Extraordinary David

Chapter 889: Dragon

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David didn't shoot immediately. He wanted to see what these believers wanted to do.

At this time, he didn't even make sense to save these five hundred strong men. These strong men have been eroded by the breath of death, and they are no longer human.

At this time, the "Phantom Pterosaur" under David was very uneasy. He wanted to manipulate the "Phantom Pterosaur" closer, and the "Phantom Pterosaur" showed a strong resistance.

David communicated with "Phantom Pterosaur" through his soul and found that "Phantom Pterosaur" was suppressed by the breath of the dragon. This is the instinctive feeling of "Phantom Pterosaur".

"Phantom Pterosaur" itself has the bloodline of the giant dragon. Perhaps the bloodline of the dragon allows the "Phantom Pterosaur" to confront it with noble bloodline in the face of any powerful existence.

But here does not include the dragon itself that gave the blood of the "Phantom Pterosaur". Now that it is so close to the dragon, it is because the "Phantom Pterosaur" is strengthened by the power of the fifth-level bloodline of David, otherwise the "Phantom Pterosaur" You can't even enter this cave.

David did not force ‘Phantom Pterosaur’. He watched a total of thirty-six fourth-level believers of the gods put five hundred human strong men on the ground.

Thirty-six fourth-level evil spirit believers left the ground and surrounded the dragon in the middle of the cave.

At the same time, they began to sing, and as the chanting began, beams of light appeared on the ground of the cave, and each beam corresponded to the body of a strong man.

Five hundred beams of light ascended. At first, these beams of light passed through the body of a strong man like humans, but when the five hundred beams of light were connected to each other and a huge strange pattern was formed on the ground, the energy of the beam of light was strengthened. Too.

The beam of light pierced the skin of a strong man, and the black blood that had been corroded by the breath of death flowed out into the shallow trench on the ground.

Five hundred black souls flew out of the body, and they were visible to the naked eye under the weird patterns.

They rushed towards the dragon as if they were crazy, and bit off on the dragon's body.

Under normal circumstances, it is simply impossible for this soul body to damage a powerful creature such as a dragon. Even if the dragon is weak, it is equivalent to the existence of a god.

But the black blood on the ground was injected into the weird patterns, which turned into a wicked breath into the dragon's body, reducing the dragon's defense to the extreme.

The dragon has long lost its ability to resist. When 500 black souls bite, his body's instincts tremble, reflecting that he is still alive.

But as David watching from the side can see, the dragon's situation is very bad. Perhaps this situation has been bad for many years and will continue for decades.

Because David understood what the believers were doing, they were making puppets.

Of course, with the strength of thirty-six fourth-level believers, it is impossible to create a puppet like the dragon.

This pattern on the ground alone can not be drawn by the fourth-level evil **** believers, or without the strength of the god-level, this kind of magic pattern that can affect the dragon cannot be arranged.

Not to mention the chains that locked the dragon, the patterns flashing on them are all divine patterns, and the material David also knows is a material that can only be created by gods using divine power.

This level of material is the worst that David has ever seen. It is also a material used in black armor with a defensive strength comparable to that of grade 5 materials and self-healing.

The materials of these chains are better than those of the black armor, and the strength is more than the fifth-grade materials. This is not wrong in the eyes of the double masters of David's "Alchemy Master" and "Forge Master".

"Reaper wants to make the dragon a puppet!" David was not shocked by the idea of ​​Reaper.

The problem is that Grim Reaper is not just having an idea, but is actually operating. If it is not David's rise this time, maybe a few years later, a **** puppet will appear in the world of God.

The most important thing is that today's gods belong to the big world and have experienced the long-term rule of the five gods. The rules of the world no longer allow gods to appear in the main world for a long time.

When the **** comes to the main world, the strength will be suppressed by the main world.

The legendary dragon is the least suppressed by the main world, because the dragon can rely on invincible defense and powerful power to possess the fighting power of the gods.

