Extraordinary David

Chapter 840: ability

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From the super-large Kryptonite mine, David summoned the Shadow Attendant. During the space voyage, he found this harvest through spiritual ruling. There was no history of the horrific blow of Lord Marcus, even Even the corresponding records were not found.

In this case, it is generally possible that the terrible combat ability is the natural ability of Lord Marcus, not from the inheritance of the Baruch family.

The special talent of Lord Marcus, that is, his hole card, of course, will not be recorded.

David wants to check the knowledge sphere obtained this time to see if he has obtained the corresponding knowledge sphere from Lord Marcus.

His heart moved, and the shadow attendant listed the light ball of knowledge he had learned this time.

The number of light **** of knowledge is quite a lot. Those who can appear in the Baruch family castle, whether they are knights or ordinary people, have their own extraordinary.

Most of the various inheritance knowledge of the gods belong to the nobility, and the top nobles have a more detailed heritage.

After sweeping the knowledge light sphere at will, David discovered that there are master-level ‘cooking’, ‘painting’, and ‘carving’ knowledge light spheres.

Except that he has no master-level 'painting' knowledge light ball, he already owns the rest of the master-level, but he can also absorb it as a supplement to related knowledge when there is nothing wrong.

David never chooses these knowledge spheres at this time. His goal is a special talent knowledge sphere.

At present, only the talent knowledge light sphere has the greatest effect on him. Just like the ‘blood power purification’ previously obtained, such talent ability directly improves his training speed greatly.

In the end, David divided four light spheres of talent and ability from a pile of knowledge light spheres.

After seeing the information of the four light spheres of talent and ability, his euphoria was reduced by half.

Because of the four talent knowledge knowledge balls, three of them are the same, all of which are ‘tearing’ talents, and the other is the ‘bursting’ talent.

David is a bit strange, why out of the five Templars of the Baruch family, three of the Templars have the talent of 'tearing', and the talent of the other Marcus Lord also seems to be the same as' Tearing 'talent is similar.

In fact, this is related to the blood of the top nobility. The blood of the Baruch family is the blood of the Alpine giant. The owner of this blood has a certain probability of having the talent of "tearing".

Naturally, this probability with a certain probability is extremely low, and among the many clan of each generation of the Baruch family, only a few digits can gain the talent of 'tearing'.

A knight with the ability to "tear" has a natural blood concentration higher than that of ordinary tribes, and the knight talent is far superior to others.

In particular, the 'tearing' talent ability can be used not only in combat, but also to promote the breakthrough of the fourth-level sky knight's shackles. Each generation of five-level Templar knights have a large proportion of the 'tearing' talent ability .

In fact, it is not just the Baruch family, but many top nobles.

The stronger the family, the stronger the bloodline. The bloodline makes the training speed and combat power far exceed the rest of the knights, which in turn drives the strength of the family. This is a virtuous circle.

David has not been exposed to the intelligence of the core of the top nobles, so he is not clear about it.

After thinking for a while, he decided to first absorb and integrate the 'tearing' light ball of knowledge.

Although David does not know that the blood of the top nobles is easy to produce people with specific talents, but he has three out of the five Templars of the Baruch family who have the ability to "tear". You can also guess this This kind of 'tearing' talent must be related to blood.

He does not know whether this special ability that depends on the family blood can be mastered by himself, so he first took more "tearing" knowledge light ball experiments.

In fact, David's confidence is still very sufficient. Just seeing that the "Tear" Knowledge Light Sphere and the "Burst" Knowledge Light Sphere do not show that they cannot be integrated, and I guess that I have a high probability to master it.

As the mind moved, the shadow attendant moved the 'tearing' knowledge light ball into David's body, and the 'tearing' knowledge light ball flew into David's soul space, flying directly to the soul fortress in the small world of soul space, Into a complex pattern.

David mentally touched this new pattern, and related information came from the pattern.

This is a 'tearing pattern', which originated from the racial talent of the Alpine Giant and exists in the bloodline of the Alpine Giant.

The effect of the "Tear" talent ability is not obvious for non-living bodies, because it is as strong as the fifth-level Templar knight. When attacking, any hit can cause great damage to non-living bodies, and the "Tear" talent ability is strengthened A part of the damage is not great.

However, the most terrifying thing about the "tearing" talent ability is the effect of the attack on the living body. After the "tearing" talent ability is activated, as long as the target's defense is broken, causing damage to the target, then the wound In addition to the erosion of blood power, there will be more "tearing" states, making the wound unable to recover.

This wound cannot be restored until the "tearing" state disappears. Even if the blood power is expelled and the best treatment is used, the wound will not heal in the "tearing" state.

If it is a normal wound, it is better. If a wound in an important position appears to be in a "tearing" state, it is the result of slowly waiting to die.

The "tear" state will last for one day at the shortest, like the "tear" talent ability of the fifth-level Templar Knight, which can make the "tear" state last for more than ten days.

Imagine that if a person's abdomen is broken, such a wound is very heavy, but as long as there is a top-level therapeutic agent, it can still be treated, but such a wound cannot heal in ten days, and the loss of vitality in ten days also makes people You ca n’t afford it. It does n’t take ten days. As long as two or three days, a strong body ca n’t hold on.

Of course, the "tearing" state can also be released by the "tearing" talent ability, which means that after the "tearing" state is placed in an important position of the body, life is basically in the hands of the Baruch family.

David is quite satisfied with this ability, mainly because of this offensive ability, he can be issued by eleven fifth-level Templar Knights, provided that he needs to actively control the fifth-level Templar Knights in order to call the main soul space 'Tear pattern', display the talent of 'tear'.

David turned his attention to the "burst" knowledge light ball. This is Lord Marcus's talent ability. According to the name of the talent ability, it is very likely that Lord Marcus will strike Baruch Castle in one blow. The ability to break into pieces.

