Extraordinary David

Chapter 902: space

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"Master Arthur, this space can be attacked with spirit!" Black Dragon Alexis actively reminded.

Without David’s order, he did not participate in the battle. Besides, the skeleton here would not threaten David, and he did not need his action.

David couldn't help laughing when he heard the words of Black Dragon Alexis.

He was wholeheartedly thinking about fighting with a brand new body, and he forgot about the faster way of fighting on a whim.

David didn't want to fully expose his powerful spirit, but even if he suppressed the spirit and participated in the battle, it was easy to kill these three or four levels of skeletons.

The skeleton sky here has the power and speed of level three or four, but does not have any special abilities. It can only be regarded as the very ordinary close combat power of level three or four.

The defensive power of the skull obviously does not correspond to the combat power. According to David's judgment, the defensive power of the four-level skull is almost only three levels, and the defensive power of the third-level skull is only two levels.

As David moved, ninety-six black spears appeared around him. He suppressed the spiritual range to about two hundred meters.

The spiritual range of about two hundred meters is very good among the five ranks of Templars, but it is not unacceptable.

Of course, the mental manipulation of weapons to attack, but it may be related to David mastering some kind of fine mystery, as long as this kind of fine mystery has nothing to do with evil spirits, no one will have any question when he is in David's identity.

The status of top nobles, members of the highest council, gave David great benefits.

Ninety-six black spears continually shuttled within a radius of two hundred meters around David. As long as these skulls were touched by the black spears, they would be immediately killed by poison.

Originally, the special existence of the third and fourth-level skulls has a strong resistance to the highly toxic. The ordinary highly toxic can be ignored, but the highly toxic on the black dragon spear is more than the fifth.

Not to mention that these skeletons have only second- and third-level defenses, that is, the fifth-level strongmen have been poisoned on the black spear, and they must find a way to get rid of them immediately, otherwise they will be a big trouble.

Within two hundred meters, a stream of black light flowed, and the skeleton around David was cleared in a flash.

The Shadow Attendant became more busy, and the soul energy of the film was absorbed.

David also rested leisurely, and he completely handed over the attack to 96 soul avatars, and automatically engaged in cooperative battle.

He also has time to distract the shadow attendant and check the absorbed soul energy.

The energy of the soul absorbed from the skeleton remains consistent with the level of the skeleton. Even the soul inside the skeleton is more powerful than the knight of the same level.

Where did David know that all the skeletons in this artifact space were deaths who attacked the believers of another deity at a time, transformed all the believers' bodies into skull puppets by divinity, and their souls were also sealed in the skeletons.

Normally, the skeleton is bound to the soul. Unless the soul is devastated, the skeleton will absorb the power of death in the artifact space to recover.

This artifact has always been supported by believers in the **** of death. Not only does it invest a lot of creatures to strengthen the skeleton, the artifact also absorbs the faith autonomously and transforms it into the energy that strengthens the soul of the skeleton.

When Bleach first made this artifact, the skeletons in the internal space were from level 1 to level 4.

After tens of thousands of years of strengthening, all skeletons have evolved to level three or four.

If it were not for the promotion of level 5 creatures with natural shackles, maybe David was facing a large number of level 5 skeletons at this time.

Of course, if that were the case, David might be more excited.

This is a soul feast, David keeps moving, he does not want to waste a little time.

He didn't know how much time the enemy would leave him. As long as the enemy found something wrong, it was possible for the skeleton to stop attacking him, so his loss would be too great.

You know that David is getting more and more difficult to obtain soul energy. Although he thinks that he is not a good person, he is not the kind of person who kills for no reason.

As his strength and identity became higher, fewer and fewer people dared to offend him.

Without enemies, David could not obtain the source of soul energy.

The most stable source of souls is believers of evil gods, but the whereabouts of believers of evil gods are too mysterious, and finding any one is very troublesome.