As early as the end of the dragon era, the **** of death luckily caught a dragon that was hit hard.

According to the situation at that time, of course, to get the most benefit, of course, directly kill the dragon and use the dragon's body as a material to make weapons and equipment.

It is not a problem to make several artifacts from the material of a giant dragon.

But Grim Reaper has a bigger plan. He chose to lock the dragon inside this desolate satellite, which is completely isolated from the outside world.

Since the end of the dragon era, the **** of death has been constantly weakening the dragon, and constantly transforming the dragon by using evil erosion.

If there is no subsequent battle of the gods, perhaps the death is really successful. The battle of the gods causes the death to be defeated and fall into a deep sleep.

The work of transforming the dragon fell into the hands of believers in the **** of death. This cave is the biggest secret of the sect of death. There are four levels of evil **** believers who are constantly eroding the dragon.

Over the years, humans have been sent every once in a while and used as materials for erosion.

The proud and powerful dragon, weakened to the limit by now, can only be tortured by the existence of these ants like ants.

The only thing that the dragon can keep is the soul. Even if the soul has been tortured countless times, it has always remained sober.

He did not dare to let the soul fall, because once the soul fell, he would be completely transformed into a puppet from the soul to the body, always driven by the **** of death.

For the proud dragon, it would rather fall instead of being a puppet of the enemy.

In the depths of the dragon's soul, he is waiting for the torture to come. This is already his daily life, and he does not know how long he can hold on.

The dragon learned to converge all the spirits to minimize the consumption, so that he could persist longer.

The dragon feels some numbness feeling that the dragon's body is being eroded. He doesn't care about the feeling that the soul bites the flesh, but when the soul bites the body, it will also attack his soul at the same time, plus the surrounding The pattern of the pattern is constantly impacting his soul, so he has to carefully mobilize his spirit to resist.

Just as the dragon mobilized his spirit, his perception of the outside world for a long time, suddenly felt a breath of dragon blood.

If it is something else, perhaps the dragon's dull spirit will not passively perceive it, but the appearance of the dragon's bloodline is to activate his spirit.

While fighting against the erosion of his soul and body by the patterned circle around him, the dragon divided a part of the spirit to find the source of the dragon's bloodline.

The dragon discovered the ``Phantom Pterosaur'' in a special space. This kind of creature that was not seen by the dragon at all, even the Yalong was not even counted, but at this time he was very kind.

At the same time, the dragon also found David riding on the phantom pterosaur.

The fifth level, in the age of the dragon, will also be viewed by the dragon with a proper eye. To know that the origin of the fifth level soul is a sought-after among the gods, it is not easy for the gods to cultivate the fifth level.

Whether it is the era of the dragon or the era of the gods, the five-level strongman at that time is far less than the number of the world where the Japanese gods belong to today.

It is important to know that the age of the dragon and the age of the gods are crazy war years. It is not easy to be born in the fifth-level powerhouse, but it is easy to be killed.

What seems to be the current world of the gods, with a relatively peaceful living environment, and even a place to replenish resources such as war stars, which constantly supply a lot of important resources to the gods world, which makes a large number of fifth-level strong The emergence.

The dragon first thought that David was the fifth-level strongman sent by the Death, but after sensing it, he found that David was wearing an artifact robe with an evil atmosphere, but the real David in the artifact robe had A breath completely different from the **** of death.

The dragon immediately discovered that David was not sent by Death, and hope rose in his heart.

Perhaps David is the opportunity for him to escape from tens of thousands of years of torture. He has the opportunity to leave this cave and leave the control of the **** of death.

Just when the dragon was a little excited, black energy flashed on several chains, hitting the dragon's body heavily, and the pain in the soul made the dragon tremble involuntarily.

These chains were laid out by Death, and as long as the dragon has any abnormal reaction, it will attack.

Thirty-six fourth-level evil spirit believers saw the dragon's reaction, and they were all overjoyed. They tortured the dragon here for many years, but the dragon didn't even react normally.

