Extraordinary David

Chapter 893: information

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David also felt the message from the master-servant contract, and there was a smile on his face. The success of the master-servant contract was signed. If you want autonomy, you don’t have to think about it, and you can’t attack the master.

In the history of the great world of the gods, no matter how many extraordinary creatures with special abilities, no matter how powerful the abilities are, as long as the master-servant contract is signed, the final result can only yield.

Although this time he signed the master-servant contract with the dragon, but as long as the master-servant contract is established, he can control the black dragon Alexis.

The black dragon Alexis, who had been badly hit by the soul, felt pain at this time. This kind of pain from the depths of the soul, even if he experienced torture for tens of thousands of years, was also unbearable.

"Black Dragon Alexis, I saved you, and you signed the master-servant contract with you. This is the first time this happens, and it is the last time. Once there is another time, I will use the master-servant contract. Destroy your soul!" David watched the black dragon Alexis silently warn.

There is a firm tone in David's voice. Although the black dragon Alexis is important in his heart, it is not really so irreplaceable.

If the black dragon Alexis dies, David can also obtain many benefits.

Although it is still unknown whether the body of the black dragon Alexis can be resurrected, even if it can be controlled after the resurrection, it is only the spirit level of the gods that is sufficient for David.

The black dragon Alexis in extreme pain knew in his heart that he could not get rid of this identity in the future.

If it is in the age of the dragon, the black dragon Alexis will not accept this result even if he chooses to die.

But after being tortured for tens of thousands of years by the **** of death, the black dragon Alexis had no longer the determination of that year, as can be seen from the fact that he could agree to sign the contract between the master and the servant.

Otherwise, as a dragon, the black dragon Alexis will not sign a master-servant contract with a human under any circumstances.

"Master Arthur, follow your orders!" said the black dragon Alexis, lowering his noble head.

David sent a piece of ‘indestructible vitality’, although it could not have much effect on the loss of soul, but it could also relieve pain.

He thought about it and summoned the Shadow Attendant. In the body of the Shadow Attendant, the souls of thirty-six fourth-level evil spirit believers turned into a pure soul energy.

David removed this group of soul energy from the shadow servant and flew into the body of the black dragon Alexis.

The black dragon Alexis felt the soul energy, and he was a little surprised by the complexity of David's ability. This kind of soul energy was obviously able to be refined by a **** who is good at soul research.

As a dragon family, the black dragon Alexis is not good at these, he is good at fighting.

He did not have the patience to study these delicate operations.

However, the black dragon Alexis also knew the benefits of soul energy. He introduced soul energy into his soul, and a burst of comfort came from the depths of the soul, making him groan.

After a minute, the black dragon Alexis recovered. These soul energies can only relieve his injury. He wants to heal the soul injury unless David provides the soul energy of the **** to the black dragon after the **** slaughter. Alexis will do.

Fortunately, the punishment of the black dragon Alexis because of the contract between the master and the servant also ended, and at least he returned to the state before he was not punished.

"Black Dragon Alexis, do you have any way to deal with these six consciousnesses?" David asked after he felt the state of Black Dragon Alexis through the master-servant contract.

The six death consciousnesses affected by David's "hypnosis" talent ability are still in a state of "hypnosis". David has no way to deal with this kind of consciousness, but this is the consciousness of the Lord.

Death is sleeping, and he will be affected by the talent of ‘hypnosis’, but David dares to destroy the sense of death, and will definitely be detected by the death.

"Master Arthur, do you mean to give these to me?" Black Dragon Alexis asked in some surprise.

In the view of the black dragon Alexis, these six death consciousnesses are good things, of course, this is relative to Him in this state at this time.

If he is in the heyday of the black dragon Alexis, he will never look at these six death consciousnesses.

"If you can deal with it cleanly, then give it to you!" David also heard the black dragon Alexis thought, said with a smile.

