Extraordinary David

Chapter 901: Send

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David had not awakened day and night, he fell into a deep sleep.

As the practice of ‘Black Dragon Dorm’ grew longer, his understanding of ‘Black Dragon Dorm’ also deepened.

Coupled with the selfless guidance of the black dragon Alexis beside him, let him master the cultivation method of the black dragon clan ‘Black Dragon Sleep’ in just a few days.

The reason why ‘Black Dragon’s Sleep’ has ‘sleep’ in its name is because after truly mastering this method of cultivation, the practitioner will enter into unconscious self-cultivation.

This is why many dragons like to sleep. For the dragons, sleeping is a cultivation process.

David also enjoys this feeling. He does not need to pay attention to the cultivation of the body. He only needs to put his mind on the energy avatar, or the other five-level Templar knights. Running.

While he practiced'Black Dragon's Sleep', the'illusion method' continued to operate.

Regarding the top-level spiritual cultivation method of "illusion", the black dragon Alexis did not put forward his own opinion. The reason is very simple. As a black dragon, there is no need to practice spiritual cultivation.

Black dragons are naturally immune to most mental attacks. David is just beginning to be transformed by the origin of the blood of the black dragon. After a long period of transformation, his soul will naturally have some characteristics of the black dragon.

By that time, the mental attack could not hurt David. The Black Dragon is known for its defense. The defense is comprehensive, not just the defense of the dragon body, but also the defense of the soul.

The level of ‘illusion’ is not low, perhaps not as good as ‘Black Dragon’s Sleep’, but it is also a cultivation method created by powerful gods.

Black Dragon Alexis fell beside David and was also practicing ‘Black Dragon Sleep’, but he dared not let go to absorb energy, otherwise the energy of space debris was not enough for him to absorb.

Today's Black Dragon Alexis mainly repairs the wounds on the soul through the process of cultivating'Black Dragon Sleep'.

The remaining twelve fifth-level Templar knights practiced the'Black Dragon Breathing Method', while the fifth-level bishop practiced the'Magic Thought Method'.

If nothing unexpected happens, David may practice this way until the convening of the Supreme Council.

It's a pity that things he didn't anticipate. At 9:00 in the morning, at Jiamixing Castle, he was cooking a batch of'warm heart lotus soup' energy avatars, and suddenly felt that the lord-level contact circle in the space ring had reaction.

Taking out the lord-level contact phalanx, David's energy split spirit swept through, and suddenly he was refreshed.

This is the position lock pattern that David left in the temporary portal in the basement of the Mather family castle in Elliot. There was feedback, and the latest news was sent that the temporary portal changed its address.

David's hatred of the Mather family is so deep that he will use all his power to suppress the Mather family after he has killed Lord Amos.

Finally waiting for the desired signal, the body of David in the space debris ended the cultivation of ‘Black Dragon’s Sleep’, and at the same time there were twelve fifth-level Templars and fifth-level bishops.

David took the twelve fifth-level Templars and one fifth-level bishop back from the Shadow Servant's call ring, and the black dragon Alexis took the initiative to jump on his shoulder.

He summoned "Phantom Pterosaur" and jumped on the back of "Phantom Pterosaur". "Phantom Pterosaur" continued to use the "momentary movement" talent ability, and first returned to the castle to connect with the energy avatar.

David recovered the energy avatar back into the empty Xinhai space. The Xinhai space has little effect now, but it is still a special independent space.

At the planetary portal, he entered the code for the temporary portal.

David felt slightly, his spirit did not feel the danger, which enabled him to activate the teleport without hesitation.

He never underestimated any enemies, even if he knew that there was only one fifth-level Templar knight left in the Mather family, he did not take it lightly.

David brought all the fighting power, and before entering the planetary portal to teleport, he also enabled the ``Phantom Pterosaur'' to activate the ``invisible'' talent ability.

He did so cautiously, knowing that the black dragon Alexis alone could crush everything.

