Extraordinary David

Chapter 853: Penalties

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The scattered flowers, emerald green plants and trees, the clear and flowing water, and the pure blue sky are like an unexploited world.

If it is not that there are no stars here, but an inexplicable light appears out of thin air, I really think this is the real world.

In the sky, a huge platform is suspended in the air without any power. There is nothing above the platform, only five figures are standing there.

Those are the five figures assembled entirely by spirit, which are similar to the energy avatars of the fifth-level Templars.

These five are the most noble people in the great world. They are the shepherds of gods and their agents in the world. They are the archbishops of the five temples.

This space is the space debris shared by the five major temples. Because the identity of the five archbishops is too special, they cannot enter each other's temples, so they have this space debris.

Using a space debris specifically for the meeting of the five archbishops, this kind of handwriting can only be brought out by the five major temples that rule the world of the gods.

This public space debris can be directly transferred from inside the five major temples, which greatly facilitates the meeting of the archbishops.

The spiritual avatars of the five archbishops stood barefoot on the platform. There were no other items here, but they did not damage their own noble temperament, but increased their transcendent temperament.

"Archbishop Julian, please solve it quickly in the Supreme Council. I have heard in the temple that the nobles have been making trouble recently!" Archbishop Ambrose Shen of the Temple of Knowledge said in a voice.

Archbishop Julian of the Temple of Justice smiled. He did not immediately respond to Archbishop Ambrose, but looked at the other three archbishops, especially Archbishop Adele in the Temple of Fortune.

Archbishop Adele is the only woman among the five archbishops, and her temple of fortune has the closest relationship with Speaker Abbe.

The reason is of course determined by the nature of the Temple of Wealth. The Temple of Wealth has branches of the Temple of Wealth on all important planets in the world of the Temple, operating the flow of gold coins and commercial operations.

It can be said that the Temple of Wealth is the most closely related to the secular world among the five temples. Naturally, it also often deals with the Speaker of the Supreme Council. There is a special association with Speaker Aibe, which makes President Aibe and the Temple of Fortune have a cooperative relationship of interest.

"Archbishop Julian, you don't need to look at me. Speaker Abbe and even the entire top aristocratic circle are going to be rectified!" Archbishop Adele said to Archbishop Julian with a smile.

In the position of Archbishop Adele, she is very satisfied with Speaker Abbe's interest, but this satisfaction is not enough to affect her judgment.

Since the last battle of Gladstone, the **** of plague, she has had an opinion on today's aristocracy, especially the top aristocrats.

Originally the top nobles were the spears of the temple, and once needed, the five-level templar knights of the top nobles could charge the temple and defeat the enemy.

Even if the enemy is powerful, the strength of the top nobles can be used to judge the strength of the enemy and determine whether God's help is needed.

But in the battle with Gladstone, the plague god, the fifth-level strongmen sent by the five major temples are all ontology, but all the top noble fifth-level templar knights come to the energy avatar.

During the battle, the cowardice and timidity of the energy avatars of these fifth-level Templars made Archbishop Adele dissatisfied.

Even among the gods of war that time, Speaker Abbe used the power in his hands and did not let the alliance centered on him play.

These are not only seen by Archbishop Adele, but also by the other Archbishops.

So this time the top aristocracy was in chaos, and the temple did not intervene prematurely, but watched its changes.

The investigation of the temple is also not slow, and the priests responsible for the investigation of the temple will also be influenced intentionally or unintentionally by the top noble forces of all parties, making the investigation swing left and right, increasing the confusion of the top aristocracy.

"Since Archbishop Adele said this, what should I do?" Archbishop Julian asked with a smile.

"I propose to deprive Abbe of the position of speaker!" Archbishop Shen Sheng of the Temple of War said.

Archbishop Guy is more dissatisfied with the incompetence of the top aristocrats than Archbishop Adele. The war with Gladstone, the plague god, is responsible for the war temple. The **** of war came down in person. It is very likely that this battle will become a stain on the temple of war.