"Master Arthur, thank you!" Black Dragon Alexis thanked with some emotion.

After receiving David's help many times, the Black Dragon Alexis' resistance to becoming David's servant fell a lot.

The black dragon Alexis stretched out his dragon claws and held up the six death consciousnesses, feeling the strange state of the death consciousness. This ability to make the death consciousness all tricks is close to the ability of the gods, which makes him I feel more special about David.

The black dragon Alexis put six death consciousnesses in his mouth, chewing like eating snacks.

On the side, David has been paying attention to the state of the six death consciousnesses. He did not want to have any surprises, which attracted the attention of death.

The black dragon Alexis's mouth is like another dimension. When the six death consciousnesses are bitten by the sharp teeth in it, they wake up from the state of'hypnosis'.

However, these six death consciousnesses completely lost contact with death, and were quickly decomposed by the black dragon Alexis with his teeth to become a god-level spiritual energy.

Of course, this god-level spiritual energy is mixed with a lot of death consciousness fragments. If it is David who dare not absorb it, otherwise it will cause great damage to David's soul.

But this effect is useless to the black dragon Alexis, who absorbed the spiritual energy of the **** level to heal his soul injury.

"Black Dragon Alexis, I have something to talk to you!" David waited for the Black Dragon Alexis to absorb the energy of the six gods of death.

"Master Arthur, the black dragon Alexis obey your orders!" said the black dragon Alexis, lowering his head close to David.

David is very satisfied with the attitude of the black dragon Alexis, this is the attitude that the servants of the master-servant contract should have.

"The world today is ruled by five gods, and the rest of the gods are heretics. They are expelled and suppressed, and so is the one who is holding you!" David thought for a moment.

The black dragon Alexis nodded, and he also guessed that the death must be lost, otherwise how would he miss the opportunity to make a god-level puppet himself.

Over the years, the black dragon Alexis did not see the death again, and knew the death of death through various signs, which made him affirm the situation of death.

It's just that the black dragon Alexis didn't expect the five gods to calm down the world, how powerful these five gods would be.

David did not name the five gods, nor did the black dragon Alexis ask. They all knew that the name of the **** was not so easy to speak out, especially the existence of the black dragon Alexis could not be concerned by the gods at this time. .

In the state of the black dragon Alexis, once the gods pay attention, as David said, the rest of the gods are heretics, and the black dragon Alexis is no exception.

"Master Arthur, have you heard of the other dragons?" The black dragon Alexis's inquiry was expected and worried.

It is natural to expect the news of the dragons. The worry is because the black dragon Alexis's current servant status is known to the dragons to be ridiculed. It is troublesome to be chased by the dragons.

"Wait a minute!" David thought about it or decided to pass on the history of the divine world to the black dragon Alexis to let him understand the world and save the accident.

David copied and packed the part about the historical legend of the Great World from his memory, and turned it into an energy ball of knowledge and threw it to the black dragon Alexis.

The black dragon Alexis connected the energy ball of knowledge with spirit, and quickly absorbed and digested the historical knowledge of the divine world.

"The Age of Dragons..." Black Dragon Alexis muttered to himself, even though David had previously heard that five gods ruled the world, but in the heart of Black Dragon Alexis, the dragon family is still Invincible and powerful.

However, the black dragon Alexis did not expect that the invincible dragon family eventually became a noun in the history of the "age of dragons".

Even the Yalong family with the highest blood concentration has disappeared, and only some of the lives that claim to have the dragon blood line show that the'Dragon Age' has existed in the world.

"It's okay to leave, I hope the dragon family has found a home for survival!" Black Dragon Alexis said in a low mood.

"Black Dragon Alexis, once you leave here now, you will be immediately inspired by the five great gods. Do you have a way to hide your breath?" David ignored the feeling of Black Dragon Alexis, he asked.

David remembered that Gladstone, the **** of plague, only leaked a little breath from the small world to the main world, and was discovered by the temple. Then the godly war composed of the temple killed the plague **** Gladstone.

