Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1110: Good luck Zhou Keyin

After the afternoon meeting, Zhou Kexin stopped another boss. When she handed in the business card of the reporter of the Wind and Rain Weekly, the other party accepted the interview very happily.

In the evening, Zhou Kexin sorted out the manuscript in the hotel room and suddenly knocked at the door.

She glanced through the cat's eyes, was the editor-in-chief, and took another female reporter, she opened the door.

Hu Wei’s life in China is not short. I know that Chinese people attach great importance to men’s and women’s defenses. In fact, in their UK, they also attach great importance to this, so he will bring another female reporter to not let people misunderstanding.

"Editor-in-chief, Zhao Jie." Zhao Jie is also a half-master of Zhou Kexin. In the magazine, Zhou Kexin started his work with Zhao Jie.

"Xiao Zhou, who was interviewed today?" Zhao asked with a smile.

"I interviewed Mr. Ding Lei and Mr. Lei Dajun, and are sorting out the interview records. I haven't finished it yet." Zhou Kexin was a little embarrassed and felt that his work efficiency was too low.

At this time, Zhao Jie placed a bag in her hand on Zhou Kexin’s desk: "Hey, this is the office supplies that the magazine has given you to see what you can use."

Zhou Kexin widened his eyes and saw the sign on the bag. She knew what was inside. Did the magazine actually give her a laptop?

This is not cheap now, more than 10,000? How expensive is tens of thousands!

She is an intern reporter, as if the magazine is a lot of official reporters, they are not worthy of this.

Zhou Kexin opened it and it turned out to be a pale green notebook. She never seemed to have seen this color in her notebook.

Of course, no, this is Feng Yu looking for Liu Chuanzhi to order, all the configuration, is currently the highest, can be regarded as a concept machine, the cost of six figures!

"Editor, this, is this for me?" Zhou Kexin had some surprises, and asked some fears.

Hu Wei nodded: "The last time you interviewed, it was very good, and everyone in the community is equipped with a computer. Although you are an intern, but I want you to stay after graduation, so I will give you the first. One thing I want to confess with you, in fact, this computer is not for you, you have to wait until next month to get it. But the color of this notebook, no one likes it, so I will use it for you first, you will not Mind?"

"I don't mind, I don't mind at all, I like it very much." How can Zhou Kexin think about it, her favorite is pale green, I can't buy it if I want to buy it.

Hu Wei was relieved. These words, of course, were what others told him. It was just an excuse for Zhou Kexin to match the computer. It would not be suspicious. The laptop is also sent by someone else. He is just a transfer person.

Originally, she asked Zhou Kexin to conduct an independent interview. She wanted to use a chance to give Zhou Kexin a notebook, but it was already arranged by the first one. Then wait for another head and give Zhou Kexin a mobile phone.

In fact, he looked at this pale green notebook, and it was a bit awkward. I don't know, how can he let him send such a strange color computer, even if it is not white or red, black is not very good, or silver. Okay. This pale green notebook, he is the first time to see, is it even the new model that I want to launch?

"The computer pre-installed some software for you, right, go back to your q number or something, but also to the community to say, there is a function called q group, convenient for everyone to communicate." Zhao said.

"I know, Zhao Jie, I will tell you when I apply." Zhou Kexin said sweetly.

"Let's go, eat, three of them are waiting downstairs, this is all the time." Zhao Jie pulled Zhou Kexin said.

"I haven't finished writing..."

"The manuscript comes back and writes again. If you don't eat rice, you can't do it. Hurry up, don't let other people wait." Zhao Jie couldn't help but pull Zhou Kexin out.

Everyone went to eat together, and then returned to the hotel together, Zhou Kexin returned to his room, looking at the brand new laptop, excited to be self-sustaining.

She feels that her luck is really great!

During the interview, I was fortunate to stand out and become an intern in this very cattle magazine, and I was brought to participate in this large-scale news interview during the first summer vacation.

And when I was working, I met a good master. If I didn't understand anything, I would like to ask Zhao sister to teach her patiently. Zhao Jie is an old man with more than ten years of work experience.

In this interview, she did not have any confidence in her own. After all, the magazine arranged her first independent interview with such a big boss.

Unexpectedly, I met an expensive person and helped her contact Ding Lei. Ding Lei did not have the imaginary shelf. It seemed to be very good to talk, and it was very humorous. The interview went very smoothly.

Even some of her did not bother to ask, Ding Lei took the initiative to say.

In the afternoon, she interviewed Lei Dajun, the general manager who even wanted Yinshan. Lei Dajun was very happy and agreed. Even the two sat in the corner of the hall. One asked, one answered, there was no shelf.

Lei Dajun also gave her a business card, saying that when he wants to interview, he can call, and he will not refuse it when he has time.

Just say that this hotel is in the hotel, the company has three men and three women, the editor must be to live by himself, the other two men live in one. Zhao sister lived with another person and even let her an intern, who lived in a single room.

Zhou Kexin shirked a few times, but Zhao said that it was fine. Both of them have children. In the evening, they must talk about the children and say that it is convenient.

Besides, this laptop, the editor is not saying, it was not possible to turn her, but no one likes this light green, but this is her favorite color, I feel that I have recently been out of luck!

Sitting at the desk, turning on the computer, it turned on very quickly. Hey, there is a disk in the package, is this a gift? It’s so good, she just wants to wait for the monthly salary, buy one, magazine editor, reporter, or whatever.

She opened the wp software, .) began to interview the notes, sorted into an electronic version, and returned to the editor.

She was busy until late, she finished it, and stretched out. She saved the document, plugged it in, made a backup in the disk, and handed it over to the editor.

Eh? There seems to be something in this dish. After she opened it, she discovered that it was a software, and the name was called the scientific fate!

Fate... can it be calculated by computer now? Is there a scientific basis for this thing?

However, Zhou Kexin always wanted to find someone to calculate, she and the world's second handsome, in the end there is no fate.

However, she was too embarrassed to go to the bridge to find the so-called "half fairy", and did not believe those people, so I have been turning over some of these magazines, the results are different.

I did not expect that luck is so good today, there is even a gift of software in this disk.

Otherwise, give it a try?


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