Now Shadow Attendants can absorb dozens of third- and fourth-level soul energies every second, and each soul energy is extremely rich, especially some of the fourth-level soul energies are completely comparable to those of the fifth-level spirits in the total amount. It's just a drop in quality.

"Let Lord Arthur continue to kill like this?" Bishop Monsalat looked at David in the light and shadow with some heartache, and asked the Bishop of Bunian, who was on the side.

The skeletons in the internal space of the artifact are all income from the death of the year, which played an important role in the cultivation of believers in the death.

Monsalat’s Bishop of Level 5 himself was tried here, and he obtained a Tier 4 Skeleton here. With the help of Tier 4 Skeleton, he had the opportunity to be promoted to the peak Tier 4 Cultist.

For the space that cultivated himself, the Bishop of Monsarat Level 5 did not want to be destroyed by Lord Arthur.

"Now do you have any way to stop him? Or are we going to fight him now?" There is no regret for the fifth-level Bishop of Bunyan, he said quietly.

The number of skeletons in the artifact space is extremely large, and now Lord Arthur destroys only a trivial part, and has not reached the point where he is reluctant.

As the fifth-level Bishop of Bunyan said, even if they wanted to close their hands at this time, they could not do it. Lord Arthur has fully activated the internal defense mechanism of the artifact, and does not kill Lord Arthur, the defense of the artifact The mechanism will not stop, the skeleton will continue to appear and attack Lord Arthur.

"Hope to activate those two existences earlier!" said Monsalat's fifth-level bishop helplessly.

The two existences mentioned by the Bishop of Monsarat's fifth level are the real cards of the artifact. The artifact made by the **** of death cannot be the only skeletons of these third and fourth levels.

"Lord Arthur's spirit is a little weird!" The fifth-level bishop of Bunyan stared at David in the light and shadow. Although he could not feel it personally, he also saw some special things by observing him. He said in a deep voice.

"There is information that Lord Arthur has obtained the spiritual practice of the temple "the illusion"!" Bishop Monsalath 5 thought of the information he had just received.

If David is here, he must be extremely surprised at the accuracy of the information of the Bishop of Monsalat. The person who knows about the temple granting the illusion is not many.

Of course, the top aristocrats are all aware of things related to the temple. As long as they are not about the gods, they can't be concealed. The clan of the top aristocrats is too much among the five temples.

Monsalat Bishop Level 5 is the intelligence known through Lord Amos. These intelligences are of a very high level and should not have fallen into the hands of believers of evil gods.

"Sure enough it is a genius, this is how to get the "illusion", so the spirit is so powerful!" The fifth-level bishop of Bunyan heard the explanation of the fifth-level bishop of Monsalat and also believed that Lord Arthur was a practitioner' 'Illusion method', a statement that strengthens the spirit.

The main reason is still the legend about the "illusion method", because the "illusion method" is a top-level spiritual cultivation method, and it was also studied by the gods personally, and is welcomed by the five major temples.

Coupled with the special inheritance method of the "illusion method", the "goddess dusk" has never been able to understand the actual content of the "illusion method".

Almost most of the 5th-level rituals have been trained in the "Imagination Method", which makes the "Imagination Method" myth of the "goddess dusk".

"Lord Arthur can't stay, this talent is terrible!" Bishop Monsalat also nodded.

The speed of David's slaughtering of skeletons is getting faster and faster. His movement is obviously accelerated, and the black spears shuttled around him have also accelerated the attack speed. His range of two hundred meters around him has become a dead ground. Break up, or either be poisoned or damaged.

"Master Arthur, you are attacking in this direction. I seem to have found something interesting!" Black Dragon Alexis said to David through the contract.

Without hesitation, David immediately turned and moved in the direction pointed by the black dragon Alexis, anyway, it was the same in any direction, and all around were endless skeletons.

If David wasn’t worried that he would show his full strength, he would scare away the enemies who were hiding aside. He wanted to use his full strength to kill the skeleton at a faster rate.

"You attack in this direction again!" said the black dragon Alexis again.

Under the guidance of Black Dragon Alexis, David changed directions more than ten times.