But David did not want to rely too much on the Black Dragon Alexis. The identity of the Black Dragon Alexis was too sensitive. If he could not let the Black Dragon Alexis do it, he would not use it easily.

After the transmission was over, David knew that something was wrong.

Because he did not come somewhere in the main world, but entered a special space.

The temporary portal also has a protection time of two seconds, but when David just teleported, the light of the temporary portal dimmed. It seems that the temporary portal was closed.

The "invisible" state of "Phantom Pterosaur" was forcibly broken. This is not to say that the talent of "Phantom Pterosaur" has a problem, but that this space is too special and there is no shadow space.

David didn't panic, he used two seconds of transmission energy to keep time and looked at everything around him.

This is a white space, this white is not a sacred white, but a white color.

"Sir Arthur, this should be a space left behind by me, please rest assured that I can take you away from this space!" Black Dragon Alexis feels the breath here, the breath here Making him very uncomfortable, he said to David through a contract.

David nodded. He was looking at the ground now, and the ground in the whole area was shaking.

Without worrying about safety, he did not leave immediately, but wanted to see who had arranged this trap.

But obviously, the person who arranged this trap did not want to see him, at least not at this time.

Under the ground, skeletons were drilled out of the ground. The strength of these skeletons is three or four levels. The number is almost endless, and the end cannot be seen with David's eyesight.

David's spirit can be extended to a radius of five kilometers. Within this range, no dead corners are being drilled from the ground.

David discovered that his energy avatar had a problem. He wanted to summon the energy avatar to solve these skeletons in the most normal way of fighting with a fifth-level Templar.

It may be that the doppelganger cannot leave the heart sea space at all, because there are some special rules in this space that do not allow the power of blood vessels to appear.

I believe that if David is a true fifth-level Templar, then he will lose the help of the fifth-level Templar's most powerful weapon, the fifth-level bloodline.

David couldn't help lamenting the strangeness of this space, this is definitely the best place to arrange traps, especially for the fifth-level Templars.

As soon as he entered this space, he lost several of his best abilities. The ‘invisible’ talent of ‘Phantom Pterosaur’ had lost its ability. There is no shadow space here.

David asked'Phantom Pterosaur' to try to use the'momentary movement' talent ability and found that it also lost its effect.

He can only fight now. Without the back of the black dragon Alexis, he could not even escape.

David was interested. Since becoming a fifth-level Templar, especially after changing his body to the infant black dragon level, he has not fought as hard as he can.

The environment here allows him to play at will, his face can not help but show excitement.

David's thought moved, a set of black knight armor was worn on his body, and a fifth-grade light long sword was also in his hand.

At this time, the ground was already covered with skeletons, but there were still skeletons on the ground because there were too many skeletons on the ground and could not be drilled.

Skeletons already on the ground came towards David, wanting to siege him with numbers.

'Phantom Pterosaur' was going to fly upward, but found that it could only fly upwards up to ten meters. This space was blocked by some rules for more than ten meters.

David found that the phantom pterosaur had no effect, and he put away the phantom pterosaur easily.

When descending from the air, he exerted force on his feet, and two skeletons were crushed by him. The fifth-grade light sword in his hand waved a circle, dispersing all dozens of skeletons around his body.

Just as nearly twenty skeletons were killed, the shadow servant flew up very actively, sucking out the inner soul on the broken skeleton.

After feeling the sensation of absorbing the soul energy from the shadow attendant, David was overjoyed. His eyes were not right when he looked at the surrounding skeletons, and he became extremely hot.

Where is this enemy, this is a pile of soul energy waiting to be harvested!

There is an altar in the same space separated by a hundred kilometers. Two figures are standing at the altar. It is the Bishop of Monsalath 5 and the Bishop of Bunian.

Bunyan's fifth-level bishop looked puzzled at the light and shadow in front of him. Above the light and shadow was the picture of David fighting the skeleton.

