Extraordinary David

Chapter 887: News

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"Arthur, I want to thank you this time!" Lord Gould said softly to David at the corner of the reception hall.

The two are together, and the fifth-level Templars next to each other deliberately gave way to some distance so that they could have room for communication.

Therefore, Lord Gould only spoke casually, and this casual way of speaking also deepened the feelings.

Lord Gould must of course be grateful. After most of the reception, he can almost firmly sit in the position of chairman of the Supreme Council. Many of the top nobles who came to the reception this time have made clear commitments. .

Although Lord Gould also paid some benefits for this, he received more.

"Lord Gould, this is your ability to be affirmed by everyone. I congratulate you in advance!" David knew what Lord Gould meant, and said with a smile in the hall.

Lord Gould is now waiting for the convening of the Supreme Council. During this period, as long as no major accidents occur, the Maine family will replace the original position of the Litton family.

At that time David will also benefit from this, at least Lord Gould will take care of him.

"Hopefully, those few have been very active recently!" Lord Gould said this, but his eyes were full of confidence.

The top nobles who had tasted ‘Warm Heart Lotus Seed Soup’ through this reception would naturally not let go of the only way to get ‘Warm Heart Lotus Seed Soup’ except from Lord Arthur.

You must know that Lord Arthur is not so good. Lord Lord Gould can get "Heart-Heart Lotus Seed Soup" through cooperation and trading.

Lord Gould holds the agency right of "Nuan Xin Lian Zi Tang", no matter how many other competitors jump, it is impossible to come up with the same talents as "Nuan Xin Lian Zi Tang".

It is this kind of celestial treasure that can be used by at least five Templar knights. Where can they appear in a large amount like ‘warm heart lotus soup’.

"Don't talk anymore, I'll change my clothes and Charlie keeps staring!" David glanced at the Charlie Knight standing a few meters away and smiled to Lord Gould.

David promised Charlie Knight to show him the "dark shadow" of the artifact, and then he was stared at by Charles Knight.

Lord Gould glared at Knight Charlie, but he did not intend to ask how the young people got along.

David naturally changed quickly. At the corner of the hall, the spirit penetrated into the space pendant, and then he put on a luxurious noble robe.

He threw the artifact "Dark Shadow" in his hand to the long-awaited Charlie Knight, and Charlie Knight took it excitedly.

"I'll watch it here, it will be fine in a moment!" Charlie Knight also knows the importance, he took the artifact "Dark Shadow" and put it on his body.

He knew how precious the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’ was, and David was already a friend enough to show him.

The fifth-level Templars have long noticed here that the artifact ‘dark shadow’ on David’s body was naturally recognized by them.

At this time, Lord Arthur lent the artifact "Dark Shadow" to the Knights of Charlie, so that the five-level Templars could not help but sigh.

When it comes to their status and strength, if there is an artifact in hand, it is impossible to leave them, let alone lend to others, and no matter how good a friend is.

This kind of impurity-free friendship still exists only among young people. Apart from sighing, they are also envious.

"Would you like to try the stealth effect?" David asked with a smile.

"Is it really possible?" Charlie Knight shined.

Both David and Charlie Knight laughed. They thought of the previous flying exoskeleton armor. The last time Charlie Knight was interested in David's equipment was a flying exoskeleton armor.

David gave Charlie Knight a flying exoskeleton armor at that time, which made Charlie Knight excited for a long time.

David's thoughts moved, and the figure of Charles Knight in the shadow of the corner disappeared instantly.

Charlie Knight found himself in a strange space, he could see everything around him, but what seemed to be separated.

The five-level Templar knights in the hall felt completely different. The artifact ‘Dark Shadow’ was very famous, but few of them had really seen its function, only heard that the ‘Dark Shadow’ had the ability to stealth.

But when they saw Charlie Knight truly invisible, they were terrified.

Because in their perception, Charlie Knight completely disappeared.

Templar knights of the five ranks approached this point a little bit unconsciously, exuding the power of spirit and weak blood, to find out the figure of the knight of Charlie, but all in vain.

Charlie Knight also discovered this. Several tier five Templar knights swept over his position and did not keep his eyes on him. It was not found that he existed.

This shocked Charlie Knight. He quickly moved forward two steps. As he moved, he left the shadow of the corner and his figure suddenly appeared.

"Arthur, this is yours!" Charlie Knight understood the horror of the "dark shadow" of the artifact at this time, which could make the fifth-level Templar knight unable to notice the effect. This artifact worn on him made him worry about accidentally touching If you break it, you can't afford it.

David smiled and took back the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’, and he did not intend to conceal the effect of the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’.

In fact, for a long period of time later, his enemy would only be the fifth-level bishop of the "goddess dusk". Among the nobles, only the Mather family and the Lidun family. With his current strength, he does not need the artifact'darkness. With the help of Shadows, as long as you find the five Templar Knights, you can easily kill them.

"Lord Arthur, can I talk to you privately?" The reception was over. Lord Felix of the Jenner family came to David and asked, looking around softly.

At this time, some of the Templars had left, and David had just sent Lord Gould away, and had just returned to the lobby.

Only a few Templars remained in the hall at this time, and they were all ready to leave.

"Of course, please come to the living room with me!" David stunned slightly, nodded to the Dekens butler, and motioned to the Dekens butler to help deliver the guests. This was to Lord Felix.

The Jenner family participated in the invasion of Gami Star, and participated in the ambush David's diplomatic "Starship", but the Jenner family made the greatest compensation afterwards, and David was warned by the temple, so David The conflict with the Jenner family was resolved.

The reception was also actively applied for by the Jenner family. To this end, the Jenner family invited a number of fifth-level Templar knights to help intercede, and paid a lot of favors.

"Please sit down!" Coming to the parlor, David made a ceremonial salute before the two sides sat down.

