Extraordinary David

Chapter 854: dark

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To say that the above punishment has caused the Litton family to suffer a great loss in power and interests, then the deprivation of the planetary territory of Dunle Star is to fundamentally weaken the Litton family.

Now there are two fifth-level Templars in the Lidun family. As long as the two fifth-level Templars work hard to get the task in return, I believe that it is not impossible to return to the previous knighthood within a generation.

The noble's greatest heritage lies in the territory. Dunr Star is not the main star of the Lidun family, but it is also an extremely important leader.

Dunle Star has experienced the operations of the Litton family for more than ten generations, and has steadily brought a lot of wealth to the Litton family. The most important thing is the population on the Dunr star.

There are nearly 100 million people on Dun'er Star. Only a few of them are the blood of the Lidun family, and the rest are non-Lidun family members.

This planet is the main origin of the Knights surnamed Litton family. In order to allow the Dunr star to appear the blood of the Knights, the Litton family introduced some broken noble blood into the Dunr star.

There are now nearly 200 low-ranking nobles, large and small, on the Dun'er Star. They are equal to the inheritance of the blood of 200 knights. They continue to provide the Liton family with knights of the surname.

"Where is the final destination of Dun'er Star?" Asked Earl Abbe Shen Sheng.

"Dun Xingxing will compensate Duke Arthur!" The priest of the Temple of Justice did not hide it. After the announcement on his side, this matter will be disseminated through the aristocratic office of the Great World, and there is no secret. necessary.

"Duke Arthur!" Earl Abbe sank in his heart. If Dunlestar fell into the hands of the rest of the nobility, he could still use some relations to transfer the two hundred lower nobles of Dunlestar.

Of course, if according to the rules, in addition to the blood of the Litton family, Earl Abbe cannot take away the grass and trees on the Dunle star.

But with the strength of the two five-level Templar Knights of the Lidun family, plus its background, in addition to a few top aristocrats, the threat of the Lidun family must be considered.

And Dunle star fell into the hands of Duke Arthur, Count Abbe did not dare to move the 200 low-level nobles on the Dunle star, so as not to let Duke Arthur find an excuse to continue to start with the Litton family.

Earl Abbe did not hate Duke Arthur, but after really seeing the strength of Duke Arthur, he realized how unwise it is to fight Duke Arthur head-on.

That is a lunatic, a lunatic who will do all his mad revenge as long as he offends him. The problem is that this lunatic has the power to retaliate.

"Count Ai Bei, withdraw the blood of Dunle Star within today, you know the rules, don't break the rules, this matter was personally set by the five archbishops!" The priest warned before leaving.

The temple does not want to continue to make trouble, so there is such a warning.

Earl Abbe was not a fool, and how could he not hear the clergyman, he nodded bitterly.

Looking at the priest's back, Earl Abbe looked at this office again, the office he used to know, which made him feel strange.

He didn't want to stay here for a moment, the energy doppelganger suddenly accelerated, disappeared into a virtual image in the office.

The butler stepped forward silently, picking up the items that should be taken away.

Earl Abbe rushed into the portal, and when he appeared again, he was already in Li Dunxing.

Instead of going to the main castle, he flew in the sky to a distant valley.

Through the efforts of Duke Arthur, some of the top nobles of the divine world have become accustomed to hiding themselves everywhere. The goal of the main castle is too obvious. In general, this part of the top nobles will not let the body appear in the main castle.

Even the energy avatar will find a relatively safe place to manage the family.

This valley is the reserve place of the Lidun family, and this is the place where another fifth-level Templar of the Lidun family lives.

"Aibe, you are here!" The energy avatar of the fifth-level Templar of Avid was looking at the book. When he saw the appearance of the energy avatar of Earl Abbe, he nodded and greeted him.

"Avid, did you see the penalty I sent you?" Earl Abbe asked bitterly.

"See, we can only accept!" Avid's fifth-level Templar knight's fingers pressed slightly on the page, and it can be seen that his mood was not as calm as the surface.

It took many generations of the Lidun family to achieve the highest achievements with the efforts of their brothers and brothers, and became the most noble top aristocratic family in the divine world.

