Extraordinary David

Chapter 894: destroy

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The black dragon Alexis looked at the cave in front of him. His eyes were full of anger, and his body swelled instantly, returning to the state of a dragon.

He strongly resisted the urge to send out Dragon Yin. The sound of Dragon Yin would cause trouble to David. The black dragon Alexis would torture tens of thousands of years, and the sufferings of tens of thousands of years, all kinds of things of tens of thousands of years. Unwilling, all turned into the power of anger, and the space on his two claws was continuously wiped out, restored and wiped out.

The fully recovered dragon body bursts out of the power to break the rules of the world, and belongs to the real top-level life force of the great world of the gods, and once again came to the great world of the gods.

The black dragon Alexis slammed his dragon claws suddenly, the power of terror came from the dragon claws, and the space in front of the dragon claws was instantly destroyed.

Afterwards, the chain space was destroyed, devouring a large area inside the seventh satellite of Elliot.

The black dragon Alexis moved forward, ignoring the destruction of space caused by himself, and the powerful black dragon's body defense was far beyond imagination.

Even in the age of the dragon, the black dragon is also known for its body defense and strength.

The black dragon Alexis felt the contact between the broken space and the dragon scale, making him feel that he was still alive. The half-dead state of the previous tens of thousands of years, let him thank him for being alive at this time, and let him want to experience the alive. It felt like He desperately wanted to go crazy.

The left and right dragon claws were continuously waved, and the figure of the black dragon Alexis shuttled quickly inside the seventh satellite.

David is sitting on the back of Phantom Pterosaur. Phantom Pterosaur is in the state of "invisibility". David doesn't want people to see him appear on the star of Ello.

Whether it is for the plan prepared before, or the imprisonment of the black dragon Alexis, I don't want to be related to myself.

David didn't wait long, just thirty seconds, he saw the black dragon Alexis flying towards him in a state of shrinking like a cat.

It can be seen that the "invisibility" of "Phantom Pterosaur" is of no use to the black dragon Alexis. The black dragon Alexis, like a black light, sits through the void and sits on the back of the "Phantom Pterosaur" .

How do you think that the'Phantom Pterosaur' with the bloodline of the noble dragon will allow the black dragon Alexis like a kitten to sit on its back, and its back only allows the owner to sit.

"Phantom Pterosaur" uttered a dissatisfied whisper, but just when it wanted to drive away the small things on its body, the black dragon Alexis leaked a breath of dragon.

The dissatisfaction whisper of'Umbra Pterosaur' turned into a terrified weak whisper. If it wasn't for the master to comfort him on the back, it would want to shrink into a ball at this time, shrinking to be smaller than the black dragon Alexis The cat is smaller.

What happened to Frightened Pterodactyl even happened. The seventh satellite that just left suddenly collapsed inward.

When the black dragon Alexis left the seventh satellite, the surface of the seventh satellite seemed to have no problem. In fact, the interior was destroyed by the black dragon Alexis in a short period of time.

The change in the gravity of Elliot and the seventh satellite is stronger than the tension of the seventh satellite shell, and destruction is coming.

David watched the destruction of the Seventh Satellite. In front of him, the Seventh Satellite continued to collapse. During the collapse, the shell turned into debris.

This is the legendary ruin. After David himself possessed the strength of a five-level Templar, he knew that he could do it too, but it would take a long time and repeated attacks, like a large Like engineering, as long as the attack is strong enough, a planet can be destroyed.

But in his view, the destruction of the fifth-level Templars is very different from the legendary destruction of the world. First of all, it is the momentum, that kind of attack, destroying the surface of the planet, and then a little inward Attack until the stability of the planet is destroyed, causing catastrophic destruction of the planet and becoming a dead star.

But this attack is different from the total destruction of the planet. It does not match the legend of ruining the world. If the elephant does not move, it will also be eroded by ants a little bit. However, it is still different from knocking down the elephant with a punch. I don't know how much.

When David saw the destruction of the Seventh Satellite by the Black Dragon Alexis, he only understood what is destroying the earth and how much he differed from the real power.

