Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1243: Raise the sponsorship gate

Sponsors have been around for a long time in the Olympics, including top sponsors such as Delicious, as well as official sponsors and official suppliers for the National Awesome. In general, official suppliers are also official sponsors. There is also a kind of partner, which is also a meaning.

China is a country with low per capita income. It has fallen behind in all the countries hosting the Olympic Games. The just-concluded Sydney Olympics has given China a good example. Holding the Olympic Games will not only earn a good reputation, but also make money.

The easiest way is to operate commercial operations under official coordination, so naturally, businessmen need to be involved. The funds that Huaxia plans to invest at this time are the sum of all the Olympic Games in the past. With such huge funds, China has actually taken up the burden. After all, China’s total revenue is still good. But in this way, other provinces will inevitably have opinions, and no money can be invested in the capital.

So this year's Aowei will think of a way to pull sponsorship, crazy pull sponsorship.

Basically, large state-owned enterprises and central enterprises in China have donated money, and some of the richest people in Xiangjiang and Lisboa have not made any donations. Of course, there are some sacrifices in this country, such as giving them certain tax benefits in the future.

In fact, this can be simply seen as a country to find businesses, personal loans, and use tax to repay. Of course, those companies and individuals have gained a good reputation, so they have no way to collect interest.

As the first super-rich in China and the number one in Asia, they actually wanted to contact Feng Yu for donations. However, Taihua Holdings donated a lot. They didn’t have any intention to continue to contact.

This time coincides with its meeting, Zhao Yan will open.

"Donation, Taihua Holdings did not donate?" Feng Yu remembers, Zong Qingxian told him that he would donate the first time?

"I donated money, but the financial pressure is still very big. So I hope that if Feng can, can you donate more?" Zhao Yan is a little embarrassed, looking for someone to make a second donation, he is also somewhat uncomfortable.

"Well, let's not have an official supplier to the Olympics, then we will donate more. You will designate us as an official supplier."

The official supplier is that you can print the Olympic logo on the product. This is one of the best advertisements during the Olympics. After all, the Olympics is a great event in the world.

“How much is it to donate?” Zhao Yan asked.

Feng Yu smiled and looked at Zhao Yan: "Zhao Juchang, this time I will discuss with Zong Qingxian, and then give you an answer. But you can rest assured that you will contribute to the country's sports construction, but I will do my best!"

Zhao Yan said: "I am representing the Aowei Association. Thank you, Mr. Feng for his generosity."


“Lao Zong, how much does our Taihua Holding Group donate to the Olympics? We are the first? Ten billion rmb?”

It is said that this donation can be no.1 in the sponsorship of the previous Olympic Games enterprises. There is no company that has more than one hundred million dollars in donations.

Feng Yu remembers that the former Chinese Huaxia, including the rich people of Xiangjiang and Lisboa, the highest donation sponsorship, it seems that it is only 80 million US dollars. Everyone is gathered together and gathered a huge number of tens of billions of dollars.

What is the total donation and sponsorship of the previous Olympic Games in China? More than five billion dollars. And Huaxia’s investment in axe is expected to be $42 billion, eventually exceeding one billion dollars. After the Olympics, the net assets of those venues, etc., are more than 45 billion US dollars. It can be said that the country is absolutely no loss.

Moreover, for the infrastructure construction of the capital, including the airport, highway, subway and other inputs, there will be 30 billion US dollars. These are all investments that will continue to benefit the capital and China in the future. In fact, if you don't host the Olympics, you have to invest, but you won't be invested in such a big one.

Feng Yu does not say anything else now. It is only the gold futures that invest in the wind and rain consultation, and can make a lot of money every week. The IT-related industries that Feng Yu invested in the country have also developed better and better. Now Feng Yu has been able to sit and count the money and ensure that his assets will not be surpassed by others.

China is going to host a world-famous Olympic Games. One can show the strength of China to other countries. Let them clearly see that China has risen, thus increasing China’s voice in the international arena. Another point is that China's great country pride since ancient times. It is always so many problems to watch the Olympics run by others. If we do it ourselves, it will never be like this.

This time it was really my turn to do it. They discovered that there are too many places to spend to make themselves satisfied. Of course, if the money is spent, it is not a white flower. It can be earned back through many aspects, and it will continue to bring economic benefits in the future.

If you drive the tourism industry, you will have a lot of income, let alone other aspects.

"Lao Zong, you look at the various subsidiaries, how much money you can get, not to take it out now, you can get a little every year, we have to raise the sponsorship fee bar of this Olympic Games to a world-high height!"

Those top sponsors, the amount of sponsorship, is really not the most, but they can get the most shots, which are related to the International Aowei.

These Feng Yu can't do anything, they are all signed contracts. However, Feng Yu is going to play the face of Aowei. Your so-called top sponsor will slap this money, and I am so embarrassed to have so many shots? See how we are sponsoring here, you are just a fraction!

"Feng, how much do you plan to donate?"

"All brands are prepared for one hundred million dollars. If they are not enough, they are ready to add. I personally donate more, then let the wind go, so that International Aowei will know that their sponsors are too embarrassing!"

Zong Qingxian is somewhat speechless. Feng Yu’s move will definitely attract the hate of the International Aowei Association, but it’s really enjoyable. The people of the provincial Aowei Conference have intervened too much.

In fact, many people have whispers about the international Aowei. After all, they earn very much every year, and the average salary of those employees is ahead of the world. When converted to rmb, those average pays are more than one million, even if it is the most common employee, the salary is more than 500,000, and their work is actually not too difficult.

Of course, the most important point is that the 90% of the cost of top sponsorship and broadcasting rights must be paid to the Olympic Organizing Committee of the host country. Therefore, the higher the top sponsorship fee, the more money Huaxia can get.

If the so-called top sponsorship is not as good as the official sponsorship of China, then the international Aowei will be embarrassed, and the Huaxia Olympic Organizing Committee can also protest.

"Feng, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Is there anything wrong? I donate myself and use their consent?" Feng Yu hates this most. You can't donate more than the leader. Besides, he never thought that the International Aowei would be able to lead him!

"Well, this should be no problem, but the sponsorship contract of each brand should be brought back." Zong Qingxian may have to consider the interests of various companies. Not everyone like Feng Yu does not take money as money.

"No problem, the more we donate, the more we can save money for the country. If the foreigner can't afford it, give up."

... (to be continued.)

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