Extraordinary David

Chapter 888: satellite

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David stopped over the main city of Ello, and he found a map of the Ello star.

The estate of the Mather family in Elliot is a manor, not far from the main city.

David patted the "Phantom Pterosaur" under him, and the "Phantom Pterosaur" activated "Momentary Move" again, and went outside the main city.

Soon he saw the manor, and the castle inside the manor, this is a small castle, the appearance is very old, it can be seen that this castle has a long history.

David controlled the'Phantom Pterosaur' descending above the castle, and the shadow attendant entered the castle.

Through the eyes of the shadow attendant, he wanted to find the figure of Lord Amos. The inside of the castle was not luxurious, and the number of servants was very small.

After searching a room, David did not find the figure of Lord Amos, but in the basement, he saw a small portal.

It is not too strange to see a small portal here. The Mather family is a top noble, and it is not too difficult to get a small portal.

But David saw the small portal and knew in his heart that the information provided by Lord Flix of the Jenner family was probably true.

Because even the top aristocracy, there will not be a small portal in this dilapidated castle, and the value of the lower-level portal is extremely high.

Through this, David can determine that this castle must be a problem.

The Shadow Attendant came to the small portal and entered the small portal with his spirit. He used the ability of the "Alchemist" to invade the small portal, and he quickly gained control of the small portal.

Judging from the records of the small portal, this small portal had several transmission records not long ago, the most recent one was two hours ago.

David shook his head, his luck was not good, this was just tracked here, Lord Amos left.

I don’t know if Lord Amos will come back, but David has no plans to wait here.

According to the information of the Jenner family, the Lord Amos will only live in each property for a short time, and will leave, never repeat living.

Based on the traces left on the small portal in the basement, David could tell that this small portal was often dismantled, and he moved.

In the basement, a feather pen appeared out of thin air, followed by an alchemy ink bottle. The feather pen was stained with alchemy ink and began to draw patterns on the small portal.

This is how David draws the tracking pattern on the small portal by controlling the shadow attendant. As long as the small portal is moved and reinstalled, he can get the new location information of the small portal.

Even next time he can directly pass through the ancient medium-sized portal to the small portal.

The tracking pattern relies on the existence of small portals, which are connected to the Gods World Transmission Network through small portals to transmit information. This is similar to many contact circles, although it is not complicated but very effective.

David believes that even if it is the Mather family, he will not discard the small portal at will and will be used again. Then he can face Lord Amos!

He did all this well and re-manipulated the'Phantom Pterosaur' to return to the main city to leave Ello Star.

As David approached the main city of Ello, his eyes looked at a figure in the distance. The figure was flying at speed in the air like a ghost in the night.

The breath of that figure is extremely obscure. The strength of the fourth level is not the Sky Knight, so its identity is self-evident.

It was just fine at this time, and David saw that the fourth-level evil **** believers were interested for a while.

He has long heard that Elliot is extremely complex, there are a large number of believers of evil gods, and for some reason, the temple does not control Elliot.

There is not even a shrine belonging to the five great gods in Elliot, which is extremely rare for the public planet.

If it is usual, a fourth-level evil spirit believer David is lazy and wastes his time, but just came out today and has no gains. He is also ready to see how rampant the evil spirit believers in Erluosing are.

Silently keeping up with the fourth-level evil spirit believers, the fourth-level evil spirit believers apparently just returned from using the planetary portal.

David also understood why he teleported in stealth at this time. Although he had the power to hide the name from the members of the Supreme Council, the radiance of teleportation could not be hidden, but those teleporters ignored it.

The planet-level portals of Ello Star often have this kind of secret identity transmission. Of course, the transmission staff will not be strict. There are so many evil **** believers here. If they are too strict, their own lives may not be guaranteed.

David followed the fourth-level evil spirits believers to a town 100 kilometers away from the main city, where the fourth-level evil spirits believers transferred to a dilapidated ‘Starship’.

If it is not painted with patterns on it, he can’t believe it is a ‘Starship’.

The worn hull has been repaired many times, and it can be clearly seen that the level of the repairer is very ordinary. This ‘starship’ simply cannot fly at high speed in space. Once it enters a super high speed state, the worn hull will collapse directly.

However, as a believer in evil spirits, it would be nice to be able to own a ‘Starship’.

The fourth-level evil spirit believers drove the "Starry Skyship" straight to the sky, and the flying ability of "Shadow Pterosaur", as long as they did not use the "Starry Skyboat" for long-distance flight, they could easily keep up with the short distance flight.

David also does not believe that this dilapidated "Starship" can fly long distances. He has already guessed that the destination of "Starship" should be one of the satellites of Elliot.

David followed the "Starship", and the "Starship" went straight to the sky. The speed seemed to be carefully controlled, far from the normal speed of the "Starship".

Sure enough, the goal of this "Starship" is the seventh satellite, and it is also the most desolate of the eight satellites of Elliot. Six of the remaining satellites can be used for human survival, and one satellite produces minerals. Although there is no living environment, there are many mining areas.

Only the Seventh Satellite has no production and no environment for human survival.

"Starship" came to a concave hole of the seventh satellite. It was a huge crater. "Starship" descended from the hole.

"Phantom Pterosaur" has shown a strong space survivability. When it comes to the sky, it automatically switches to survive with energy supply. As long as the energy in the body is not consumed, it can survive in the space environment.

Of course, "Phantom Pterosaur" is with David, and he can always get the supplement of blood power from David's body, and he does not need to consider the issue of energy.

‘Phantom Pterosaur’ followed the ‘Starship’, and the depth of the crater surprised David. It fell by at least five kilometers before the crater reached the bottom.

