Extraordinary David

Chapter 892: treatment

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"God-level healing potion, does this count?" David asked with a thought, taking an alchemy potion from the space pendant and throwing it to the black dragon Alexis.

This alchemical potion bottle is naturally the indelible vitality that David used to prepare for cooking. Although there are not many, but it is used less for cooking. This bottle is enough for him to use for a long time.

The body of the black dragon Alexis is very huge, and the small alchemy bottle cannot naturally be connected with dragon claws. Besides, the black dragon Alexis was seriously injured at this time, and he had no strength to make big moves.

At this time, the black dragon Alexis is not desperate. If he is desperately fleeing here at this time, he can pay a certain price to forcefully stimulate the body's potential, so that he can also have a certain ability to move when he is seriously injured.

The black dragon Alexis caught the alchemy potion with his spirit, and when his spirit opened the alchemy potion, his huge eyes were full of surprises.

"Undying vitality!" The black dragon Alexis can't wait to pour a bottle of "undying vitality" into the mouth.

Regarding physical injuries, the black dragon Alexis is more concerned about the eroded injuries in the body, and the injury to the vital organs in the body is the main reason why he cannot recover quickly.

It's a pity that although "Undying Vitality" is good, compared to the huge body of the black dragon Alexis, this small bottle of "Undying Vitality" is really too little.

"Do you still have ‘indestructible vitality'?" the black dragon Alexis asked David with the look of expectation.

To be honest, the black dragon Alexis himself did not believe that David still has "indestructible vitality". In the era of dragons, "indestructible vitality" is also very rare.

It is difficult for a spirit to be injured, but if it is injured, it is also a very serious matter. In addition to its own slow recovery, there are only a few ways to accelerate recovery.

God-level healing potions are a way for gods to stand, but the problem is that god-level healing potions are difficult to obtain. Gods need to pay huge benefits to redeem from some gods who can produce god-level healing potions.

‘Indestructible vitality’ is the top of the god-level healing remedies. There are no side effects. As long as enough ‘indelible vitality’ is accumulated, all injuries can be healed.

"Black Dragon Alexis, you signed a master-servant contract with me, but this does not mean that my master will pay for nothing!" David Shen said.

Until now, Black Dragon Alexis has not asked David’s name, and has never meant to ask. It can be seen that although the Black Dragon Alexis is restricted by the contract between the master and the servant, the attitude will show respect, but this only It is an appearance, and it can be seen that he did not value David at all without asking the name.

"I'm sorry, I have knowledge of the dragon language here, please accept it!" Although the black dragon Alexis has nothing on the surface, he is ecstatic in his heart, because he heard that David still has'immortal vitality', and he immediately Send the dragon language knowledge into a light-like object of knowledge and send it to David.

David is also not polite, because of the master-servant contract, the black dragon Alexis can't harm him, so he took the "Dragon Language Knowledge Light Ball".

After contact with his spirit, "Dragon Language Knowledge Light Ball" turned into a piece of information into his brain, and a large amount of knowledge quickly rolled in his mind.

Fortunately, David has long been accustomed to the ingestion of a large amount of knowledge. Although the total amount of Longyu knowledge is also quite large, it has not been able to make him difficult to accept.

"Your method of condensing knowledge is good. Give me this method. I also pass the language I use to you in this way!" After accepting the knowledge of Dragon Language, David tried to speak in Dragon Language.

Dragon language uses a very special pronunciation method, but with the transmission of Dragon language knowledge, David's learning ability is very strong, although some are not used to it, but also very fluent.

"Of course there is no problem, this is just a little trick!" Black Dragon Alexis does not attach importance to the way of condensing knowledge, and does not realize the importance of this technique.

Another light ball appeared, and David used automation as information after spiritual contact.

This is an advanced skill of mental manipulation, copying a specified memory and making it into an energy ball that can be accepted by the spirit.

David packed the memory of the Divine Word, especially since his Divine Word was previously obtained through the shadow sphere of knowledge of Shadow Attendant, so it is easier to pack up.

