willing to take refuge in sincerity.

Many of David's secrets have not been concealed from the black dragon Alexis, and it is this that makes the black dragon Alexis more aware of how terrifying David's talents are.

The fusion of the ‘rule of speed’ and the ‘rule of power’ into the ‘Domain of Destruction’ gave David a greater potential than all gods.

And David's growth rate can ensure that the time for the potential to be transformed into actual strength will not be too long. The black dragon Alexis believes that one day, all the gods will look up to David.

"God of the storm, don't think about anything else, let's continue fighting!" David said in a deep voice.

The fifth-level Kulic priest watching the battle, his mouth was always open.

Kulic’s fifth-level priests can see that all attacks of the God of Storm God’s descending body are ineffective to David, while the God’s descending body of the Storm God relies on the ability to incorporate electric light, making David unable to attack. .

From this, it can be seen that the God of Storm God's Substance does not want to have a face-to-face battle with David, and the method used is extremely careful fighting.

But what surprised the fifth-level priest of Kulic was the appearance of the black dragon Alexis. David actually had a god-level black dragon under him. This made the fifth-level priest of Kulic feel that he had signed a master and servant with David. The contract is a real honor.

The **** of the storm, the body of God descending, didn't want to fight, but he was unwilling to give up this last temple.

How difficult it is to build the temple, and many materials need to be obtained from the turbulence of time and space, and the dangers can be imagined.

Not to mention that the current gods belong to the big world, so that all gods except the five big gods dare not leave the small world, and it is almost impossible to build a new temple.

The **** of the storm came to mind the last resort. Although David's defense against lightning was strong, it was not without the means to break it.

Close to David with the body of the **** descending, the power of faith contained in the body of the **** descending into solid lightning, its power can reach the peak of the demigod level.

Of course, using the body of the **** descending to attack David needs to consume the fundamental energy of the body of the **** descending, which is a lot of power of faith, but the **** descending body of the storm can't take so much of it.

There was the black dragon Alexis staring at him. If the battle was not resolved quickly, the body of the **** of the storm would really have no chance.

As long as he wounds David and threatens the black dragon Alexis with him, there is a way to make the black dragon Alexis back down.

Thinking of this, the **** descending body of the storm **** launched an even more violent attack, and at the same time, the **** descending body that had merged into the sea of ​​lightning began to approach David.

The God of the Storm chose the left side of David, and there was nothing in his left hand and no artifact.

The position directly in front of David is the most noticeable position. The probability of a surprise attack from this position is not high. The right hand is the'artifact knight's sword', and the six artifacts'chain of death' are behind it. Only the left side is the best approach. .

As long as the storm **** descended body felt close, then he could use the solid lightning energy of the **** descended body to break David's defenses.

This is also the final attack method of the God of Storm God's descending body. If this attack also fails, then he will choose to abandon the Storm Temple and directly withdraw his mind.

David felt extremely helpless when facing the enemy for the first time. This was because the opponent was not strong, but too weird.

He wanted to attack but couldn't attack. The enemy was around, but he could do nothing.

This is the difference in talent ability. David's god-level talent ability is also available, but those are all single attacks, and the god-level talent ability of large-scale attacks is lacking. This is the powerless body of the **** of the storm. Important reason.

If there are other demigods who hear David's heart, they must be bursting into tears. Ordinary demigods will only possess demigod talents. After reaching the **** level, they may upgrade their talents to the **** level.

When David was in the Demigod, he possessed multiple God-level talents.

No matter how strong the strength is, there will be an opponent that cannot be defeated. This is not the strength of the opponent, but just restrains the means of attack.

This is how David descended from the **** of the storm. If the descendant of the **** of storm had an entity, the battle would be solved by a few swords.

David calmed his mind. He planned to slowly consume the power of faith in the descending body of the **** of storm according to the black dragon Alexis's suggestion.

Among the countless lightning, he allowed the lightning to hit him, judging the power of the lightning in his heart, and estimated the power of faith in the body of the **** of the storm based on these.

The figure of the descending body of the **** of the storm emerged, transforming from a state of nothingness into a substance, and this process was extremely fast.

This place is within the scope of the Temple of Storm, which is equivalent to the small world of the God of Storm, and the process of transforming from reality to reality does not take much time.

Just when the body of the **** of the storm appeared on the left side of David, one centimeter from David's body, David's perception also found the body of the god's approaching.

If it were normal, David's speed would not be faster than the descending body of the **** of storm.

On the one hand, the descending body of the **** of the storm was only one centimeter away from David, and this distance could not allow David to make effective moves.

On the other hand, the body of God descending is a collection of energy, and the speed of this kind of body is inherently much faster than the real body.

But the location chosen by the God of Storm God's Body of Falling is too coincidental, and it can't be said to be a coincidence, but the God of Storm God's Body of Falling doesn't know David's true strength.

David's greatest strength is not his defense, nor his ability to control lightning, nor his sword skills, but his demigod body.

His demigod body only has the index finger of his left hand and the index finger of his right hand, and the third finger has not been transformed.

This allowed David to perform two demigod attacks that truly belonged to him, and it was also the strongest attack he could display.