He ordered the Shadow Attendant in his heart, and the Shadow Attendant moved the blast of knowledge into his body.

The "burst" light ball of knowledge flew into David's soul space, and also became a pattern.

This is a "burst pattern", but this "burst pattern" is different from the "tearing pattern". The "tearing pattern" can be called at any time and does not consume the energy in the "tearing pattern".

However, as long as the "burst pattern" is cast once, the energy of a special pattern in the "burst pattern" will be used up. The next time you use it, you need to wait for the energy in the "burst pattern" to be full.

The effect of the "Burst" talent ability is to be able to detonate the energy specified by itself, thereby obtaining twice the power of its own energy, and indiscriminately attacking the surrounding 360-degree full coverage.

David recalled that day that Lord Marcus's blow was to detonate the blade of the three bloodlines, and he gained twice the power of his fifth bloodline, and went to all directions. Covered attacks.

It's no wonder that on that day, only the blades of the three bloodlines could have such terrifying power.

You must know that Lord Marcus is an old strong among the fifth-level Templars. His bloodline power is much stronger than that of ordinary fifth-level Templars, and the power is doubled. Such an attack, the fifth-level Templar will be hit hard and even fall risk.

At that time, Lord Marcus did not attack the six tier five Templars, but chose what he believed to be the hiding place of Duke Arthur. There was a reason for this.

Such an attack is directed at six tier five Templar knights. The six tier five Templar knights are clothed with knightly battle arrays, and even if they are effective, they will be greatly reduced.

At that time, the main purpose of Lord Marcus was to kill Duke Arthur, not only because of the hatred between Duke Arthur and the Baruch family, but also because Duke Arthur took the space debris from the Baruch family.

To be honest, David is a little disappointed with the "burst" talent ability. This is not to say that the "burst" talent ability is not strong. The power of this talent ability is terrifying.

But the ‘burst’ talent ability is not obvious to him at this time.

David's strongest is not the power of the bloodline, but the power. He has the same strength as the fifth-level Templar, but his bloodline power is still the level of the fourth-level sky knight.

Even if the 'burst' talent ability doubles the power of his bloodline, his bloodline power can't hurt the fifth-level Templar, and he doesn't need to use the power of the bloodline in the face of the fourth-level sky knight. Can be crushed.

However, the "burst" talent ability will still have an effect on him in the future. After he becomes a fifth-level templar, the "burst" talent can make him threaten the fifth-level templar.

David didn't take care of other knowledge spheres of knowledge anymore. Those various knowledge spheres of knowledge would be dealt with later.

He left the space debris through the portal in the middle of the small continent and appeared in the secret room.

He only took eleven fifth-level Templar knights and thirty-three fourth-level Sky knights. He stayed in the super-large gathering circle of space debris. The only task of those Sky knights was to practice.

There are thirty-three fourth-level sky knights who practice like hard cultivation. Even if David does not practice himself, he can guarantee that he has a cultivation speed that is 35 times higher than that of ordinary fourth-level sky knights.

Coupled with sufficient resources and the strengthening of cultivation by the super-large gathering magic circle, this speed will be faster.

As for the eleven fifth-level Templars, he must carry them at any time, which is a guarantee of his safety, especially now that he has a conflict with Speaker Aibe ’s top aristocratic alliance.

After leaving the mountain, David went to the interior of another stone mountain, where the intelligent system was installed.

He first used the talent ability of "Underground" to expand this cave, the original size is not enough to accommodate the new super server.

After expanding the space this time, in addition to the ancient isolated patterns on the walls, David also added patterns to maintain temperature and humidity to facilitate the normal work of demanding super servers.

After finishing all of this, he took out the pieces and started to assemble the super server.

The five-level spirit freed David from installing by hand. He only needed to pick up the super server components with his spirit, and as many as 96 soul avatars allowed him to accurately use the spirit to operate multiple super server components at the same time.

With an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, the super server with a height of four meters was assembled. David turned on the super server and connected it to the previous small server. The intelligent system was transferred to this super server.

David entered the information of twenty production lines on the super server. It was his loot in the Star Federation. The twenty exoskeleton armor production lines were military-made exoskeleton armor production lines.

Even if it is an arms control product in the Star Federation, companies without relevant qualifications will not be able to touch it.

Of course, if the 20 exoskeleton armor production lines are for the production of exoskeleton armor, it has no effect on David.

He now needs to change 20 exoskeleton armor production lines into 20 robot production lines that use military exoskeleton armor technology.

With a super server, David does not need to modify it personally. The intelligent system will use the large amount of knowledge stored by itself to design the best solution through the computing power of the super server.

All David needs to do is find a suitable place to install twenty exoskeleton armor production lines.

This time, instead of manufacturing underground space, he chose to use intelligent systems to direct engineering robots to build standardized workshops.

For these twenty exoskeleton armor production lines, it has not been so important that it needs to be hidden.

Thanks to the super server, the processing capacity of the intelligent system has been greatly enhanced. Although most of the computing power is being modified in the production line, it can still command a large number of engineering robots to complete the tasks David has explained.

After the plant was built in only six hours, David put down twenty exoskeleton armor production lines, and he did not ask about it again, and returned to the space debris for cultivation.

In just a few days, Garmin Star ’s new robot factory has stepped out of the enhanced robot.

The super server enables the intelligent system to operate more robots, the desertification transformation of the third continent is accelerated, and the robots of the fifth continent of the fourth continent are also carrying out the desertification transformation project synchronously.

At the same time, more prospecting robots are exploring in the sea. The mining robots speed up the mining of minerals. The entire construction work of Jia Mixing is like the promotion of pressing the accelerator key.

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