Extraordinary David

Chapter 877: discuss

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"The believers of evil gods are the public enemies of the great world. I should do it to kill them!" David didn't want to be a member of the temple, even the temple didn't want to be close, he could only say so.

Bishop Bolling also understood that it was not possible to invite a lord, a powerful fifth-level Templar knight, into the temple.

Entering the temple means giving up everything in the world and devoting all your soul to the gods. This is too expensive for Lord Arthur, who has a lot of industries, has a bright future, and is still very young.

Bishop Bolling thought about how to win more credit for Lord Arthur. Bishop Evans on the side also agreed.

Lord Arthur gave them the corpse and the human skin space bag, which represents putting this honor in their hands, which is very important for their future development.

This is the fifth-level bishop of Cameron, which makes all five temples have a headache.

"Lord Arthur, we won't say anything if we thank you. We will remember your kindness!" Lord Evans said with a smile.

How to distribute the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop and the space bag of human skin is that that will happen afterwards and cannot be done in the presence of Lord Arthur.

The eyes of the two bishops intertwined with each other. Bishop Bolling took out an empty space ring, put away the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop, and took the space ring and the human skin space bag in his hands.

"Well, I would like to ask, if the equipment of the believer of the evil spirits is seized, can it be used?" David hesitated and asked vaguely.

"Haha!" Bishop Bolling and Bishop Evans laughed at the same time.

David is a little unclear. So, what's wrong with his sentence?

"I'm sorry, I really didn't hold back. Do you mean that gray" dark shadow "evil weapon?" Bishop Bolin asked with a smile.

"Bishop Bolling, do you know the" dark shadow "?" David thought that he left the artifact "dark shadow" what secret, did not expect to be said on the spot by Bishop Boling.

And looking at the look of Bishop Evans, Bishop Evans also knows this.

As for saying that Bishop Bolin called ‘dark shadow’ as an evil weapon, it is normal for the five great temples, as long as they are not artifacts made by the five great gods, they are all evil weapons.

"The reason Cameron has been able to run for thousands of years is largely due to the" dark shadow "evil weapon, but please be assured that the temple will not take your loot!" Bishop Bolin replied with a smile.

Even if the artifact "Dark Shadow" is even stronger, the temple cannot ask the winner to hand it over. This not only destroys the rules of the knights of the great world of the gods, but also makes the strong men lose the will to kill the believers of evil gods.

It is important to know that while knights strengthen themselves through constant battles, they also obtain more resources through battles, and equipment is also items to enhance themselves.

Not to mention that the nobles have displayed certain trophies and become the glory of the family. This is the traditional medal of nobility.

Only then did David know that his worries were superfluous and his mind was settled down.

"Lord Arthur, if you use that 'dark shadow' evil weapon, it is best to pay attention to it. If the believers of the evil **** know that this evil weapon falls into your hands, you will become the target of the believer of the evil god, as long as the evil The device is in your hands, they will always have to find a chance to regain it! "Bishop Evans reminded.

"Thank you Bishop Evans, I will pay attention!" David smiled and bowed.

David knew very well that there would be no peace in the future, because he killed Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop and he could n’t hide it. He handed the body of Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop to the temple. There are many clergymen, and no one can tell how many are connected with the nobles.

If you want to keep the temple secret, it is impossible to keep it secret unless it is related to the gods.

In fact, the best way to get out of trouble is to hand over the artifact "dark shadow" and fall into the hands of the temple, then the believers of evil gods will only stare.

It's just that David has sent out such a powerful artifact "Dark Shadow", he has not been so atmospheric.

He has long been a target of believers in evil spirits, which can be imagined from the successive shots of two fifth-level bishops against him.

Besides, David ’s current strength has increased greatly, and it is not a problem to save his life. He also found that if he wants to improve his soul space, he needs to kill the fifth-level bishop, and the rest is even the fifth-level Templar ’s soul energy. It's just a small supplement.

At this time, the clearing of the main city of Dun'er Star has ended, and the five Templar Knights of the four temples have also returned to the team.

