Extraordinary David

Chapter 876: hand over

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David came to the castle, in the shadow, launched the "Shadow of Shadow" on the artifact "Dark Shadow", and his figure disappeared instantly.

This kind of disappearance is similar to the disappearance of the "Phantom Pterosaur" and the shadow servant, but they all enter another space, but it seems that the shadow **** knows more about the space than the latter, or because the three have different functions. After entering the shadow state, David is integrated into the shadow of the castle, and does not affect the physical objects he touches around.

Although this is conducive to assassination, it restricts his movement so that he can only walk in the shadows and cannot pass through walls and other objects.

Like "Shadow Pterosaur" enters the "invisible" state, it can pass through many obstacles through "instant movement". After being invisible, the Xiangying waiter can ignore any objects and energy and pass directly.

David smiled. He now has these three kinds of stealth, and he can make the most suitable choice according to various situations.

Satisfied with the return of the "dark shadow" to the space pendant, he can't rest yet, but he invited Bishop Bolling of the Earth Temple and Bishop Evans of the Temple of Justice to Dunhill, and he can't really ignore it.

David didn't sit on Phantom Pterosaur this time. His figure continued to use "Space Burst" and flickered to the planetary portal.

When he came out again, David was already in front of the planetary portal in the main city of Dunre.

He didn't hide his fifth-level Templar knight breath, and as soon as he appeared, he found several fifth-level strongmen who were pursuing followers of the evil gods.

However, these fifth-level strongmen are cooperating with the priests to clean up the believers of evil gods. After discovering that this breath is Lord Arthur, they have not stopped the battle, but just notified the two bishops.

David rose into the sky, frowning in the air as he saw the evil spirits who fled around with evil spirits, and waved thirty-nine level four sky knights who had been forming a knight battle line in the sky. The action of killing believers of evil gods.

Among these Cultists, there is no fifth-level bishop at all, and the strongest is only the fourth-level. The addition of thirty-nine fourth-level sky knights has sealed the possibility of the escape of the Cult-level believers.

David saw this situation, and lazy shot himself, he flew in the direction of the two bishops.

"Bishop Bolling, Bishop Evans, I have something late, please forgive me!" David came to the two bishops and bowed apologetically.

It was originally that he invited two bishops to hunt down the fifth-level bishop, but his master didn't appear until this moment, which was very rude.

"Lord Arthur, this is not forgiving. See if we are, we are helping you to clean up the evil believers hidden in the Dunhur star. After the battle, we must invite us to drink a good drink!" Bishop Evans said with a smile .

"How can there be so many evil **** believers on this Dunhur star?" David was also very surprised.

He is coming late, and many believers of evil gods were killed before coming. This main city of Dun'er Star has become a trading point for believers of evil gods!

"Fortunately, it was discovered early, or you will help the Lidun family bear this charge!" Bishop Bolin said shaking his head.

"Damn the Litton family, they should be deprived of their nobility!" Bishop Evans said angrily when he heard the name of the Litton family.

Even though Bishop Evans said this, he also understood that the Leeton family had two tier five Templar knights, plus the remaining heritage, it was impossible to deprive them of nobility.

It is not easy to suppress the title of the Litton family. As long as the two five-level Templars of the Litton family continue to make contributions, they can be promoted.

Bishop Evans wanted to take advantage of what happened at the Dunhill star to strike the Litton family again, which is what the Bishop Bolling is willing to see and help.

"Arthur thank you for your help, and I will prepare wine as a gratitude for everyone who shot today, and I also ask you to help clean up the evil believers here!" David bowed to the two bishops and many priests at this time. Be polite.

"Lord Arthur, this is what we should do!" Among the priests, the lower status returned the salute, and the higher status bowed in unison.

The priests are in a good mood. Even if they do n’t drink the red wine produced by Jia Mixing, they are also the top treasures for gifts. Such gifts are more attractive than wealth.

