Extraordinary David

Chapter 839: inventory

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The new five tier five Templars entered the gene repair cabin and changed their faces.

David inspected the five Templars again, and he found that the five tier-5 Templars were significantly stronger than the six Templars before him.

This makes him a little strange, to know that the previous six tier five Templar Knights also have four lords.

As the lord of the top nobles, his strength is not weaker than the five fifth-level Templars of the Baruch family. Why is the strength after the resurrection so much different?

After thinking for a while, David thought of a possibility. He resurrected the five Templar Knights using the souls of the five Templar Knights. Although they have been purified by the Shadow Attendant, in the final analysis, the fifth-level souls The origin is the Templar himself.

Probably the level of match between the five-level soul source and the body of the Templar will make the Templar retain his strength to the greatest extent.

Among the five Templars, only Lord Marcus has no energy avatar. Think about it too. Lord Marcus' energy avatar was destroyed by David.

The energy avatars of McPhee's fifth-level Templar and the other three refrigerated Templars are in the heart of the sea space. Most of the soul energy obtained this time is invested in and the four energy avatars are recovered.

David is most concerned about the three refrigerated Templars. Although the souls of these three Templars have been cleared and reset, the life of the three Templars is almost reaching the limit.

Before, David had never met a person whose life was about to reach its limit, and did not know the importance of immortality.

When he inspected the physical conditions of the three Templars, he found that after the restoration of the indelible vitality, the physical vitality of the three Templars was not like a person whose lifespan reached the limit. In his judgment, the three Templars The knight's life expectancy can last for decades at least.

David chose one of the refrigerated Templars. He brought out the indelible vitality from the skeleton of the fighting angel. Since the five-level Templar in front of him is his avatar, he does not have to spare the vitality, let alone worry about it. What will happen if you use more vitality?

Because if anything is wrong, he can feel it through the soul avatar inside the Templar.

For a long time, David knew the preciousness of immortal vitality, and thinking about the "warm heart lotus soup" with very little immortal vitality, it made the fifth-level Templar knights chasing crazy.

But David does not have much concept of the preciousness of indestructible vitality, but only hides the existence of indestructible vitality by instinct.

Now, when he introduces immortal vitality into the body of the Templar Templar, he clearly perceives the changes in the body of the Templar Templar, and as the body continues to absorb the vitality of the Templar, the body of the Templar Refrigerator is getting younger and younger .

Even after a period of time, the body of the refrigerated Templar showed the youthful vigor that young people can have.

At this time, David really understood how terrifying the skeleton of the fighting angel was, and the inexhaustible vitality created at random can make people rejuvenate.

As long as David is willing, he can keep his Templars alive, regardless of longevity.

Suddenly, he had a kind of ability that should be mastered by the gods. After changing his mind, he smiled again. The battle angel itself is a god, or an extremely powerful god.

David was only touched by Yu Ze, a fighting angel, enjoying the remnants of a powerful god.

The immortal vitality is too strong, so strong that he dare not divulge a little information that he can mass-produce the immortal vitality.

David would n’t think that he possessed the power of eleven fifth-level Templar Knights, and he was invincible in the Divine World. The most powerful thing in the Divine World is not the fifth-level Templar Knight, but detached from this. The gods of the world.

Even the weakest and most seriously wounded plague god, Gladstone, can easily kill any fifth-level Templar knight, not to mention the powerful gods who ruled the great world.

David injected immortal vitality into the rest of the fifth-level Templars, but not as much as the experimental refrigerated Templars, but controlled the physical age of the fifth-level Templars in their prime years. This age is also just becoming a fifth-level Templar, which can reduce unnecessary suspicion.

In case someone discovers these fifth-level Templars, they will only guess that they have just been promoted.

David used the remaining soul energy to start the resurrection of the fourth-level sky knight. This work can be said to be familiar.

Among his space items, the corpses of the fourth-level sky knights have been preserved a lot, and the number exceeds sixty, but the remaining soul energy is not enough to resurrect these sky knights.

David chose the Sky Rider with flying mounts to be resurrected first. He successfully resurrected six Sky Riders with flying mounts and resurrected 12 Sky Riders without flying mounts.

He consumes precious soul energy. He is not counting on the combat power of these fourth-level sky knights, but because these sky knights can accelerate his strength.

As many as thirty-three fourth-level sky knights are in the space debris, and their task is only one, that is, daily maximum practice.

The training resources in the previous loot also have an effect at this time, and the consumption of 33 33 fourth-level sky knights is still very large.

After doing this, David went to dismantle the super-large Gathering Circle of Gamistar and move it to the small continent of space debris.

This work took David a day, 6,000 formations, and the transfer of a very large gathering magic circle covering an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers was extremely troublesome.

But for the rich energy in the space debris, he did not care about this hard work.

Reinstall the "Perfect Grade Kryptonite" and six thousand top-level Kryptonite in the super-large gathering spirit circle, and David activates the super-large gathering spirit circle.

Six thousand beams of light rose into the sky, and the energy in the space debris continued to gather into the super-large gathering array.

Originally, David thought that after the energy of this space debris was consumed, it would slowly recover as in the case of Gami Star.

But strange things happened, I do n’t know whether it is the regular role of space debris, or David ’s unknown reason. Space debris absorbs energy at a very fast rate from the void outside the space barrier, supplementing its own energy The loss caused by the magic circle.

Generally speaking, no matter what the gathering spirit array is, we must consider the surrounding energy concentration. Once the energy concentration is too low, we must consider stopping the gathering spirit array and wait for the surrounding energy recovery.

However, this is not the case with the super-large gathering magic circle in space debris. The super-large gathering magic circle constantly gathers the energy in the space debris, and the space debris is like a larger super gathering spirit array absorbing the void. Energy, which makes the energy in the space debris flow balance.

