Extraordinary David

Chapter 896: Bloodline

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"Master Arthur, your situation is too special. I want to consider finding a practical solution to enhance your potential!" Black Dragon Alexis did not immediately give an opinion when he learned about David, and Said thoughtfully.

For the Black Dragon Alexis, it was not too difficult to help a five-level analysis and cultivation method to solve the troubles in cultivation, but David's particularity made him have to think more.

"Okay, you think here, I continue to practice!" David felt the intention of the black dragon Alexis, he said with a smile.

Regardless of whether the Black Dragon Alexis is bound by the master-servant contract or repaying David's life-saving grace, anyway, through the master-servant contract, David can determine that the black dragon Alexis is working hard to solve the problem.

David summoned the twelve fifth-level Templars who had just practiced far, and used the ‘blood power purification’ talent ability to help practice. This is also part of his practice, and he also needs to show it to the black dragon Alexis.

"Purified Bloodline Purification Pattern" appeared, and then a fifth-level Templar Knight stepped forward to introduce the power of the bloodline just trained into the "Purified Bloodline Purification Pattern".

"Human beings really have the favor of the world!" the black dragon Alexis muttered to himself.

In the age of the dragon, the dragon is the darling of the world. Its powerful combat strength, unmatched defense, and noble life are all gifts from the world.

Or humans cannot compare with the dragons in these respects, but the world has given humans gifts in another way, that is these special talents.

The ability to purify the power of the bloodline is also a very talented ability in the era of the dragon, but it appears in humans.

The black dragon Alexis also understands why the blood of David Shadow Panther is extremely weak, but he has also become a fifth-level powerhouse. This ‘purity of bloodline’ talent has played a very important role.

The black dragon Alexis thought of many chances in David. Perhaps David is the life favored by the world. He considered and made an important decision again and again.

David is eternal, this will not change, and signed a master-servant contract with David, so that the black dragon Alexis must protect David's safety.

In other words, as long as the black dragon Alexis did not die, then David would not die.

Perhaps in the future, the black dragon Alexis will always be with David. If David's limit is five, then the black dragon Alexis will also be very depressed. He will only humblely become a five-level servant.

But if David can be made stronger, then the black dragon Alexis can also have a higher status.

With this thought, the black dragon Alexis thought of the best choice he could make.

"Master Arthur, I found a way to give you a lot of potential!" Black Dragon Alexis said to David, who was absorbing the blood of the last fifth-level Templar.

"Alexis, what's the solution?" David was so happy that he waved the twelve fifth-level Templars to continue their cultivation. He came to the black dragon Alexis and sat down to ask.

"The biggest problem you are facing now is the blood of the Shadow Leopard and the knight cultivation method. As I said earlier, the knight cultivation method comes from the simplification of the cultivation method of the dragon family. No matter what kind of dragon is powerful The body of the dragon is determined by the blood of the dragon. The cultivation method of the dragon family is to maximize the use of the dragon's blood.

There are not many knights I have seen, but just by looking at the twelve knight avatars you and you can judge the source of the defects of knight practice.

The knight training method is very similar to the dragon blood training method, but the final height of the two training methods depends on the level of the blood line. The blood concentration of the Shadow Leopard in your body is extremely high. I don’t know what method you used, like this Twelve knight avatars, and their various blood vein concentrations are uneven.

Among these bloodlines, even the strongest dragon bloodline, because of the concentration problem, can not break through the fifth level. "Black Dragon Alexis analyzed.

David nodded while listening, and the analysis of the Black Dragon Alexis was arguably the most pertinent analysis he heard.

Indeed, the root of the knight is the bloodline. The original owners of these bloodlines are very powerful, just like the bloodlines of the dragons, some are the legendary biological bloodlines, some of the original owners of these bloodlines can reach the **** level, and some of the original owners of the bloodlines But it is not powerful, which caused the knight's natural combat strength.

Just like the difference between the top aristocrats and ordinary aristocrats, except for the alien of David, the other top aristocrats are all very powerful knights born with blood.