Perhaps without the appearance of the black dragon Alexis, David will continue to improve his strength. He will become the supreme existence in the fifth-level Templars, but he does not have a clear goal.

The emergence of the black dragon Alexis gave David a goal, what is a strong goal, David set a goal to catch up with the strength of the black dragon Alexis in his heart.

In thirty seconds, a satellite is destroyed, so how long does it take for the black dragon Alexis to destroy the Elliot?

It probably won't take too long to think about it, to know that the black dragon Alexis is not in its heyday at this time.

"Black Dragon Alexis, is this the strength of the dragon?" David asked the Black Dragon Alexis sitting in front of him.

"The black dragon is good at fighting among the dragons!" The black dragon Alexis was not excited about the destruction of the seventh satellite, he answered.

In the heart of the black dragon Alexis, the destruction of the seventh satellite is just the end of a memory.

Black Dragon Alexis thought of tens of thousands of years of tortured experience, and his gratitude to David increased, and a seed called loyalty took root in his heart.

"How do you compare with your strength?" David continued to ask.

David wants to judge the strength of the **** of death based on the strength of the black dragon Alexis. It is difficult to say whether he will become an enemy with the **** of death in the future. Anyway, as long as the things he has done are known by the **** of death, it will be an endless result.

"If you fight face-to-face, that guy will not be my opponent!" Black Dragon Alexis replied a little lacking.

David naturally also heard that the black dragon Alexis is good at fighting head-on, but with the strangeness of death, how can a head-on battle be possible, the more the black dragon Alexis emphasizes fighting face-to-face, the more the problem is explained.

There was a little more tension in his heart. The strength of the black dragon Alexis was similar to that of Death. Perhaps it was not as good as Death in some ways.

The **** of death and many ancient gods have been defeated by the five gods today. I can imagine how powerful the five gods are now.

"What a dangerous world!" David sighed softly after seeing the reality of the world.

"Go, let's go back!" He tapped on "Phantom Pterosaur", and "Phantom Pterosaur" activated the "momentary move" talent ability to leave quickly.

Many people do not have a rest on the Ello star at night, especially for some believers who like the night.

These people were fortunate enough to see a scene that would be unforgettable all their lives, suspended in space, and the seventh satellite of Elliot, which had existed for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly collapsed.

The seventh satelliteization is a smoke, which makes people watching this scene feel the fear. It is a kind of fear from the depths of the soul and a powerful fear of the unknown.

There are always legends about ruining the heavens and the earth, but that is only a legend. Because of the rule of the five gods, no miracles have appeared in the world for a long time. The destruction of the seventh satellite makes people feel the anger from the gods.

No matter what faith people are, they kneel to the ground and they pray to their gods.

The smoke that the seventh satellite turned into was lowered towards the star of Elliot under the influence of gravity. The original night was not dark due to the reflection of the stellar light from many satellites.

But at this time, Ello Star was affected by smoke and dust, and turned into real darkness.

Shouts, shouts, and crazy emotions spread on the star of Erluo. The sleeping person was awakened, and then saw the dark sky, ushered in a more terrified cry.

The conditional nobles immediately approached the planetary portal, and they wanted to escape from Elliot and escape from this end-of-the-world scene.

There was chaos in the planetary portal, and a large number of people concentrated on it.

People on the rest of the satellites of Elliot stared more clearly. The seventh satellite disappeared and a lot of dust entered the atmosphere of Elliot.

Looking at Elliot from the rest of the satellites, it was like a long-haired ball.

The terrible events that took place on Elliot spread through the world of Gods at an extremely rapid rate.

Due to the particularity of Elliot, Elliot does not have a noble affairs office, and its law enforcement team is equivalent to none, but many noble families have set up intelligence points here.

At the headquarters of the "Gods of the Dusk", the Bishop of Bunyan V received emergency information from Elliot in his room.

This kind of special urgent information is rarely used.

The Bishop of Bunyan Level 5 opened the intelligence, and when he saw the content of the intelligence, it was not like a human face, and it was even more terrifying.