But all this was destroyed in the hands of their two brothers, how could this not make him feel uncomfortable.

"I think you can help over there!" Earl Abbe laid a barrier formed by the power of blood in the room and whispered.

Avid ’s fifth-level Templar knight ’s eyes narrowed, and he realized why Earl Abbe had rushed to see him instead of using the contact circle.

The two tier five Templars of the Litton family, Earl Abbey used to be the speaker of the Supreme Council, and the power is high, but compared to Count Abbey, the other tier five Templar knight Avid of the Litton family is low-key a lot of.

In fact, the five-level Templars of Avid are equally important to the Litton family. He is responsible for the dark side of the Litton family.

The most inhumane among these is the connection between the Litton family and the 'God of the Gods' organization. It is the five-level Templar Knight of Avid who is responsible for this.

The organization of ‘Goddess Twilight’ has little fame in the world of gods, but the nobles who really know the name dare not underestimate ‘God ’s Twilight’.

In the world where the gods belong to the gods like the gangrene of the bones, they are normally seen as fourth-level and below-level believers. A large number of evil-god organizations can hardly see fifth-level believers.

That's because the true fifth-level believers in the Evil God are almost all in the 'Evening of the Gods'. There is no inheritance of the 'Evening of the Gods'. No matter how pious and devoted the believers in the Evil God are, it is difficult to advance to the fifth grade.

Levels 4 and 5 are just a cut, and entering level 5 is another world.

Ordinary Evil God believers will only make small troubles, not to mention the top nobles, even the big nobles dare not face them, and can only find some small nobles, the troubles of the middle and low-level knights.

The awakening of the ancient gods in the history of the great world is largely due to the efforts of the 'gods of dusk'.

Of course, the wake of Gladstone, the plague **** not long ago, was an accident. With the participation of the "gods of the gods," the incident will not be resolved so easily.

The Lidun family and the 'Darkness of the Gods' seem to have no connection on the surface, because one of them is the top noble at the highest level, and the other is the evil **** organization hidden in the dark.

However, the rise of the Lidun family has involved the participation of the ‘goddess twilight’, and through the hidden trading channels, the two parties can obtain each other ’s needs.

The Litton family can get the most needed merits, and the ‘Goddess Twilight’ abandons some unimportant believers in exchange for resources that only the top nobles have access to.

"Abe, have you decided?" Avid asked the fifth-grade Templar Knight seriously.

Although the five-level Templars of Avid have dealt with the Twilight of the Gods many times, he remains extremely cautious. The Twilight of the Gods are not ordinary believers of evil gods, and their conspiracy and tricks are theirs. normal.

"Avid, do we still have a way? Will Duke Arthur really let us go and let the Litton family go?" Count Abbe said helplessly.

"Okay!" Said the five-level Templar Knight of Avid nodded.

He stood up and walked into a secret room in the basement, where a large number of isolated patterns were placed.

But here is Li Dunxing, the private domain of the Li Dun family. The five-level Templar Knight of Avid still wants to come to the secret room, which shows his caution.

Earl Abbe had never been involved before, and this time he followed behind the fifth-level Templar of Avid and entered the secret room and stood in the corner.

The five-level Templars of Avid took out a weird contact circle from the space ring. The reason why we say weird is because the patterns on the contact circle are not ordinary patterns, but all are ancient patterns.

This is an ancient era liaison circle. There are very few items that can be passed down from that era, not only because of various wars, but also after this type of alchemy item loses energy for a long time. Protection, slowly eroded by time.

The five-level Templars of Avid placed the ancient contact circle in the middle of the secret room. His spirit swept through the space ring, and his clothing was changed into a set, which became a strict set wrapped from head to toe. Sturdy black robe with hood.

In the corner, Speaker Abbe took another step back. Although he was outside the scope of the old contact circle at this time, he still took a step back instinctively.

Speaker Abbe, who has been living in the sun, has a natural resistance to darkness.

The five-level Templars of Avid did not use the power of the bloodline, but used their own spirit to draw on the ancient contact circle according to certain rules.