He handed an energy ball of divine language to the black dragon Alexis, and the black dragon Alexis wanted to miss it, because it was equivalent to exchanging languages ​​with each other.

The Black Dragon Alexis originally intended to exchange some "immortal vitality" through the Dragon Language to speed up the recovery of his injury.

But the black dragon Alexis could not refuse. He gave knowledge of the dragon language, and David gave knowledge of the divine language, which seemed fair.

However, in the ancient times, the knowledge of Dragon Language was also the knowledge that noble people could learn. Dragon Language has a special effect. Although only the dragon can fully exert the effect of Dragon Language, it also shows that Dragon Language is extraordinary.

Therefore, to use dragon language for a common divine language, the black dragon Alexis is definitely losing money.

David is very satisfied with the skill of making the energy ball of knowledge given by Black Dragon Alexis. This skill is a weapon for learning new knowledge.

"Master David!" After acquiring knowledge of the divine language, the black dragon Alexis also recognized the name of David on the contract between the master and servant. He did not want to call the master of David, so he replaced it with this acceptable one. call.

"Black Dragon Alexis, in this world you have to call me Arthur, my name in this world is Arthur Luce!" Only then did David realize that Black Dragon Alexis had not asked his name before The reason is probably because he didn’t recognize David’s name on the master-servant contract and was embarrassed to ask, he explained with a smile.

"Sir Arthur, I don't know how I can exchange with you for ‘indestructible vitality'?" the black dragon Alexis asked respectfully.

The attitude of the black dragon Alexis formed a strange contrast with the huge body, which made David feel extremely contrary.

"If you want your body to fully recover, how much ‘Immortal Vitality’ is needed?” David is not ready to exchange anyway. Anyway, there is a master-servant contract. As long as he asks, the black dragon Alexis must answer.

Of course, David didn't think of what he needed at this time. He would ask for it later when he needed it, so he directly asked him how much he needed.

The black dragon Alexis is obviously a bit stunned. If the opposite is a **** who produces ‘indestructible vitality’ and the other party has experienced countless years of accumulation, he can understand this sentence when asked.

But David is only under twenty, what does it mean to ask? Could it be that David answered it with a quantity?

"One hundred more servings are enough!" With doubts, the black dragon Alexis replied.

David frowned slightly, and he did not expect that the black dragon Alexis needed so much ‘indestructible vitality’.

"Isn't it too much, how much do you give me first, let me restore some strength to work for you!" Black Dragon Alexis looked at David's expression and immediately said.

"Wait!" David waved.

His spirit spread out, covering the entire cave completely. He found that the cave was surrounded by a substance that was isolated from the atmosphere. This substance was very strange to him, probably a certain substance a long time ago.

David didn't find the rest of the circle and patterns that could convey the information, which is completely isolated from the outside world.

Think about it too, such a secret is hidden here, of course it is impossible to reveal a breath.

David perceives the six death consciousnesses around him again. The death consciousness is still in a state of ‘hypnosis’, and there is no threat.

After discovering that there was no problem, the artifact "Dark Shadow" on his body automatically separated the two holes, and two wings extended from his back, spreading through the artifact "Dark Shadow".

After the appearance of the energy feather wings, David's body showed a strong sacred breath, which is a clear contrast to the evil breath of the artifact "Dark Shadow" on his body.

At this moment, both sacred and evil appeared on David. If the black dragon Alexis was not 100% sure that David was human, then he would have doubted David's race.

David didn't care about exposing some secrets in front of the black dragon Alexis. The servant-servant contract was very restrictive. The black dragon Alexis could not betray him at least while he was alive.

"Next!" David Shen said.

He mobilized ‘indestructible vitality’ from the bones, and the milky white ‘indestructible vitality’ formed a rain mist flying towards the black dragon Alexis.

The black dragon Alexis was too late to swiftly mobilize the spirit to let the ‘indestructible vitality’ rain and mist all fall on the body. He did not want to waste a trace of ‘indestructible vitality’.

