Extraordinary David

Chapter 1191: reward

The fifth-level priest of Kulic entered the'Space Destruction Temple', and soon the sound of singing the "Book of God" came from inside the temple.

David sensed that the power of belief in Kulic’s fifth-level priests no longer flowed directly into his body, but flocked to the idol in the center of the Temple of Space Destruction.

The ‘Space Destruction Temple’ has come to life. Although Kulic’s fifth-level priests have not much power of faith, he can help operate the ‘Space Destruction Temple’ without much effort from David himself.

The ‘Temple of Space Destruction’ does not produce the power of faith, so all the power of faith is provided by the temple in the small world of David’s soul space.

And David’s small world of soul space, once he leaves the divine world and goes to another world, the connection of this power of faith will be interrupted, which requires a large amount of faith to be stored in the'Space Destruction Temple' force.

This amount of storage and how to reduce the consumption of the ‘Space Destruction Temple’ when David left the God’s Great World without the external power of faith needed someone to manage.

In the past, David left a trace of his mind in the idol, but now with Kulic’s fifth-level sacrifice, he can finally recover his mind.

After doing this, David opened the space wormhole to the ‘safety point of the Zerg World’ and came to the Zerg World.

Using the portal in the "Zerg World Security Point", he returned to the underground space of the avatar of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King".

Because of the departure of the "Space Destruction Temple", it looks a bit empty.

David took the ‘Temple of the Storm’ and placed it in the underground space. This ‘Temple of the Storm’ is for reference to the cube super intelligent system.

The ‘Temple of Storm’ is very old, and the magic pattern on it is more simple and clear.

Think about it, too, the ‘Temple of Storm’ was built by the God of Storm, and now the age of the gods has passed tens of thousands of years.

In these tens of thousands of years, the magic pattern of the gods has gained some development and has become more complicated.

David incorporated a fifth-level soul clone of himself into the **** image of the ‘templar temple’. As before, the **** image perfectly contained his soul clone.

The image of the **** has also changed from the appearance of the "God of Storm" to the appearance of David's body. Unfortunately, David no longer has the sphere of knowledge of the "Han of God".

However, he can directly infuse the power of faith into the'Temple of Storms', as he tunes out a large amount of power of faith from the temple of the small world of the soul space and injects them into the'Temple of Storms', under the control of the gods,' The Tempest Temple' is in operation.

The ‘Temple of Storm’ should be called the ‘Temple of Destruction’ at this time. All the reliefs that originally belonged to the ‘God of Storm’ disappeared and turned into reliefs consistent with the ‘Temple of Space Destruction’.

The ‘Temple of Destruction’ did not open any defenses, and all the **** patterns are in the most energy-saving state. This is to make the cube super-intelligent system easier to study.

The power of faith that David injected was enough for the ‘Temple of Destruction’ to operate in this state for a hundred years.

After doing this, David invited the Shadow Servant in this underground space. His hand was placed on the Shadow Servant's shoulder, and his mind entered the Shadow Servant body.

In this conflict with the ‘God of Storm’, he gained the spirit of two ‘God of Storm’.

Today's Shadow Servant has undergone purification of the two Zerg God-level souls, and its ability has been significantly improved.

The two gods were forcibly extracted from the strongest ability by the shadow servant, and transformed into a light ball of knowledge.

In David's perception, two light spheres of knowledge obtained from the spirit of the "Storm God" float in front of him.

His mind was close to the first sphere of knowledge. Inside the sphere of knowledge was a magical technique called ‘chain lightning’.

David was slightly disappointed in his heart. He thought he could get the master talent ability of the "Storm God", but the "Chain Lightning Divine Art" also increased the types of his divine art.

He introduced the light ball of knowledge into the small world of the soul space, and the world tree absorbed it and transformed it into the fruit of ability hanging on the branches of the world tree.

David's mind was in contact with the fruit of power, and the fruit of power turned into a "chain lightning pattern" into the soul fortress, and another piece of related knowledge was received by the brain.

He perceives the knowledge of ‘chain lightning magic’, and discovered that this ‘chain lightning magic technique’ is a god-level magic technique, and its power naturally goes without saying.

Like this kind of god-level divine art, when it is not used at the god-level, almost all can reach the peak of the same level of power of the caster.

