Extraordinary David

Chapter 823: Shot

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Some of the protesters used explosive bombs, a non-lethal weapon that has no harm and only causes blindness in the eyes.

However, the violent explosions and the chaos caused by the blindness of the group made the protest scene close to a thousand people scream. The protesters ran around. Quite a few protesters broke into the blockade without knowing it.

The sudden blast bomb also affected the military law enforcement team at the scene, which caused the protesters to enter the area of ​​the government house.

The military soldiers who had not been present in the political affairs court had appeared. They were not the law enforcement teams. They would also be afraid of live broadcasting.

As long as the military armor is used, it is battle.

Fortunately, these military soldiers did not want to kill, and all the protesters who rushed to the defense line of the government were knocked down by the military soldiers.

The body of an ordinary person is in contact with the exoskeleton armor, and the broken bones are the lightest injuries, and the screams and moans continue together.

Among the protesting crowd, four people simultaneously took out explosive shells from their clothes and threw them again.

"Catch you!" Four phantoms descended from the air and accurately captured the four among the chaotic crowd. These are the four extraordinary, they ignored the flash bomb.

For the transcendent, let alone an explosive bomb, even an aggressive bomb can't hurt them.

Four consecutive bursts of blast bombs made the chaotic crowd stand still, and all protesters were frightened.

David, who was on the podium in the political affair court, grabbed a sniper bullet with a green glow in front of Field Marshal Andre at the moment four blasts sounded.

The four personal guards of Marshal Andre found that the situation was wrong, but they were still a step behind. After David caught the sniper bullet, they came to Marshal Andre.

"Marshal, are you okay?" Asked an extraordinary guard.

"Duke Arthur, thank you for your shot!" Marshal Andrea glanced at the third-grade sniper bullet in David's hands, thanking.

"Marshal Andrei, I didn't shoot, I just didn't like something flying in front of me!" David said with a smile, throwing a third-grade sniper bullet to an extraordinary guard.

Marshal Andre understood what David meant. David could not shoot at will in the Federation. As long as there was no attack against David according to the agreement, David could not shoot.

Privately, the scope of this agreement can be more tolerant, but on this occasion, David does not want to ask for trouble, and needs to pay attention to the clarification in words.

"Yes, you are not shooting, is your hand okay?" Marshal Andrea said with a smile.

Not only was Marshal Andrea curious, but the four extraordinary guards were also curious. This was a third-grade sniper bullet.

The third-grade sniper bullets can only be fired when special sniper armor above the master level is used with a special sniper rifle.

The third-grade sniper bullet is also the most powerful sniper bullet that can be used by sniper armor. No sniper rifle can be fired even at a high-level sniper bullet.

David smiled and opened his hand, there was no trace on his hand.

With the strength of his body, it is not easy for a third-grade weapon to break open his skin, not to mention that this third-grade sniper bullet was caught by his two fingers, and was not caught by the tip of the third-grade sniper bullet. hit.

Of course, David's ability to demonstrate is more surprising than forcibly blocking a third-grade sniper bullet with his body.

In fact, the person concerned David also sighed in his heart, just now he once again sensed the sniper aim, followed by a continuous explosion.

He clearly sensed that the sniper aiming paused because the sniper was not attacking him, which made him not aware of the danger of sniper attack.

However, as ‘Sniper Grandmaster’, David made a judgment about the aiming pause and determined that it was the hidden sniper armor who carried out the sniping.

Finally, when the aiming of the sniper paused, he was facing Marshal Andre. He had a close relationship with Marshal Andre. He would never let Marshal Andre be attacked.

David's mental concentration, the world in his eyes slowed down, he saw the flying green sniper bullet, at this moment he had strong confidence, as long as he reached his hand, he could grab the third-grade sniper bullet.

This is the confidence of the strong. He thought so and did it. He stretched out his hand just like picking up the object in front of him, and clamped the third-grade sniper bullet with two fingers.

The impact of the third-grade sniper bullets was firmly controlled by David's great power to reach the fifth-grade templar knight's strength.

Of course, even if David did n’t hold a third-grade sniper bullet in his fingers, he was confident that Marshal Andrea would not be injured, because his spirit had a thick spiritual wall in front of Marshal Andrea.

"Your power is truly well-deserved!" Marshal Andrea has always believed in energy main guns and battleships, and at this time could not help lamenting David's power.

Neither David nor Marshal Andre was affected by the assassination just now, and they began a pleasant chat again.

However, this time the security forces were in action, from Skynet to all surveillance, forcibly opened the information of all the identity bracelets on the scene, and traced the identity and location of everyone.

As for the protesters, they have become accomplices since the explosion and the assassination of the Federal Marshal.

The military is no longer polite, and in less than a minute, more than a thousand protesters have been brought under control.

The live broadcast was not closed, and the military showed their quick response ability to the Federation. Soon, the vicinity of the government house was completely controlled by the military.

More detailed investigations are continuing, but there is no confusion at the scene.

Marshal Andrea, who had spoken, glanced at the identity bracelet and lightly tapped it a few times.

"Okay, it's okay, you leave!" Marshal Andrea commanded the four extraordinary guards.

"Marshal, your safety!" The extraordinary guard said with some uneasiness.

"Relax, a little accident!" Marshal Andrea waved.

The four extraordinary guards did not persevere anymore, and paid a military salute to Marshal Andrea, and a military salute to David, before flashing to the podium.

"Duke Arthur, I made you laugh today!" Marshal Andrea said sorry to David.

This kind of contradiction within the Federation was displayed in front of the envoys of the godly world, which made Marshal Andre very faceless.

