Extraordinary David

Chapter 868: resurrection

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The fifth-level spirit has deposited part of his soul into the original consciousness in the source of the fifth-level soul. This is not only the fifth-level main church's doing, but also the fifth-level sacrifice.

It's just that they have different purposes. The fifth-level bishops are the world's enemies in the world of the gods, even if they are powerful, they will be at risk at any time. Using this method can give them a chance to resurrect.

The fifth-level sacrifice is for the fifth-level soul to bring its own soul consciousness to the side of the gods. Doing so will allow them to carry stronger strength and be more valued by the gods when they return to the gods.

David didn't know this. He only knew that there was residual consciousness in the source of the fifth-level soul of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin. He didn't know how to get rid of it for a while.

Although this is his soul space, he wanted to break up the five-level soul origin is very simple, but want to separate the residual consciousness from it, but it is a very skillful work, his ability is far from the requirements.

He didn't want to destroy the five-level soul origin, even if he didn't use the five-level soul origin to resurrect the bishop of Gershwin, this could also add a soul avatar to him.

Just when David looked at the crazy struggling figure and could not make up his mind for a moment, the two crystals above the soul space shone, and the light shot directly at the figure of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin on the origin of the fifth-level soul.

The physical struggle of Bishop Gershwin Level 5 suddenly stopped, and then his face slowly disappeared, leaving only a blank face, which seemed extremely strange.

The fifth-level soul source is led into the ninety-six fifth-level soul sources. A faint golden light connects the ninety-six fifth-level soul sources with the fifth-level bishop's five-level soul source of Gershwin.

After a period of time for the fifth-level soul source of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, David feels that he has one more soul avatar, and there seems to be something in the soul avatar, but his research on the soul is not enough to manipulate the special presence.

David saw the source of the fifth-level soul that originally belonged to the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin. The face on the top changed from a blank to David's face, which was David's most primitive face.

David was a little surprised, how long he had not used his original face.

Withdrawing from the soul space, he put the spirit into the space pendant again, perceiving the body of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin.

The wounded body of Bishop Gershwin ’s fifth-level body was in the heart. When the fatal blow hit him, the vitality of the whole body did not dissipate, and he was included in the space pendant by David.

David draws a piece of immortal vitality from his bones, and puts the spirit into the heart of the body of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin.

Then David removed the body of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin from the space pendant and put it in the air with his spirit.

The repaired heart of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin was fully restored after the restoration of the indelible vitality. The rest of the unending vitality continued to flow around the body of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, reigniting the extinguished vitality.

The white lightning flashed on David's finger. The finger tapped on the heart of Bishop Gershwin's fifth level. The light stimulated the heart. The heart that stopped beating was instantly reactivated and blood began to flow in the body.

Bishop Gershwin's 5th level breathed again, and his body recovered to be no different from ordinary people.

Of course, due to the loss of his soul, Bishop Gershwin was still alive and dead.

David doesn't know what kind of combat power the resurrected fifth-level main church has gained, but he wants to try it. Even if he fails, he can take back his soul avatar, and he will not lose anything.

Anyway, other people and even spirits are regarded as rare treasures of indestructible vitality, which are endless in his hands and do not have much value.

David introduced the source of the fifth-level soul that had just succeeded in assimilation to the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin into the body of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin.

At the moment when the source of the fifth-level soul entered the body of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, David felt that the ghost in the source of the fifth-level soul that was not under his control turned into a little golden light, and each golden light was a pattern. .

David looked at the patterns, and those patterns represented individual special abilities, such as space barriers, space blades, space movement, and so on.

He secretly rejoices in his heart that these abilities are the abilities that make him jealous, and truly belong to the abilities of the level 5 spirit.

David does now have two super-level five abilities, namely "Plague" and "Hypnotism". When the talents of the "Plague" are displayed, an area will be affected. "Hypnotism" can only be unsettled and will be slightly weaker Opponent's use.

The reason why these two talents can be called super fifth-level abilities comes from the fact that Gladstone, the plague god, is beyond doubt.

On the other hand, it is due to the scope of the two talents. This group attack ability is naturally higher than the single attack talent level.

Of course, the reason why these two talents cannot threaten the fifth-level strong man is the main reason for David himself. He has not undergone systematic spiritual cultivation, and all the spirit is forcibly promoted by a large amount of soul energy.

So his ability to control the spirit is far inferior to that of a true fifth-level spirit, plus the super five-level talent is not completely controllable by the fifth level, which makes the two plague gods Gladstone's talent. In his hand, it was a great drop of power.

Think of Gladstone, the plague **** at the time of the war, relying on the "hypnosis" talent ability, and relying on the "hypnosis" of the energy avatar of the fifth-level Templar, you can be far away in space on another planet Ontology control of the fifth-level Templar.

In fact, David can't use the power of the fifth-level spirit to fight the real fifth-level strongman. The five-level templar knights he successfully killed before were all killed by his surrounding five-level templar knights. .

Only the unfortunate fifth-level bishop of Gershwin met the newly promoted David and became a fifth-level templar who actually died under the sword of David.

David saw so many abilities that made him jealous, thinking that if he can learn all these abilities, then he can at least have the fighting ability of a true level 5 spirit.

But when he was happy in his heart and wanted to touch those power maps, he found that he could not access those power maps through his main soul, and those power maps were like illusory.

David transferred his consciousness to the soul avatar in the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, and he instantly felt the difference. This soul avatar has a lot of experience in the use of space barriers, space blades, space transmission, and other abilities. Invoke several ability patterns in the soul avatar to stimulate these abilities.

