Extraordinary David

Chapter 890: contract

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In David's opinion, the greatest value of the black dragon Alexis should be its soul energy. Killing the black dragon Alexis can get the soul energy equivalent to the gods.

So he was not in a hurry, as long as the black dragon Alexis gave him the conditions that would not allow him to move, he would take action to solve everything here, along with the black dragon Alexis.

The black dragon Alexis was connected to David's soul through the'Phantom Pterosaur' and felt David's indifference.

At this moment, the black dragon Alexis immediately rejected the conditions he had previously thought, and this man who gave him hope seemed very difficult to get along with.

"Human, you can rest assured that the one who held me should be in a deep sleep, and have no spare power to manage things here!" Black Dragon Alexis first relieved.

Neither Black Dragon Alexis nor David mention the name of the **** of death. Once the name of the **** is spoken in such a place, it will immediately trigger the natural reaction of the sleeping **** of death.

The sleep of the gods is not to ignore the world affairs at all, but just set up various coping methods to deal with the world affairs automatically, as long as the trigger condition is reached, corresponding feedback will be given.

"What are the benefits of asking me to help?" David asked directly.

He also didn't want to delay the time, talk about the achievements of talks, and talk about the achievements of the talks.

"I can provide a way to break through the shackles of the fifth level to help you break through the fifth level. You may also find that the fifth level is the bottleneck. No matter how hard you try, you can't break through? I can help you!" Black Dragon Alexis proposed the first Conditions.

"Not enough!" David said lightly.

Although the temple has always blocked the method of breaking through the fifth level, the temple has long been penetrated by the nobility, and the method of breaking through the fifth level has also been spread.

David saw the method of breaking through the fifth level from Lord Gould and some books. After reaching the peak of the fifth level, he obtained the divinity from the gods and broke through the fifth level by blending the divinity.

But the biggest problem with this approach is the **** slaughter, and the fusion of divinity is full of unknown consequences.

"The dragon's method of breaking through the fifth level is very different from the god's method of breaking through the fifth level, and the probability will be greater!" Black Dragon Alexis continued to explain.

"Black Dragon Alexis, if you know my age, you will know that I am not eager to break through the fifth level!" David is interested in the black dragon Alexis's method of breaking through the fifth level, but he does not want to As long as this is good.

Hearing the words of David, the black dragon Alexis could not help consuming a little more spirit, and explored David's body through blood vessel magic.

David did not refuse the investigation of the black dragon Alexis, but he did not allow the black dragon Alexis to investigate more deeply, and was only able to investigate a small part of his physical condition.

"Why are you so young?" Even the black dragon Alexis, who had experienced the dragon era, couldn't help but scream.

Black Dragon Alexis found out that David's real age is less than twenty, what concept is twenty years, that is the time when the dragon squinted slightly and took a nap.

No matter how genius, if you want to reach the fifth level in 20 years, except for a few of the top creatures, this kind of human creature wants to achieve this speed of cultivation, the black dragon Alexis thinks it is unimaginable .

"Can human cultivation qualifications reach such a terrifying level?" Black Dragon Alexis said with some disbelief.

If David has a dragon bloodline, he may reach level 5 in adulthood because of the purity of the dragon bloodline.

Like a part of the Yalong, the pure-blooded Yalong will be level 5 as long as it is an adult.

But that is not the result of cultivation. Besides, the more pure Yalong, the weaker its fertility and the extremely rare the number.

Black Dragon Alexis understands what David means. In terms of human body, David can at least live for more than 400 years old. This is a breakthrough for David who is only 20 years old. There is no need to think too much.

"Human, what do you want?" Black Dragon Alexis had no choice but to ask aloud.

"Black Dragon Alexis, it's not as good as this. You signed a master-servant contract with me until I was free at the end of my life!" David thought about it, and he asked for conditions.

To be honest, in addition to its combat power, the black dragon Alexis really has not much to make David feel.

Even the so-called method of breaking through the fifth-level shackles, David was not particularly excited.