According to David's understanding, the black dragon Alexis is equivalent to the existence of a god. Once he appears in the main world, the breath will be discovered by the temple, and the consequence will be chased to death by the temple.

"Master Arthur, you don’t have to worry, I just have the fighting power of the gods. The strength and defense are comparable to the gods, but I am completely different from the gods. Our dragon family is a life form recognized by the rules of the world. Our power is The origin of the body is completely different from the gods. The gods’ bodies are constrained by the rules of the world and cannot fully exert their abilities!" Black Dragon Alexis explained with some pride.

The dragon family was originally the master of the world, and was born with the power to break the rules, but was recognized by the rules of the world.

Instead, the spirits are hostile to the rules of the world. The spirits themselves are the product of breaking the rules. The appearance of the rules in the main world will naturally be discovered by the rules of the world. The temple uses this to discover ancient gods who accidentally wake up anywhere in the world of the gods.

"That's good, but your body type, or you enter the summoning ring, your body is too striking!" David must be in his heart, as long as the black dragon Alexis is not discovered by the temple, otherwise The trouble afterwards will be huge.

Black Dragon Alexis felt the summoning ring on David's finger. He didn't want to enter at all. He was fed up with the enclosed space.

"I can reduce my size without affecting your actions!" Black Dragon Alexis said helplessly.

After talking about the black dragon Alexis, he actively used the power he did not want to use. It is important to know that in the era of the dragon, the huge body represents stronger strength, and this ability to make the body smaller is only for special circumstances. Researched for convenience in action.

The body of the black dragon Alexis like a hill suddenly disappeared. Of course, this is only a visual effect. The black dragon Alexis did not disappear, but became the size of a kitten.

And because the body became smaller, the horror momentum of the original dragon also disappeared, replaced by a little cute feeling.

It is no wonder that the dragon family does not like to become smaller. If the black dragon Alexis did not want to stay in the closed ring of summoning, he definitely did not want to be in this state.

Fortunately, the dragon family has already left the **** world, and the black dragon Alexis is not worried about being seen by acquaintances.

David felt it with his spirit and found that the breath of Black Dragon Alexis did converge very well. His powerful spirit could not perceive the power of Black Dragon Alexis in this form.

At this time, the black dragon Alexis was like a super creature with a dragon's bloodline. Although it grows weird, the super creature has too many weird creatures. It is normal for nobles to carry pets with them.

"Very good, but do you still have combat power in this state?" David asked with a smile.

"Master Arthur, with you as the standard, I have more power than you in this state!" The black dragon Alexis is also not polite, to be honest.

David never felt angry about this, but was very satisfied in his heart.

This is equivalent to carrying a powerful presence that can crush the fifth level, and if necessary, the black dragon Alexis can also return to the dragon state at any time.

David recalled the "Phantom Pterosaur" that he had just put away because he was afraid of the black dragon Alexis, and was ready to ride on the "Phantom Pterosaur" to leave here.

"Master Arthur, can you allow me to destroy this place?" The black dragon Alexis did not move, and he begged David.

David hesitated a little, knowing that once the black dragon Alexis destroyed this satellite, it would be tantamount to telling the cultists of the **** of death that something was wrong here.

But then I thought about it, this kind of thing would not be hidden for a long time, and it will soon be known by the believers of the death.

Let the black dragon Alexis vent, or just look at the strength of the black dragon Alexis, whether it is really as horrible as the legend.

"I'm waiting for you outside!" David nodded and said.

"Phantom Pterosaur" didn't feel the terrible black dragon Alexis. At this time, "Phantom Pterosaur" just wanted to quickly leave this space with the dragon's breath.

So after David revealed the idea of ​​leaving, ‘Phantom Pterosaur’ continued to exert the ‘instant movement’ talent ability at the fastest speed, and soon appeared in space.

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