During the descent, David sensed three shields. Fortunately, Phantom Pterosaur had the ability to move instantaneously. It could easily pass through the shield and did not attract the attention of others.

After passing the third shielding shield, David discovered that the environment inside the pothole became an environment for human survival.

David speculated in his heart that he might have accidentally entered an important base for believers in evil spirits.

What makes him feel even more strange is that the "Phantom Pterosaur" beneath him even showed fear. It seems that there is something horrible here.

This surprised David, knowing that ‘Phantom Pterosaur’ can be a mount for the servants of the ancient gods, which means that ‘Phantom Pterosaur’ can maintain a certain fighting power even in the face of ordinary gods.

If it were not that David himself did not perceive the danger, he would not dare to continue to investigate at this moment.

There is a **** in the world of gods. David thinks he has good strength, but he is only in the fifth level. In the face of the existence of more than five levels, he has no confidence.

"Bowwater Jr., you came back late!" Just as David distracted, he heard the voice in front of him.

The speaker, David, had long discovered that it was also a fourth-level evil spirit believer. When the fourth-level evil spirit believer of Bowwater Jr. walked down the'Starship', he greeted him.

"Don't mention, somehow recently, the temple has been active frequently, and the cooperating nobles dragged on for a few days to get the goods ready!" said the little Bowwater's fourth-level believer, shaking his head helplessly.

"As long as the goods are brought back, he is impatient!" said the man.

Hearing the word ‘He’, David’s mind almost fell behind. ‘He’ was dedicated to the title of deity.

"Is there a **** here?" David thought, and couldn't help but retreat.

However, he saw that although the two fourth-level believers in the cult called ‘He’, they were sloppy, and they didn’t seem to treat gods at all.

David couldn't help but calm down, and wanted to continue to observe and decide.

The two fourth-level believers of evil spirits walked in the dark horizontal passage. They seemed to have been accustomed to the darkness here, or they used some kind of magic.

Although David's "Phantom Pterosaur" has been mutated, its racial talent is to like darkness. This can be seen from the ghost in the name.

So ‘Phantom Pterosaur’ followed very easily and closely behind two fourth-level believers.

Almost another four kilometers away, they came to a bright hole.

When David also entered the cave, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. This was a huge cave.

Of course, what surprised David was not the size of the cave, but a creature like a hill in the middle of the cave.

Most of the skin on this creature fell off, and the flesh and blood corruption in many places disappeared, exposing the bones in the body.

The whole cave was filled with the rotten smell of this creature. David had to hold his breath in order not to smell the bad smell.

"Dragon!" Although the creature was like this, David recognized the creature at a glance.

It is difficult for David to imagine that in this era, there are still dragons.

The era of the dragon has long passed. According to legend, the dragon feeds humans, uses humans for its services, and feeds on humans.

After the gods appeared in mankind, they overthrew the rule of the dragon. The remaining dragon left the world of the gods and found another living space.

There are still dragon blood veins among human beings, just like the Maine family, which is the White Dragon blood vein, which makes the main vein of the Maine family extremely powerful.

In fact, if we only discuss the bloodline, the bloodline of David's Shadow Leopard is really nothing. The only advantage of Shadow Leopard is speed, but its strength is weak.

But David did not dig into the hidden power of the bloodline. The hidden power of the bloodline is still very useful in the low-level knight.

It's just that because the period of David's low-level knight is too short, by the fifth-level Templar, the hidden power of the bloodline is no longer important.

Even so, the fifth-level Templar Knights with the dragon's bloodline will still get extra help during the battle. This is the benefit of the dragon's power.

The real dragon's strength is equivalent to that of the gods. If it is not extremely fertile, the dragon's rule will not be overthrown.

The dragon in the cave is very miserable. Not only is the body injured everywhere, but it is also fixed on the ground by a few strange chains with black breath.

The breath of the dragon is very strange, and the breath of life is very weak. Normally, such a powerful creature comparable to the gods, its vitality should also be super strong.

But the breath of the dragon was like a candle in the wind, which would go out at any time.

David even felt that there was another kind of energy in the dragon's body. This kind of energy was eroding the dragon's body. Otherwise, with the recovery power of the dragon's legend, these injuries had been healed long ago, and where will there be wounds? There is widespread corruption.

The strange energy in the dragon's body is extremely evil, and David frowned, which seemed to be a believer in the belief in the **** of death.

David, who had killed the **** of death before, is no stranger to this breath of strange energy.

Around the dragon, thirty-four fourth-level believers of the evil spirits had been sitting, all of them closed their eyes silently.

David judged by their sitting position that there should be an alchemy circle, because the position of the thirty-four fourth-level believers had a certain pattern.

Just as he was observing, the fourth-level Bauer believer took out a special space bag and came to the altar in front of the dragon.

Judging from the pattern above, the space bag should be a summoning bag, and it is a summoning bag specially made for spiritual talents.

Subsequently, the fourth-level cultist of Bowwater Jr. opened the summoning bag, and poured out a person with his spirit.

David's eyes narrowed, and he saw about five hundred humanoids piled up in front of the altar in front of the dragon. These five hundred humanoids were all middle-aged men.

The anger in David's heart was rising, but at the same time, there was a frustration. Five hundred men of adult humans were painted with the patterns of the **** of death. Their body surface was completely dark. David couldn't do it even if he wanted to save them.

All the five hundred male strong men have undergone special treatment, both physically and spiritually, all affected by the breath of death.

All fourth-level believers of the evil spirits stood up and placed an individual strong man on the ground according to a certain rule. These human strong men have long been unknowingly rebellious like puppets, and are left to the mercy of the fourth-level believers.

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