Of course, the gods will not directly grant the god-level magic arts to the priests, but will give different levels of the magic arts according to their beliefs and achievements.

This ‘chain lightning magic’ is a range attack magic, which includes a single attack magic ‘electric light magic’.

Once you have mastered the'Chain Lightning Divine Art', you can use the'Electric Light Divine Art' single attack divine technique, and you can also grant your own sacred'Electric Light Divine Art' alone.

Here David just learned the ‘Chain Lightning Divine Art’, and the Kulic’s fifth-level priest in the ‘Space Destruction Temple’ above the gods’ world of Garmisch suddenly almost jumped up.

Fortunately, Kulic’s fifth-level priest finally restrained his rude behavior in front of the Destroying God. He felt that just now, the Destroying God in front of him passed on a magical technique.

If it were other divine art, no matter how powerful this divine art was, Kuliqi's fifth-level priest would never behave like this.

But when it was discovered that the inherited divine technique was the ‘chain lightning divine technique’, Kulic’s fifth-level priest could not calm down.

For many years, he has used the ‘chain lightning magic’, and the application of this magic has penetrated into his soul.

Although I have obtained more divine art now, I don’t know how many years it will take to become familiar with divine art to the level of ‘chain lightning magic’.

Not to mention that the power of ‘Chain Lightning Divine Art’ is extremely terrifying in attack divine art. The lightning speed is extremely fast, and it can attack the opponent more quickly before the opponent has performed the attack.

What makes Kulic's fifth-level priests unbelievable is that the ‘chain lightning magic technique’ turned out to be a god-level magic technique.

The god-level magic in the ‘Destroy’ **** system originally only had the ‘light magic’, and there were many restrictions on the use of the ‘light magic’.

Kuliqi's fifth-level sacrifice himself only obtained the fifth-level "chain lightning magic", which he obtained through a hundred years of hard work.

Now he has converted to believe in the ‘God of Destruction’, but unexpectedly he has obtained a stronger lightning magic than the ‘God of Storm’.

In addition, Kulic’s fifth-level sacrifice is even more strange. Lord Arthur, the God of Destruction, is only a demigod in real realm. Although the displayed strength can kill the god-descended body of the God of Storm, how can it be possible to master the god-level The powerful attack magic of the'God of Storm' series?

"The greatness of my lord is beyond my touch!" Kulic's fifth-level priest murmured to himself.

Then he sang the "God of Destruction" "The Book of God" more intently to strengthen his inner belief.

The reason why Kulic’s fifth-level priests can obtain the magic arts far away from the Zerg World David is because of the temple. As long as there is a temple in any place, the priest can obtain a channel to contact the gods from the idol.

When the sacrifice requires a lot of power of faith when performing divine arts, it will also be drawn from the temple.

It is Alden’s fifth-level priest in the Interstellar Federation. Since the Interstellar Federation does not have a temple, he still only has a'light divine art', and because this divine art cannot contact the'destruction god', he can only rely on him The power of faith has been used several times.

However, Alden's fifth-level sacrificial body is in the federal military's fleet, and there will be no chance to take action.

David's mind once again entered Shadow Servant's body, and he paid attention to another ball of knowledge.

The sphere of knowledge of the ‘Storm Domain’, David felt happy, and by looking at this name, he knew that this was the strongest natural ability of the God of Storm.

The ability to normally take the name of a **** is the most powerful ability of a god.

Thinking that God belongs to the big world, there is only one storm temple, and it is normal for the **** of the storm to leave the strongest fighting ability in the spirit of the storm temple.

When David thought, the ‘storm domain’ knowledge light ball was moved into the small world of soul space. The world tree held the knowledge light ball with branches, and energy poured into it and turned into a fruit.

With the help of the World Tree, David's speed in absorbing the sphere of knowledge is greatly increased, and he has a more perfect grasp of the abilities in the sphere of knowledge.

David's mind was in contact with the fruit, and the relevant knowledge of the ‘storm domain’ entered his mind, and the fruit turned into a ‘storm domain pattern’ and sank into the soul fortress.

The'Storm Domain' is a powerful god-level domain ability, and the'Storm Domain' and the'Electric Optical Domain' are actually the same type of domain ability.

