Extraordinary David

Chapter 825: meeting

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Ten extraordinary people did not understand why President Barnard stayed in the president ’s office for one night, but the living facilities in the president ’s office are complete, so there is nothing to worry about.

Of course, some of the extraordinary hearts borrowed from them also have contempt. This is not the first to win the throne of the president, and he has forgotten about the president's office.

"The meeting is about to start. Has the president not yet come out?" The new Secretary of State Absolon came outside the president's office and asked an extraordinary person.

This was the first government meeting held by President Barnard. Secretary Absolon was anxious. First, the issue submitted this time worried him. Secondly, President Barnard's attitude of being faceless has been strange.

"Wait another ten minutes. If President Barnard hasn't come out, I will knock on the door to remind him!" Chao Wan looked at the time and said.

"Then trouble you!" Secretary Absolon could only nod and said.

He turned around and went to the conference hall. The preparatory work was still to be done. He had to contact the officials who had come to the meeting, and he needed to get support.

In the president's office, President Barnard opened his eyes with difficulty, and he felt his head hurt.

This was the characteristic of a hangover, which made him look aside and found that he was lying on the sofa with two red wine bottles in front of him, and the Drummond staff fell drunk on the other side, and had not yet awakened.

President Barnard shook his head. His memory last night was extremely vague. It should have been a drink.

"You can't drink like this in the future!" President Barnard stood up and stretched out, feeling the discomfort caused by an uncomfortable sleeping posture all night, and said to himself.

He opened the identity bracelet and found that there were many messages on it, and there were nearly ten communication requests. He looked at the time on the identity bracelet again and it was almost ten o'clock.

"Oops!" President Barnard was startled. Ten o'clock was the time for the government meeting.

In two minutes, President Barnard was too late to clean up. He quickly sorted out his clothes and pushed another Drummond staff. He found that the Drummond staff was still not sober, and gave up.

"Thank you all, I'll go to the meeting!" President Barnard opened the door, greeted the extraordinary, and hurried to the conference hall.

When the ten extraordinary people saw the face of President Barnard, they stayed together. Some extraordinary people followed the opened door of the president's office and saw the Drummond aides who were still sleeping inside, and their hearts suddenly guessed.

If it were n’t for President Barnard ’s voice, the transcendence would grab President Barnard for the first time.

Of course, the wrong face did not allow the extraordinary to admit that the wrong person, President Barnard's breath, clothes, body shape, etc., all show that this is President Barnard.

As for why President Barnard made himself into a woman's face, this extraordinary quirk who is responsible for security has no power to interfere.

President Barnard and Drummond's staff were in the president's office for one night. President Barnard was that face again, the extraordinary people looked at each other, and the fire of gossip rose in their hearts.

It is important to know that among these extraordinary, only a few are very close to President Barnard. The extraordinary offerings of the rest of the government, as well as the secondments, are not kept secret by President Barnard.

Even the original dedication of President Barnard was extremely ashamed, and it was embarrassing to serve such a person even if he was the Federal President.

At ten o'clock, President Barnard entered through the side entrance of the conference hall, which belonged to the president alone. The moment he entered the conference hall, the entire conference hall was silent.

President Barnard thought that these participants would respect him, and he took a confident step forward to sit on the throne.

It was only soon that President Barnard found something wrong, whether it was his newly mentioned men or officials of the original government, who looked at him with a very strange look.

He couldn't help but feel tight. He thought that he hadn't washed his body after the hangover. Is something on his face so rude?

Thinking of this, President Barnard opened his identity bracelet and borrowed the camera function to check his face. As a result, he saw a **** face.

"President Barnard, although we have no right to ask about your personal addictions, but you are now the President of the Federation, you must at least respect us!" Minister Chambers Shen Sheng said.

This is a government meeting. This kind of meeting will be recorded by video. Minister Chambers and even any officials present do not want to be a joke in history. They must make a clear statement.

"President Barnard, please take care of your private life, and then convene a meeting!" Another minister also stood up and said.

The ministers and a high-ranking government official stood up, and they left the conference hall without expression, leaving only President Barnard and his few men.

The eloquent President Barnard is in chaos, he has not yet figured out what happened?

He didn't even think that someone was targeting him, but whether he had drunk yesterday and did something that no one dared to do.

Just as the ministers left, the moment the doors were opened, dozens of reporters rushed up.

These reporters are journalists from major media. This is the first government meeting of President Barnard, and reporters still attach great importance to it.

Originally, these reporters wanted to wait for the meeting to interview the officials involved before attending the press conference held by the presidential spokesperson.

But only a few minutes after the meeting, all the ministers and officials left the meeting room, which made all the reporters excited. This must be a major news event.

Politics is always dirty. When leaving the conference hall, the last one is the president of the president ’s opposition faction. He deliberately opened the door of the conference hall and did not close it normally.

The reporter who was preparing to interview the ministers was sharp-eyed and saw President Barnard in the main seat of the conference hall, still in the clothes of yesterday, and sitting in positions that represent his identity.

Cosmetic surgery is a simple operation in the Federation, but there are very few people who really want to change their face to something unrecognizable, mostly small repairs to their appearance.

The most important thing is that after a large-scale modification of the face, it is necessary to go to the relevant government agency to update the face information, otherwise many affairs will be affected.

Reporters are crazy, this is big news, real big news.

The newly appointed Federal President has attended the formal meetings of the federal government with a female face, which has never appeared in history.

"President Barnard, are you going to change sex?"

"Are you satisfied with this face? Will it be used in future meetings?"

"Will you update your new face?"