David himself knows his situation. His situation is very special. There are many strange and mysterious things in his body. He even has a feeling that as long as he is given time, there is no possibility for his future.

"No, Black Dragon Alexis will never become a slave!" Black Dragon Alexis refused without thinking.

"Black Dragon Alexis, you think about it again, just the master-servant contract, to know that the legendary dragon's criticism is not good, I don't want to save you from being killed by you and become your food!" Wei said with a smile.

The black dragon Alexis was silent. In the age of the dragon, the dragon really regarded humans as one of many foods.

The black dragon Alexis thought of his present situation. He did not know how long it would last, ten years, twenty years, or one hundred years. Eventually, he would one day become a puppet of death.

And to be a servant of this human being in front of him is to be limited to a maximum of five hundred years. When this human being dies, He will be free.

Even the black dragon Alexis thought about whether the master-servant contract could restrain him, knowing that with his soul strength, once the soul strength of each other differed too much, the binding force of the master-servant contract would be very weak.

At that time, the black dragon Alexis can forcibly release the contract with the soul damaged at any time at a weak price.

Of course, this requires the Black Dragon Alexis to recover after a long period of time, so that his soul can be restored to full prosperity before he can try to forcibly release the contract. Otherwise, in his current state of soul, releasing the contract is suicide.

"Okay, I agree with your proposal!" Black Dragon Alexis finally agreed helplessly.

"Very wise choice!" David smiled.

His spiritual release enveloped thirty-six fourth-level believers in evil spirits. This time he didn’t even use his soul avatars. After the cultivation of the illusion method, his mental attack power was greatly improved.

The Bower IV fourth-level evil **** believer is singing, his belief in death is extremely firm, especially when tormenting the dragon, making him feel that the death is omnipotent.

The dragon, which is equivalent to the gods, is locked here by the **** of death. For decades, the Bower IV fourth-level evil **** believers have been watching the dragon slowly eroded and transformed.

Whenever Bowwart Jr., a fourth-level evil spirit believer sang, he was proud and excited, and being able to torture the dragon was his greatest enjoyment.

Especially today, the fourth-class Evil God believer of Bowwater Jr. saw the dragon repeatedly showing painful colors, which made him more excited and excited.

Just as the light flashed in the eyes of the fourth-class Evil God believer, he suddenly felt the air around him freeze.

His chanting was forcibly pressed into his abdomen, and then his body was like being grasped by a big hand, a huge force squeezed inward from his body.

Bauwater's fourth-level believer wanted to call for help, but all his companions in his sight were like him, controlled by some kind of power.

David did not give the fourth-level evil gods believers any chance of counterattack. He used the spirit crushing method to attack the physical defensive power of the fourth-level sky knights with the spirit of the fourth-level sky knights. It is very easy.

Not to mention that the thirty-six fourth-level believers of the evil spirits are all devoted to singing, and have not made any defense at all.

The sound of broken bones was heard in the cave. Thirty-six fourth-level believers of the evil **** did not know who killed them until they died.

The Shadow Servant flew out and absorbed all the souls.

The black dragon Alexis apparently discovered the existence of the shadow attendant, but he was clever without asking.

The fourth-level evil spirit believers all died, and the chanting was forcibly ended. The alchemy circle that lost the chanting returned to calm, and the five hundred souls who madly bit the black dragon Alexis also stopped.

This contaminated soul shadow servant has no interest. It is estimated that this ordinary human soul consumes more energy to clean up the pollution than the soul energy obtained.

‘Phantom Pterosaur’ released the ‘invisibility’ when David launched the attack. It’s just that all cultists, including the fourth-class cultist of Bowwater Jr., were under attack and did not find David’s existence.

The figure of David came to the black dragon Alexis in a flash, the next thing he had to deal with was the six chains.

"Be careful, this chain is a high-level artifact!" the black dragon Alexis reminded through the soul connection of Phantom Pterosaur.