"Lord Arthur, you are bleeding this time!" Bishop Bolling said with a smile.

"All the priests are more careful, and there are still five-level evil **** believers!" Bishop Evans feared that the priests would be distracted, and gave a loud surprise to the fifth-level bishop who had not yet appeared.

The priests immediately calmed their minds and concentrated on the ‘Light Divine Art’.

"That ..." David said with a halt.

To be honest, since he wanted to send the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop, he naturally gave it to the two bishops who came directly to help him this time.

But David had just learned that the two bishops did not know that Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop had left. At this time, did he want to beat the two bishops and the priests?

"Lord Arthur, please tell me anything!" Bishop Evans stopped talking when he saw David, thinking that David would like to ask them for help, and said on his own initiative.

"Bishop Evans and Bishop Bolling, the five-level Cultist you are looking for has left Dunhill!" David lowered his voice and used the power of the blood to bring the voice into the ears of the two bishops.

In this way, if the two bishops do not want to let the rest know, they can also cover up one or two without embarrassment.

"Lord Arthur, how can you be so sure?" Bishop Evans glanced at Bishop Bolling before asking to David.

Bishop Evans certainly did not think that Lord Arthur would open his mouth. This was not a trivial matter. With so many priests dispatched, the two temples were dispatched together. Actions of this scale were rare in the temple.

"That fifth-level evil spirit believer was sent to Gami Star, and I was killed on the spot!" David explained.

"Lord Arthur, are you sure?" Not only did Bishop Evans ask this time, but the two bishops asked together.

Lord Arthur killed a fifth-level bishop last time. Although Lord Arthur pushed some of the merits to Lord Gould, the temple knew the whole thing.

Lord Arthur is equivalent to tracing and killing the fifth-level bishop alone. This is already the biggest victory against the believers of evil gods in the temple in recent decades.

But how many days have passed, Lord Arthur once again said that he had killed a fifth-level bishop, which made the two bishops unacceptable.

That's the fifth-level bishop, not the Chinese cabbage. It is very difficult for the fifth-level bishop of the evil **** believer to produce one or two in a hundred years, and the number is extremely rare.

However, every believer who can become a fifth-level evil spirit has its own life-saving means. Without these life-saving means, they cannot live to become a fifth-level bishop.

In the case of lack of resources and enemies in the world, it would be easy to become a level five.

There is even a saying that every believer who becomes a fifth-level bishop has a much higher talent than those who become a fifth-level templar.

Because both sides became level 5 under completely unequal conditions, the difficulty of promotion for level 5 bishops made it necessary for the level 5 bishops to have more talent to make up for the gap in resources.

"I brought the corpse, ready to be handed over to the temple!" David said with a smile as the two bishops stared at themselves.

He did not say which temple was given to him. This will be discussed by the two temples. He will not go to the previous transaction and will not offend any temple.

"Lord Arthur, the temple will give you the reward you deserve!" Lord Evans bowed.

Anyway, level 5 is level 5, even if it is a level 5 corpse, it is of great value.

Although cruel, the fifth-level corpse is the best material in the hands of a powerful alchemist, but no one dares to take the fifth-level Templar knight's body as a material, whether it is a fifth-level Templar knight The family's anger, or the dissatisfaction of the entire fifth-level Templar knight group, is something that alchemists cannot face.

However, the corpse of the 5th-level evil spirit believer is definitely not included. The value of the 5th-level corpse is also reflected in the research value. By watching the corpse of the 5th-level bishop, you can study the situation of the 5th-level spiritual person and bring it to the fifth-level Templar knight. Come for more insights.

Therefore, David's ability to hand over the body of the fifth-level bishop is definitely worthy of exaggeration.

"This is a corpse, please check it!" David took out the body of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron from the space pendant and said to the two bishops with his heart.

Since David proved that the bishop of level 5 had been killed, the high-ranking priests stopped the "light magic" and turned to witness this event that can be recorded in history.