"Master Arthur, my soul has not recovered, and my judgment is not very accurate, but I can tell you exactly through the scene I just passed that this space is the inside of an artifact." Black Dragon Alexis concluded After the conclusion, report to David.

David couldn't help but stunned that it turned out to be inside an artifact.

"Alexis, can you find the position to control the entry and exit of the artifact?" David asked after thinking.

"According to the response of the space energy, you try in that direction!" The black dragon Alexis did not have much confidence, his soul was seriously damaged.

The Black Dragon Alexis's combat power is not significant, but for the situation where he wants to use his spirit, he is somewhat overwhelmed and underpowered.

If it is the black dragon Alexis in its heyday, he can easily cover the entire space with his spirit and directly find the control area.

However, even if the soul of the black dragon Alexis is damaged, with his strength, he can still find out the movement law of all the energy through the change of energy in all directions, so as to find the area most likely to control the position.

"Huh! Lord Arthur is killing us in this direction. Did he find us?" said the unbelievable bishop of Monsalat.

"How is it possible, except for our position inside the artifact, there is no magic circle to observe the space in the rest of the place!" said the fifth-level Bishop of Bunyan shaking his head.

This is an artifact made by the **** of death. As an inheritance artifact, it may not have a great effect on combat, but it is not a problem to want to trap people.

With the strength of Lord Arthur, how could it be possible to find out where they are.

"Is Lord Arthur's luck good?" the Monsart Bishop V asked about a possible thought.

This time, the second-level Bishop of Bunyan was also not confident. Lord Arthur's luck was good, so there was no need to answer at all.

Just over a year ago, the knight cultivation began, and now has become a powerful fifth-level templar knight. If there is no adventure during this period, no one will believe it.

Since it is an adventure, it means Lord Arthur's luck must be excellent.

Compared to previous luck, it is not impossible to find a direction in the space, just where they are located.

"Seal the circle, let's leave here!" the Bishop of Bunyan commanded.

"Leave the space, or go to the other side of the space?" Bishop Monsalat asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course it is to the other side of the space. We will come back after Lord Arthur leaves!" said Shen Sheng, the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan.

Although there is a portal in the control area in front of him that can be activated and leave, how can he be willing to leave here.

The control area can be hidden. The hidden magic circle here is arranged by the **** of death. The magic circle arranged by the **** pattern will never be noticed by Lord Arthur.

It is also with such confidence that the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan would arrange this.

The Bishop of Bunyan Fifth Level operated a preparation, the light and shadow disappeared, and several golden lights flashed around, and everything in front of him disappeared, leaving only the same environment as the surrounding.

Even the skeletons can act in the area where the God Circle is placed, it seems there is really nothing there.

The fifth-level bishop of Bunyan and the fifth-level bishop of Monsalat left in a flash. They have a special identity in space, and all the skeletons ignore their existence.

David killed nearly 100 kilometers in a row according to the direction of the black dragon Alexis. The harvest was naturally huge, and the massive soul energy was absorbed, but he did not find anything suspicious.

"Alexis, did we find the wrong direction?" David asked.

"If I feel right, we should not be far from the control area!" Black Dragon Alexis sat on David's shoulders, looked up and felt something, definitely replied.

David did not hesitate, he completely let go of his spirit, within a radius of five kilometers, he perceives every inch.

It is a pity that his perception did not find anything at all. He continued to move forward while letting go of his perception.

Just as David came near the location of the previous two fifth-level bishops, the shadow attendant rushed forward and wanted to absorb the soul of a skeleton on the ground.

The skeleton's soul was indeed absorbed, but the shadow attendant seemed to pass through a barrier and came to another space.

The space here is not limited to the space, but the shadow waiter, a special kind of shrine created by the bald and strong man god, specializes in space movement. The space is very special, and the internal space of the artifact does not shield the space. .

This also allows the shadow attendant to walk through the space invisibly, and also allows the shadow attendant to enter the control area protected by the **** pattern.

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