Extraordinary David

Chapter 867: absorb

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At noon the next day, the intelligent system has already organized the scanned books of the Great World and reconstructed a system completely different from the interstellar federation.

This system includes words, history, economy, politics, military, gods, etc. It contains almost all aspects of the world of the gods, and everything since the record.

And the intelligent system also analyzes and deduces many contents that are not based on these known parts. Of course, whether these contents are accurate is not necessarily, but it is also a reasonable derivation in line with the divine world.

Of course, David did not do this just for this. He took out the book with strange characters and scanned it into the database of the super server by the intelligent system.

The task after the intelligent system is to analyze the meaning of this strange text based on the knowledge of the divine world.

David doesn't believe that this strange text will have no clue. Anyway, this kind of text is still the text of the world of the gods. Even if weird, it can't escape the culture of the world of the gods.

I believe that with 50% of the resources of the super server and the complete knowledge system of the theological world, there is a great possibility to analyze the strange characters thoroughly.

After doing a good job here, David returned to the space debris again.

He called the shadow attendant beside him and pressed a hand on the shoulder of the shadow attendant.

David's spirit card has been stuck at the value of 10.99 for a long time. All the soul energy he used before was used to resurrect the fourth-level sky knight, which is why he can promote the fifth-level templar knight at a very fast rate.

Now he no longer needs to use the soul energy he obtained elsewhere, he can absorb and enhance his own soul strength.

The soul energy obtained this time was obtained from the soul of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin. This is also the first time that David obtained soul energy from the soul of the fifth-level spirit.

His spirit entered the body of the shadow attendant and immediately felt the pure and huge soul energy.

The energy of the soul provided by the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin is far greater than that of David ’s previous killing of the fifth-level Templar, and the two are not at the same level in terms of soul strength.

David has also speculated in his mind that he is a fifth-level spirit. Although his spirit has no special value due to the special way of obtaining it, he can also see the strength of the fifth-level spirit from his body.

This time he did not share this gain with the Shadow Attendant again. He needs to break through his own spiritual barrier, and he can gain more soul energy with stronger strength.

David ordered the shadow attendant to introduce soul energy into his body, and his mind entered the soul space.

His soul space is already a small world, but in fact he can only control a very small part of the small world, where is his soul fortress and a small piece of land outside.

The huge soul energy entered the small world, forming a rain mist of soul energy above the soul fortress, but this time the rain mist of soul energy is no longer like the real rain like before. The rain mist of the spirit energy of the fifth-level spirit is pale golden .

The pale golden rain fell to the ground, and the small world area he could control continued to spread from the land already controlled outside the soul fortress. He could feel that the land on the ground was becoming a part of his soul space and was completely integrated with him.

The pale golden rain lasted only more than ten minutes, but doubled the area controlled by him in the small world.

This result brightened David's eyes, and he originally thought that it was almost impossible to take the entire small world to himself.

But now he is seeing hope. It turns out that he has always been in the wrong direction. The soul energy of a fifth-level spirit person is even more effective than the sum of all the fifth-level Templar knight souls he has absorbed.

This is not to say that the soul strength of the fifth-level Templars really needs more than ten additions to compare with a fifth-level bishop, but that the fifth-level bishop not only reaches the fifth-level soul, but also reaches the fifth-level spirit. The concentration of its soul energy has been raised by one level.

The level of soul energy can even be compensated by a hundred times at the lower level. If there is a difference between two or three levels of soul energy, it will require tens of millions of soul energy to compare.

When it comes to the spirit of the bishop of the fifth level, it seems that the quantity can no longer be compensated. Of course, this may also be that David never killed more lives and obtained hundreds of millions or even billions of soul energy. It is impossible to compare.

David opened his eyes, he felt his mind clear for a while, his spirit expanded outwards, and he stopped until a distance of two kilometers.

He was happy in his heart, which represented a great improvement in his spirit, but it seems that he did not feel the spiritual explosion brought about by the spiritual promotion.

David feels that his spirit has improved a little more. Although his spiritual range has doubled, he just feels that his improvement is not a spiritual advancement.

Sure enough, when he ordered the shadow attendant to activate the attribute panel, he saw ‘Spirit: 10.99’. His spirit did not increase to 11 points, and he still maintained the original value.

David couldn't help frowning, but he calmed down immediately. It was just a fifth-level bishop, and he was promoted so much. There was nothing unsatisfactory.

Since there is a fifth-level bishop who took the initiative to find him, it means that he will meet more fifth-level bishops in the future.

In David's eyes, every fifth-level bishop represents a large amount of soul energy. The most important thing is that the fifth-level bishop kills more. It is only good. It will not be affected by the temple, and even more can be obtained by virtue of this. Meritorious service.

After reaching the top aristocracy, the merits were exchanged for more items.

Like the fifth-grade materials, you can directly exchange them through Dagong, and other items of Tiancaidibao grades can also be exchanged through Dagong.

Due to the scarcity of data, these treasures will only be open to the top nobles. Even among the top nobles, the fifth-grade materials and natural treasures can only focus on supplying the core knights.

"Shadow Attendant, list the light ball of knowledge this time!" David Shen ordered.

Inside the shadow servant, a knowledge light sphere flew out of the vast knowledge light sphere group like the star sea.

David was concerned about the knowledge sphere, and he was a little excited because it was a fifth-level bishop or a knowledge-level sphere of a fifth-level bishop with spatial ability.

According to past experience, the knowledge light sphere given by the soul with talent ability will be the knowledge light sphere of talent ability.

"Space (Talent)" knowledge light ball, David saw the name of this knowledge light ball.