In terms of speed, the ‘rule of destruction energy’ in the index finger of the left hand is a fusion of the ‘rules of power’ and the ‘rules of speed’, which far exceeds the speed of the descending body of the **** of storm.

David's counterattack was to flick his left index finger. During the movement of the left index finger, if the speed of the left index finger is used as the benchmark, then everything around him is equivalent to a static state.

The body of the **** of the storm is also still at a position one centimeter away from David's body, but David's left index finger is the first step to hit the body of the **** of the storm.

Seeing that he was about to hit David with the demigod peak energy contained in the body of the gods, the heart of the storm **** was extremely happy, and he completed the re-control of the battle situation with the lower eyelids of the black dragon Alexis.

Just when the **** descending body of the storm was thinking about it, the energy in his whole body seemed to be detonated.

The last thought of the storm goddess descending body was that at some point, David's left index finger pointed on the **** descending body.

A small finger carried an unimaginable destructive power. From the point of contact, the destructive power quickly spread to the body of the Descendant of God.

The body of the **** of the storm was exploded, and the **** of the storm was exposed. Just as a door of the void was opened and he wanted to receive his god, the Shadow Servant appeared first and took the **** of the storm. Nian absorb.

The black dragon Alexis also regained the size of a kitten at the moment when the body of the **** of the storm was destroyed, and his god-level strength was sealed.

In David's perception, due to the disappearance of the **** of the storm, the energy field surrounding the temple of the storm also disappeared.

The black dragon Alexis has rich experience. He sealed his god-level strength at the most appropriate time and did not expose himself to the ‘God’s Breath Exploration System’ of the five major temples.

The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ also flashed back into David’s shadow and disappeared.

"Kulich sacrifices, let me go in and take a look!" David turned his head and said to Kulic's fifth-level sacrifice.

"Yes, my great lord!" Kulic's fifth-level sacrificial replied extremely respectfully.

Kuliqi’s fifth-level priest can see clearly that the body of the **** of the storm exploded as soon as he appeared. This shows how big the gap between the strengths of the two parties is. After losing the advantage of the virtual body, they fought head-on. Unable to support it in an instant.

Of course, with Kulic's fifth-level sacrificial ability, he could not understand this battle at all, everything was his guess.

David walked into the gate of the Temple of Storms, his gaze looked around the temple, there was almost no decoration in the Temple of Storms, except for the necessary facilities, there was no extra useless furniture or the like.

The tables and chairs left in the main hall can be perceived from the breath of objects that are at least ten thousand years old. They have been baptized by the power of faith for a long time in the temple, and they have long been transformed into extremely special materials.

David understood it. It is no wonder that there are no other objects in this hall. This is to baptize only useful facilities to prevent the power of faith from being wasted.

Every item in this hall is a sacred item.

David saw the idol of the **** of storm in the main hall, and lost the spirit of the **** of storm. This idol was like a lost soul. It looked like an idol without the spirituality of the idol.

However, the quality of this idol is not inferior to the idol in the "Space Destruction Temple", which makes David very satisfied.

Although the God of Storm is far inferior to the God of War, there are so many temples in the Temple of War. There are statues in each temple, and the God of Storm has only one temple, and it is normal that the statues are of high quality.

David also visited other places in the Temple of the Storm. Without the control of the gods, all the magic patterns in the temple had no effect.

Kulic’s fifth-level priest brought David to the treasure house, but the so-called treasures in it were hardly visible to David.

But some of the heritage books of the Temple of the Storm attracted David's attention.

It's just that these inheritance books are at most demi-god, and they are only of reference significance for David, and have no substantial effect.

The complete book of faith into the gods that David was looking for was not found in this temple.

He didn't have much disappointment either. This was what he had expected. It is estimated that no **** would be willing to put his complete heritage in the temple.

The fifth-level priests of David and Kulic left the Temple of Storms. He activated the ‘sneak underground’ talent. Under his spiritual action, the deep underground part of the Temple of Storms was automatically separated from the earth.

His spirit enveloped the Temple of Storm and put it in the space pendant.

After doing all this, David returned from the original path with Kulic's fifth-level priest and returned to Garmixing.

Upon returning to Garmistar, David directly opened the space channel with his talent of "Break the Air", grabbed the fifth-level Kulic priest into the space channel, and once again appeared in front of the door of the "Space Destruction Temple".

"This temple is managed by you. I need this temple to keep it in its best condition. In addition, I don't need to recruit believers in the godly world, so this is your only job!" David solemnly ordered.

"Great Lord, I must work hard!" Kulic's fifth-level priest looked at the temple in front of him excitedly and responded.

As a priest, Kulic's fifth-level priest certainly hopes to be able to live in a better temple.

To be honest, at the beginning, Kulic’s fifth-level priests did not return hope to the temple. No matter how fast Lord Arthur’s strength improves, it will only take a few years to build a temple in a few years, but it will only be a simple temple. .

But Kuliqi's fifth-level priests did not expect that Lord Arthur's temple was not only a simple temple, but surpassed all other temples.

This kind of space temple, except for the five great temples, the other evil gods cannot own. To build this kind of space temple, you need to control many important resources of the divine world, and it also requires powerful strength to penetrate the turbulence of time and space to obtain those extremely rare. s material.

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