Extraordinary David

Chapter 879: Doppelganger

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David's hand was still resting on the shadow attendant's shoulder. He sent a command to the shadow attendant that a knowledge light sphere belonging to the fifth-level bishop of Cameron floated out of the ocean of knowledge light spheres.

He looked at the color of the knowledge light sphere, and there was a hint of joy on his face, because that was a white knowledge light sphere with special abilities.

Those who can become level 5 in the great world of the gods have their own talents to a large extent, so that they can easily stand out from countless people.

It is even more difficult for believers of evil spirits to reach level five. Each bishop of level five has its own ability, otherwise it is impossible to achieve level five with the least resources and the most demanding conditions among the many believers of evil spirits.

It's just that when David focused his spirit on the white ball of knowledge, the smile on his face froze.

It's not that he can't learn this white light ball of knowledge, but that this light ball of knowledge is extremely strange from the name.

"Fanatical Faith (Talent)", seeing this name, David regarded it as the ability to believe in gods in his heart.

He could n’t understand why such talented abilities like this should be the abilities inherently endowed by the natural spirit, and may sometimes be unable to be triggered due to the weakness of his own spirit, but most of the time, these natural abilities are born with.

How did the Cameron's fifth-level bishop's gifted ability form? Can't Cameron's fifth-level bishop have faith before he was born?

David hesitated for a moment. This kind of talented ability about faith made him worry about accidents. However, the talented ability of a fifth-level bishop with a thousand-year-long biblical ability, he couldn't be unfused because of this worry.

At most, if there is a problem with this talent, he will not use it.

Thinking of this, David ordered the Shadow Attendant to introduce the 'Fanatical Belief (Talent)' knowledge light ball into his soul space, and the 'Fanatical Belief (Talent)' knowledge light ball flew into the soul space, forming a pale gold ' Fanatical pattern '.

He got the real effect of the "Fanatic Faith" through the "Fanatic Pattern", and his face showed strange colors.

The talent ability of "Fanatic Faith" is a kind of deceit. If the two abilities of "Spiritual Sleep" and "Hypnosis" are deceptive abilities against ordinary creatures, then "Fanatical Faith" is against gods. Deceptive ability.

It is not easy to deceive the gods, but it is easier to deceive yourself by disguising yourself as a fanatical believer, so that the gods can believe this.

Of course, this is just easy to listen to. This is deceiving the gods anyway. Although the ‘Fanatical Faith’ talent ability has no actual combat role, its level is extremely high, and the auxiliary fifth-level ability is extremely rare.

The fifth-level bishop of Cameron, who has the talent ability of "Fanatical Belief", became a shadow believer when he was young.

After becoming a shadow believer, the fifth-level bishop of Cameron turned into a fanatical believer of the God of Shadows by virtue of his talent of "Fanatical Faith", and because of his outstanding spiritual talent, he was deeply favored by the God of Shadows.

In fact, the fifth-level bishop of Cameron is not so fanatical at all. He can only be regarded as a general follower at most, but as long as he activates the "frenzy pattern", his soul is a fanatic.

This is why the fifth-level bishop of Cameron can be promoted all the way from many believers of evil gods to the fifth-level bishop.

David is a little depressed. To be honest, the talent of "Fanatical Belief" is very powerful. If he is a real **** of the world, this talent can make him a darling of any god.

But he has too many secrets, and he dare not get too close to the five major temples, let alone believe in gods.

This ‘fanatic belief’ fell into David ’s hands and could only be regarded as a secret investment.

Leaving aside the talents of ‘Faithful Belief’, it ’s no harm if this talent is not used anyway.

The killing of the second-level bishop of Cameron this time, he also received a lot of benefits, but it is not uncomfortable for a talent that is not used.

David summoned all the twelve fifth-level Templars. Due to the accident at Dunhill, he decided to activate the energy as soon as possible.

In fact, his energy doppelganger has been formed for a long time, but his bloodline power is not enough to enrich the energy doppelganger.

