Extraordinary David

Chapter 878: absorb

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Archbishop Julian and Archbishop Barney did not mention the distribution of Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop ’s body and human skin space bag. Their meeting today was only for the reward of Lord Arthur.

The problem of the distribution of Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop ’s body and human skin space bag will be distributed according to the tacit agreement between the bishops as long as the distribution problem rises to the level of the archbishop.

"I agree to the" illusion method "as a reward, this time from the Temple of Justice to reward!" Archbishop Julian nodded and agreed.

As for the inheritance of the illusion method, since this time Archbishop Julian took advantage of the distribution, he naturally paid the price of the reward.

"I don't know if I am worried or hope that Lord Arthur will continue to kill the five-level believers!" Archbishop Barney said with a smile after seeing the reward.

Lord Arthur won such merits again, and it was difficult for them to pay rewards that satisfied Lord Arthur.

"I wish Lord Arthur could hurt the energy of the" goddess twilight ". The" goddess twilight "is getting stronger and stronger. They seem to be accumulating strength. I am worried whether there is any conspiracy!" Archbishop Julian is not worried. Said.

The two archbishops glanced at each other, and the evening of the gods is the greatest stubborn illness of the great world.

Unlike the rest of the believers in evil spirits, those believers who are below the fifth level are just tools for sharpening knights. The temple will acquiesce in the existence of believers of evil gods, so that the knights can get the opportunity to fight and practice.

However, there are an ominous number of bishops in the "Gods of the Dusk", which has threatened the safety of the temple.

Every year, some massacres occur on remote planets. Through temple investigations, more or less traces of sacrifices have been found, and there are clues that show or are related to the ‘Dusk of the Gods’.

Why the temple is very active in cooperating to take Count Abbe from the position of speaker, because there are many events in the Litton family.

In the past, when the shrine wanted to move the speaker, it was necessary to consider the reaction of the nobles. The nobility is a collective of newspapers. Once the shrine interferes too much in the secular affairs, it will be resisted by the nobles collectively.

Lord Arthur killed two fifth-level bishops in a row and formed a deadly feud with the "gods of dusk." Dusk 'ability.

Archbishop Julian took the body of Cameron's fifth-level bishop. Archbishop Barney took the human skin space bag. They nodded, and the two energy avatars disappeared into the public space debris.

The two archbishops did not discuss how to deal with the Litton family, because the Litton family is no longer the top aristocracy, and even if there are two fifth-level Templar knights, the archbishop does not need to personally intervene.

In the valley of Leighton Star, the energy of two Templar Knights of Avid and Templars of Earl Abbe sat in the study, and the atmosphere in the study was extremely tense.

Earl Abbe's body is in a hidden place, watching the information that keeps coming. Pieces of information are like a sledgehammer hitting his heart.

A large number of believers of evil gods were found in the main city of Dune, and the joint priesthood team of the Temple of Earth and the Temple of Justice began to encircle and suppress, and there was information.

The Dunton star has been controlled by the Lidun family for thousands of years. It can be said that it is deeply entrenched. It is difficult to remove the influence of the Lidun family from the Dunn star in a short time.

When Earl Abbe saw this information, he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Afterwards, as he guessed, when the priests of the two great temples were still punishing, the business partners of the Lidun family continued to sever ties with the Lidun family.

If the business partner's severance of the Litton family's contacts affects the Litton family's wealth, then some important mineral partners Qi Qi refused to continue to cooperate with the Lidun family, which really hit the Lidun family.

Don't look at the large amount of resources that the Litton family has in stock, but no amount of resources can afford the huge knights of the Litton family.

These minerals are the pillar industries of the Lidun family. Some minerals need to be sold, or other minerals can be exchanged. Some minerals cooperate with the rest of the nobility to produce more valuable semi-finished products.

Now these have stopped in a short time, it seems that the Litton family is like a plague, everyone is hiding from the Litton family.