"It's nothing, assassination is used to this kind of thing!" David said with a smile.

Whether in the interstellar federation, or in the divine world, David suffered many assassinations, and he grew up in assassinations.

When Marshal Andre heard David's words, he was stunned for a moment. He heard the helplessness in David's words.

I think that David only took a year to grow into the invincible today, and the difficulty is not easy.

"The sniper armour who assassinated me has been found. He committed suicide with fear of guilt!" Marshal Andrea said softly to David.

This kind of news shouldn't have been told to David, but just now David had rescued him. He had to tell David something.

"The messenger behind is found?" David asked softly.

"I just found out that the forces behind the sniper armor have long been cleared. This is a lone wolf assassin. His identity is the military sniper armor. He was arranged to participate in the security task of the inauguration ceremony! Explained.

Their chat on this matter ended here, and neither of them continued.

David also guessed what happened, which should be part of General Erskine's plan.

The lone wolf assassin is no longer in contact with anyone after receiving the task. Except the person who issued the task, no one knows the existence of the assassin.

So even if General Erskine was killed, his forces were gradually being taken over by Marshal Andrea, but the mission of the lone wolf assassin continued.

From inciting protesters to arranging people to use blast bombs to mobilize security defenses and provoke security loopholes.

This has natural advantages for a military personnel involved in security work.

It's just that the lone wolf assassin didn't expect Duke Arthur to save Marshal Andrea, which was unexpected.

"Welcome the new President of the Star Federation, President Barnard!" The government host announced loudly.

The people on the scene seemed to have forgotten what they had just said, and they cheered loudly.

When President Barnard appeared, cheers reached a climax.

David looked at it with a smile. He did not applaud like the rest. His identity was a representative of the great world of God, but a spectator.

"Thank you federal citizens, you have chosen me, thank you distinguished gentlemen who attended the inauguration ceremony, especially Duke Arthur from the Great World, your arrival is my honor!" President Barnard said with a smile.

David nodded with a smile, he did not like this kind of speech by professional politicians.

President Barnard's next speech was full of contagion, and the crowd below continued to applaud.

Only these senior officials sitting on the podium were relatively reserved.

The speech lasted for an hour and a half, and then President Barnard swore at the Constitutional Ceremony that the acting president gave the presidential key to President Barnard the symbol of power.

This is the first time David has participated in such a ceremony, perhaps because his vision has already exceeded the political height, which makes him look at the entire inauguration process like watching a drama.

After seeing and fighting with real gods, worldly power had little effect on him.

Marshal Andre, who was sitting next to David, was surprised when he saw David's performance throughout the inauguration.

According to the truth, in just one year, Duke Arthur arrived at the Duke's title from a baron. It should be a person who is passionate about power, but looking at the look of Duke Arthur, it is a look beyond the world.

Marshal Andre saw the same look on another person, it was the same outstanding David.

Of course, Grand Marshal Andrei never thought of David and Duke Arthur as the same person, but thought they were equally good.

Although David is strong, it is only strong in the Star Federation, fighting alone with the third-level Zerg. David's strength is well-known in the Star Federation, and his name of "Federal God of War" makes David a legend of the Federation. character.

But the strength of David is completely different on the side of Duke Arthur. Duke Arthur is able to fight against the fifth-level Zerg. This powerful knight is also a top force in the world of Gods.

After the inauguration ceremony, the reception was celebrated. The reception was attended by senior officials of the federal government and the military.

This high-end cocktail party is also what David needs to attend.

The reception was held at the Federal Hotel, which is also the official hotel of Origin Star.

David did not communicate with those unfamiliar federal executives in the lobby. He sat in the lounge beside the lobby, accompanied by Minister Chambers and General Francis.

This time David's mission is to have a meeting with President Barnard, a very formal diplomatic meeting.

After waiting for half an hour, President Barnard, who was in high spirits, entered the lounge.

Behind President Barnard are two escorts who are responsible for the translation work.

"Duke Arthur, it is a pleasure to meet you!" President Barnard squinted at Duke Arthur in front of him, to tell the truth he did not like Duke Arthur.

This is not to say that President Barnard has any opinion on Duke Arthur, but that Duke Arthur and Marshal Andre are too close, and that Duke Arthur has rescued Marshal Andre.

Dirty in politics, David does not want to know that he can also understand the feelings of President Barnard towards him through perception.

Strangely, President Barnard ’s disgust can only make David feel amused.

David is laughing at himself. He deeply doubts whether he is born to not deal with the Federal President. This has changed to a Federal President. He also changed to a more distinguished identity, or it will make the Federal President feel bad.

"President Barnard, I am also very happy!" David smiled and bowed into a noble ritual using divine language.

Such formal talks, even if David is proficient in federal language, or President Barnard ’s divine language, also need to use their own language, and then through the translation to carry out the most accurate translation, so as not to appear in the communication process. Ambiguity.

"I am very grateful to the Great World of Gods for attaching importance to the inauguration ceremony. I am sending you to come and thank me for Speaker Abe!" President Barnard said very officially.

David's participation in the presidential inauguration this time is to participate in the presidential inauguration of more than ten presidential inaugurations. The highest-ranking aristocratic **** in the world. If David didn't help Marshal Andrea, President Barnard really wanted to be with David Get along.

The conversation between President Barnard and David was prepared before the meeting, and Ambassador Cumming personally handed it to David.

So although it seems that the two parties are talking casually, they are actually following the script. This formal meeting of the two worlds will be archived by both parties.

David has always maintained the standard aristocratic etiquette of the great world, talking with President Barnard. Although he has impatience in his heart, this is also his last mission as an envoy.

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