As for the question of the most troublesome soul segmentation of the other five ranks of Templars, David does not have to worry about it. Under his previous random operation, the energy avatar of Xinhai space has been integrated into a lot of his spirits and generated consciousness.

This time, David planned to let the twelve fifth-level Templars each consume the power of the fifth-level bloodline for one year of cultivation, so that he could get the power of the fifth-level bloodline equal to twelve years of hard work at one time.

So much power of the fifth-level bloodline is enough to form an energy avatar while allowing his strength to be improved.

The twelve fifth-level Templar knights each lost one year of fifth-level bloodline power, which is not much loss. The cultivation environment in the space debris is excellent, and the twelve fifth-level templars can be used in a few months. The Templars restore their strength.

David activated the talent ability of "Purification of Blood Vessels", and in front of him appeared the "Purple Veins of Purification of Veins".

The twelve fifth-level Templars selflessly introduced their five-level bloodline power into the 'purity of the bloodline purification pattern', and purified it through the 'purity of the bloodline purification pattern', which was converted into no personal mark. The power of the fifth bloodline enters David's body and flows into the heart and sea space.

In David's heart sea space, with the influx of batches of fifth-level blood vessels, the hundred and fifty soft swords of fifth-level blood vessels rotating in his heart sea space are constantly increasing, and the energy avatar in the center position is also increasing. Is constantly expanding.

He also put his mind into the energy avatar, sitting in the center of the vortex of the heart sea space, using the master-level 'Knight Heritage Sword Art' to control the increasing rotation of more and more soft swords, in order to quickly absorb the inflow of the fifth-level blood Power.

When the five-level bloodline soft sword in Xinhai space increased to a thousand pieces, David also felt that the energy avatar had reached a full state.

"Fen!" His thoughts moved, the energy avatar separated from the center of Xinhai space vortex and rose into the sky.

At the moment when the energy sea detached from the heart sea space, a large amount of the power of the fifth-level bloodline solidified into a soft sword squeezed toward the empty center, forming a small human-shaped solid crystal again.

At this moment of time, the fifth-level bloodline power soft sword in Xinhai space is one-third less, and there are only more than 600 remaining fifth-level bloodline power soft swords. The force is solidified in the center position, and the heart-sea space is re-stabilized.

Only then did David understand why the fifth-level Templars are all worried about the damage of the energy avatar.

With his strength, this is a third less than the power of the fifth-level bloodline, plus the previous consumption, at least four years of cultivation results, and then it can be regarded as the soul fragment in the energy avatar. Generally, the fifth-level templars lose The energy avatar not only aggravates the lack of emotion, but also directly weakens the strength of the body.

Just as David was about to summon the energy avatar out of the heart sea space, he felt a suction force from the soul space, which was sent by two divine crystals.

After many times of this experience, David understood that these were the autonomous actions of two divine crystals. The divine crystals are somewhat like the light brain of the Interstellar Federation. As long as certain conditions are triggered, they will automatically run some internal program.

The procedure inside the deity crystal is actually the knowledge of the two deities, but with David's own strength, he is still far from exploring the deity crystal, but he may refuse the action of the deity crystal.

David understands that the two divine crystals will not harm him, so he allows the two divine crystals to **** the energy into the soul space.

The soul space is a void space, composed of David's soul energy, and normal entities cannot enter it.

Fortunately, the energy doppelganger is not an entity, and was smoothly drawn into by two divine crystals.

Due to the special relationship between Energy Doppelganger and David, all feelings of Energy Doppelgänger are felt by David.

Before David entered the soul space, it was a way of projecting consciousness, just like the perspective of God. This time he entered in the way of energy avatar, but found that he was really standing in the soul space for the first time, the soul is the stone of the soul fortress. On the ground, many stars flash above the head.

The two brightest are the crystal of battle angel and the crystal of bald and strong man, and below are the patterns of various abilities he acquired.

Around him, ninety-six golden soul avatars were scattered in the soul fortress. Due to the soul connection between them, he felt particularly cordial.