"President Barnard, you like Henrietta, are you going to invite Henrietta to the Presidential Palace?"

In the end, this reporter recognized the original owner of President Barnard's face, and his voice was also the loudest.

"Drive them out, whoever let them in, confiscate their equipment!" President Barnard reacted as he shouted loudly, covering his face with his hands.

It's a pity that these reporters should have filmed everything, and even the content has been sent back to their respective media through Skynet.

In the Federal Command, the deputy Gigiel quickly walked into the inner office.

"Marshal, please take a look at the latest news!" Adj. Gigiel said hurriedly.

"What's the big deal?" Marshal Andrea asked as he opened the light curtain and chose the largest news channel in the Star Federation.

The scene in the presidential palace appeared on the light curtain. President Barnard with the starry face was repeatedly played. The host used all kinds of amazing words to judge President Barnard's behavior.

There are even three experts in psychology, behavior, and psychopathology who are present to analyze the deep meaning of President Barnard's behavior.

Marshal Andre, who had experienced many events, was shocked by the news.

"Please, General Francis and Colonel Morrison!" Marshal Andre commanded to Adj.

After Lieutenant General Gilquir left the office, Marshal Andre repeatedly looked at the news. Instead of listening to the words of the host and experts, he focused on the look of President Barnard.

President Barnard's alternation of confusion, confusion, shock, anger, etc. made Marshal Andrea judge that President Barnard would never change his face, at least not in his sober state.

"Grand Marshal!" Admiral Francis and Colonel Morrison entered the office.

"Sit down, Admiral Francis, did you find anything unusual in the embassy there?" Marshal Andrea asked after waving his hand.

The first suspicion of Marshal Andrea is Duke Arthur. If anyone can do this kind of thing at the origin star without being discovered by others, and contradicting President Barnard, then only Duke Arthur.

The day before, President Barnard had committed evil with the Duke of Arthur because of the agreement signed between the last government and the Duke of Arthur. At the meeting against the Duke of Arthur the next morning, President Barnard attended the meeting with that face on his face.

If this had nothing to do with the Duke of Arthur, Marshal Andrey himself did not believe it.

"The embassy is normal. No one has been in or out!" Admiral Francis replied affirmatively.

Admiral Francis's answer did not dispel the doubts of Marshal Andre. He also knew that the supervisors over Admiral Francis would find it very difficult to find a Level 4 Sky Knight.

According to information from the Great World of Gods, the Duke of Arthur is good at sneaking in and killing. Even the nobles of the Great World and the Templars of the 5th level cannot find and defend the invading attacks of Duke of Arthur.

Although the security defense of the Divine World is not the same as the security defense of the Interstellar Federation, the ability to break through defense is very likely to be universal.

"Colonel Morrison, what is the situation at the presidential palace?" Marshal Andrea turned to look at Colonel Morrison and asked.

Although the military cannot clearly install intelligence personnel on the side of the government, it secretly does not know how many intelligence personnel are in various parts of the government, and the government's actions will be known to the military.

"President Barnard and Drummond ’s aides talked in the president ’s office last night. Ten extraordinary guardians were outside the president ’s office. Until two minutes after ten o'clock the next day, President Barnard was The face appeared and hurriedly attended the meeting.

According to a security officer present at the time, President Barnard had a strong alcoholic smell. President Barnard and Drummond's staff had a night of red wine in the president's office. The rumors are extremely unbearable! Colonel Morrison reported.

"Under the ten extraordinary surveillance, can successfully infiltrate without disturbing the ten extraordinary people, how many people can do it with intelligence analysis?" Marshal Andrea continued to ask.

"There are only two, General David and Duke Arthur!" Colonel Morrison did an analysis long ago and did not hesitate to reply.

"No need to check anymore, let me ask Duke Arthur in person!" Marshal Andrea shook his head helplessly.

He was 100% sure that such a thing was done, only Duke Arthur, who had a conflict with President Barnard.

Marshal Andre will meet the Duke Arthur in a little while, and he will know it when he has lunch together.

David sat in the only room in the embassy connected to Skynet and looked at the information on the light curtain, his face showing a smug look.

His little means, without prejudice to President Barnard, can at least allow President Barnard to be overwhelmed and have no time to discuss his agreement.

When David left the Union, he wanted to revise the agreement here, and he could not proceed without his own participation.

He looked at the time, and it was almost time to dine with Marshal Andrea. He stood up and left the embassy alone.

"Duke Arthur, we will guide you!" As soon as he stepped out of the embassy, ​​McCracken hurried over and said.

McCracken ’s extraordinary mission is not to allow Duke Arthur to act alone, not to protect Duke Arthur, but to protect the inhabitants of the origin star.

"Trouble you!" David said with a smile.

David did not take a suspension car. After meeting with Marshal Andre, he would leave the origin star and return to the world of the gods. This was the last time he enjoyed the atmosphere of the Federation.

The next time he comes back, he doesn't know how long it will be. It is estimated that after he becomes a fifth-level Templar Knight, he may come back.

McCracken was a short step behind David, and the twelve military guards guarded David, forming a security zone.

David looked at a small couple on the street and was feeding each other. He couldn't help feeling.

If he didn't go to War Star, maybe he would live like his little couple like him.

With the strength of strength, David knew that these days were gone from him. Look now, he is walking on the street as Duke Arthur, and there are so many military guards around him.

If he walks in the street as David, it is estimated that the military will not treat him, but the government will definitely ask him to assist the investigation through the police.

When it comes to the assassination of the former president, the government needs to investigate all possible objects even for the sake of face, not to mention that his suspicion is the biggest.

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