Without the top blood, the knight cannot be a tier five templar.

But even if these bloodlines are extremely powerful knights by nature, their bloodlines cannot be compared with the original owners of bloodlines. The inheritance of countless years makes the bloodlines weaker and weaker.

The nobles kept the bloodline pure by various means, and could only barely maintain the state of the bloodline.

In the state of these bloodlines, if you want to never break through the fifth level through cultivation, it is no wonder that Lord Gould and four other lords will do crazy things to kill the gods. It is estimated that they also know about the bloodline of the knight.

Lord Gould is the White Dragon Bloodline, and there is no hope of breaking through the fifth level of this Dragon Bloodline, let alone the Bloodline of Shadow Panther like David.

"According to your situation, I have come up with a way to completely solve the blood in your body, and can also provide you with a set of training methods, but it requires you to make a decision!" Black Dragon Alexis solemnly Said to David.

"Alexis, please!" David said seriously.

"I can extract a part of the Black Dragon Bloodline for you. The Black Dragon Bloodline can definitely crush the Shadow Leopard bloodline in your body, thus replacing the Shadow Leopard bloodline.

With the blood of the black dragon, plus the training method of the black dragon, you are no more shackled above the fifth level, the final achievement depends on your luck! "Black Dragon Alexis made his own opinion.

David bowed his head and thought, with the existence of the contract between the master and the servant, he did not worry that the black dragon Alexis would harm him. Coupled with the skeleton of the battle angel in the body, as long as it was not directly lethal, he was very sure from He recovered from the injury.

For the replacement of blood, he does not have to worry about losing his body.

As for the success rate, since the black dragon Alexis proposed it, there must be a great possibility of success.

Of course, the Black Dragon Alexis also has his own careful thinking. David has the Black Dragon bloodline, which is equivalent to a member of the Black Dragon family. The servant identity of the Black Dragon Alexis is not so difficult to accept.

"Alexis, then trouble you!" David said with a focus.

"Master Arthur, please be assured that there will be no problem!" Black Dragon Alexis replied gladly when he saw David agree.

Fortunately, the dragon body of the black dragon Alexis was completely restored, otherwise he would dare to move his bloodline as the black dragon Alexis suffered before.

Strongly holding back the pain, the black dragon Alexis took a cut from the bone marrow of his bloodstream.

Fortunately, David's body is much smaller than the dragon's body. The tiny dragon bone marrow that the black dragon Alexis took out from the kitten-like body turned into the size of David's fingers as soon as he left the body.

"Some pain, you hold back!" The black dragon Alexis was already used to the pain. He didn't care about taking out the black dragon bone marrow himself, but then he had to operate on David, he reminded.

David turned around and the artifact "Dark Shadow" on his body was folded away, revealing his back.

The black dragon Alexis stretched out his small paw-like paws and gently stroked the skin on David's back.

David's powerful physique can resist the attack of the fourth-grade weapons, but there is no slight delay under the claws of the black dragon Alexis.

But the black dragon Alexis soon encountered trouble. His claws touched David's spine. He found that the claws could not damage David's bones.

In the judgment of the black dragon Alexis, if he is attacking with all strength in the state of a dragon, he may be able to destroy this skeleton, but at this time the state of shrinking is really helpless.

This made the black dragon Alexis extremely embarrassed, but the method he proposed, but could not be operated.

"Is the bone marrow implanted in my spine?" David asked aloud at this moment.

"Yes, but your bones are too strong!" Black Dragon Alexis said helplessly.

David had a little pride in his heart, and also thought about the power of the fighting angel. Although the black dragon Alexis is in a reduced state, the black dragon Alexis in this state can also suppress the existence of all five levels.

Such a powerful black dragon, Alexis, is helpless against the skeleton of an undefended battle angel. How strong is the original battle angel?

In fact, the fighting angels are indeed extremely strong. This kind of gods from different worlds that do not belong to the divine world, the interstellar federation and the zerg world, if it is not unlucky to encounter the turbulent time and space and break up the body by the vortex of space, where would be so easy Is destroyed.