"Thank you for your help this time, my family has insufficient background, and there are not many gratitude gifts I can take. I prepared some red wine and expressed my gratitude!" David took out a space ring and handed it to Bishop Evans Later, he bowed to more than two hundred priests, templars and priests.

Bishop Evans swept through the red wine in the space ring and found that there were 2,000 bottles, all of which were produced by Jia Mixing and known as the `` the first wine of the great world '', with a smile on his face.

"I accepted your gratitude on behalf of everyone, but this gratitude is not light, and it costs you a lot!" Bishop Evans said with a smile.

The red wine produced by Gamistar has always been a priceless and market-free situation. The most important thing is that this red wine is very popular among top aristocrats and fifth-level strongmen, and it is a symbol of noble status.

Not to mention two thousand bottles of this kind of red wine, just a few hundred bottles are enough to thank the priests for their actions.

You should know that more than two hundred priests came out this time to destroy the believers of evil gods. This is the duty of the priests, and judging by the number of believers of the evil gods destroyed this time, they will be rewarded by the temple when they return. This wine is an accident. Happy.

The priests of the two temples left. Although the main city of Dunr had just experienced a war, the devastation of the main city was not serious because the believers of evil gods mainly wanted to escape.

David came to the castle of the lord. The Deakins butler and Jeffrey butler had already greeted them at the door. The Viscount Antonio also arrived, standing beside the two butlers.

"All come to the study!" David nodded slightly, Shen Sheng said.

David sat behind his desk and looked at the three people in front of him, who are now extremely powerful at Dunhill.

The Deakins butler is his plenipotentiary and can almost be decided in one word. The Viscount Antonio is also the knight. As for the Jeffrey butler, because he is the steward of the lord's castle, he can also represent him to a certain extent.

"Dickens Housekeeper, I ask you to organize a manpower to review the information of all the people of Dunhill Star. If there is any doubt, please invite the Temple of Justice to participate. I will say hello to the Temple of Justice!" Shouted.

"Master, let you down, I will definitely make up for it, and pull out all the evil spirit believers of Duner Star!" The Dickins butler stepped forward and knelt down to the ground, said aloud.

Lord Arthur gave him the most power and high status, making him an expelled duke butler, now a top noble steward, with a prosperous planet in his hands.

But what happened today, but the Deakins housekeeper understood that he did not do enough. So many evil spirits were concentrated in the main city. Although there were reasons for the Litton family in the past, it was not because he did not focus on the management of Durst.

"Get up, I also know that you are busy preparing for the Templar reception, but the matter of the Evil God believer may shake the roots of Dunlestar and must be taken seriously!" David waved.

"Yes, master!" The Deakins butler stood up and answered.

"Viscount Antonio!" David turned to look at Viscount Antonio.

The Viscount Antonio immediately paid a knightly salute to David, waiting for David's instructions.

"Starting today, I will send two knight teams to the planet-level portal. I need an alchemist to install a holy water spray device on the portal, and buy a lot of holy water from the temple. I will baptize the people who use the portal every day. ! "David confessed.

"Follow the orders of Lord Lord!" Viscount Antonio bowed.

Although the effect of holy water is not as good as ‘Light Divine Art’, it can let the spirits of believers in evil spirits leak out.

Of course, the value of the holy water produced in the temple is not low, even if it is used in the form of spray all the year round, this is also a huge expense, but David thinks such expense is worth it.

Doing so can cut off the important channel for the believers of evil spirits to enter and exit Dun'er Star from the source.

"Jeffrey Butler, Dickens Butler has a lot of things. You sent me a notice to all the dwellers of Duner Star. Any portal that has not been certified is against the will of the lord. Once found, it is equivalent to linking believers with evil gods. "" David turned to look at Jeffrey's butler.

"Yes, master!" Jeffrey Butler bowed.

"I will send an additional four-level sky knight, and make up the number of forty again, and wait for me to condense the energy avatar, and the energy avatar will be sent here!" David finally explained.