It can be said that all the top noble fifth-level Templar knights contributed very little throughout the battle.

In the eyes of Archbishop Guy, this is the responsibility of Speaker Abbe of the Supreme Council.

Usually the temple is not good for intervening in the secular world. The position of the chairman of the Supreme Council is also selected by the Supreme Council and then reported to the temple. It is not good for the temple to forcibly abolish the speaker for no reason.

Now with this opportunity, Archbishop Guy did not directly express his opinion.

"This is the most basic punishment to deprive Abbe of the position of speaker. He can not abide by the rules of the nobility and use his power to attack the big nobility. I propose to cut his knighthood to the earl and take back part of the territory!" Archbishop Rose rarely agreed with Archbishop Guy ’s proposal and added.

"It's better to repay the Duke Arthur. The poor child, the family is only supported by him, and he is treated so unfairly!" Archbishop Barney of the Earth Temple said lightly.

This reclaimed territory will generally become a convertible territory. The territory of the top nobles is the most mature territory after many years of operation. Even if it is not there, the territory can bring a steady stream of wealth.

As long as this kind of territory appears in the exchange of merits, it will definitely make the nobles crazy, no matter how many merits there will be nobles fighting, of course, 100%, these territories will fall into the hands of other top nobles.

Because apart from the top aristocracy, there is no other nobles that can be exchanged for merit.

Archbishop Barney ’s proposal made the other four archbishops shine. As for the fact that Duke Arthur was a poor child, no archbishop believed it.

What kind of person Duke Arthur is, the Archbishop here knows very well that it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a lunatic.

But from all the intelligence, one key point can be seen. Duke Arthur has never provoked anyone, he just made a counterattack after being attacked.

Of course, Duke Arthur's counterattack is somewhat strong, and the counterattack is violent.

The five archbishops present did not feel disgusted at the Duke of Arthur, but had a natural intimacy.

This is due to the red wine, which is called "the first wine of the great world". The Duke Arthur did not have a stingy priority in supplying the temple, which made him very fond of the temple.

The most important thing is that the five archbishops here like the red wine produced by Jia Mixing. After hearing about the war-level alchemy circle that Speaker Abe led to influence the environment under the cloth of Jia Mixing, he was extremely dissatisfied.

Be aware that this will affect the next year's red wine production, when the tight red wine will be even scarcer.

It should not be blamed that the archbishops will be affected by the red wine. When the strength and status reach the level of the archbishop, the material desire and spiritual enjoyment cannot affect them. Especially after the strength reaches the peak fifth-level sacrifice, few items can affect them Emotions.

Although due to their belief in God, they will not suffer from the lack of emotions like the fifth-level Templars, but they also desire emotional stimulation.

So far, only the wine produced by Duke Arthur can reach this level.

No one knows that the seemingly insignificant red wine really affects the perception of the Archbishop of the Temple about Duke Arthur.

"Okay, just a little territory, that kid is not easy!" Archbishop Julian nodded and agreed.

"Agree, if Duke Arthur becomes a fifth-level Templar Knight, he will directly become the top aristocrat. This circle is too lacking in fresh energy and lacking young people like Duke Arthur!" Archbishop Ambrose also agreed.

Archbishop Adele and Archbishop Guy nodded, and they had no difference.

"Aibe disposes like this, how to punish those 22 top nobles?" Archbishop Julian continued to ask.

"It's no need to negotiate. According to the rules of the nobility, let them pay compensation to the Duke Arthur!" Archbishop Adele said first.

She didn't want to discuss this little thing, this kind of thing was arranged to be handled by her clerks.

Anyway, there are so many top nobles, it is impossible to cut the prince. The first evil speaker, Abbe, is heavily punished, and the rest can be punished with thin punishment.

In the final analysis, the top aristocracy cannot be chaotic for too long, and the chaos that is too long will give the enemy hidden in the dark an opportunity.