The expected "space" talent, but he also has no meaning of happiness, he needs to know the actual effect of this "space" talent.

David sinks his mind and orders the Shadow Attendant to introduce the ‘Space (Talent)’ knowledge sphere into his body.

‘Space (Talent)’ knowledge light sphere enters David ’s body from the shadow servant body, and appears directly in the soul space.

The ‘Space (Talent)’ knowledge light sphere condenses into a ‘space pattern’ above the Soul Bastion, hovering over the Soul Fort, the ‘Space (Talent)’ knowledge light sphere also completely disappears.

No knowledge was passed on to David, leaving only this ‘spatial pattern’.

David paid attention to the "space pattern" and found that the "space pattern" is a piece of ravioli, which is completely assembled by the power of pure space, and is still constantly supplementing the internal space through the void. force.

He couldn't help but feel helpless. The 'space pattern' is the most basic pattern like the 'lightning pattern'.

This is not to say that the basic pattern is not good, but the basic pattern is the basis of all this kind of energy. Without the basic pattern, no matter how strong the ability is, it is just a rootless ping, which can't withstand consumption at all.

Take the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, for example, if David did not rely on the space talent of 'Phantom Pterosaur', it would be very difficult to catch up with the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, because the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin can almost Unlimited use of space mobility.

And David has also mastered the "space breakthrough" talent ability, which is also the ability to move in space, but David is activated by the space energy in the "superior army thorn". At that time, using the "space breakthrough" talent ability requires six Hours to wait for the 'Extraordinary Army Thorn' to recover space energy.

Afterwards, although the space energy of 'Phantom Pterosaur' can be used at any time, 'space advancement' can be used at any time, but this is not his own energy. Every time you cast it, you need to contact 'Phantom Pterosaur' first. Borrow at the Dragon's Office.

It doesn't matter if you are fighting against ordinary opponents, but if you are a powerful opponent, this time gap may be fatal.

However, the biggest weakness of the basic pattern is that there is no specific method of use, just like there is no way to take out treasures, but there are empty mountains.

Of course, David's "space breakthrough" talent ability can be used at any time in the future, but the distance of ten meters is really too short. This is no distance from David's use of "space breakthrough" talent ability and his own extreme speed. the difference.

The talent of "space advancement" is only a third-level ability, which is very inconsistent with his fifth-level strength.

David suddenly laughed. He couldn't help but sigh his greed. After he had the ‘space’ talent, it was equal to the possibility of having all the space-related talents.

In the future, as long as the powerful space creatures are killed, it is possible to obtain corresponding space abilities, and even he can also obtain space-related abilities from the believers of evil gods.

David did not believe that the Bishop of Gershwin Level 5 could study all the space abilities by himself, just like the space barrier, space blade, space movement and so on.

David himself tried to develop special abilities, but he found that unless luck was excellent, the success rate of developing special abilities would be astonishingly low.

He didn't believe that the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin was even smarter than him. The fifth-level bishop of Gershwin could have so much space ability, which only showed that the organization of believers behind the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin had the spatial ability to inherit.

David wanted to decipher the book carried by the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, and he also wanted to obtain information about the forces behind the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin. Even David thought that the book was a space ability inheritance book.

David's hand did not leave the shadow attendant's shoulder. His consciousness entered the shadow attendant and found another thing he wanted, that is the fifth-level soul source of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin.

He used spirit to include the five-level soul origin, and pulled it into his soul space.

Different from the previous five-level soul source, after the fifth-level soul source of Gershwin's fifth-level bishop was drawn into his soul space, from the pale golden five-level soul source, an illusive figure appeared, this figure is exactly Look like Bishop Gershwin.

This illusory figure struggled frantically, and seemed to know the end of the day.

David did not expect that there will be a consciousness belonging to the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin in the source of the fifth-level soul, but this consciousness is obviously not wise, only the instinct of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin.

In fact, this is a special ability of the fifth-level bishop, or a special ability that all five-level spirits can possess.

It ’s just that David ’s time to become a Level 5 Spirit is too short, and because he did n’t get the corresponding heritage, he did n’t know it.

Level 5 spiriters can merge their spirits with a part of their souls to obtain a spiritual avatar, which is very similar to the level 5 Templar knight's energy avatar.

It's just that the main body of the fifth-level Templar's energy avatar is the fusion of the power of the fifth-level bloodline plus a part of the soul, and it was born in the heart sea space.

The spiritual avatar of the fifth-level spirit is a fusion of the fifth-level spirit plus a part of the soul, and was born in the soul space.

The role of both can replace the body, but the spiritual avatar is far less powerful than the energy avatar. Once the battle erupts for a very short time, it will consume most of the spiritual energy.

Therefore, the fifth-level spirit has another option, which is to transform part of his soul into primitive consciousness and integrate it into the source of the fifth-level soul.

In the event of the death of the body, the fifth-level soul source has a chance, and it can borrow another body to live again.

Of course, this is not without flaws. The basic talents of the body cannot be taken away, and only some acquired learning abilities and combat experience can be taken away.

If you successfully use the fifth-level soul source to resurrect and have a new body with the fifth-level soul source, at least there is no threshold before reaching the fifth level, but only if you lose the original basic ability, its combat power will drop to five. The lowest end of the level.

It is extremely troublesome for the fifth-level soul source to find a new carrier. Generally speaking, the five-level spirit who is prepared to do so will prepare the carrier in advance, especially to find the special talents that match his own.

This is also a secret that only Level 5 spirits know. Many disciples received by Level 5 spirits may be carriers of Level 5 spirits.

The use of this type of carrier can minimize the loss of strength and restore its own strength to its predecessor.

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