The Bishop of Bunyan was not puzzled because David could easily kill the skeletons. These skeletons of the third and fourth ranks themselves existed like cannon fodder.

Here is the internal space of an artifact left by Grim Reaper, which was transformed from a piece of space debris. Grim Reaper transformed this space with divine power, so that this space can only use the power of death.

All other attribute powers cannot appear here, unless the attribute power is used to forcibly break through the space here.

Reaper specially strengthened the internal space when making this artifact, able to withstand the power of the fifth-level strongman.

It is precisely because of the power of death that all the skeletons in the space can be resurrected at will. This is the trial place for believers in death, and it is also the place where many believers in death arrest and call puppets.

Talented believers in Death are able to enter this artifact, fight skeletons in space, and be free to subdue skeletons here.

To subdue the skeleton, you must defeat the skull to have a certain chance to subdue. Of course, the basis of all is that if the tester is a believer in death, he has the power to die.

The fifth-level Bishop of Bunyan chose the internal space of the artifact, which is a special study of the data of Lord Arthur. The internal space of the artifact almost perfectly limited the ability of David to show.

And the skeleton in the space is immortal. After being killed, in the special environment inside the artifact, as long as it can be restored to the beginning, continue to participate in the battle.

During normal practice, only a certain number of skeletons will be opened according to the strength of the practicers.

The second-level Bishop of Bunyan activated all the skeletons this time, that is, he wanted to consume the power of Lord Arthur. With the huge number of skeletons inside the artifact and the undead characteristics, slowly, Lord Arthur could lose its combat power.

But just after the plan started, there was an accident.

The skeleton, which could have been resurrected, was not resurrected after being killed by Lord Arthur, which gave the Bunyan fifth-level bishop a bad feeling.

David does not need to use any special skills. He deliberately suppresses his strength and speed, showing the level of an intermediate fifth-level Templar.

However, even with such strength, when dealing with the third and fourth level skeletons, it still swept a large amount.

Of course, David can't relax too much. There are too many skeletons here, and the next one will be immediately replaced by the skulls behind.

"Alexis, why didn't I sense danger when I teleported, my sense of danger is very spiritual!" David was still fighting to ask the black dragon Alexis through the contract.

In the past, what problems David encountered were all in his own thinking. Although this enhanced his independent thinking ability, it is unknown whether the conclusion is correct.

Black Dragon Alexis said that he was a servant, but David felt more like a teacher. In the process of his cultivation, although there were also teacher guidance, it was still in the interstellar federation period, and the guidance time was also very short.

David's practice speed is too fast, plus he has too many secrets, even his teacher can't tell.

Now that the master-servant contract exists, David has great confidence in the black dragon Alexis and immediately asks questions.

David really did not understand that with his main soul plus ninety-six avatars and the help of two divine crystals, he believed that his ability to perceive danger was almost infallible.

However, before the transmission, there was no danger in his perception. The fact is that the environment after the transmission was extremely dangerous.

"Master Arthur, perceiving danger can only be used as an auxiliary. Don't believe too much in danger perception. In my time, there are too many ways to deceive danger perception. As for this time, unless your strength is comparable to that one. Degree, otherwise you cannot perceive the danger in this space." Black Dragon Alexis explained.

"It turns out so!" David swept across the sword, stepping forward dozens of steps, said in his mouth.

Despite the large number of skeletons, David is killing faster, and he no longer wants to stay in place and wait.

David launched a knight charge towards the sea of ​​skeletons. The knight charge without the assistance of bloodline did not affect the power of the knight charge.

During this charge, a road about three meters wide was cleared one hundred meters in front of him. The road was filled with skeletons in a blink of an eye.

David didn't care. He just wanted to have a larger number of skeletons at this time, so that he could kill more and let him get more soul energy.

Anyway, with his physical strength, it would not be a problem to kill for a few days. With the addition of ‘indestructible vitality’ and the food in the space pendant, he believed that he could continue to kill as a perpetual motion machine.

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