David is also very surprised. If the super-large gathering circle can always be turned on, then he and all his fourth- and fifth-level knights can completely relax the restrictions and absorb energy as much as possible, without worrying about insufficient energy.

And the super large gathering spirit circle has been opened, and there is no need to consider adding 6,000 top kryptonite every ten days, because the consumption of top kryptonite is to start the super large gathering spirit circle.

After the ultra-large gathering magic array is started, its internal energy can make the ultra-large gathering magic array continue to operate.

David spread his wings and stood in the super-large gathering circle, feeling the energy like rain and mist around him, he had a sense of happiness.

Eleven fifth-level Templar knights, and thirty-three fourth-level Sky Knights, together with David, practiced for the first time in a very large gathering circle.

Even with so many high-level knights practicing together, the energy in the super-large gathering circle has not become thin.

An hour later, David stopped from cultivation and felt the changes in the heart and sea space. He was pleased to find that the speed of cultivation increased again.

David did not understand how such space debris, the Baruch family would not use it, otherwise the continuous energy alone would make the Baruch family many times more knights.

In fact, the value of space debris varies. If there is not a large amount of minerals in this space debris, especially the three super-large krypton mines, the Baruch family pays special attention.

For the three super-large krypton mines, the Baruch family will not run the risk of depleting the energy in the space debris.

It is important to know that the arrangement of super-large gathering magic arrays like David is very likely to occur for a long time, and the energy depletion in space debris will occur. In that case, the existence of super-large kryptonite will be affected.

Coupled with the decision of the generation of Baruch family lords, space debris has become a reserve resource for the Baruch family, and no one has ever thought about studying space debris.

Probably, the Baruch family did not think that the real value of this space debris is not its internal resources, but this rich energy and endless energy.

David strongly resisted the idea of ​​continuing to practice, he still has something to do.

He first took out the "pregnant crystal" from the space pendant. At first, he placed the "pregnant crystal" in the black rock mining area of ​​Boyoxing, thinking that it was a very safe place, but he did not expect to cause prying eyes.

Since then, the "pregnant crystal" has been kept in David's space pendant. There is no random placement. Even a kryptonite mine found on Jia Mixing, he did not put the "pregnant crystal" in the past.

The main reason is that Garmistar has no defensive ability. He sometimes fails to take care of Garmistar.

But the space debris is different. With these safety arrangements, unless his luck is particularly bad, otherwise the safety of space debris is not a problem.

When researching the ultra-large krypton mine, he discovered that not only a large number of top-grade krypton crystals were bred in these three ultra-large krypton mines, but also six of the “perfect grade krypton crystals”.

It can be said that the three super-large krypton mines have reached the same grade as the super-large krypton mines of Warstar. Only because there has been no mining here, plus the special environment without Warstar, only six have been produced. 'Perfect grade kryptonite'.

David collected six 'perfect grade kryptonite' and chose an extra-large kryptonite mine, placing the 'pregnant crystalstone' at the core of the super-large kryptonite mine.

As the "pregnant crystal" is lowered, a strange energy is emitted out of the "pregnant crystal". Because the super-large kryptonite occupies too much space, the "pregnant crystal" cannot be completely covered by the strange energy, but its The most essential part of the interior is surrounded.

As David was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that a golden light appeared on a top kryptonite beside the 'pregnant crystal'.

He incredulously came to the top kryptonite and crouched down to take a closer look. Indeed, a little golden light appeared on this top kryptonite.

After a few more minutes, golden light appeared on more than ten top kryptonite stones.

Although these golden lights are not obvious, they are actually appearing, which means that these top-level kryptonite stones are evolving towards ‘perfect kryptonite stones’.

David was stunned for a while. Even if the effect of "pregnant crystal" is good, there should be no such effect.

But thinking about it again, this is not too strange.

The top-level kryptonite in this ultra-large kryptonite mine has never been mined, that is to say, it has been in the process of slowly increasing.

In the process, some of the top-level kryptonite reached the top limit, perhaps another tens of millions of years, and among them, the top-level kryptonite will break through the shackles and become a "perfect grade kryptonite".

This is also the origin of the previous six "perfect grade kryptonite", but the special feature of "pregnant crystal" is that it can improve the quality and output of kryptonite.

A part of the top kryptonite that reached the limit, because of the help of "pregnant crystal", skipped tens of millions of years, and directly entered the process of gestating "perfect grade kryptonite".

Of course, this does not mean that David can immediately harvest the "perfect grade kryptonite". This process generally takes several years. Only a little golden light will cover the top kryptonite, and the top kryptonite will evolve into the "perfect" Grade Kryptonite '.

David looked at the remaining top-level kryptonite in the super-large kryptonite mine. Perhaps there will be a lot of 'perfect grade kryptonite' in it. This is just what I see. In places where I do n’t see it, there will be More possibilities.

The energy problem most needed for the ultra-large kryptonite mine, because of the particularity of space debris, do not have to worry about it.

David only needs to collect the 'perfect grade kryptonite' in the near future, and he also extinguished the idea of ​​mining these three super-large kryptonite mines.

Previously, he also planned to lay out a server here and install an intelligent system to operate robots to mine three super-large krypton mines.

But now in David's eyes, these top-level kryptonite stones may all become 'perfect-grade kryptonite stones'. There are many ways for him to obtain top-level kryptonite stones, and there is no need to mine them here.

Perhaps many years later, the yield of the "perfect kryptonite" of this ultra-large kryptonite mine will drop, and he can rotate to two other ultra-large kryptonite mines, and maintain the output of the "perfect kryptonite".

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