The greatest enemy of the gods in the big world has never been the Zerg, but the ancient gods that have existed since ancient times. These ancient gods are almost sleeping, but the believers of the ancient gods have never been cut off.

In the history of the great world of the gods, there are constantly ancient gods who want to regain control of the world, and the huge world of the great world of the gods also gives the ancient gods many opportunities.

All the five archbishops knew that their biggest duty was to clean up evil spirits.

"The last question is the selection of the new speaker. What do you think?" Archbishop Julian, who presided over the meeting, asked the last question.

"Let's hold the Supreme Council in advance, let's not participate in such a thing!" Archbishop Ambrose shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm leaving now!" Archbishop Adele was the most direct, and she said that she took off and then disappeared into the void.

"Archbishop Julian, see you next time!" Archbishop Gay also vacated and quit.

Archbishop Ambrose of the Temple of Knowledge waved to Archbishop Julian and disappeared.

Archbishop Barney and Archbishop Julian smiled at each other, and disappeared into the space, restoring tranquility in the space debris.

In the office, Speaker Abbe's energy avatar sat behind his desk, his face somber.

In the battle two months ago, the loss of the Litton family was the smallest, which was also the result of the special care of Speaker Abbe.

At that time, Lord Amos had a request from Speaker Abbe, so Speaker Abbe proposed that Lord Amos should be responsible for the resources and manpower that should be provided by the Lidun family.

Facts have proved the correctness of this decision, which made the Lidun family almost no substantial loss.

The other 22 top nobles suffered heavy losses, especially the Mather family, and a fifth-level Templar was killed.

But Speaker Abbe did not mean to be happy. He kept thinking about the words of the two bishops of the Temple of Earth and the Temple of Justice, and the evidence provided by the Duke of Arthur.

These are more serious than the losses of the family, so severe that the Litton family will pay far more than the losses of the remaining 22 top nobles.

"Master, the priest with a temple of justice outside asks to see you!" The housekeeper came in and bowed to report.

Speaker Abbe was shocked in his heart. The changes in the top aristocracy within two months made him feel bad.

From the beginning, his forces could compete with Lord Gould's forces. To his side, many top aristocrats surrendered to the other side, even those who did not surrender. Leader.

"Master ..." The steward reminded Speaker Abbe when he saw it, stunned.

"Invite the priest to come in!" Speaker Aibe recovered, and waved.

A fourth-level priest, wearing the robes of the Temple of Justice, walked into the conference room under the leadership of a steward.

"Count Aibe, I brought the punishment decision of the temple!" The priest said without a self-introduction, standing in the middle of the office.

Speaker Abbe suddenly stood up, and he looked at the priest in disbelief.

The butler on the side was horrified, because he also heard the title.

‘Earl’, this title should never appear after Abe ’s name, because even if Abe is not called the speaker, he should be called the lord.

However, Speaker Abbe understood that this priest would not have such a low-level error. There was only one possibility, that is, the temple had made the final punishment, which was the worst result he had guessed.

"Count Earl Abbe was removed from the position of Speaker of Earl Abbe by the joint decision of the Temple of Justice, the Temple of Earth, the Temple of Fortune, the Temple of Knowledge, and the Temple of War due to the crimes of betraying the gods, abusing power, and attacking the nobles. The title, deprive the Dun'er Star Territory! "The priest ignored the speaker of Abbey, now the look of Earl Abbey, Shen Sheng announced.

Earl Abbe ’s eyes dimmed every time he heard a sentence. He knew that the darkest period of the Lidun family was coming.

Many of the contents of this judgment are not presented in detail, but they represent more meanings.

Not to mention the position of the Speaker, Earl Abbe had been mentally prepared, but cutting the Earl was equivalent to kicking the Lidun family out of the top aristocratic circle.

Since then, many quotas of the top aristocrats have nothing to do with the Lidun family. For example, the quota on the battle star, the right to allocate resources, and the monthly right to exchange resources for the top aristocracy, etc. will directly affect the Lidun family development of.

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