Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1676: Trouble with the car (8/10)

The new century financial company has finally embarked on the road of past life, and this has set an example for other similar enterprises, that is, the company will go bankrupt, and the political axe will find a way to take over.

The past life was not a new century financial company that the two-room group took over, but this world has changed, perhaps because the negative news of this world is more fierce than the previous one. Other companies have already dared to take over.

The two-room group not only took over the new century financial company, but also took over many similar companies. Of course, specific negotiations are still underway, and these negotiations are mainly to protect the interests of those investors.

This investor does not mean those who bought stocks or bonds in the financial market, but those big shareholders. As for the small investors, they can have no time to pay attention.

However, at this time, Feng Yu did not stare at the two-room group, so a large enterprise, even if it is going to bankruptcy protection, it will take some time.

Feng Yu only arranged for Ralph and others to continue to dig deeper negative news from those small real estate finance companies, so that the subprime mortgage crisis came even more fiercely, and the two-room group became deeper and deeper.

If the two-room group is just taking over one or two companies, perhaps this crisis is really over. However, it is said that it is not harmful and it is not uniform, which is also applicable in the country of rice.

Can't say that the country's political axe commanded the two-room group to help the relatively large new century financial companies, and then regardless of the real estate finance company's life and death?

This will cause the two-room group to slowly fall into the predicament of warm boiled frogs. When they react, the non-performing assets will not be able to end.

At this time, Feng Yu is instead staring at the same-purpose car in the country, which is still the world's number one car group.

The past life was also due to the subprime mortgage crisis, which caused the same-use car to fall into bankruptcy. In the end, the country and the Canadian government took the initiative to re-launch the same-use car, and the same-purpose car made many trade-offs, such as selling. Lost shares of Huaxia's joint venture company.


"Mr. Malfoy, our wind and rain holding group is very sincere. Your company is now in deep debt crisis and selling the shares of Huaxia JV to us can greatly ease your pressure."

"And no company can have such a sufficient cash reserve for our wind and rain holding group, they can pay up part of the cash, and then give some stocks, or staged payments, which can't solve the problem for you."

“If your company is willing, you can sell some of its brand assets to us at the same time, which can also reduce your expenses and help you to reduce losses.”

Ralph cocked his legs and had a confident smile on his face.

The boss said that it is true, the same car, the world's number one car company, and really went wrong. Otherwise, he will not be hinted at him a little, and the president of the other party will come to the door.

"Ralph, China is the most important automobile sales market in the new century. China is also our most optimistic and fastest growing market. We have accepted the very harsh joint venture conditions in order to enter the Chinese market. It is also ranked first in the production and sales volume of Huaxia joint venture vehicles."

"This stock, we have never planned to sell, and the joint venture company has been making money."

Ralph interrupted Malfoy's words: "What do you mean, only the business that loses money, will you consider selling? Then why do we buy it? You need cash to save other business now, and everyone will do it." But no one wants to pick it up."

"Our wind and rain holding group has money, but it is not a fool. And if it is not polite, our boss is a subsidiary of another company, Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group, this is China's largest automobile manufacturing company, you are the same The production and sales volume is less than one-fourth of that of the Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group, and there are also Volkswagen, Madian’s joint ventures, and Modu’s own brands.

"But you are together, not as good as a brand of Songjiang Motors, not to mention the two sub-brands of Dongcheng Shenlu and Elf under the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group. Believe it or not, we don't need any help from others. With the Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group alone, will you be able to use this year's production and sales decline?"

There was a trace of anger on Malfoy's face. This Ralph was too arrogant. What does this mean? If we don't sell it, can you suppress it?

That is a joint venture car company, and Huaxia State-owned shares account for two-thirds of the shares, Feng Yu dare to suppress China's car companies, not afraid of China's political axe to find trouble?

But if it is normal business competition, they can't say anything. Once Feng Yu really did this, then the same car will add to the snow.

As Ralph said, no one is not interested in the shares of the joint venture car companies they use in China, but the other party does not get too much money and wants to buy with some stocks and periodic payments. How?

The same use is to want cash to help the head office to tide over the difficulties. The shares in China are profitable in their own right. Although the staged payments and stocks seem to be quite a lot, they do not help.

They also know that the wind and rain holding group is now cash-rich, so they took the initiative to find the door. As for the possibility of increasing the strength of competitors, they have considered this situation, but there is really no other way.

Moreover, they intend to sell non-Mediterranean local brands, that is, to ensure that the North American market is not lost, and their market share in South America, they can still guarantee that they are one of the best car companies in the world.

"Mr. Ralph, there are other companies that want to acquire shares in our Chinese joint venture car companies. We don't have only one choice."

"Of course, for the time being, we should give priority to the wind and rain holding group, but it is not absolute. As for saying that you want to acquire our other sub-brands, this is not impossible to talk about, we are also interested in selling some shares of sub-brands, even Includes some wholly-owned sub-brands."

"In this way, I will prepare a catalog for you. If you look at it, you can contact me."

Ralph smiled: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome. You use nearly 30 brands under the car. We can't look at it too much. I also prepared a catalogue. This is what we intend to acquire. You see one. Look, give me a reply."

Malfoy stunned, what do you mean, is the wind and rain holding group, long ago want to acquire the brand of their car? They use the same car company that has always been the world's number one. How do they know that the same use is caught in a financial dilemma?

Malfoy looked at Ralph deeply and then left with the catalog.


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