Extraordinary David

Chapter 824: Plastic surgery

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Finally, the formal meeting is about to end. In this thirty-minute meeting, all topics of both parties are in preparation.

"Duke Arthur, I heard that you have signed an agreement on federal technology with the Federation. This is the mistake of the last president, and I hope it can be corrected!" Just when David thought everything would be flat, Barner President German suddenly said after finishing the last topic.

"You are talking about the agreement that I will not teach interstellar knowledge in the world of Gods?" David asked lightly.

"Yes, the agreement allows you to personally use federal technology, and you have also purchased a top-level super server, which has threatened the security of the federal government. I hope you can return the super server to the federal government. It is just here that Ambassador Cumming is here. Re-sign a tripartite agreement to make up for this error! "President Barnard continued with a smile.

David looked at President Barnard and suddenly burst out laughing.

His disrespectful behavior annoyed President Barnard.

President Barnard did not think he had done anything wrong. The agreement of the Duke of Arthur did bring important technology of the Federation into the world of the Divine World, and was also in the hands of the important person of the world of the Divine World.

And the Duke of Arthur just came to the Star Federation, and has a great reputation in the Star Federation.

However, President Barnard was just in power and was in need of an opportunity to establish his prestige. He signed a new contract with the Duke Arthur and demonstrated the ability of the federal government. This is the best time to establish prestige.

As for the power of the Duke of Arthur, President Barnard believes that in the face of the world, personal force can be counted.

"President Barnard, can you represent the Federation? Or how much power can you represent?" David Shen asked.

"I am the President of the Federation and naturally represent the Federation. Please ask Duke Arthur to consider my proposal!" President Barnard looked at David and replied.

"Ambassador Cumming, will you reconsider the agreement with President Barnard?" David suddenly turned to look at Ambassador Cumming and asked.

"Honorable Duke Arthur, everything is up to you!" Ambassador Cumming did not hesitate, and immediately stood up and bowed down to salute.

"President Barnard, according to federal laws, without the cooperation of the Divine World, the previous agreement cannot be cancelled. In addition, I can assure you that no official in the entire Divine World dares to discuss this matter with you. No matter who he is! "David stood up and ignored President Barnard. He left the lounge and left the reception.

Ambassador Cumming is not easy to leave, he still needs to continue working in the Star Federation.

President Barnard looked at Duke Arthur, who had left the courtesy, and his face was dark and uncertain. He thought that as a President of the Federation, he negotiated an agreement with Duke Arthur. At least, he might obtain acceptable results through some exchange conditions. That made him get his first achievement.

Who knows that the Duke of Arthur will drop him and leave him here.

"Ambassador Cumming, Duke Arthur can represent the Divine World? Or can Duke Arthur cover the sky in the Divine World?" President Barnard asked Ambassador Cumming.

President Barnard did not understand the origin of Duke Arthur's confidence. From the information, it can be seen that Duke Arthur has only reached the world of the gods for a year. The big world should not be so fast.

"I do n’t know if Duke Arthur can represent the divine world, but I know that Duke Arthur has killed at least two tier five Templar knights and destroyed many large noble families, even the top nobles did not dare to offend easily. To him! "Ambassador Kamin replied slightly sarcastically.

President Barnard's complexion has changed, but there is no such information.

This should not be blamed on President Barnard. He had been working hard for the election before. After the election, he prepared for the inauguration ceremony. The information he saw about the Duke of Arthur was just a briefing.

The above only records that Duke Arthur left the Star Federation a year ago, is a Level 4 Sky Knight, and has the official status of a member of the Supreme Council.

In the past, President Barnard was only concerned about the internal politics of the Federation. In his view, the status of this reserve member is nothing, at most it is close to the existence of top nobles.

In the world of gods, there are many top nobles.

President Barnard himself is the first person in the Federation. He thinks that he has a much higher status than the Duke of Arthur, so he will only propose to modify the agreement.