His body was trembling, and the intelligence in his hand was like ten million tons of weight. As his body trembles, the intelligence in his hand fell to the ground.

There was only one thing in the mind of the fifth-level Bishop of Bunyan. There was a big thing. This thing was so big that it would make the sleeping Death angry, and he did not dare to imagine the consequences of this matter.

The second-level Bishop of Bunyan walked out of the room and came into the hall. His eyes swept through the hall. Several Cultists who were on duty in the hall felt his will and hurriedly withdrew from the hall.

The Bishop of Bunyan V came to the **** of death with his knees and hands on the ground, and his head fell on the ground, facing the **** of death with an extremely pious attitude.

"My lord, your humble servant reports to you that the moon that the star of Elliot imprisoned the black dragon has been destroyed!" said the second-level bishop of Bunyan gently.

His voice does not need to be loud, so he can convey his meaning to the idol in front of him and be received by the **** of death through the idol.

This is also the reason why the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan came to the main hall. In fact, there is a small idol in his room. Through the small idol, he can also contact the **** of death.

It’s just that using a small idol, the process required is more complicated and takes longer, and the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan can’t wait that long.

In the small world of Bleach, sitting on a huge altar built with countless white bones, sits a Bleach wrapped in black mist.

Reaper is in a state of deep sleep, and part of his consciousness is automatically processing the messages from the believers, and will automatically reply if necessary.

When a message from the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan came, the body of the **** of death trembling suddenly received the news, and the black mist on the body of the **** of death rose like flames, and anger spread all over. small world.

In the great world of God, strange things have happened in many places.

A noble's servant, another is a low-level believer in death. At night, he is performing routine daily prayers. The prayer is in progress, but he feels a black mist rushing into his body from the void.

The death believer was excited, he finally got the response of death, he finally got rid of the nobility of the noble servant, and became a powerful existence like a knight.

The believer in death has begun to imagine the benefits he will receive after receiving the gift of death.

However, when he was still in fantasy, his physical appearance made him awake.

The black mist entered his body, constantly absorbing the vitality of his body, which again made the black mist boil.

When the believer of death didn’t understand what was happening, his body and soul were all engulfed in black mist, and then the black mist erupted outward, and the nearby servants at rest were contaminated with black mist.

These servants were swallowed by the black mist in their sleep, and turned into black nourishment.

The black mist expanded and continued to grow. Eventually, the entire noble family's castle was surrounded by black mist, and all life in the castle was killed by the black mist.

This kind of thing happened at the same time on all planets of the whole world of God. As the most feared ancient **** of death, even in the present age, there are still many believers in the **** of death.

The death of a **** of death caused tens of thousands of low-level believers to die in various parts of the world, and the black fog caused the death of millions of people, just like some believers in the prosperous city, the whole city was destroyed. .

This is the anger of the gods, even if the death is still asleep, but the anger of the death still affects the world.

This is still a little controlled by Bleach, but only the emotion of anger is passed to the low-level believers. The middle- and high-level Blind believers are the root of Bleach and will not be wasted at will.

"Investigation, destruction!" The fifth-level bishop of Bunyan received a reply from the **** of death, and that deep anger.

The second-level Bishop of Bunyan understood the will of the **** of death and investigated the destruction of the seventh satellite of Elliot to find out the true murderer and destroy it.

After receiving this reply, he couldn't help shaking his head bitterly, even if he was so devout to the **** of death, he also needed to consider the strength of facing possible enemies.

How powerful the existence of the Seventh Satellite can be destroyed, not to mention that the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan is wondering whether the Black Dragon detained on the Seventh Satellite has escaped.

This is also the most worried about the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan, or he believes that after the black dragon escapes, he will destroy the seventh satellite.

Only the Black Dragon, who has been tortured for tens of thousands of years, has such hatred, such strength, and such motivation.

However, the death has been confessed, and naturally it must be done. One order was issued from the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan, and many believers in the Elliot star, even some nobles, began to take action and participated in the investigation of the event. in.

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