"I contacted the clan, part of the devils believers on the Dunle star were intentionally put in, and the rest were brought in by the devotees who had entered the Dunle star!" Earl Abbe said in a deep voice.

The fifth-level Templar of Avid was also looking at the intelligence. Neither he nor Count Abbe had expected that the situation of the Dull star would be so serious.

They rarely travel to Dunhill, and even if they go, they won't check them there.

The two Templars did not expect that the clan would be so bold, and even let the believers of the evil gods live in Dun'er Star.

In fact, they did not want to think about how the tribe could do such a thing without their attitude towards believers of evil gods.

Although the two Templars did not express their relationship with the "Goddess Twilight", after numerous cooperations with the "Goddess Twilight", how could the core tribe see the key.

"It is no longer a question of accountability, but how to get through this difficulty!" Avid's fifth-level Templar Knight said with a long sigh.

Indeed, even if the Lidun family fell down before, as long as there were two of them, the fifth-level Templar knights, the family could not be down forever.

But the last blow has not passed yet, and this time it happened again. The nobles involved did not dare to get in touch with the Lidun family again. This is not a minor problem.

No matter how much territory the Lidun family has, it is impossible to be completely self-sufficient. They need to cooperate in trading.

But now no nobles are willing to cooperate and trade with the Lidun family. The Lidun family waits to slowly exhaust the resources in their hands. If there is no resource, the time for the family knights to fall apart is not far away.

"Impossible!" Earl Abbe's energy avatar suddenly stood up and exclaimed.

He had such a response because the ontology received an up-to-date information, and the content of the information shocked him extremely.

"What's wrong?" Avid's fifth-level Templar Knight frowned.

Templar knights of Avid did not understand that there was anything worse than it is now, what could make Earl Abe express such an expression.

"Cameron's fifth-level bishop was killed by Lord Arthur!" Earl Abbe's face did not disappear in horror, and he replied softly.

The fifth-level Templar of Avid also stood up. He was the liaison between the Litton family and the "Gods of the Dusk." He knew the horror of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron.

"Is it confirmed?" Asked Shen Sheng, the fifth-grade Templar of Avid.

"The bodies of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron were handed over to the temple by Lord Arthur!" Earl Abbe's energy avatar sat softly.

At this time, Earl Abbe regretted that he was an enemy of Lord Arthur. Is this kind of existence really able to deal with them?

What kind of existence did Cameron's fifth-level bishop existed after being chased and killed by the temple for thousands of years, but still died in the hands of Lord Arthur.

If possible, Earl Abbe was willing to pay everything to restore his relationship with Lord Arthur.

It's just now that it's too late. With Lord Arthur's temper and the current situation of the Litton family, there is no room for relaxation.

The atmosphere in the room reached freezing point, and the fifth-level Templar Knight of Avid also felt the chill from the soul, which was a fear of powerful existence.

"I hope that the" Gods of the Dusk "will solve Lord Arthur!" Avid said in a murmur of the fifth-level temple knight.

This is also the only chance for the Litton family. As long as Lord Arthur is not dead, then the Litton family and their two fifth-level Templars will never be peaceful. With such enemies looking around, they must keep their eyes open even when they sleep.

David did not know the thoughts of the two fifth-level Templar knights in the Litton family, and he returned to Gami Star at this time.

With the clear answers from the two bishops, he assuredly put the artifact "Dark Shadow" on his body. Although the breath was a bit gloomy, considering the powerful effect of the artifact "Dark Shadow", this shortcoming can be tolerated.

The most important thing is that after wearing the artifact "Dark Shadow", he can also be equipped with black armor, two layers of fifth-level defense, plus his own fifth-level bloodline defense, and his body's own strong physique. The defensive power he brought made him feel that his defensive power was comparable to a defensive fortress.

David first went to the super server to check the progress of cracking the strange text book, and scanned a new book with the same text into the super server.

