Extraordinary David

Chapter 875: deal with

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Cameron's fifth-level bishop, who has experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, consumed countless lives and treasures, and extended his life in the most cruel way, has not been able to escape the death.

The Shadow Servant flew past and sucked the soul out of the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop, which marked the real death of Cameron's fifth-level bishop.

David shook his head. He attached great importance to the fifth-level bishop of Cameron, which almost gave the fifth-level bishop of Cameron a chance to escape.

In the world of the gods, unless it is inconvenient to cut off the head of the believer of evil spirits to gain merits, but in the case of high-level believers of evil spirits, you can get a complete body, which is true glory.

Perhaps this time, when someone else changed, it really made Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop succeed in using ‘fake death’.

With a wave of David's hand, twelve fifth-level Templars, nine energy avatars, and one fifth-level bishop were all included in the summoning ring.

His spirit grasped the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop. When he wrapped up the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop, he really felt the situation of Cameron's fifth-level bishop for the first time.

Before David killed the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, he thought that there was no difference between the fifth-level bishop and the ordinary fifth-level powerhouse, but after feeling the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop, he became suspicious.

I just do n’t know if it ’s special for Gershwin ’s fifth-level bishop or this Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop.

Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop ’s body was thin and thin, his skin was almost wrapped around his bones, his muscles were atrophy, and his body was filled with a kind of dark energy.

His skin was covered with tattoos, with prayers and ancient gods, and there was no clean place on his face.

If there is no disguise, the fifth-level bishop of Cameron can hardly be called a human. Perhaps the legendary demon is like this.

David also noticed the space item on Cameron's fifth-level bishop, a space bag made of tattooed skin like the Cameron's fifth-level bishop.

He grabbed the space bag with his spirit, and swept the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop. Without any other findings, he put Cameron's fifth-level bishop into the space pendant.

The body of this fifth-level bishop of Cameron, David is not ready to be resurrected. The strange body is completely out of the real human category.

The most important thing is that David felt the breath of the ancient **** on the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop. Although he did not know which ancient god's breath, he had contacted the real ancient god. , I will never admit my mistake.

The situation of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron is different from that of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin. The spirit of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin is not serious. Especially after death, the attention of the second **** also disappears.

Perhaps this is related to the ability of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin. The fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, who has the gift of space, does not need to focus on divine art to exert his powerful strength, even because of the special nature of the gift of space. Divine art is not convenient and practical for his space talent.

The fifth-level bishop of Cameron is a true believer in evil spirits. Most of them are related to evil spirits, from physical transformation to fighting methods.

In the case of Cameron's fifth-level bishop, David did not dare to resurrect indiscriminately. In case he was concerned about which ancient god, he did not know what means the ancient **** had.

Think about the "Godstone of the Plague". He is still a very weak existence among ancient gods, but in the battle of the gods, if there is no help from the gods, maybe all the participants will die in the battle of the gods.

The evil spirits active in the great world of the gods are extremely terrifying in strength, and it is possible that with a little attention, David can be brought into a state of nowhere.

David focused his attention on the space bag in his hand. The strange material made him very uncomfortable. With the touch, he could be sure that the space bag was made of human skin.

He doesn't have any psychological problems for killing enemies, but he doesn't accept it so well if he wants to belt people around.

Of course, this human skin is not an ordinary material. In David's perception, the energy contained in it is even more than that of the fifth-level strongman.

You have to know that this person's skin has long been separated from the body and can maintain such energy all the time. How strong will the owner of this person's skin be, is it beyond the existence of the fifth level?

The spirit entered the space bag. Obviously the space bag had a mental lock, but with the death of Bishop Cameron's fifth level, the mental lock naturally became a passive water. David tried to break the mental lock twice.

Perceiving the space bag, he could understand why Cameron's fifth-level bishop used this space bag.

Although the space inside the space bag is not comparable to the space pendant, it is not comparable to ordinary space items.

Sometimes David is really satisfied with his luck. Although the space pendants are obtained by believers of evil gods, those believers of the gods retain the complete inheritance, which allows him to obtain space pendants most likely made by ancient gods.

Especially after he got the space debris, he understood that the space pendant was made by curing a space debris.

No longer concerned about the situation of the space bag, he used his spirit to find it inside the space bag.

A book similar to the unfamiliar text book obtained by the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin attracted the attention of David.

The book obtained by the Bishop of Gershwin Level 5 is still being cracked by the intelligent system using a super server. Here is another one.

As long as he thought that this book was all obtained from the bishop of level 5, David knew that this book should also be a good thing.

With the strength and vision of David today, there are very few things that can make him fancy. Most of the things in a space item, even the space items of the fifth-level strong, can attract him. less.

David took out strange text books and transferred them to his space pendant.

He continued rummaging through the space bag. There were many items in the space bag, but most of them were materials with a strange atmosphere.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop is a believer in the **** of shadows. Most of his space bags are materials prepared for the gods of shadow gods, perhaps for the next life extension.

‘The Dusk of the Gods’ has more access to resources than ordinary believers, but the consumption of bishops at level 5 is also huge.

In addition, the items stored by the fifth-level bishop are not consistent with the fifth-level templar, so many of the items in the space bag are not recognized by David, and even the recognized ones are useless.

Even if the items in the space bag are taken out, David does not know how to deal with it. So many materials and items full of evil and strange atmosphere, who will buy it, even if someone buys it, he will not dare to trade it. Support the believers of evil gods.

"Huh!" When David's spirit swept through a gray robe, he didn't pay attention at first, but when he was about to remove his spirit, he found something wrong.

This is a seemingly ordinary gray robe, but when David's spirit comes into contact with it, the spirit trembles slightly, which shows that the gray robe has an influence on his spirit.

