Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1266: Small storm

"Lao Zong, do you have anything?" Feng Yu was a little curious, because of what, Zong Qingxian actually came to Bingcheng to find him, can't call, or contact online?

"Feng, I can't make up my mind about something."

"Don't worry, say slowly." Feng Yu frowned, and Zong Qingxian hesitated, certainly very tricky.

"Several subsidiaries such as salary waves are not going to be delisted from Nasdaq? Our original plan is that these original shareholders will pay for stocks. Anyway, they are non-voting stocks. Wang Zhixi also has no objections. But now, some people I want to buy stocks."

"Who? If they are reasonably priced, it is not impossible to sell them. The premise is that their investment can help the company develop better and faster."

Feng Yu has some doubts. What is wrong with this? Non-voting stocks can only give them a limit, such as not allowing transactions within three years, etc. These Zong Qingxian should know.

Is there anyone who dares to buy and sell with the Taihua Holding Group?

Wait, it seems that it is really possible, but Huang Kezhen is not promised, will not interfere with the company's development?

"Lao Zong, you mean, the country wants to buy?"

Zong Qingxian nodded: "It is a state-owned investment company. They don't know where they heard about the delisting of our companies. They will also be listed in China or Xiangjiang. They must have done detailed information on companies such as salary waves. The assessment that the future will definitely make money, so I want to participate in the stock."

"That's nothing, they give the price reasonable, they can agree. Anyway, the company's power is still in our hands. They just want to follow the dividends, just sell them some."

Feng Yu thought about it, and there is nothing wrong with it. Stocks can be sold to foreigners, how can they not be sold to the country? In the future, the company will make money, and dividends will be considered as cheap and not for outsiders.

"The price they gave is the face price of the stock at this time. This price is somewhat low."

"This is an open and honest way to tell them. If they insist on such a low price, then just sell them a little bit." It is clear that it is overcoming cheap, which is not likable.

"They don't want a little bit of it, but all the stocks that are publicly released on the Nasdaq! Not only the salary waves, including companies such as fox and net billion."

Feng Yu’s face changed, is this too much?

Originally, the stock should be repurchased normally. It should be a premium. Although the company’s delisting from the salary wave is a foregone conclusion, it is their business. It is the result of the joint operation of Taihua Holdings and Wang Zhixi, and some stocks will be resold. Those technicians.

And let the stock price go down, they also paid a price. I worked hard for a year of wheat. When it was harvested, someone came directly with the car and pulled the wheat away. No one did anything.

Yes, you have given money, but you have given less and you have to take all our wheat away. Why are we working so long?

"How do you say?" Feng Yu asked.

Net billion is different from companies such as salary waves. It accepts Feng Yu’s capital injection at least. At the same time, Ding Lei of NetEco is controlling 51% of the voting stocks. It can be said that Ding Lei is still the big boss of NetEco. This is related to Wang Zhixi. Zhang Chaoyang is different.

Moreover, the net profit of the billionaires can already be seen. Although the profit is very small, it is the investment of the net billion in other aspects, and the development of the net billion is faster than the salary and the fox.

"Ding Lei said, look at our attitude, he does not matter."

Feng Yu rolled his eyes, this awkward guy, he is letting Taihua Holdings go up.

However, it is that the loss of Taihua Holdings will be greater than the loss of Ding Li. Of course, this loss refers to the possible gains.

"Do you discuss it with other people? What are their opinions?" Feng Yu asked again.

"They also have no opinion. After all, it is a state-owned investment company."

"What happened to the state-owned assets? Also follow the normal business guidelines! Lao Zong, I remember that your Le Haha, Hangzhou city capital investment, you will go back, how, this time dare not?" Feng Yu Asked.

Zong Qingxian smiled and said: "Is the city level and this comparable?"

"I really want to see, which state capital dare to talk to us so arrogantly?!" Feng Yu's face flashed a trace of embarrassment.

"It is Huaxia Investment Company, and the chairman of the board is Han Aijun."

"Han Aijun, the son of that? What about it?" Feng Yu blinked, why should they force a low price to buy all the shares?

In order to be on the safe side, Feng Yu called the party director and asked if this is the meaning above. Of course, Feng Yu has already identified it, this should be the meaning of Han Aijun himself.

Sure enough, after a while, the party director called back and told Feng Yu that there was absolutely no such meaning. And let Feng Yu rest assured that this kind of thing will not happen again.

Now, Feng Yu’s policy is to win over, not only to draw Feng Yu’s funds, but also because Feng Yu is a personal talent, a wizard.

At least everything that Feng Yu has done now is also beneficial to the country. They will not be so short-sighted and take away Feng Yu’s property.

A good talent, the profit that can be earned, can be far more than this.


"Who asked you to contact the network companies to buy their shares?"

Han Aijun looked at Fang Director with some surprises: "I decided that I have investigated the companies that have been the first few Internet companies in China, and the business conditions are getting better and better, and I will definitely make money in the future."

Some of Han Aijun did not understand, I am making money for the company and for the country. Is there anything wrong with it?

"Then why do you ask the other party to sell all the shares you have issued at this time?"

"You can make money ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of course you have to buy more. Buy at the market price, what's wrong?" Han Aijun looked blank.

Director Fang looked at the attitude of Han Aijun and finally understood how big mistake Feng Yi said to let financial people do not understand financial management companies.

Han Aijun did not deliberately suppress the price, but did not know the premium at all. I only thought that I would not let the state capital suffer, but I did not expect that, in this way, others would suffer a big loss.

It seems that the helm of these state-owned assets really has to be re-selected. It should be related to the above suggestions. It is the most responsible attitude to contact experts such as Professor Liang of Xiangjiang and let the professional people manage.


Zong Qingxian hangs up Wang Zhixi’s phone and rushes to Feng Yu. “Feng, the state-owned company’s news, the last time it was wrong, they wanted half of the circulation, or one third. The price we have the final say."

Feng Yu leaned back on the chair with his eyes closed: "Let's give them one-third, the price, the premium is 10%."

... (to be continued.)

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