An additional sample can increase the analysis data, so that the intelligent system has a better analysis basis.

To do this well, David used the "space burst" to return to the secret chamber in the belly of the mountain, where he entered the space debris.

Sitting on the rooftop of the luxurious castle in the space debris, there are four levels of sky knights delivering drinks.

This time David gained a huge amount of soul energy. Although there are many corpses of the fourth-level sky knight in the space items, he did not intend to waste the soul energy to resurrect the fourth-level sky knight.

He now has a total of fifty-two level four sky knights, of which twelve are left by Gami Star. He brings twelve level four sky knights to the castle of Gami star or the castle of space debris as needed.

Despite some troubles, David did not consume a lot of soul energy for this inconvenience.

David made a move, and the shadow attendant flew to his hand, and he pressed his hand on the shoulder of the shadow attendant.

Later, a large amount of soul energy was transferred from the Shadow Servant to David's soul space. Since he needed too much soul energy to fill the small world in the soul space, the soul energy he had recently received would no longer be shared with the Shadow Servant.

There will be no objections from the shadow servant. In fact, the shadow servant ’s need for soul energy has strengthened the body of the shadow servant a lot every time David shared half before, and the shadow servant does not need it in a short time. What to improve.

David's mind enters the soul space, and in the small world, the soul fortress and a large area around the land, the rain that the soul energy turns into falls.

The rain this time was golden downpour, and he could feel the controlled area rapidly expanding outwards.

It took almost an hour for the golden rain to end, and the controlled area in his soul space was three times larger than before.

This result makes it hard for David to imagine. It must be known that the spiritual energy of the previous Bishop of Gershwin Level 5 has surprised him, and it took more than ten minutes to complete the transmission.

This time, the soul energy of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron was transmitted after nearly an hour, and David also lamented the powerful soul of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop is a veteran fifth-level spirit. He has the spiritual cultivation method given by the shadow god, and he has received the grace from the shadow **** in constant sacrifices.

All these make the spirit of Cameron's fifth-level bishop continue to grow, and this growth process has been going on for thousands of years.

The soul energy that David gained this time is the accumulation of the Cameron's fifth-level bishop for thousands of years. Although the Cameron's fifth-level bishop's body has long been decayed because of the continuous extension of life, the spirit of the Cameron's fifth-level bishop is strengthened. .

"It's a pity!" David sighed and shook his head, feeling the feeling brought by the huge spirit.

Because he perceives the expansion of the controlled area in the small world of soul space, but he does not feel the elevation of the spiritual realm, that is to say, his spirit has not been upgraded.

So huge soul energy, did not promote his spirit from 10.99 to 11 points, he did not know how much soul energy is needed to promote 11 points.

But David was not much disappointed. The harder he was to promote, the more he showed that the promotion was higher.

David put his mind into the small world of soul space. Now the area under control is getting larger and larger. Although the soul fortress has not grown any more, as long as he wants to increase, the land around the controlled area can become a soul fortress at any time. portion.

He did not do this. Although those lands can be manipulated and transformed into a part of the castle with only one thought, he hopes that the small world of soul space is like the real world.

David has a feeling that after this small world is completely controlled by him, he will get some extraordinary benefits.

He believed in his feelings very much, which made him long for the soul energy of the fifth-level bishop.

It is estimated that no one would think that God is the most terrible enemy bishop of the big world, but some people are thinking about encountering it earlier.

David opened his eyes, and he spread his spirit outwards. His spirit swept easily across the distance of two kilometers, and then continued three kilometers and four kilometers outward, until it stopped at five kilometers.

The distance of five kilometers is the range that David's spirit can control. Within this range, he can control the black spear to freely shuttle and attack the enemy.

Of course, within a distance of five kilometers, a knight weaker than the fourth-level knight does not need to use a black spear at all, that is, the weak one in the fourth-level sky knight, he can also kill it with the power contained in his spirit.

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