There was a fourth-level Sky Knight servant delivering a drink, and Lord Felix looked at the fourth-level Sky Knight servant, nodded his thanks but did not speak.

David understood the meaning of Lord Felix, and he waved to the fourth-level Sky Knight servant, who bowed out of the meeting room.

"Lord Arthur, I observed that the Mather family did not participate in this reception. I have an information here about Lord Amos!" Lord Felix inspired the voice of the bloodline.

This kind of thing cannot be made public. Anyway, the Jenner family and the Mather family were all alliances before. Once this kind of betrayal was known to others, it would affect the Jenner family.

"Lord Felix, the Mather family attacked my villa and killed my friend. The hatred has not been eliminated. I need to know the information of Lord Amos!" David Shen said.

If classified according to the hatred level, the Mather family can even be ranked in front of the Lidun family. The actions of the Lidun family did not cause substantial losses to him, but instead gave him a lot of benefits.

But the Mather family is different. The actions of the Mather family have caused David to lose the only knight of the Ruth family and several important stewards.

Perhaps for the Ruth family today, Dunhill alone has hundreds of knights, but these knights have not cultivated loyalty and are not knights of the Ruth family.

Although Andrew Knight's strength is very low, when the Ruth family is the most difficult, it still sticks to the Ruth family. Even if the Ruth family can't even guarantee his cultivation resources, he will not leave.

The death of Andrew Knight caused David to have a anger in his heart, which required the blood of Lord Amos to extinguish.

"According to intelligence, Lord Amos has recently appeared in Ellostar. Detailed information is here!" Lord Felix said as he handed a piece of parchment paper over.

"Thank you very much for your help!" David bowed and thanked, and then took the parchment.

Lord Felix has a happy heart. Lord Arthur is in full swing today. The title of the first knight is not recognized by the few Templars, but in the hearts of the Templars, the title of the first knight is recognized. .

Not to mention Lord Gould, who has a close relationship with Lord Arthur, will have a great possibility of becoming the new Speaker of the Supreme Council.

At this point, all the Templars who participated in the Templar's Reception clearly saw that when Lord Gould had a large number of votes, the remaining neutral top nobles would also consider voting for Lord Gould.

Lord Felix was reluctant to just resolve the conflict with Lord Arthur. What he needed was to be a friend with Lord Arthur, which was very important to the Jenner family.

As for investigating the Mather family, the Jenner family has an inherent advantage. It is important to know that they are allies themselves, and there are some people in the family who are either light or dark.

Lord Felix has been secretly secreting the intelligence personnel hidden in the Mather family, at all costs to obtain clues to the Lord Amos of the Mather family.

Finally, some time ago, he bought an important manager of the Mather family and obtained the latest information.

"Elliot's intelligence is complicated. Although this information flows from the inside of the Mather family, please pay more attention!" Lord Felix cautioned carefully.

David Elliot knows that the situation there is very complicated, and it is also the area in the temple where a few ignorant believers exist.

In particular, Elliot has multiple satellites, and each satellite has been transformed into an environment suitable for human survival, which makes the environment of Elliot more complicated and full of power.

It is really strange that Lord Amos of the Mather family would go there.

"Thank you, I hope to cooperate with you in all aspects in the future!" David thanked with a smile.

David's words meant that he accepted Lord Felix. Of course, Lord Felix did not want to obtain the friendship of Lord Arthur through an intelligence. After being accepted by Lord Arthur, the friendship can be slowly cultivated.

After giving away Lord Felix, David opened the parchment in his hand and looked at it.

It can only be said that the intelligence network of the Jenner family is very powerful. The Mather family had an industry in El Loxing hundreds of years ago. Recently, a resource manager of the Mather family was asked to send some resources to El Lo. Star's industry.

It was not ordinary resources, but five levels of Templar knight resources in the top noble quota.

Another Gerald fifth-level Templar knight of the Mather family was already killed by David, leaving only the fifth-level Templar knight of Lord Amos. According to this, the intelligence personnel of the Jenner family The analysis led to the conclusion that Lord Amos was in Elliot.

David smiled and shook his head. The top nobles were terrifying. They placed intelligence personnel on each other, even allies.

But then I thought about it, why wasn't his Dunhill star so much, how many intelligence officers there were really hard to tell.

It's impossible that all territories are like Garmic, completely managed by intelligent systems and robots, and as long as someone exists, they can be infiltrated.

Fortunately, David's secrets are all in himself, and the rest of the important secrets are placed on Gami Star. Dunle Star is only the basis for his standing on the top aristocracy.

The reception is over. He does not need to manage the aftermath. He summons an energy avatar. This is of course not his own energy avatar, but the energy avatar of another Templar 5.

The face of the energy doppelganger changed to become the look of Lord Arthur.

This energy avatar will stay in the castle of the lord. When there is a threat of at least a five-level strongman, this energy avatar can delay him for some time, or let him know what happened in the first time.

David summoned "Phantom Pterosaur". "Phantom Pterosaur" activated the "Stealth" talent ability and used "Momentary Move" to go to the planetary portal.

There is an energy avatar here, and there is no need to explain to the Deakins butler. He can talk to the Deakins butler at any time through the energy avatar.

At the planetary portal, David used the privileges of members of the Supreme Council to hide his teleportation information.

He was preparing to investigate in secret, but he didn't want anyone to arrive before he was known by Elliot.

David in the "invisible" state entered the planetary portal, when he appeared again he was already in front of another planetary portal.

The eight satellites that can be clearly seen in the sky let David know that this is the star of Ello, the chaotic planet.

It was too late at this time, and the abnormal flickering of the planetary portal did not attract the attention of the transmission staff, or the transmission staff here were lazy to observe the situation of the planetary portal.

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