Seeing the dragon today seems to have a huge reaction, they all thought that the dragon could not support it.

The **** of death's metaphor makes it very clear that once the dragon is redeemed and becomes the messenger of the **** of death, that is the day when the **** of death returns, the glory of the **** of death will return to the world.

It's just that the dragon is just too active and has been taught by the chain of death. There are still many years before the dragon is truly transformed.

The dragon feared David's departure, and he immediately activated the dragon's secret technique.

His condition is very bad, and he cannot perform any offensive, defensive, and auxiliary divine magic. At this time, the divine magic he used was blood vein divine magic, and he was the only one he could use.

The dragon is affected by the chain of death, whether it is mental or physical, as long as there is any more data than usual, it will be immediately attacked by the chain of death.

Bloodline magic is quite special. Bloodline magic is not offensive and has no auxiliary effect. It is just a kind of magical technique that transmits information through the dragon's bloodline.

This kind of magic was originally a way of long-distance communication between the dragon and the mixed blood dragon. Not to mention that in this era, the creatures with thick dragon blood veins have long been extinct, that is, the dragon wants to use long-range blood vein magic, its fluctuations It will be received by Reaper's lock link and directly interrupted by Reaper's chain.

"Phantom Pterosaur" is in the cave, but it gives the dragon a means to display.

David also understands what the believers of evil spirits want to do. He is preparing to kill all fourth-level believers of evil spirits, but just before he is about to shoot, he feels the strangeness of Phantom Pterosaur.

"¥%#¥%·#......!" "Phantom Pterosaur" passed through a soul contract, which surprised David.

"Who are you?" David wouldn't think that'Yuying Pterosaur' was contacting him,'Yuying Pterosaur' hasn't matured until now, the real age can only be regarded as a child in'Yuying Pterosaur' .

Only because of David's continuous training, with the help of a large number of third-level strengthening flesh and blood, will such a rapid growth.

On weekdays, "Phantom Pterosaur" does not have a complete language, but only transmits information through consciousness.

And this time, the language is an extremely old language. David couldn't understand it at all. He just heard the old one.

The dragon didn't think of David, who is powerful and has five ranks, and had never learned Dragon's language, which made him mourn for a while.

In the age of the dragon, any creature is proud to learn dragon language. A strong man who can have five levels of strength, there is no dragon language.

The dragon only realized one thing at this time, the era of the dragon was over!

But the dragon did not give up. He changed a way to convey information through the communication on the soul level, which can ignore any language.

"Human, I need your help!" This time David understood the meaning of the message from the "Phantom Pterosaur".

"Who are you?" David also guessed that this was probably the dragon in front of him contacting him, he asked.

David's inquiry is also the method used by the soul to convey information, and he is also worried that the current language cannot communicate with the dragon.

"I am Black Dragon Alexis, I need your help!" Black Dragon Alexis repeated his request after introducing himself.

Much of the information about the dragon disappeared in the long river of history, maybe some records, but at least David did not find many records of the dragon in the books he obtained.

All records about dragons are very simple, and there is no introduction to the classification of dragons, which makes David have no actual concept of black dragons.

David glanced at the dragon locked by several chains. This dragon was indeed very dark, but that was due to the long-term erosion of the breath of death. The original color of the dragon's skin was no longer visible, even The dragon's exposed wounds and bones lingered in the inside of the wound.

David did not think that the black dragon Alexis was deceiving him, and there was nothing to deceive.

"Black Dragon Lord Alexis, if I am not mistaken, this is arranged by a great being, and my rash shot is offended by that great being!" David is not a good man, let alone the dragon. The reputation is not very good, how could he promise to save the black dragon Alexis at will.

With David's temperament, if the Black Dragon Alexis has no reasonable conditions, he will kill the fourth-level evil **** believer, and then kill the Black Dragon Alexis to take his soul to absorb.

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