Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1265: Delisting

Feng Yu’s remarks, Huang Kezhen and Fang’s director frowned, and they felt that Feng Yu was somewhat alarmist. However, knowing that Feng Yu is also kind, so he nodded and said nothing.

The trio talked a few more words and Feng Yucai left.

In the car, Feng Yu sighed, can say, he has already said, believe it or not, listen to the fate.

It was the New Year, Feng Yu returned to the ice city. His family, as early as New Year's Day, had already returned because Feng Yu wanted to avoid the crowds that were too dense.

From the end of 02 to the beginning of 2003, there was a virus that ravaged Southeast Asia and even spread to the whole world.

This disease does not necessarily die, but the cost of treatment is high. Of course, the treatment cost, for Feng Yu, is nothing at all, but Li Na is pregnant, Feng Yu can not gamble.

During this time, various rumors began to appear on the Internet, such as what vinegar can kill the virus, and Banlangen can prevent viruses and the like.

Originally, there is nothing. Vinegar and Banlangen are very cheap things. You can buy a lot of money for a few dollars.

But soon, some people took the road, they began to hype the price of these two goods, including protective equipment such as masks.

Feng Yu foresaw this situation in advance, so let the subsidiaries, as far as possible, stabilize the price, and let the companies such as salary waves, foxes, and thousand degrees blame on the Internet, and cooperate with the network supervisor to trace the ip address of the rumors.

The news that came back made Feng Yu quite helpless. Among them, there were very few people who really wanted to make a profit. Most of them actually felt fun and wanted to pay attention to it.

The fake news they spread was used by the minded people, and it was intensified through the word of mouth of the people.

Some people have nothing to do every day, thinking that things on the Internet, just like the usual bragging, can be said without hesitation.

Feng Yu is very disgusted with such people.

This kind of person is owing to clean up. For the sake of one's own self, there is no fear of the consequences. This is not a low-quality performance, but an offence!

Only the current law of network surveillance is not perfect, not just China, but countries are the same.

In fact, South Korea and the island countries actually went ahead because they were small and the network developed earlier and better, so this kind of thing happened earlier and they also made countermeasures earlier.

However, China is not too late, at least much earlier than the previous generation. No matter how perfect the law is, and want to fundamentally put an end to this situation, it is still necessary to improve the quality education of netizens.

Governing the country according to law and governing the country by virtue are not contradictory. The ideal high-level society is to rule the country by virtue. However, this goal cannot be achieved in a short period of time. Even many people predict that it will not be achieved until the demise of mankind, because human nature is selfish, just like the so-called communist society cannot achieve.

These things, Feng Yu is not prepared to pay too much attention, naturally there is the above leadership, he only needs to cooperate with his company. At the same time, let the companies issue documents, do not listen to and spread rumors, do not be fools.

This disease is actually not so serious. It has been rumored to be more and more intense. In history, this has not caused much impact. It is far worse than the known viruses such as AIDS, and even worse than tuberculosis.

It's just that the pathology is not very clear at this time, and it is contagious, so it will make people feel terrible.

Scientists in the world will soon learn to understand and develop effective treatments.

Slowly, people are regaining reason and knowing that this is actually not so terrible. But at this time, some countries that could not see the rise of China began to secretly use small means.

For example, in Time magazine, an article suddenly appeared, saying that the number of patients was concealed.

Then, many media in the world reprinted this article and began to report that they called on people to refuse to travel to China, work, etc., and even called for the withdrawal of foreigners who invested in China.

Under normal circumstances, a new type of infectious disease appears, and the WHO should provide help, not question.

In other words, you should first think of ways to treat and prevent this disease, not to say who is responsible first!

Of course, this disease is only happening in China, so other countries feel peace of mind, and even some countries are still gloating.

In various arguments, there is actually a saying that this is a biochemical test conducted by China, but it was accidentally leaked. And this argument is the island country that has been known by everyone in the world to have undergone biochemical tests.

In the media of various countries, they are all blackening the image of China, while China has tried hard to overcome this virus while making an argument.

Of course, the disease of the past life was later controlled and did not cause greater impact. Feng Yu did not pay much attention. What he now thinks is that the company that paid the salary will be delisted.

Delisting is not a big deal. Every year, Nasdaq’s delisting companies account for about 8 percent, the NYSE, which accounts for 6 percent, and London, which is 12 percent.

There are many conditions for delisting. As long as one of them meets one of them, you can apply for delisting. What's more, the stock of the company that has paid for the wave has fallen below the issue price for more than one month, even if it does not apply for delisting. Stark will also ask companies such as salary waves to delist.

What Feng Yu wants is this kind of effect. Although it will damage the company's credibility, it doesn't matter. Anyway, these companies are all doing Chinese websites. They don't need to care too much about the country.

In the end, it is planned to let these companies list in the mainland or Xiangjiang. The country has no plans to re-list it anyway. What are you afraid of?

However, it is not too simple to take the initiative to withdraw from the market, but fortunately, these companies have said that they will use cash payment methods to buy back shares, so the turmoil caused is not too big.

In other words, the people of the country have become accustomed to the company's delisting. In the past two or three years, there have been too many companies that have been delisted. Some people have been delisted from the market, and some of the company’s financial problems have been withdrawn from the market. Of course, there are also salaries. This kind of wave, the active repurchase of shares delisted.

This kind of repurchase of shares is better than the delisting. (If the financial problems occur and the market is delisted, the losses of the shareholders will be more serious.

Of course, what they like the most is the kind of delisting that was acquired. For such companies, the purchase price is generally a premium purchase, and before the acquisition, the stock price will generally be pulled up, and they can all make a profit.

In order to guarantee the withdrawal of the market as soon as possible, Feng Yu has changed the number of shareholders of the company. A listed company has a minimum number of shareholders. If it is less than this number, it will be forced to delist. Of course, there will be a grace period.

And Feng Yu’s goal is to withdraw from the market and control what grace period he has. Originally, the number of shareholders of these companies was just enough, and this was merged a bit. The number of shareholders was insufficient, and Nasdaq warned.

caveat? Feng Yu, of course, did not care, and then the stock was suspended and began to enter the delisting process.


p: Some things can't be written, so one sentence has passed, not to say that some major national events do not care. (To be continued.)

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