Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1677: Common use board (9/10)

The board of directors of the same car held an ad hoc meeting, and all the directors came because the company’s president, Malfoy, brought back important news.

They all know that Malfoy went to meet Rever, CEO of the Storm Holdings Group, and it must have brought back good news. Now they are big businessmen who don’t know, the wind and rain holding group is not spending enough money.

If you say you don't know, then prove that you are not a big businessman.

"Malfo, what's the situation, let's talk to everyone." The expression of the car's chairman, Sol, is not sad.

Malfoy nodded and said loudly: "Everyone, I have two pieces of information in front of me. The red cover is the condition we opened. The blue cover is the condition for the wind and rain holding group."

"The conditions of Fengyu Holding Group are very simple. Fengfeng Holding Group agreed to use cash to acquire some of our assets. Note that all cash is used, there is no need to pay stocks, and there is no delay in payment. The conditions are higher than the previous two companies. It’s so much better.”

“But at the same time, the assets they want to buy are all our high-quality assets, even brand assets such as Chevrolet and Buick, and they are not interested in the brand assets we want to get rid of.”

"The current situation is that our business with the car has been seriously affected. After we were attacked, we made a five-year zero-coupon loan sales method to stimulate the sales, and In the following years, the models and brands that continue to expand this sales model have also proposed more preferential measures."

“In the first few years, our sales skyrocketed and firmly occupied the world’s number one sales and sales. It is recognized as the world’s No. 1 automobile group. At that time, our same-use financial credit company can also pass credit. And investment, providing high profits for our company."

“But we decided to enter the real estate credit field and it was too big. We, like other real estate finance companies, issued too many subprime loans, which left us with too much risk.”

"This is different from the car. The price of the car is far less than that of the house. Although there are a lot of insolvency loans in the car loan, the loss is not big. The profit of our financial credit company can fully bear this. Partial loss."

“But real estate is different, real estate loans are higher, and the inability to repay loans has become more serious since last year. The proportion of bad debts has gradually increased. Our most powerful same-use financial credit companies have also suffered losses. The mortgaged house, because of the depreciation of the house, makes us unable to return the investment."

"I didn't agree to enter the real estate loan field at the beginning, but no one on the board supported me. I don't want to mention the past, we have to go through the current difficulties, we must sell some assets or shares. I personally Opinions tend to be sold to the wind and rain holding group. Which assets are sold specifically, but also everyone to discuss."

Malfoy said some difficulties of the company, and pointed out that these difficulties were not caused by improper management of his business, but the result of the decisions of these directors. He is only the president and a senior wage earner.

He did not say his final decision, but threw the burden to the board of directors. As for the final decision, he has at most one suggestion right. The board decided that he would do it.

After listening to Malfoy, some directors have an unpleasant look on their faces. Is this Malfoy accusing them? A president only dared to accuse them of these directors.

However, I heard that Chairman Sol has allegedly nominated Malfoy to enter the board of directors as an executive director. Perhaps this is Malfoy's confidence.

None of these directors think that the same car will not be able to overcome this difficulty. Just because they are the same car, the world's number one car group!

Of course, they also know that some brands do not make money, and they still have a lot of money. The pace of expansion was too fast, and now it seems to be a bit overdone.

It’s something that many big companies have experienced when they get rid of some bad assets and reorganize them. Many companies that don’t lose money have made these decisions. They have always had this idea.

But no one is a fool, those bad assets, who is willing to take over? They can only find ways to tying, that is, using some high-quality assets, combined with bad assets, so that they can be sold.

Of course, there is another way, that is, when the assets are reorganized, the bad assets are brought to a company, and they are directly bankrupt and get rid of this burden.

But in this case, not only is the operation complicated, but it also requires a lot of money to turn around, and at least one shareholder needs to make sacrifices. Who wants to sacrifice here? And this will also have a negative impact on the brand of the same car, the world's number one car company, there will be business bankruptcy?

The directors looked at some of the assets that Malfoy listed to sell, and the faces were a little unhappy. Is there too much quality assets listed?

However, after they saw the assets that the Storm Holdings Group planned to acquire, they were really furious!

Deceiving too much!

All of the above listed are the high-quality assets of the same car, and they are all still profitable businesses. We have to spend the money to tide over the difficulties, but we have sold the profitable business, it is not brain damage!

"Malfo, such a company, you also recommend us to cooperate?!" Some directors could not help but anger.

Malfoy said calmly: "This is only the goal of the other party. Everyone knows that this is absolutely impossible. The wind and rain holding group must know. Negotiation, how can the conditions of the two sides be the same?"

Asking for the price, sitting on the ground and paying back, doing business is often the case.

Sol saw other directors also want to talk, he directly said: "Our situation, Malfoy also told everyone, now the storm holding group, is the only company that wants to acquire our business, the only time to take in the shortest time Come out with enough cash."

"And the other party only said that it is interested in the acquisition, and did not say what conditions, we can open some conditions, such as wanting to buy certain brand business, we must acquire some brands, factories, etc. together."

"This is something that affects the interests of all our shareholders. It is also a matter of convening everyone to open this board. We all think about it, how should we negotiate with each other?"

All the directors are silent and no one is willing to make a head bird. In the event that it was known later, it was said that the XX brand was sold, which was proposed by a certain director. Then, when the employees of the enterprises were dissatisfied, did they come directly to him?

Seeing no one snoring, Sol forced to order: "Everyone goes back to make a sale plan, and tomorrow's meeting will continue. The longer the delay, the worse for us!"


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