However, it is through the turbulent flow of time and space, the vortex of space that any **** can be wiped out, or the bones are preserved. This is the hardness of the skeleton of the fighting angel.

"Then let me do it!" David said as he summoned the fifth-level bishop.

The fifth-level bishop was simple, a space force wrapped the black dragon bone marrow, and then sent into David's spine.

As the black dragon's bone marrow entered David's spine, David felt an extreme pain pass, making him almost faint.

He quickly switched his mind to the shadow attendant, and cut off the pain with the Lord's soul.

In a spine of David, the black dragon bone marrow, which is the blood source of the black dragon, absorbs the blood source of the shadow leopard around it and merges.

It is not easy to integrate the origin of blood, otherwise someone has long tried to integrate the origin of a powerful blood.

First of all, the original owner of the bloodline source has extremely strong strength, can control the bloodline source, and recover the life mark in the bloodline source.

If there is a mark of life, then the origin of the bloodline cannot be accepted by the new body.

Black Dragon Alexis easily controlled his own origin of the Black Dragon Blood Vessel, and at the same time withdrew the mark, he also gave the Black Dragon Blood Vessel the command to engulf it.

The blood source of the Black Dragon is like a beast, and the blood source of the Shadow Leopard is like a rabbit. The blood source of the Shadow Leopard in this spine was quickly engulfed. The engulfed Black Dragon blood source received the life stamp of the Blood Leopard of the Shadow Leopard and was successfully killed. Accepted by David's body.

David controlled the bones to generate ‘indestructible vitality’ through the Shadow Servant, which spawned the origin of the Black Dragon’s bloodline, and the Black Dragon’s bloodline attacked the rest of the spine and occupied all the spine.

If there is no "undying vitality", this process may take many years, and it is also a tug-of-war confrontation, separated by the vertebrae, the black dragon blood veins want to attack the rest of the spine, and it is impossible to quickly generate without the "undying vitality" So fast.

The whole process was only an hour. When David's heart returned to the Lord's soul, he still felt a little nervous. The pain was terrible.

"Master Arthur, this is the Black Dragon bloodline cultivation method, you can practice after you have learned it!" Black Dragon Alexis moved a ball of knowledge energy ball to David.

David's spirit touched the energy ball of knowledge, and a memory came into his mind.

This practice method is called'Black Dragon Sleeping'. It is a kind of letting the body enter a special breathing state, just like dormancy. In this process, the body autonomously absorbs the energy of the outside world, and the blood veins generated by the Black Dragon blood veins in the body. The combination produces a unique blood power of the black dragon.

"Sir Arthur, it's best to go through the ``purification of blood power'' once you have cultivated, otherwise it will be wasted!" Black Dragon Alexis reminded.

After reminded by the black dragon Alexis, David remembered that the power of the blood in his body and the space in the heart of the sea are the power of the blood produced by the origin of the blood of the Shadow Leopard, although at this time because of his imprint, he will not What's wrong.

But as long as the power of the Black Dragon's bloodline is generated, it will conflict with the discovery of the power of the Shadow Leopard's bloodline, and the two bloodlines will use his body as a battlefield.

Even the power of the Black Dragon's bloodline can crush the power of the Shadow Leopard's bloodline, but the Power of the Shadow Leopard's bloodline also has a resistance in a large number. David has'immortal vitality' to repair the damage of the body, but he strives to cultivate the shadow The power of the leopard bloodline will be wasted.

David nodded, and his spirit drew the'purity of blood veins' pattern. This time he put the power of his blood veins into it, and then the blood veins that flowed back into his body, he was careful not to Let the power of these purified bloodlines come into contact with the power of the Shadow Leopard bloodline, retaining the purity of the newly entered bloodline power.

At this point, David has not looked back. He will carry out the most important training, "Black Dragon Sleep". Once he succeeds, he can greatly enhance his potential. If he fails, he will lose the fifth-level Templar. Strength.

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