He tried to activate the 'space barrier' ability, but discovered that the space energy was needed to support the activation of the 'space barrier' ability.

Soul avatars can mobilize energy from the main soul. David manipulates the soul avatars to contact the main soul. From the "space pattern" of the soul space of the main soul, the spatial energy is mobilized through the master and slave of the two souls. Connection, space energy enters the body of the Bishop of Gershwin.

Subsequently, a "space barrier" appeared in front of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin. This "space barrier" was extremely defensive, and it was not much different from the previous performance of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin.

David's face is weird, those abilities are there, and he is mastered by his soul avatar, but he can't be transferred to his main soul.

And he could not directly learn the abilities in the soul avatar of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin through the connection of the soul, and the pattern of abilities is like a whole completely solidified in the soul avatar.

Through the main soul, David can only see the surface of the ability pattern. This complex ability pattern is not only the pattern that can be seen on the surface, but also has multiple layers of strokes that cannot be seen.

If the ability pattern is an entity, he may master one or two by slowly groping, but this ability pattern that has been placed in the soul has no way to start.

Perhaps one day, through the soul avatar of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, David will really study these ability patterns thoroughly, so that the main soul can also try to draw the ability pattern, but it will take a long time.

The soul avatars of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin only have some battle experience and ability patterns, and the rest of the cultivation and learning experience are not.

Through the soul avatar, David perceived the physical condition of Bishop Gershwin fifth.

He wanted to know what is the difference between the body of the fifth-level templar and the fifth-level bishop. He is also a fifth-level spiritual person, but he has no reference. His physique has long been exceeded due to the transformation of the bald and strong man's spirit crystal Normal category.

The body of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin also seems to be strengthened, but these enhancements are much worse than the enhancement of the power of the fifth-level bloodline.

Judging from the physique of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, this is at most close to the physique of the fourth-level sky knight, but the body is nourished by the fifth-level spirit and has the characteristics of the fifth-level.

The characteristic of the fifth-level body is that it can fly easily. It does not need to mobilize any energy. It can fly at will with this body.

In fact, at the fourth level, both the Sky Knight and the Evil God believer can leave the ground, but it really ca n’t be called flying. If you do n’t rely on flying mounts, the moving speed is a target in the air.

David shook his head. The body of the fifth-level bishop was simply not suitable for close combat, and could only be supported remotely.

He also tried to use the body of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, the farthest distance he could control, perhaps because the soul energy reintegrated by the source of the fifth-level soul was too little. The spirit can only be placed two hundred meters outside.

But David can feel that as the soul avatar in the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin is slowly recovering the soul energy, this distance is gradually increasing.

David now lacks a spiritual cultivation method that can be applied to the fifth level, and cannot allow the Bishop of Gershwin fifth level to quickly recover his soul through cultivation.

He then used the interstellar federation of gene repair to change the face of Bishop Gershwin.

Of course, no matter how this face is changed, David cannot summon the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin in public.

There are five ranks of Templars around him, and most people are found to think that he may have received some support.

But if there is a figure of a bishop in the fifth grade, he will be regarded as a believer in evil spirits.

Becoming a believer in the **** world, everything David will be deprived of, and he will also be hunted down by the **** world.

The day after that, David released the twelve Templars to practice together. The power of the fifth-level bloodline in his body urgently needed to be increased, and he did not want to delay too much time.

One day later, David left the space debris at the time agreed with Lord Gould. He took the twelve fourth-level sky knights left in the space debris as servants and returned to Gamistar's castle.

Originally, he planned to stay in the fourth-level sky knights in the castle of Gami Star. At this time, he was maintaining safety at Dunhill star. He had to call the twelve fourth-level sky knights from both sides.

David changed his aristocratic dress. These days the Dekens housekeeper was busy. The entire Gami star except for the twelve fourth-level sky knights under his control, and the twelve fifth-level temple knights in his ring, He is the only real human.

He asked twelve fourth-level sky knights to prepare five alchemy carriages, all of which are top aristocratic alchemy carriages, which were obtained from the Baruch family and changed for their own use.

Today, David doesn't care much about the items that belonged to other top aristocrats appear in his hands. He is also a top aristocrat. As long as there is no clear evidence, no one can help him.

The most important thing is that even if there is clear evidence, as long as he does not do anything that betrays the world of God and desecrates the spirit, he can solve the problem through compensation.

So David didn't take care too much. Some items that were not easy to take out and used now can be used with fairness.

David didn't ride the alchemy carriage. The five alchemy carriages were driven by five fourth-level sky knights to the planet-level portal that was thousands of kilometers away.

To be honest, none of them can be weak this time. The kilometer distance can be reached by a short flight, but the alchemy carriage is a decent noble. If it is not a friend who is very familiar, David must be prepared to be rude.

The remaining seven fourth-level sky knights stayed in the castle and began to get busy, preparing to entertain guests.

David stepped out and walked toward the thousand-meter planetary portal. His body suddenly disappeared, then appeared at ten meters, disappeared again, and appeared again at ten meters.

This is his ability to perform 'space breakthrough', which is the worst space movement ability, but it is also the only space movement ability he masters.

Bishop Gershwin Level 5 can exert the ability of 'space movement' at a distance of 50 meters, and 'Phantom Pterosaur' can exert the ability of 'momentary movement' at a distance of more than 200 meters.

Both of these abilities David can see the related patterns through the connection of the soul, but he still can only use the low-level space movement ability of ‘space bursting’, which makes him very helpless.

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