Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1248: Automotive Industry Symposium

When Madian is contacting other car companies and wanting to fully encircle the Chinese market, Huaxia’s car companies have also rushed to Jicheng. This time, the auto industry forum finally won the fight.

Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group ranked second in the voting. Because the representatives of the car companies that participated in the voting, most of them voted for a mad gas, only the above leaders, only voted for the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group.

However, Li Mingde believes that the next round of the auto industry symposium will definitely be opened in the ice city. If it is not for the so-called fairness, the next session will definitely be in the south, then the next session should be theirs.

This time, the air is finally proud, and they are currently ranked third among the Chinese car companies, but they have defeated the number one Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group, and they are not far from the Magic Motors Group.

An angry Zhao always stood on the stage, and he was very enthusiastic and made a report with impatience.

When the report was over, everyone was applauding mechanically, but they were competitors. Some people have dissatisfied looks on their faces, and some people have jealous looks on their faces, but Li Mingde’s face is full of anger!

"The following is the time for answering questions. If anyone has any questions about the report just now, you can come up and I will answer you on the spot."

Li Mingde immediately raised his hand, but at the same time there were some representatives of other car companies raising their hands. Zhao did not seem to see Li Mingde, and ordered another representative of a small car company.

"What do you mean by the Huimin project?"

"Okay, then I will give you an answer. Our headquarters is in Jicheng, so we have made a lot of contributions to the infrastructure of Jicheng. For example, we built four roads, two parks last year, and planted the city. Three thousand trees, two schools, one hospital, etc. These are the Huimin projects, which are projects that benefit ordinary citizens."

Mr. Zhao is very happy. The question asked is very good. Isn’t this a special opportunity for him?

"This representative, do you have any questions?"

Li Mingde’s hand was put down again, and Zhao always ordered another person.

"I have a breakthrough in some mechanical parts. I heard that it is still exported to Europe. What percentage of your total production?"

“Yes, some of our mechanical parts have reached the international advanced level, so we have received orders from many foreign car companies. We did export to Europe and exported to the island countries. The export ratio accounts for 9.7 percent of our total output. 3. "Zhao always said loudly, it seems that this is an unacceptable honor.

Li Mingde grinned and produced a few parts and components. He couldn’t make much money at all, and it’s worth blowing. Our Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group has already exported the whole vehicle. Some of our technologies have already exceeded the international average level, and even hope to reach the international advanced level within ten years.

Do you have a good idea about this?

What are the questions asked by the representatives? There is no level at all. But think about those small car companies, and even some of them only do the spare parts of the car, maybe it is a low-end downstream enterprise, changing the law to give a face to the gold.

At this time, another person who Zhao did not want to see raised his hand, and Zhou Du of the magic car. Zhou and Li Mingde are the two people who Zhao did not want to ask.

However, this week is not too particular about it. He hasn't had a point yet. Zhou always stood up. When Zhou Zong stood up, other people naturally put their hands down. He couldn’t ask questions.

"Zhou, what's the problem with you?"

"I want to ask, how much profit do you have last year's production and sales, and what is the profit? What is the proportion of joint venture vehicles?"

This problem is more acute. In terms of production and sales, it is still behind the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group and the Magic Du Automobile Group. As for the proportion of joint venture vehicles, the proportion is higher, and their red cars are almost discontinued.

“We produced more than 460,000 units last year, and the sales volume reached 461,100 units, of which the joint-venture car accounted for 68.3%. The profit, this is hard to say?” Zhao is somewhat unhappy.

When you opened the car industry forum, you didn’t say how much profit you had. This can be reported with the above, but with the peers, who is stupid!

"Then, please ask your 460,000 vehicles, why do you say that they account for 15% of the total output?" Zhou continued to ask.

"Last year, our national production and sales volume was less than 3 million, and we were 460,000. Why is it not 15%?" Zhao is not happy. This data can be calculated by his mental arithmetic, yes!

Zhou always said suddenly: "It seems that I didn't count the neighbors in, I don't want to say anything?"

When Zhou finished speaking, he sat down. Li Mingde was named, and he just wanted to speak, so he stood up.

"Zhao Zong, how did you calculate the production and sales of 3 million vehicles last year? Last year, the production and sales volume of our Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group just exceeded one million. The other car companies added together and exceeded two. One hundred and three hundred thousand vehicles, the total production and sales volume should be more than 3.3 million vehicles. Why do you count less than three million? Can such statistics be wrong?"

"General Li, your data is a joint venture car and an export vehicle overseas. That is not the same."

“How is it different? Our overseas joint venture factories are also controlled by our Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group. If you have to say different things, then our car is exporting foreign exchange. Besides this, I can’t see What is the difference between us?"

Cooperating with our overseas production and sales, it is not worth it. Why? If our joint venture car is not counted, can you count it? Originally, Li Mingde wanted to ask this question when he was waiting for a small number of people, but since Zhou always asked, he didn't mind saying it now.

Anyway, he has retired, and now he is hired as the chairman of the Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group in a private capacity. His temper is coming up, and he is also a leader!

"Why, can't you answer it? Well, if this question is wrong, then I will ask again. What did you say about Huimin Engineering? Then I want to ask, what is the average salary of your anger? What is the minimum wage? The highest salary How much? How is income distributed?” Li Mingde once again thrown a problem.

Huimin, even the income of employees has not been able to improve, is it interesting to make those face projects?

When Zhao’s face was bitter, he knew that the two men were not well-intentioned. We said something good about it. You both have to pull back.

Who doesn't know that the salary level of your Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group has been leading the country? If it is not a city restriction, I am afraid it will be higher. As a result, some people in tm have higher bonuses than wages in one year, and they have to pay for the law. Do you know your neighbors, how much pressure do we have?

We also think about it, but do we have such high profits? !

"General Li, this is also the internal secret of our company, and there is no comment for the time being!"

Li Mingde sat down with a cold sigh, if it wasn't for the industrial cloth leader next to him, he would never forget it. I boast that I have nothing, but if we reduce our data, it will definitely not work!

... (to be continued.)

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