At this moment, David thought that it seemed that the fifth-level bishop of Cameron should also have a fifth-level soul source. When his heart moved, the shadow servant outside introduced the fifth-level soul source into the soul space.

In an instant, around the energy avatar of David, ninety-six golden soul avatars radiated a golden light, and two divine crystals on top of the head were also added, all connected to the newly appeared golden light spot.

What happened to David was unexpected. The source of the fifth-level soul belonging to the fifth-level bishop of Cameron had a connection in his feelings and became the ninety-seventh golden soul avatar. .

As soon as the source of the fifth-level soul enters the energy doppelganger, it seems to melt, and the golden color spreads out until it is colorless.

But David felt the difference. His energy avatar seemed to be more than before. The previous energy avatar was like an incomplete energy avatar, or the energy avatar itself was incomplete.

Because the soul in the ordinary energy avatar is just a little bit of soul fragments of the fifth-level templar, and David ’s soul avatar has no soul fragments, but only incorporates the huge spirit compared to the ordinary fifth-level templar.

This makes the energy avatar no different from the energy avatar with soul fragments, even the incompleteness of the energy avatar is the same.

It is this incompleteness that makes the energy avatar of the fifth-level templar knight only consume the power of the fifth-level bloodline in the energy avatar, but cannot actively restore the power of the fifth-level bloodline.

Every time the power of the fifth-level bloodline is consumed, the energy clone must return to the body, and the power of the fifth-level bloodline can be restored through the transmission of the body.

The energy doppelganger cannot even restore the power of the fifth level bloodline, let alone improve its strength through cultivation.

To improve the strength of the energy avatar, it is necessary to return the energy avatar to the heart and sea space after the strength of the body has been improved. Only after a period of re-fusion can the strength of the energy avatar be improved.

There has never been a fifth-level templar who thought that an energy avatar would have a complete soul. This is a fifth-level soul. The characteristic of a fifth-level soul is the origin of the fifth-level soul. This is the fundamental difference between ordinary souls and fifth-level souls.

If you want to cultivate the power of the fifth-level bloodline, you can't do it without the fifth-level soul source.

But through this operation that even David didn't know why, his energy avatar became the first complete energy avatar of the great world of the gods. In the future, he can make the energy avatar practice like an ontology.

Just as David was still thinking, the battle angel crystal emitted a golden light, and a wave of energy poured into the energy avatar. This wave of energy turned into a complex and profound divine pattern, which was then merged into the energy. Divided into a five-level soul within the source.

Then the bald-headed heroic **** crystal also emits a golden light, and the golden light turns into another complex **** pattern, which is also integrated into the fifth-level soul source.

Although the two divine crystals merged into the energy patterns of the body, although David could not learn, he knew what it was, that is, the mysterious talent ability that previously enhanced his body strength and speed.

The combat angel crystal provides speed talent, and the bald-headed hero spirit crystal provides power talent. These two talents cannot even be noticed by the shadow attendants, but they are extremely terrifying to the increase of power and speed.

After the operation of the two divine crystals, a repulsive force came out of the soul space, pushing the energy avatar out of the soul space.

The energy avatar appeared in front of David. He and the energy avatar looked at each other face to face, but he was already familiar with this feeling, and it was nothing.

The face of David's energy doppelganger is a bit wrong. It is not the face of Lord Arthur, but the face of David.

Fortunately, the face of the energy avatar changed very well. Just as he thought about it, the face of the energy avatar had been transformed into the face of Lord Arthur.

Even the clothes that are transformed by the power of the fifth-level bloodline are on the body. The style is the same as the artifact "Dark Shadow". Naturally, it is impossible to have the effect of "Dark Shadow".

David looked at his energy doppelganger with satisfaction, and he began to experiment with the various abilities of the energy doppelganger.

However, it is definitely not a good idea to test the five-level energy avatar in this space debris. This fragile space is very important to him. He does not want to destroy this space.

This time David did not have space debris. He wanted to try whether a single energy avatar could appear in two different worlds at the same time.

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