President Barnard is playing politics. His way of thinking is all political means, but David is different. David is lazy about political matters. As long as he does not provoke David, politics is as you like.

"President Barnard, did your proposal just pass at the federal meeting?" Ambassador Cumming continued to ask.

"Ambassador Cumming, are you teaching me to do things? I will forcibly modify the agreement between the Federation and the Duke of Arthur, and he must hand over the super server before he leaves. This is the top technology of the Federation and cannot be lost!" Barnard The president suddenly stood up and said.

"You will tell Duke Arthur if you want, can you think of the consequences?" Ambassador Cumming stood up and asked in awe.

President Barnard didn't speak anymore. He turned and left. While he was already thinking about holding a federal meeting tomorrow, he returned to the reception. He is the owner of the reception and naturally cannot leave at this time.

Ambassador Cumming was unhappy with the host, he turned and left the party.

The departure of Duke Arthur and Ambassador Cumming made many senior officials see the problem. President Barnard's meeting with Duke Arthur of the Great World was not successful.

David returned to the embassy felt ridiculous in his heart. The little thing he thought was made by President Barnard as a big thing, and he wanted to show his authority to him.

"Duke Arthur, President Barnard proposed to forcibly modify the agreement with you after you left, so that you can hand over the super server before leaving!" Ambassador Cumming's first thing to return to the embassy will be Barnard The president's attitude was reported to David.

"Ambassador Cumming, thank you, you don't have to ask about this!" David waved.

Ambassador Cumming glanced at David with some concern. He did not persuade David to do anything, nor do he know how to persuade him. His heart only hoped that David would not overturn the star federation.

That night, the record of the talks between President Barnard and Duke Arthur was seen by many senior officials from various parties. When they saw President Barnard preparing to force the Duke Arthur to practice an agreement, he was happy, watched a drama, and worried. of.

Marshal Andre is worried. The military knows how powerful the Duke of Arthur is. In addition, the Duke of Arthur has rescued him today. He does not want Duke of Arthur to commit evil with the interstellar federal government.

"President Barnard knows how to engage in political means. Doesn't he understand the strength and potential of Duke Arthur?" Marshal Andre said.

"Marshal, I have strengthened the monitoring of the embassy. If Duke Arthur takes action, we will immediately come forward to stop it!" Admiral Francis said, knowing Marshal Andrea's thoughts.

"Your monitoring may be good for the extraordinary, but for a strong man like the Duke Arthur, I am afraid that I have more than enough power!" Marshal Andrea shook his head.

"I also sent a number of military troops over there in the presidential palace to prevent accidents!" Admiral Francis continued.

They all understand one thing, that is, the federation cannot be assassinated at this time. After the last time President Louis was poisoned, the government had been in chaos for a long time and had a lot of influence on the entire interstellar federation.

The assassination of the newly inaugurated president means that the government's incompetence will float the hearts of the Federation and make people feel insecure.

It is not easy to control a huge world. When the core leadership of the Federation is insufficient, it will trigger the power struggle of various forces.

This is the reason for the separation of power between the federal military and the military. The military is limited by government funding, and the government needs the protection of the military. This allows the government and the military to reach a balance.

The military will not intervene in government affairs, but the military will also submit its own opinions to the government when necessary.

"Lieutenant General Gilquire, plans to send a letter to President Barnard, stating the interest between the Federation and the Duke of Arthur!" Marshal Andre commanded to Lieutenant General Gilquire.

"Marshal, President Barnard has just assumed power, and you advise him at this time, I am afraid it will affect the relationship between the government and the military!" Admiral Francis said worriedly.

"I can't take care of it. I really worry about the attitude of Duke Arthur. His record in the godly world is not good!" Marshal Andrea said helplessly.

The presidential palace tonight should be festive, but strangely the atmosphere is a bit weird.

Outside the presidential palace, the military soldiers patrolled around, and many military superiors stood at the surrounding high point, paying attention to the situation of the presidential palace.