But in addition to mastering the power of lightning, the ‘storm domain’ can also form thunderstorms by condensing water vapor.

Of course, the formation of thunderstorm weather is only a side effect, when dealing with powerful opponents, thunderstorm weather has no effect.

The thunderstorm weather has only one effect, and that is to increase the visual effect of the ‘storm field’.

When David saw this piece of knowledge, he was still very surprised that the "God of Storm" added an enhanced visual effect to the most powerful domain ability.

He immediately thought that the "God of Storm" is a **** who believes in a god, and the most important thing to believe in a **** is to get more believers.

When performing miracles, the more beautiful the visual effects, the greater the possibility of gaining the devout beliefs of believers.

In a small world that is somewhat dilapidated, the'God of Storm' has not recovered from the blow, and he cannot believe that he will be defeated.

This defeat caused the ‘God of Storm’ to lose too much, including the final Temple of the Storm, and his final belief in the Great World of Gods was also shattered.

The ‘God of Storm’ has no way out, and he must re-establish his faith during this awakening period.

In the world of the gods ruled by the five great gods to establish beliefs from scratch, and the "God of Storm" cannot appear in the gods of the world, this kind of difficulty is extremely difficult.

The ‘God of Storm’ suddenly thought of something, the six artifacts behind Lord Arthur, the ‘Chain of Death’, he knew, and they were the god’s portable artifact.

In this way, Lord Arthur has a very close connection with the **** of death, and the reason why the "God of Storm" wakes up early this time, all twelve believers are dispatched for sacrifice, all because the **** of death has used an emergency signal.

Thinking of this, the ‘God of Storm’ was extremely angry, and he sensed whether Death had laid some trap.

The ‘God of Storm’ waved his hand, and a light and shadow appeared in front of him, and the light and shadow shook slightly.

After a few seconds, the light and shadow stopped shaking, and the image of "Reaper" appeared on the light and shadow.

"'God of Storm', congratulations on waking up from your slumber. Let's work together again to re-map the God of the Great World!" The'God of Death' said with a smile as if he didn't see the ugly look of the'God of Storm'.

"'God of Death', what congratulations, I woke up from my deep sleep after losing all the believers, and the last temple of the storm was broken!"'God of Storm' replied coldly.

The "God of Death" was stunned for a moment. He also heard that the followers of the "God of Storm" were worshiping in Lord Arthur's territory. As a result, the entire army was wiped out. He didn't expect that even the Temple of Storm was broken.

However, the "God of Death" also knew that the "God of Storm" would not talk nonsense about this kind of thing, and he even heard a sense of decisiveness expressed by the "God of Storm".

The "God of Reaper" is the initiator of the emergency wake-up signal. If he does not give the "God of Storm" a reasonable explanation of why the emergency wake-up signal was launched, let alone cooperation, it is possible to become a deadly enemy on the spot.

"The temple found your Temple of Storms, how is this possible?" It is difficult for the'Reaper' to believe this kind of thing. You must know that the temples of the twelve gods are very well hidden, and they have rarely been discovered for tens of thousands of years.

When the five great gods were in great power, the rest of the gods were thinking about hiding the temples. In order to hide their temples, it can be said that they have tried their best.

How could it be possible that the Temple of Storm, which had not been discovered for tens of thousands of years, was only found and broken open as soon as the "God of Storm" awakened.

The ‘Reaper’ suspected that the five major temples found the Temple of Storm, also because the gods belonged to the great world, and only the five major temples had such strength.

Otherwise, you have found the Temple of the Storm, guarded by the ‘God of Storm’, how could it be so easy to break open.

"Not the five great temples, but a young man who uses the'Death Chain'!" The'God of Storm' gritted his teeth.

While talking, the ‘God of Storm’ stared at the ‘Reaper’ fiercely, trying to see something on his face.

When the "God of Reaper" heard the words of the "God of Storm", he couldn't help but twitch his mouth with the spirit of the gods.

How could he forget the human being, the Lord Arthur who rescued the black dragon Alexis, and took away the six sacred tools, "Chains of Death".

If the God of Death hates the five gods most in the great world of Gods, then the second one is Lord Arthur.

It's just from the latest information that Lord Arthur is not simple at all, and he wants to deal with him unless there is a god.

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