Soon, light flashed on the ancient contact circle, and the light enveloped the center of the secret chamber with a radius of about five meters.

A little bit of time passed, and the fifth-level Templar of Avid stood quietly. He was not in a hurry. The opposite was also a fifth-level strongman, and he could not be free at any time.

Five minutes later, a projection appeared. This projection is also a black robe all over the body, but if you look closely, you will find that the feet of the projection are off the ground.

According to the projection rules of this ancient contact matrix, the people on the other side of the projection are also in this state.

"I can't say his name. No one can predict. He is hell. He is heaven. He is greater than everything!"

A faint singing came from the projection mouth, hoarse and desolate, like a helpless narration, and like a fanatical prayer.

With the emergence of projections, the light of the five-meter radius of the ancient contact array has dimmed a lot. The appearance of this projection seems to have an inexplicable strange aura.

The fifth-level Templars of Avid and the Earl Abbe are not surprising. The five-level cult gods are all horrifying beings who have reached the fifth level of spiritual cultivation.

Although the fifth-level sacrifices of the five major temples are also the fifth-level spirit, the fifth-level cultists are better at fighting, and the fifth-level priests are better at assisting, which is due to the situation of the fifth-level cultists.

If believers in evil spirits do not have the corresponding combat power, they have no ability to survive, and where can they become believers in fifth-level evil spirits.

It can be said that every fifth-level believer of the Evil God survived the constant battle of life and death, and they were the top fighting force among the believers of the Evil God.

Even more frightening is that the fifth-level rituals in the five major temples do not use special means to prolong life. The fifth-level rituals do not care about death. That is, they belong to the gods and become the beginning of permanent existence.

But the five-level evil **** believers are different. Their ancient gods are asleep and need them to live.

Therefore, all kinds of strange ways of prolonging life that have been handed down from the ancient times have appeared in these five-level evil **** believers.

The massacre of millions of people is just to extend their lifespan, which has long been the normal means of believers in the fifth-level evil gods.

Even the fifth-ranking Templar of Avid himself coordinated several massacres for the Dusk of the Gods. Afterwards, the Litton family captured the devotees of the gods who made the slaughter, and achieved the merits of the Litton family.

No one knows how many Fifth-level Evil God believers are in Evening of the Gods, even the fifth-level Templar of Avid.

But as long as you think about the history of the "gods of the gods" even longer than the world of the gods, you can imagine how terrifying the power of their existence is.

"Mr. Fifteen, see you again!" Avid's fifth-grade Templar Knight greeted in a deep voice.

The projection he called the fifteenth, lifted the face hidden in the hood. It was a face almost like a skull. The old skin was tightly attached to the face bone. There was no excess fat on the face. Muscles have shrunk to an undetectable level.

"It's the veteran Avid Knight of the Templars. If you don't deal with the troubles of the Lidun family, how can you be free to contact me?" Although Mr. Fifteen was old, his words were extremely sharp.

Avid ’s fifth-level Templar knight ’s gaze flickered, the Lidun family ’s punishment decision had just come out, the temple had just notified Count Aibe, and the rest of the nobility had not informed, the fifteen gentlemen already knew it, which explains The intelligence network of the "Gods Twilight" is not simple.

"Mr. Fifteen, we have a common enemy!" Avid's fifth-grade Templar Knight Shen Sheng said.

"Is the Lidun family ready to join us and overthrow the five great temples?" Said Mr. Fifteen with an unpleasant laugh.

"It's Duke Arthur!" The five-level Templars of Avid ignored the words of Mr. Fifteen and continued.

He had long been accustomed to the temper of Mr. Fifteen, strange and impersonal, and did not take into account the way the other side felt.

"I like Duke Arthur, he has a great appetite for me!" What the fifteenth said was beyond the expectation of the fifth-level Templar of Avid.

"Duke Arthur's growth rate is too fast, he will surely become the enemy of the 'Dusk of the Gods'!" The five-level Templar Knight of Avid directly pointed out.

"Of course, we have also been paying attention to the Duke of Arthur. He is more fierce than us, and he really cannot let him grow anymore!" Mr. Fifteen agreed.

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