The reason why David spread the wings of the energy feathers is because he needs to call up a lot of'undying vitality' this time. Only when he spreads the wings of the energy feathers can he ensure that enough energy enters the bones, so that The bones transform enough'undying vitality'.

The black dragon Alexis enjoyed the greatest joy in tens of thousands of years. On the huge wound on his body, the breath of death erosion turned into black mist and the wound returned to the unique golden color of god-level creatures.

‘Indestructible vitality’ continued to fall on the wound, and the flesh and blood on the wound began to grow, covering the bare bones a little bit, and slowly being covered with black skin.

Finally, on the black skin, dragon scales reappeared.

It's hard to believe that just now the black dragon Alexis was still dying. Now the black dragon scales on the whole body of the black dragon Alexis are gleaming with glare, completely protecting the body.

The black dragon Alexis had no injuries, except for the damage to the soul that could not be healed immediately, and his body was completely recovered.

With the unique defense and attack power of the Black Dragon, the strength of the Black Dragon Alexis recovered to more than half.

David is also slightly tired. This is the first time he has made such a large amount of ‘Indestructible Vitality’. He only knows that the large amount of ‘Indestructible Vitality’ still has some impact on his body, but it can be restored by taking a rest.

He decided in his heart that as long as he had free time, he would create some "undying vitality."

"Black Dragon Alexis, how are you feeling?" David put away the energy feather wings, stopped the supply of "indestructible vitality", and asked aloud.

The energy feather wings were recovered from David's body through the two holes behind the artifact'Dark Shadow'. The two holes behind the artifact'Dark Shadow' also automatically merged together as if they had never appeared.

This is the freedom of the artifact, which greatly facilitates the appearance of David's energy feather wings.

"Master Arthur, thank you for your treatment. My body has fully recovered. Only the wounds on my soul will take some time, but I can fight for you!" Black Dragon Alexis said happily.

The smile of the black dragon Alexis did not last long, and he thought of a serious problem that made his joy disappear instantly.

"Master Arthur, can you produce ‘indestructible vitality' yourself?" the black dragon Alexis asked carefully.

Before the injury, the answer expected by the black dragon Alexis was yes, but now the black dragon Alexis hopes that David's answer is no.

"This is my secret. As long as there is enough energy, the'undying vitality' can be made at any time!" David has been hiding this secret, and he can finally say it to those who are 100% trusted. When he said this, he was in a great mood Soothing.

Since David knew the existence of ‘Indestructible Vitality’, he understood how important his ability to create ‘Indestructible Vitality’ was.

Some information from Lord Gould revealed to him that ‘indestructible vitality’ is a treasure that only gods can reach even in the temple.

David alone kept this secret in his heart, and he dared not tell anyone about it, until today he was close to the black dragon Alexis who signed the contract between master and servant.

The mood of the black dragon Alexis is bitter, because David, who can create ‘immortal vitality’, has a special ability.

This ability may not have combat power, or even auxiliary functions, but it is the envy of any life, that is the ability to live forever.

As long as there is enough'undying vitality', then the body will not age, and it has always maintained its youngest state.

The "imperishable vitality" can break the rules of nature, and life can achieve true immortality under its action. This is the origin of the name "imperishable vitality".

The reason why the black dragon Alexis is willing to sign the master-servant contract is because he knows that human life is limited. As long as life reaches the end, he can get rid of the master-servant contract and have a free body.

The black dragon Alexis looked at David with his eyes, and he will always obey the command of this mankind, and take this mankind as his master.

Thinking of this, the black dragon Alexis had a killing intention in his heart, as long as he killed David, then he would be free.

Just when the black dragon Alexis was born with a murderous intention, the light on the master-servant contract flashed, and then the black dragon Alexis felt that the soul was like being hit by a giant hammer, and he made an involuntary sound. The scream of sorrow, which came from the punishment of the contract between the master and the servant. Although he could not kill his life, it could cause him great suffering.

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