David has not really learned spiritual practice, but his spirit is a real fifth-level spirit. After the absorption and fusion of the soul energy of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, his spirit can be comparable to the top four Level sky knight.

Such a strong spirit, but involuntarily tremble when touching the gray robe. If the gray robe is an ordinary item, David can't believe it.

He stretched out his hand and the gray robe was taken out of the space bag and appeared in his hand.

The gray robe seems to be made of some kind of silk, and in his hand it is light, and even David can't feel the entity of the gray robe, as if holding a ball of gas.

Unfolding the gray robe, David's spirit focused on the gray robe. The silk of the gray robe was enlarged and enlarged. He saw that the surface of the silk produced by some unknown creature was covered with extremely tiny **** marks.

In fact, the robe was not dyed gray, or the silk itself was gray, but each of these countless tiny **** patterns were emitting a faint gray light, and these gray lights pooled together, making this robe gray .

Even if David himself is an "alchemy master", he thinks that after seeing several "alchemy masters", no one "alchemy master" level can surpass him, even his alchemy level exceeds the ordinary "alchemy master". Level, but after seeing the divine pattern on the gray robe, he couldn't help but be horrified.

The **** pattern is more complicated than the alchemy pattern, and the carriers and materials required are more demanding.

On this humble robe, the **** pattern alone cannot be calculated accurately, it is too much.

At this time, David would not think that the silk used in this robe was ordinary silk, and each silk was painted with dense and dense divine patterns. This silk's ability to withstand was even more terrifying than the fifth-grade materials.

He also found a divine pattern in the gray robe that could be viewed. This divine pattern was in a separate area on the collar of the gray robe.

There is a trace of spiritual breath on the **** pattern. It is the spiritual breath of the Cameron fifth-level bishop, but with the death of the Cameron fifth-level bishop, this trace of spiritual breath is still dissipating.

David's spirit probed into the past, and the divine pattern sent a trace of suction to absorb his spirit.

He can completely withdraw his spirit, but since he did not find any sense of danger, he did not withdraw his spirit, and absorbed the spirit with the **** pattern.

Immediately after the spirit was absorbed, the divine pattern flashed, and David received the feedback of the information and the connection with the gray robe.

David knew the name of the gray robe. This is a robe made by the ancient **** of shadows. It can be said to be a real artifact.

'Dark Shadow' was originally a high-sacrifice robe made by the ancient **** of shadows for the high priests of the shadow sect in the heyday. The shadow sect declined. The most powerful shadow believer masters.

‘Dark Shadow’ has the defensive power of a fifth-grade armor and the self-healing properties of some **** creations, of course these are not the most important.

Millions of divine patterns are passed through this artifact ‘dark shadow’ to form the shadow **** ’s most proud ability, ‘yin shadow’, which allows the wearer to enter the shadow space within the shadow range.

This shadow space is different from the rest of the space. Attacks can be launched at any time in the shadow space, and there is no need to leave the shadow space when attacking.

The "invisible" state like "Phantom Pterosaur" is indeed very powerful, but if David wants to attack, he must be separated from the "invisible" state, otherwise his attack is invalid.

But this "Shadow of Shadow" is specially tailored for assassination, and can always be hidden in the dark, making a fatal blow.

Of course, "Shadow of Yin" is not without its shortcomings. "Shadow of Yin" needs to be in the shadow all the time. It can be the shadow of a building, it can also be the shadow of trees, flowers, etc. Shadow's launch and hold.

If it is night, as long as there is no light shining in the area, you can excite the 'shadow shadow'.

Due to this characteristic, "Shadow of Shadow" cannot be used in the open space during the day. It is also easy to break the "Shadow of Shadow" and let the light shine everywhere.

David looked at the artifact "Dark Shadow" in his hand and realized that this was probably the biggest harvest this time.

He thinks about the wearing of Cameron's fifth-level bishop, and he can't help but feel lucky. Because Cameron's fifth-level bishop passes through the planetary portal after makeup, there is no artifact 'dark shadow' on his body, but an ordinary Robe of nobility.

If the fifth-level bishop of Cameron was wearing an artifact ‘dark shadow’, and David underestimated the enemy, thinking that the robe had no defense, it would be estimated that the result would not be the case now.

Think about the horrible body of Bishop Cameron's fifth level. Fortunately, the artifact "Dark Shadow" comes with a dust removal effect, but it does not leave stains on the "Dark Shadow".

But the biggest question at present is whether this 'dark shadow' can be worn in public, will it cause dissatisfaction with the five major temples.

At this time, being in Gami Star, David did not have to worry about this issue. His thoughts moved, and through the recognition of the ‘dark shadow’ with the artifact, the ‘dark shadow’ appeared instantly on him.

He passed through the shadow attendant and found that after wearing the "dark shadow", his breath immediately changed, and a generally strange shadowy breath was revealed on his body.

If someone sees David at this time, he will definitely be regarded as a fifth-level evil **** believer, and this breath alone is proof.

David then looked around, looking for a shadow, and found that when he seemed to be laying this trap, he chose to be in an empty area, but there was no shadow around him.

He couldn't help laughing. This is the fifth-level bishop of Cameron. If the fifth-level bishop of Cameron has good luck, as long as there is a shadow here, it may make him turn over.

David's open spirit put away all 30 magic circles and temporary portals on the ground. The magic circles and portals are intact. This is not easy. In the life-and-death battle of the fifth-level strongmen, the teleport is close Neither the gate nor the circle was affected.

Mainly still did not give the Cameron fifth-level bishop a chance to get everything cleaned up, he vacated and left in the direction of the castle.

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