Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1014: is it you? (6/10)

At the moment, Zhou Kexin made waves in her heart. She always felt that the person the mother said was "the second handsome in the world"!

She has been thinking, even turned out the letter of the first pen pals of the two, the second handsome in the world knows which school she is, which class, what is the name.

And she is the second handsome in the world, but she doesn’t know much. I only know that the second handsome man in the world was studying at Jingcheng University. Later, he went to Xiangjiang University as an exchange student, and then went to work in the country. She didn’t even know what the second handsome man called!

At this time, she suddenly thought of why the hospital would be willing to give her surgery free of charge, exempting all medical expenses. She had inquired that the cost of such surgery was very expensive, and no doctor in the country could cure it.

Will someone help her pay for medical expenses? And that person is him!

If she didn't want her surgery just now, and she was inconvenient, she really wanted to find the person and see what the man looked like and ask him what his name was.

But the mother said that the person said that there is already an object. So, is that person really just treating her as a pen pal?

Can someone spend so much money for pen pals?

Zhou Kexin has already determined that it is the medical expenses paid by the second handsome man in the world. So, the second handsome man in the world must know her!

She couldn't help but think of the man she saw at school that day. It seems that her age is about the same as her mother's. She is about the same height and short hair.

That person, is it the second handsome in the world?

Zhou Kexin felt that his brain was very chaotic, and Feng Yu felt that his heart was more chaotic.

He wants to go to the ward to see Zhou Kexin. Although the doctor said that the operation was successful, he also told him that Zhou Kexin would have some pain in these days, and the recovery period would be very difficult.

But he can't visit Zhou Kexin again. He doesn't know what to do when he sees Zhou Kexin in front of Zhou Kexin.

He only hopes that Zhou Kexin's body will get better soon.


"Zhou Kexin, is it better? This is the food that the hospital has prepared for you. You can only eat so much for a meal at a time." The nurse said.

Zhou mother said thank you, took the food and found that there are actually two boxes.

"Auntie, the other one is for you, and it is free."

"How is this so funny." Sorry in her mouth, Zhou mother quickly picked up the food. Hey, she has inquired about it. Some hospitals use people to do experiments. Maybe the daughter is treated as an experimental product by them!

That is, the operation was successful. If it failed, the doctor and the hospital will look good! They are taking care of their daughters, and that is what it should be!

Zhou Kexin frowned, the hospital gave free food, which hospital would be so good? The operation fee is exempted, the hospitalization fee is exempted, and even the food is in charge. This is absolutely not normal!

There is also this ward, actually a suite, there are all kinds of household appliances in the ward, better than her home. This must be the legendary high-dry ward, why should the hospital arrange such a good ward for her? There is also a dedicated nurse who is always at the door, so that she can take care of her at any time.

"Mom, you will go back tomorrow. You see someone here to take care of you. You are not here for a few days. My dad can't get out and drink with people every day."

Zhou mother hesitated: "That line, I will go back first, come back in a few days."

"Mom, don't come, how much is the cost of the circuit. In a few days, I will be fine, you don't have to worry about me." When it comes to money, Zhou Mu agreed.


Finally, the mother was persuaded to go back, Zhou Kexin finally got alone in the ward today.

She called the nurse in: "Sister Liu, how long have you been in this hospital?" Zhou Kexin seems to chat with the nurse.

"I came in less than three months. I came here after the hospital was reopened. It turned out to be an old hospital. It was very old. There was a rich boss who bought it and added a lot of advanced equipment. As a staff hospital. Not to mention, except for the employees of several companies, these three months have not been opened!"

Three months, no business? This makes Zhou Kexin strange. Who will spend so much money but don't want to earn it back?

At this time, her heart was somewhat shaken. The second handsome man in the world is so young, it is impossible to have so much money. Maybe she really thinks more.

"Right, when did the doctor who treated me come?"

"It was also three months ago, but the doctor of the island country came a week ago. After you have finished the operation, you will leave."

Is it specifically for her surgery?

"Then, do you know who opened this hospital?"

"Where do I know this." Liu nurse shook her head.

"Well, have you seen a man of about twenty-five years old in the hospital? Probably so high, short hair, not fat or thin." Zhou Kexin asked.

"It seems to have been seen. That person is very strange, but it seems to be known to our dean. It seems to be known to your doctor. But they all use English, I don't understand."

"Is he still there?" Zhou Kexin asked eagerly. English, the world's second handsome does not go to work in the country.

"Well, I saw him coming yesterday, just passing by at the door of your ward. What happened? You know?"

"You see him again, can you call him? Just say I want to see him."

Liu nurse smiled: "Is that your object? Are you quarreling? Or is his family disagree?"

Zhou Kexin did not explain much, but her silence was just considered a default by Liu.

"Well, I don't ask. I will see him next time."

"Sister Liu, thank you."

Nurse Liu’s care for Zhou Kexin is meticulous, but the dean’s instructions have to be taken care of. At first, she thought that Zhou Kexin’s father was a big man, but after chatting, he realized that it was an ordinary person. Why, she didn’t know.

The dean said, take care, and will give her a big red envelope. And taking care of a person is not too tired at all. It is very interesting to chat with Zhou Kexin. I can watch TV together here. The big TV is so thin, it is especially clear that she has seen it for the first time in her life.

There is also a super VCD below, no good-looking shows, but also a disc to watch.


Feng Yu walked through the door of Zhou Kexin's ward as usual, but was suddenly stopped by the nurse.

"You don't go, sway here every day, if you want to see it, go in and see, she is asleep." Liu nurse said with a smile.

"I do not have……"

"Okay, you don't go in today, don't want to leave. Kexin said, she wants to see you."

Can you miss me? She knows who I am?

Feng Yu knows that Fu Guangzheng gave this plan to design, and he succeeded in asking someone to have surgery for Zhou Kexin, and he succeeded. However, there are actually many loopholes in this plan, especially after Feng Yu’s revision.

Perhaps Zhou Kexin has already guessed that things are weird.

Feng Yu walked into the ward, but Zhou Kexin was not sleeping, but stared at Feng Yu.

"is it you?"


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