"Lord Arthur, you are really the nemesis of the fifth-level evil spirit believers. In a short period of time, you have beheaded two fifth-level evil spirit believers!" The Holles fifth-level priest of the Earth Temple smiled and praised David.

"Horace fifth-level sacrifice, but my luck is better!" David replied with a smile.

Horace's fifth-level priests are friends with him, and they speak more casually.

"This is Cameron!" Hawthorne's fifth-level priest in the Temple of Justice also had a close relationship with David. After greeting, he began to examine the body. He exclaimed suddenly after careful inspection.

"Is it really Cameron?" Horace asked in disbelief, and he stepped forward to examine it carefully.

Bishop Evans and Bishop Bolling also ignored Lord Arthur, and surrounded the corpses with the other five ranks, just like what attracted them to this corpse.

"Yes, it's Cameron. Look at this scar. It was caused by the last archbishop who used divine art two hundred years ago!" Hawthorne's fifth-level sacrifice pointed to a wound on the shoulder of Cameron's fifth-level bishop.

It was a wound with the logo of the Temple of Justice, and it was the mark left by the attack on the Divine Justice Temple.

This kind of magic with special divine power makes it difficult to heal wounds after being hit, especially the body of believers of evil gods, it is impossible to leave no trace at all.

With the strength of Cameron's fifth-level bishop, after two hundred years, there are still scars. It is conceivable how much damage this magical technique has done to him.

"Lord Arthur, thank you except Cameron. This Cameron has caused a lot of killings in various temples. The chase to kill him for hundreds of years has no results. I did not expect that you were killed today!" Bolling The bishop bowed to David.

"Yes, Lord Arthur, many of my predecessors died in the hands of Cameron in my Temple of Justice. Your merits must be sensational to the temples!" Bishop Evans continued.

"I didn't know Cameron's identity when I shot!" David didn't expect the priests to be so excited that he could only tell the truth.

"No wonder we didn't find that Cameron left Dunel Star. With his shadow ability, it was not easy to find him!" Hawthorne exclaimed.

In fact, if it is known that the Cameron bishop is here, the manpower will be at least doubled this time.

Cameron ’s fifth-level bishops ’records in various temples are as high as a few people. The thousands of crimes committed over thousands of years have made the temple want to crush its bones.

You should know that the most powerful thing about Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop is the assassination. It is the first assassin in the gods ’world for thousands of years. , Making his movements less.

But there is still the legend of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron in the temple. Many priests heard that the story of the second-level bishop of Cameron grew up. When they became a priest, they were told that they faced such a powerful evil existence. , They must do their best to practice.

This is why both the two bishops and several fifth-level priests were extremely excited when it was discovered that the body was the fifth-level bishop of Cameron.

"There is also a Cameron's space bag, which is full of evil things. Please also ask the temple to help deal with it!" David took out the man's leather space bag again and said.

"Lord Arthur, if you are willing to enter the temple, I believe my Lord will bless you!" Bishop Boling said seriously when he saw the human skin bag.

This human skin space bag itself is an evil thing, made by the skin of an ancient great priest, but the ancient great sacrifice surpassed the existence of the fifth level. This human skin space bag fell into the hands of believers of evil gods, only The effect of the human leather space bag can accelerate the speed of cultivation.

The spirit of Bishop Evans entered the human skin space bag, and the spirit was swept again, and his face became extremely ugly.

Each of the evil materials in the human skin space bag is contaminated with a large number of human souls. Even in the space bag, he seems to be able to feel the wailing of innocent souls in the material.

Bishop Evans feels that the human skin space bag is extremely heavy. This human skin space bag represents at least ten million or even hundreds of millions of human life. These are all believers of gods.

Fortunately, the human skin space bag fell into the hands of the temple. Through baptism, these souls will be saved and returned to the origin of the world.

"Lord Arthur, maybe you don't know the value of this space bag, whether it is the space bag or the internal items, it is very important to the temple!" Bishop Evans Shen Sheng said.

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