Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1264: Reject (request for a ticket)

Feng Yu pretended to think about it, and then replied with a very serious look: "Huang Zongli, I have insufficient ability, I dare not take this responsibility, or please Gaoming."

Huang Kezhen turned to look at the director, and saw that the director was showing a smile.

"Old party, or you know him, he really won't agree. For others, money and power that are easy to be touched seem to be useless to him."

Feng Yu looked at the director who sat on the side and never talked. Hey, look at it, as if they had no intention of handing him over to the state-owned investment company. This is a temptation.

Feng Yu wants to know if Huang Kezhen will repent if he promised it.

"Since the heroes of the ancient age, Feng is so young, you can have today's achievements, the most rare is not arrogant, and very patriotic, I am not as good as you." Huang Kezhen exclaimed.

"Huang Zongli is serious. My achievements in this ministry are placed in the management of the country, especially at the level of China, which is not a big country."

"You are too modest. In my opinion, if you are willing, then you should be a big defender. It should be no problem. Just looking for a veteran comrade to take you for a few years will definitely make an earth-shattering achievement. Come on. It doesn't seem right. Your current achievements are enough to be shocking!"

Huang Kezhen gave himself such a high evaluation, let Feng Yu have some Haoran. He has a few pounds and two very clear. When it comes to managing the company's capabilities, he may not be comparable to Wu Zhigang. Wu Zhigang is a little older than him, but he has been managing for many years. From the manager of Taihua Trading, he has been the vice president of Taihua Holdings. The management experience is much richer than Feng Yu.

The only thing Feng Yu is good at is to compare his heart. With the conditions that the other party is difficult to refuse, some talents will be brought to the knees, and then the greatest trust will be given, so that the other party can do their best to achieve a win-win situation. Of course, Feng Yu earned more than the other side.

Fortunately, in these years, Feng Yu’s subordinates are also grateful to Feng Yu, and work hard, so that Feng Yu is very worry-free. Even Feng Yu knows very well that the management of these companies, if he is personally involved, certainly does not develop well now.

"Huang Zongli, you look at me." This sentence, Feng Yu is sincere.

However, in Huang Kezhen's view, Feng Yu is deferred by reason and does not want to be a public official. Forget it, people have their own aspirations. Anyway, Feng Yu’s business can bring great benefits to the country.

Those who do not pay taxes will not be able to say anything, drive the economy, and even at the national strategic level, Feng Yu can give some help. For example, he talked with Liu Chuanzhi a few days ago. Liu Chuanzhi said frankly that without Feng Yu’s help, he even thought that there was absolutely no scale and achievement.

In the future, even if you want to be the world's number one computer manufacturer and seller, this is of great significance to China. Computers will inevitably be applied to all walks of life in the future. Can China not always buy foreign products, so what about network security and what electronic information security?

"Feng total, I listen to the old side, this year, the purchase of gold futures by state capital is your suggestion?"

"No, it is the news that my company sold to the director." Feng Yuzheng said.

"Sell? Old party, you are not saying that you are reluctant to buy it?" Huang Kezhen asked.

"Yes, Feng, you don't quit, I don't give money, and I don't plan to give money afterwards." Fang Fang spread his hands and asked me to look for money.

"The meal that day, isn't the money paid by the director? So, the news, I sold a meal." Feng Yu smiled and blinked.

Director Fang shook his head with a smile, and at the same time understood that Feng Yu was deliberately doing this. He not only gave the country a face, but also pointed out that he had already helped.

"Old party, such a business, I think it is done." Huang Kexiao laughed.

Feng Yu suddenly showed a vigilant look, what do you mean, but also want to take advantage of white? ! The landlord's home, there is no surplus food!

Seeing Feng Yu’s expression, they laughed even more.

"Right, Feng, I would like to thank you on behalf of the country, for the 2008 Olympics, donated such a large sum of money." Huang Kezhen said with a smile.

"This is what I should do, and I can't understand the foreigners who are cheaper. In this way, their sponsorship fees must also be upgraded. I think this is the money of the top sponsor. It can be a lot more."

"Feng, it’s still the problem. Is it really feasible to form a large state-owned group?"

Feng Yu thought for a moment: "If this state-owned group can have good people, then there is absolutely no problem. Even if it is a normal person, as long as it is stable, it should not lose. Although there are not many top financial talents in our country, But there are also a lot of financial talents in general."

"But if some companies merge, then the bad assets must be stripped. Although it will form a pain, but short-term pain is better than long pain. Just like the previous laid-off, bankruptcy, caused a lot of controversy at the beginning, but after this The development of a few years is actually a good thing for both the country and the individual. People have regained the spirit of hard work, not the kind of iron rice bowl in the factory."

"One more thing, the country is taking money to invest abroad to make money, then I think you will definitely choose the rice market. If so, I have some advice. Don't buy the national debt of the country, and don't buy those large companies that look like high quality. Bonds, especially not real estate."

“Why?” Huang Keqi asked curiously. Can't buy the national debt of the country? There are also high-quality large corporate bonds, why can't they buy them. Shouldn't this be the most stable investment?

"I will talk about it from my personal understanding. A company that invests heavily in non-voting stocks of another company and wants to make a profit. Then the company has any turmoil, but you don't know, stocks. You don't know if you rise or fall. Unless you have the absolute strength to pull up this stock, it is better to spread it and invest more stocks. This is safer."

The state's investment, of course, cannot be radical, and we must seek a safe way, so Feng Yu can understand this sentence.

Feng Yu continued: "In the first two years of the country, two of the world's top 500 companies collapsed. One family has gone bankrupt, and the other is in bankruptcy. Many of those who bought their company's stocks have lost their money. If they buy their stocks, they might have to throw them out, but if they buy their bonds, they will lose nothing."

"As for saying that you should not invest in real estate, the reason is very simple. Once the real estate is a pillar industry, once the economic impact of the collapse, the island country will know. The country can always pass the domestic economic crisis to other countries. Once is the fastest growing island country, and now, the fastest growing power is us. Once they let the real estate collapse again, then the loss is definitely us!"


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