Now the black dragon Alexis is in a very complicated mood. On the one hand, he has the hope of getting out of trouble, and the hope is very great, but on the other hand, he is about to sign the master-servant contract.

Before signing the master-servant contract, the black dragon Alexis was under David's control before he could forcibly break the master-servant contract.

As a dragon, a dragon with comparable power to the gods, but to become a servant of humanity, although this is a fifth-level human, it is enough for the black dragon Alexis to feel ashamed.

Fortunately, as long as a few hundred years, you can get rid of the restrictions of the master-servant contract.

Even if David can break through level 5, this time will not exceed a thousand years.

In exchange for the price of freedom for thousands of years, the black dragon Alexis is still acceptable.

Enduring the grievances for a while and gaining eternal freedom.

"Before we unlock the chain, did we sign the contract first!" David said lightly.

Although the Black Dragon Alexis was extremely weak, David could not guarantee that after he released the Black Dragon Alexis, what was the strength of the opponent and whether he could suppress it.

David will not build his safety on the trustworthiness of Black Dragon Alexis. He fully believes that Black Dragon Alexis will never sign a master-servant contract if he has the opportunity.

"Don't insult the dragon's credibility!" the black dragon Alexis said aloud through the soul connection.

The strong reaction of the black dragon Alexis ushered in several energy attacks of six chains, making the black dragon Alexis tremble again involuntarily.

David didn't move, he looked at the black dragon Alexis quietly, waiting for the decision of the black dragon Alexis.

"Well, let's sign the contract first!" Under the roof, the man had to bow his head, said the black dragon Alexis helplessly.

Recalling the information about the contract between master and servant in David's mind, he received a large number of noble books, including the contract.

The nobles have contracted all kinds of extraordinary creatures, and have experienced ten thousand years of development, and the master-servant contract has developed to the extreme.

Especially the contract of master and servant spread from the temple, David saw the tattoo of the **** from there.

However, David did not choose the contract of the master and servant with the **** pattern. He did not want to appear the consciousness of the **** of justice when signing the contract of the master and servant.

Therefore, only the very original master-servant contract can be selected by David, which is the earliest master-servant contract.

There is no complicated contract content, only a few short ones.

"The servant must not violate the order of the master, the life of the master is above everything else, the servant takes the protection of the master as the first priority, and the servant who violates the contract of the master and servant will collapse the soul and lose his consciousness until the soul falls into darkness forever!"

David has a feeling that only this master-servant contract is the safest, and he believes in his feelings.

David formed this contract in his soul, but when determining the content of the contract, his heart moved to convert the contract text into a "spiritual text".

He did not know that his action was to restore this ancient master-servant contract to its original version.

"Shenwen" belongs to the top languages ​​in various languages, and the dragon language of the dragon is at the same level. "Shenwen" itself has an incredible magical effect.

Fortunately, David only used ‘God’ to form a contract, and he didn’t need to read it out, otherwise he might not be able to withstand such consumption in his spirit.

He directly connected the content of the master-servant contract of the "Shenwen" to the spirit of the black dragon Alexis, and the black dragon Alexis saw the content of the master-servant contract of the "Shenwen".

The black dragon Alexis couldn't help but sigh. He had thought that David would have a loophole in the master-servant contract. Who knows what he sees is the "Shenwen" master-servant contract.

The Black Dragon Alexis wondered whether the text used between gods such as the "Shenwen" has become a normally mastered text.

You have to know that ‘Shenwen’ is different from Dragon’s language. Dragon’s language is not accidentally spread, because without Dragon’s body, Dragon’s language cannot be effective.

But "Shenwen" is different. As long as you have enough spirit, using "Shenwen" can activate the corresponding rules. If the spirit is strong enough, you can completely kill powerful enemies with words.

The black dragon Alexis gave up the idea of ​​working on the contract between master and servant, and he left a soul mark on the contract between master and servant of "Shenwen".

David only felt the heavy feeling of the "Shenwen" master-servant contract, and his master-servant contract with the black dragon Alexis came into effect.

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