The military's order is that these military extraordinary and armoured soldiers need to protect the presidential palace until Duke Arthur leaves the Federation. Although somehow, the military superior and armored soldiers still carry out the order.

Outside the president's office, there are more than ten superb shades protecting President Barnard in the middle office.

Here are President Barnard ’s own extraordinary offerings, as well as the government ’s extraordinary offerings, as well as a few of his extraordinary secondments, on the grounds that because of the assassination of Marshal Andrea, the defense of the presidential palace was strengthened by the extraordinary in a short time.

"Damn, my meeting hasn't been convened yet. Marshal Andrea sent a letter of appeal. What is this to do? Do you force me to follow?" President Barnard's new power came at a time when he was full of enthusiasm. The prince Arthur and Marshal Andrea were obstructed, and his heart was extremely resentful.

There is only one person in the office. This is Drummond, President Barnard's first staff.

Successive presidents have staff. These staff do not have real power, but they implement their ideas by influencing the president ’s decisions. Their influence is not weaker than that of some senior officials.

"President, you are in charge of the new government, which is not conducive to confrontation with Marshal Andrea. This matter of the Duke Arthur is not a big deal, you see it!" Drummond's staff did not expect to just become After the president, President Barnard's heart will change so much. The politician who was good at planning at this time is very prone to anger, and he persuaded.

"What's wrong? I thought it was a trivial matter, so I made it to the Duke Arthur at the official meeting. Now my proposal has been recorded in the archives of the Federation and the Great World. Once I withdraw the proposal, then I How to issue a government order in the future! "President Barnard Shen Sheng said.

Drummond's staff listened for a while, but he remembered that he had drafted the minutes of the meeting with the Duke of Arthur, and there was no agreement about the Duke of Arthur.

"I'm going to hold a government meeting tomorrow to force the resolution to amend the agreement by voting. This is also the first shot to fire the decree!" President Barnard wondered if he wanted to convince Drummond's staff or himself.

Drummond's staff wanted to persuade President Barnard, but he also saw President Barnard's determination.

President Barnard is now riding a tiger and amending the agreement of the Duke Arthur, giving him the opportunity to go down the stairs. As for the strong strength of the Duke Arthur threatening the opposition of Marshal Andrea, he decided to make some Substantial concessions.

For example, without taking back the super server, what President Barnard needs is to make a statement and form his first achievements.

When the two discussed, an inexplicable pattern appeared in the president's office. Then President Barnard and Drummond's staff stayed together, his eyes flicking.

Then an electric light appeared in the president's office, and the electric light became the figure of David.

David sneaked into the president's office overnight, which was no more difficult than entering his own restaurant.

He listened to the conversation between President Barnard and Drummond's staff in the form of electro-optics. After hearing the stubborn opinion of President Barnard, he did not wait any longer and decided to start.

Of course, David will not kill President Barnard. As long as such things are done, the Federation will definitely have a huge reaction, and may even break the alliance between the Federation and the Divine World.

He wouldn't be this ancient sinner, let alone President Barnard's behavior would not be dead.

The spirit of David draws ancient isolated patterns around him. Using only spiritual drawing will weaken the effect of the ancient isolated patterns, and the remaining time is also very short, only a few hours.

He just used the "hypnotic" talent ability. To be honest, using this super five-level spiritual talent ability to deal with President Barnard and Drummond's staff is really a big deal.

But David did not intend to change the mind of President Barnard through the "hypnotic" talent. This is a very dangerous behavior, because the federal scientific and technological level can detect such mental effects.

Use "hypnosis" to confuse the Federal President. If something happens, I am afraid that the two worlds will go to war directly.

With a smile, David took out a gene repair capsule, took President Barnard's clothes off and threw it in, and then modified President Barnard's face into a beautiful woman in the gene repair capsule. It is also a famous go-go actress selected by David from Skynet.

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