Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1111: Set a good fate

"Boss, what you have asked me to hand over has already been handed over to her. Do you really have to tell her that you sent it?" Hu Wei telephoned the report.

"No, I say, how do you do it, you don't need to worry about anything else."

Feng Yu found the person of Kirilenko, helped to make such a piece of software, and then took it back to China, and found the people of Lei Dajun to help Chinese. The so-called scientific calculation of fate is the software that measures the matching degree on the marriage website of the previous world.

This kind of software on the past marriage website is very popular, not only in China, but also in many countries abroad. There are also some dating sites as well. As for the purpose of those dating sites, it is not necessarily the case.

Feng Yu announced that this is an upcoming software, the purpose is to be equipped with q and other communication software, so that some strangers, through this software, can filter out the people who really want to add friends.

He said that this is a software that replaces pen pals and allows people to make friends. It will definitely bring more registered users to q and enrich people's online life.

After everyone's research, it seems feasible, but how many strangers like to pass this test, they are not sure. However, Ma Huateng agrees with Feng Yu's thoughts. One of the functions of the original software is to allow strangers to communicate with each other on the Internet.

Of course, Feng Yu installed Zhou Kexin on this notebook is a stand-alone special edition, ah, really special.

Zhou Kexin clicks on the software and, according to the above tips, register a username, preferably using a name that is especially important to you.

Zhou Kexin thought about it. Instead of entering her real name, she entered the third ugly of her pen name.


A dialog box pops up again, please select your age range.

Zhou Kexin followed the prompts and entered all of his own situation step by step, and then clicked on Start to let the program calculate.

In less than a minute, a dialog box popped up.

"According to your conditions, we have calculated some conditions that are in line with your choice of mate. The degree is high, the undergraduate degree is above, it is better to focus on the university, and study abroad is better. The height requirement is between 1.7 and 1 meter. It won't be too high or too short. It's older than you, between the ages of twenty-four and twenty-eight. If you care about you, it won't be too big, so you can't communicate with each other."

"The appearance does not require too much excellence, but I don't want the other person to be too ugly, but I hope that I can be recognized at a glance in the crowd. Family conditions are expected to be superior, but not too good, so that the other party is too busy and has no time to accompany you. Or too rich, people are very fancy."

"I hope the other person has a sense of humour, but I don't want to be too poor. The other person should be very knowledgeable, but not too flamboyant. The other person understands your preferences and respects your habits..."

"According to scientific calculations, the fate you are expecting has ever appeared in your life!"

Zhou Kexin was shocked!

Is this the scientific fate? The calculation is so accurate!

Obviously she did not fill in any of the requirements for the other half, how did these come out? Has science developed to such a degree now? The computer is amazing!

But this said that the fate she had expected had appeared in her life, is he talking about him?

It seems that the above conditions are very similar to what she knows. No, it's exactly the same.

It is a coincidence that height, looks, character, knowledge, work, etc., all of which can be known to her.

Yes, this is definitely a coincidence. I change my name, change some calculation data, and let the computer recalculate.

Zhou Kexin flustered to close the dialog box and then re-entered a name to regenerate.

As a result, after she carefully filled in some new data, the calculated result was almost the same.

This software should not only calculate this kind of result?

Zhou Kexin thought about it, entered the mother's name and conditions, and when the result came out, she was shocked!

The fate of this result is like her father. Even the relationship between the above students has been calculated, it is amazing!

Of course, it’s amazing, because these data settings are all done by Feng Yu.

Whether Zhou Keyin enters his own name, the third ugly in the world, or the rebirth, the fate calculated is set according to Feng Yu's conditions, slightly different.

However, as long as Zhou Kexin sees those settings, the heart will be preconceived, and the second handsome in the world is calculated.

Feng Yu felt that this was not enough insurance. So he entered the conditions of the past father-in-law and the mother-in-law. After doing this for many years, these things are still known. It is not easy to be a son-in-law.

Sure enough, this is also used.

But what if Zhou Kexin enters her classmate's data again? It doesn't matter, Feng Yu thought of this for a long time.

When Zhou Kexin entered her classmate's information for the fourth time, click OK, but found a pop-up dialog box: "Sorry, the secret can not be revealed, this day is only three times!"

Zhou Kexin couldn't help but smile. This computer program is quite interesting, claiming to be a big fairy.

But she has to admit that this big fairy is really accurate. Well, at least the fate of her parents is very accurate. She remembered that her parents had almost no arguments, and the two were very loving.

Since it’s only three times a day, it doesn’t matter. If it’s not twelve o’clock in a while, she decides to sleep later, wait until twelve o’clock, is the next day?

Is that right, can you count three?

Zhou Kexin went to take a shower, and when it came out, it was exactly twelve o'clock.

She clicked on the software again, but suddenly popped up a dialog box: "The program is missing, please check if the file is damaged."

Zhou Kexin stunned, the program is missing? damaged file? What does it mean?

Before she went to take a shower, how was it, how was it suddenly broken?

She pulled the plate down, (.) re-plugged it, and opened it again, still say so.

She clicked on the document in the tray and opened it normally. Nothing happened. This shows that the disk should not be bad.

And she copied the files in the disk and put them on the computer, still could not open.

Feng Yu let people set up a small self-destruction program, that is, once 0 o'clock, or close and then open, the program will be damaged. Of course, the premise is that this program was opened for the first time for more than half an hour.

In this way, we can guarantee to the greatest extent that Zhou Kexin will not count more people. And let Zhou Kexin believe that her fate is him.

To put it bluntly, this is Feng Yu's program, which sets a good fate for Zhou Kexin. This is the same as the computer science fortune in the past, and it is a set program.

Turning off the lights and lying on the bed, Zhou Kexin looked at the ceiling with a little light coming in through the curtains.

Is that the second handsome in the world, is really the fate of her hit?


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