Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1013: is it him? (5/10)

"Auntie, are you calling me?"

"Yeah, there is no one else here. Young man, where are you from?"

"Ice City people."

"Ice City?" Zhou mother frowned, too far away, the daughter will marry so far in the future, is it not difficult to see her daughter in the future?

"Then you are also going to school in the magical capital?"

"Auntie, I have graduated. I am from the University of Beijing."

The eyes of Zhou Mu shine, Beijing University, that is the best university in China, this young man has a good future!

I have graduated, is that bigger than my daughter? However, it seems that there are not many big and big, nothing.

"Which unit do you work for in the devil?"

Feng Yu looks strange, how to listen to the more wrong, as if he was the first time he saw Zhou Mou in his previous life, he was asked these questions.

However, at that time, Zhou Mu was not so satisfied. After all, Feng Yu was not from Jingcheng University. Speaking of it, Zhou Mu is actually a bit of a force.

"I didn't go to work, I did some business myself."

Zhou Mu is more satisfied, and the students from Jingcheng University come out to do business. It is definitely not a bad thing. If you do business, you will definitely have more money than you go to work!

"What do your parents do?"

"Hey~~ my dad is also doing business."

The previous generation is also doing business, and the family is definitely more rich! Zhou Mu is more satisfied with Feng Yu.

Feng Yu is thinking in his head, how to get out.

"How did you know with Kexin?"

Finally asked this question, Feng Yu immediately made a look of awkward: "Can Xin? What can Xin? I don't know."

Zhou Mu smashed: "Don't know? Don't know what you are doing here?" Is this kid not the object of her daughter?

"I heard that this hospital has a famous doctor from abroad. I don't want to see a doctor. My second sister is not very good. I want to have a doctor appointment. I will take my two sisters to see the doctor in two days."

Well, Feng Yu has no second sister at all, he only has one sister.

The disappointment of Zhou Mu’s face, how good this young man is, how is it not the object of her daughter?

"Young man, how old are you? Are there any objects?"

"Auntie, I am twenty-five, and there are objects. I will see the doctor for a while, I will not come out, I still think about other ways." Feng Yu quickly tried to get away.

Zhou Mu looked at the back of Feng Yu's departure, a look of regret. This young man is also suitable for age, people are good, knowledge and family are good, how can there be objects?

Feng Yu fled in the wild. He really wanted to give himself a slap. How did he just sit down?

Sitting in the office of the dean, waiting for a while, a nurse ran over and said that the surgery is over!

Feng Yu wanted to go to the operating room door the first time, but he held back. What did he do, see Zhou Mu, see how Zhou Kexin explained?

Zhou mother is pulling the doctor and asking: "How is my daughter's illness, is it cured?"

“The operation was very successful, mainly depending on how the recovery was done. And the repair operation was done and it was very successful.”

Zhou mother sighed and quickly chased the daughter who was pushed away and ran over.

Feng Yu heard a good news from the doctor and he was relieved. If you are cured, you can cure it!



"Ke Xin, are you awake, hurt?"

"No pain, there is an anesthetic." Zhou Kexin shook his head.

"Ke Xin, you said that they are so good, give us free surgery, what is the picture?" Zhou mother worried.

If you don't know that this is a good opportunity and you can save a medical bill that they can't afford, they won't be so happy.

"It is said that I want to cooperate with them to publicize, publicize their medical skills, and also promote the hospital."

"Ah? Is that going to the newspaper? This can't be done. Doesn't anyone know that you have done this surgery? Others will want to marry, how do you marry later!" Zhou mother thought, anyway, the surgery was done, If you don’t sign it, what can you say about repenting?

"Mom, it's a professional medical magazine, not an ordinary newspaper, and it doesn't show up. People have helped me so much. Shouldn't I do something?" Zhou Kexin said.

"Well, you read more than your mother and have your own idea. Right, you really didn't talk about it at school?"

"Mom~~ Really no, how do you ask again." Zhou Kexin was helpless.

"But after you entered the operating room today, there was a young man who was looking at the operating room. I talked to him for a while, yes, the young man is twenty-five." Zhou Mu looked at her daughter with deep thoughts, she always thought that The young man is definitely not telling the truth.

"Mom, what is twenty-five years old, you should not want to introduce me to the object? I am still going to school!"

"Mom wants to come, but unfortunately people say that there are already objects." Zhou Mu stared at her daughter's eyes, hey, really not?

Is it true that the daughter’s thoughts are really because of this disease, not someone who likes it?

Oh, it’s a pity, how good the guy is, and the character looks very good. The important thing is to have money!

"Mom, you are very worried. Well, I have a nurse here, you will go home tomorrow, my dad will not cook."

"Mom is taking care of you for a few days, your dad can go to the canteen to eat, and then say that he is such a big person, how can he be hungry." Zhou mother is more concerned about her daughter, "You wait a while, I ask the nurse, You can eat something, Mom, I will buy you a canned fruit."

When Zhou Mu came out of the ward, she saw the figure of the boy.

When the mother-in-law bought something from the outside, she found that the young man was stealing from her ward's ward. She saw her coming back and left in a hurry.

"Ke Xin, have anyone been here?"

"The nurse has been here, what happened?"

"No one boy?"

"Mom~~ You are coming again, I really didn't really talk about the object."

"Mom believes in you, but can't anyone like you?" Zhou mother said to her daughter what she saw in the corridor.

Zhou Kexin is also very strange. At the age of twenty-five, it is impossible for her classmates to be an alumnus who once expressed her affection for her.

"Mom, what does that person look like?" Zhou Kexin asked curiously.

"Probably so high, it doesn't look too thin. The eyes are not too big, the hair is short, the eyebrows are thicker, and the teeth are white." Zhou mother said side by side.

Zhou Kexin did not expect that the mother actually observed the boy so carefully, this is really ready to introduce her to the object!

"Right, the boy said that his family is doing business, he is also doing business. Also, he graduated from Jingcheng University!"

"What university?"

"Beijing University, our best university in the country."

Jingcheng University, twenty-five years old, doing business, Zhou Kexin muttered to himself, would it be him?

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