Extraordinary David

Chapter 895: return

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Returning to Garmi, the black dragon Alexis was still very curious about Garmi in front of him.

"Master Arthur, has the world become like this now?" Black Dragon Alexis found that there was no human in the entire Garmic Star, all of them were mechanical puppets, which made the Black Dragon Alexis wonder. .

"Alexis, I came to the world of Gods from more than a year ago. I used to live in the Interstellar Federation, and Gami Star was transformed by the technology of the Interstellar Federation!" David explained with a smile. .

It can make the Black Dragon Alexis curious, and David is also very satisfied. Although the Black Dragon Alexis is his servant, it is a real dragon, a great existence that can be as powerful as the gods.

If it wasn't luck, the black dragon Alexis was tortured by death for tens of thousands of years, and David could not conquer the black dragon Alexis and sign a master-servant contract with him.

"It turns out that this is the technology of the Interstellar Federation, this kind of knowledge system is indeed completely different!" The spirit of the black dragon Alexis swept around, nodding his head.

The black dragon Alexis used David to speak with David, which caused the "Phantom Pterosaur" to tremble involuntarily when he heard a word.

This is not that the "Phantom Pterosaur" is too incompetent, but the problem of the dragon bloodline in its body.

The blood of the dragon in the body of "Phantom Pterosaur" is of course richer than the life of the rest of the dragons in the world of God, but in the real age, even the dragon of the "Phantom Pterosaur" in the era of the dragon is not even counted , Fear of Dragon Language is also normal.

David also felt the tension of'Phantom Pterosaur', smiled and patted'Phantom Pterosaur' to let him fly to play, as long as he did not leave Gami Star, at the speed of'Phantom Pterosaur', As long as he summoned, he could rush back immediately.

The black dragon Alexis flew beside David and flew with David to the mountain where the space debris is located.

"Alexis, sit on my shoulders, and I will take you in!" David came to the mountain and said to the black dragon Alexis.

Black Dragon Alexis hesitated a little, thinking in his heart if he didn't want to be a mount, then he would be a real pet, so he chose to jump on David's shoulder.

David didn't think so much, because he wanted to use his "underground sneak" talent ability, and to bring the black dragon Alexis into the mountain's secret chamber, he needed to be in contact with the black dragon Alexis.

Black Dragon Alexis has seen David use his "underground sneak" talent ability, but that time was to let the rocks separate automatically, but it was not too intuitive.

This time, the black dragon Alexis saw that the soil and stone in front of him separated automatically, forming a passage in front of them. After they passed, the passage behind them returned to the original appearance.

Black Dragon Alexis can't help but sigh about the peculiarity of this ability. For Black Dragon Alexis, it is also very easy to enter the mountain's secret chamber. One click can cut the mountain in half and then you can come in. .

But if it was as silent as David, without causing any damage, he was not good at it.

Of course, the soul of the black dragon Alexis can be restored, and some dragon clandestine tricks can also be cast, but it is possible to enter, but it is not necessary to think for a long time.

"Space debris!" As soon as he entered the secret chamber, the black dragon Alexis saw the space debris placed in the circle.

"Alexis, after entering the space debris, you must restrain the power, do not collapse the space debris!" David confessed in advance.

"Master Arthur, please rest assured, I will be very careful!" Black Dragon Alexis replied.

After teleporting again, David took the black dragon Alexis into the space debris.

The well-known black dragon Alexis is not surprised by the scenes in the space debris. The super-large gathering magic circle and luxurious castles are really not considered for the dragons who have the wealth of the entire world. what.

Of course, at this time, the black dragon Alexis was alone, and there was nothing to collect.

However, the black dragon Alexis did not propose to David the idea of ​​helping him build a dragon nest here. This space debris is too fragile. I am afraid that as long as the black dragon Alexis shows up the real dragon, this space debris There is a possibility of collapse.

David brought Black Dragon Alexis into space debris is not boring, he also knows that the power of Black Dragon Alexis is dangerous to space debris.

But he needs to let the black dragon Alexis understand his cultivation methods, and let the black dragon Alexis use the eyes of the super strong to find a way to improve.

David summoned the twelve fifth-level Templars and one fifth-level bishop and asked them to practice aside.

"Master Arthur, these avatars of yours are really unexpected, and they can be at the same level as your strength!" Black Dragon Alexis couldn't help but sigh when he saw so many fifth-level strongmen.

Just look at Grim Reaper torture the black dragon Alexis for tens of thousands of years in order to create a puppet of the same level, you can see how difficult it is to get a puppet of the same level.

"I resurrected their corpses with'indestructible vitality', transformed their original fifth-level soul source into my soul avatar, and then re-implanted them into the resurrected body, which became such a avatar, and neither did I I know if there is any future trouble!" David did not keep it secret, and explained to the black dragon Alexis how he resurrected in detail.

Black Dragon Alexis listened for a while. Although David's explanation is very clear and seems to be very simple, but the abilities involved are not simple at all.

The first is to use the "undying vitality" to resurrect the fifth-level corpse, even if the gods will feel reluctant, and consume the precious "undying vitality" extravagantly just to resurrect the fifth-level corpse, the gods will not do such a thing. .

‘Indestructible vitality’ is extremely precious to gods, and it is impossible to fall into the hands of non-divine spirits. No one will consume ‘indestructible vitality’ because of the fifth-level combat power to resurrect the fifth-level corpse.

The second is the transformation of the five-level soul origin into a soul avatar. This technology does exist among the gods, but it requires a spirit specializing in the soul.

Even if the spirit changed the source of the fifth-level soul, it will not be put into the fifth-level body, but will be included in the small world and become the guardian of the small world, manipulating the creation of the **** to protect the small world.