In the political affairs of Dull Star, David did not want to intervene. He has not many talents in his hands. If the Dickens butler and the Viscount Antonio do not work, he will need to recruit new talents.

It is not too difficult to recruit talents in the name of top nobles.

In fact, many people have miscalculated David's importance to Dunle Star. His importance to Dunle Star is far less than that of Gami Star, which is the planet he values ​​most.

He put the biggest secret in Gami Star, and Dunle Star is just an industry for him.

Archbishop Bani of the Temple of Earth and Archbishop Julian of the Temple of Justice, the spirits of the two archbishops met, and this meeting was still in that public space debris.

In front of them, there was a corpse and a human skin bag.

After the Archbishop Bolling and the Archbishop Evans each reported to the Archbishop, the power decided to be distributed was recovered by the two Archbishops.

"I didn't expect Lord Arthur to kill Cameron!" Archbishop Barney said with a smile and shook his head with a smile.

"Yes, how many priests died in the hands of Cameron, and even my Lord was alarmed, but unfortunately Cameron was too cunning and never been captured. If Cameron ’s body was not in front of me, I would not dare Believe this! "Archbishop Julian said with a smile.

"What about Lord Arthur's reward? Others don't know the significance of Cameron's killing, but all five temples know it. Without the reward, it is estimated that the other three temples will laugh at us!" Archbishop Barney glanced at the ground. The body asked.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop, as Archbishop Julian just said, was shocked by the gods. Now that Cameron's fifth-level bishop is killed, if the body is sacrificed, there must be divine grace.

Perhaps the other priests of the temple did not know, but the priests of their five major temples were clear.

With the merit of Lord Arthur, if the reward is less, not only other temples will laugh at it, but it will also be known by Lord Arthur, affecting the relationship between the two parties.

In the eyes of the two archbishops, Lord Arthur is like a sharp sword, killing the two fifth-level bishops in a short time. If you do n’t pay well, you wo n’t get this kind of credit in the future. The two great temples are on them.

"The background of Lord Arthur's family is too low. He has already controlled two planets. At this time, he is rewarded with another planet. He is also difficult to control. And in the near future, Lord Arthur's attention to the territory The degree is not high, he has been in a state of retreat almost all the time, and he is basically a cultivator. We ca n’t get better on his equipment! "Archbishop Julian is also troubled how to reward David.

Rewarding the territory is actually the best way, but the Arthur Lord has just been rewarded with a Duner star. The Arthur Lord has not yet come and digested. Rewarding the territory is estimated to add trouble to the Arthur Lord.

Rewarding other treasures, you can see from the equipment of Lord Arthur, the ancient **** made armor, the fifth-grade light sword, and the newly obtained artifact "Dark Shadow", such equipment has reached the top in the fifth grade.

"Either reward the" illusion method "and reduce the risk of Arthur's emotional loss in the future!" Archbishop Barney hesitated and proposed.

Archbishop Julian also hesitated. The "illusion method" is a method of spiritual cultivation, and it was proposed by Archbishop Barney. Naturally, it is not an ordinary method of spiritual cultivation.

The "illusion method" is a top-level spiritual cultivation method, and even a small part of the temple worship has learned the "illusion method".

Of course, the most precious thing about the "illusion" is its help to the fifth-level Templars. The fifth-level Templars have weak control over the spirit, and their spirit only passively grows every time they are promoted.

However, the biggest reason for the lack of emotions of the fifth-level Templars is also the weakness of the spirit and the strength of the body. The greater the gap, the greater the risk of emotional loss.

Every fifth-level Templar knight understands that with the increase of strength, the lack of emotion will occur more easily, but no knight's desire for strength, no fifth-level Templar knight will give up the pursuit of strength.

The "illusion method" is precious, because the inheritance method of this top spiritual cultivation method will be reduced every time it is consumed, and the number of restoration of inheritance needs to be placed in the **** ’s statue for a long time to worship.

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