These two abilities should not appear on non-gods at all, but David used this ability to resurrect the fifth-level corpse at the same time.

"These five levels are no problem, but the potential is not small, you can increase with your strength, and will be a good helper in the future!" Black Dragon Alexis scanned the twelve fifth-level Templars and Said a fifth-level bishop.

David nodded with a smile, as long as there is no problem, he has been groping alone for a long time, and now there are finally strong men who can guide him.

This gives him greater confidence in the improvement of his own strength and will not always fumble in the dark.

"Alexis, I am ready to start cultivation. You will observe my cultivation on the side to see what can be improved or whether there are any defects in my knight cultivation method!" David said seriously.

In the Interstellar Federation, David’s cognition of the knight cultivation system was powerful to terrifying, but as he came into contact with more and more things in the world of the gods, and his strength became higher and higher, he also had a new understanding of the knight cultivation system Understanding.

The knight cultivation system is just like the cultivation system of the Star Federation, except that the bottleneck of the cultivation system of the Star Federation is two or three levels, and the bottleneck of the knight cultivation system of the Divine World is five levels.

Before he did not reach the fifth level of strength, David did not have any ideas about the bottleneck of the knight training system, but after really reaching the fifth level, he began to have some turbulence on the knight training system.

Whether this knight cultivation system is related to gods, is it a **** that limits the breakthrough of the knight cultivation system.

It is important to know that during the ten thousand years of the stability of the great world, there are countless amazing talents. David does not believe that these geniuses will not be able to become new gods.

But in these tens of thousands of years, the gods have never heard of the emergence of new gods.

Although David did not know whether a knight had broken through the fifth level, he could be sure that no knight became a god, which made him doubt the knight cultivation system.

"Master Arthur, please allow me to scan your whole body!" The black dragon Alexis is also curious about the current cultivation system, he agreed.

David sat in the super-large gathering spirit circle and began the practice of the "Leopard Breathing Method".

Along with David's cultivation process, the eyes of the black dragon Alexis became more and more surprised and unbelievable.

When David finished his hour of practice and opened his eyes, he just saw the eyes of the black dragon Alexis.

"Alexis, what do you think?" David asked aloud.

"Master Arthur, the knight cultivation method you are practicing should be a simplified cultivation method of the dragon family. With the blood potential in your body, you can become a level 5 beyond your potential!" Black Dragon Alexis David explained.

David was stunned. He did not expect that this knight practice method was actually a simplified practice method of the dragon family, but he did not doubt the judgment of the black dragon Alexis.

To say that in this world, who has the most say in the cultivation method of the dragon family, who can compare with the real dragon Black Dragon Alexis.

"I don't quite understand that with your training methods, your strength and speed should not reach this level, and even your bloodline source Shadow Panther has not reached your current strength and speed!" Black Dragon Alexis continued Said.

The black dragon Alexis knows the Shadow Leopard. This ancient creature has not been put in the eyes of the dragons.

Even the strongest king among the Shadow Leopards can only reach the initial strength of level five, but David, who has a little blood, no matter how to practice, level four is already David's capping strength.

David believes in the judgment of the Black Dragon Alexis. Fortunately, he has good luck and does not rely on the power of the bloodline to improve his strength.

A lot of resources, super large gathering spirit array, the rich energy in the space debris, especially the talent ability of'purification of blood veins' Templar Knight.

"Alexis, will my cultivation method never break through level 5?" David asked with concern.

"If you follow your practice, there are no other chances. Level 5 is already the end, but you should have the rest of the secrets. When I just scanned your body, I felt the original rules of God!" Black Dragon Alexis also Some uncertain answers.

The soul of the black dragon Alexis has not recovered, and he is not sure about the rules of the origin of God scanned from David.

God’s original rule is the root of the gods, that is, the battle between the gods, can’t get the defeater’s original rule, let alone mortal like David.

Relying solely on David's knight bloodline training method, it is indeed impossible to upgrade the realm anymore. Even if the resources are used to create more fifth-level bloodline power, it can't fundamentally increase the level of the fifth-level bloodline power. Reaching the fifth level has reached the extreme.

Hearing the rules of God’s origin, David immediately thought of the fighting angel and the bald-headed heroes. These two are desperate in their own soul space, and finally they all belong to the same spirit. In the end, only two **** crystals are left in his soul space.

"Two remnants of the spirits fought in my soul space. In the end, they all died together, and they were transformed into two crystals in my soul space. After that, I gained the divinity of a **** and activated the two crystals. , These two crystals brought me increased strength and speed respectively!" David told his secret.

The black dragon Alexis can swear in his own name that if David was not in front of him, he would never believe that this would happen.

The two gods fought in David's soul space. As long as there was a little error in power, David's soul space would collapse.

In fact, the black dragon Alexis did not know that both the fighting angels and the bald headed gods chose David's body as the basis for resurrection.

The skeleton of the battle angel was forcibly replaced into David's body, replacing David's original skeleton, which also made David's body the only and best choice for the battle angel.

The bald-headed spirit is because the only hopeful shadow servant was handed over to David very early. David is the anchor point for the bald-headed spirit to return to the world.

Both gods have the reason why they have to protect David's soul space. This makes it necessary to protect the soul space of David even if they are desperate.

This also gave David the ultimate benefit. Know that this is the last remnant of the two spirits who have nowhere to go. Under normal circumstances, this remnant will only wait for the opportunity in the chaos of time and space, or it will be wiped out forever, impossible. Let other gods get the chance of the original rules.

Black Dragon Alexis had no idea how to evaluate David's situation at this time. Black Dragon Alexis had never seen it before, and he hadn't even thought about it.

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