Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1678: Don't want one (10/10)

The next day, the board of directors of the same car was reconvened. All the directors proposed the plan that they thought was the most appropriate, but what is interesting is that several of them are so similar.

Obviously, although Sol emphasizes that everyone should follow their own ideas, take care of the interests of each shareholder, and take care of the company's interests, but these people must be discussed in private.

"This program, do you agree?" Sol is looking around other directors, this program, they have been discussing for two hours!

Malfoy's face is not very good-looking. This program, in his opinion, belongs to drinking and quenching thirst. Although I can get some cash, I can't solve the company's dilemma fundamentally.

The burdens that are smashed are not enough to get the company out of trouble. But this plan is the result of the discussions of these directors, Malfoy is very disappointed.

After all the directors agreed, Sol continued: "Malfo, you are on behalf of the company to talk to the wind and rain holding group. This time, it is necessary to get more than 10 billion US dollars in cash for the company. After that, I nominate you to the board of directors."

Malfoy looked at the Sol in amazement. He looked at the other directors and no one objected.

These assets, if it was two years ago, would not be sold at all for $10 billion. But now, the part that counts the loss, $10 billion in cash, not many people will accept it.

What's important is that the same car can get rid of many bad assets, which is the key point.


Ralph looked at Malfoy’s information, and had all the shares he wanted to buy, the best off-road car brand in North America, and the Saab car in Sweden, more than a decade ago. It took more than $3 billion to spend on the same purchase.

There are also a few factories, all of which are very old factories, and the equipment inside is also seriously aging. It is not these that Ralph is most dissatisfied. It is to accept the employees of these companies and to execute the employment contract according to the same standards.

"Malfoy, is this your sincerity? These assets, you are asking for $15 billion in dollars? Are you thinking that we can't spend more money on our wind and rain holding group, so you are going to spend it for us?" The husband threw the information on the table.

If the price of Ralph is promised, then he will no longer be the CEO of the Wind and Rain Holdings Group.

"Mr. Ralph, don't worry, this offer is for other companies. The offer for the wind and rain holding group is 13 billion US dollars, full cash." Malfoy quickly explained.

"Thirteen billion dollars? Also full cash? These cash, of course, we can get it, but do you think that these assets are worth so much?" Ralph sneered.

"Why not? Saab, nearly two decades ago, when we used the car to buy, it cost more than three billion dollars, even if only inflation is calculated, how much is it worth now?"

“Puma, the world’s most famous off-road vehicle brand, has been called the best off-road vehicle in the world more than once, and it’s also a large number of cars purchased by our country.”

“The shares of the magic capital are used together. Although we only have 33%, it is indeed in the Chinese market, second only to the car manufacturers of the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group. And all the production line equipments are brand new. It also includes research institutes such as research institutes. We have invested more than $3 billion in these years, and this part of the stock has been profitable for several years."

“As for the factories in North America and Europe, there are a large number of skilled workers and management talents. The value of these is only a small amount, not to mention the equipment and plants of the factory.”

"Thirteen billion dollars, you have made a big profit. If it is not that we urgently need cash, less than 15 billion US dollars, we will not consider it!"

When Malfoy said these words, he gave Ralph a feeling that you had a big bargain.

However, Ralph is very clear about the value of these industries. Especially the so-called skilled workers and management talents are forbidden by the boss, absolutely not.

"Malfoy, if it was two years ago, these assets could be considered for $13 billion, but now we will never agree."

"It is true that Hummer used to be the best off-road vehicle in the world. Remember, it was once. Hummer’s displacement is too big, and now the oil price is not cheap. Once Hummer had a huge number of troops, but Afghanistan ~ battlefield It has been proved that Hummer can only be used as support, and the bulletproof effect is too bad."

“Hummer has lost the order of the army~ team, and the sales of civilian models have gradually declined. And with the popularization of the concept of environmental protection, we have to control the large-displacement cars. Why is the sales of the island’s cars in North America gradually increase? Because they are doing a great job in energy saving."

"We have expressed interest in the Hummer brand, but it is only of interest. Now Hummer is losing money, right?"

"There was also that Saab car. When it was used together, it was ridiculed by many people. It turns out that this is indeed a stun. Saab has lost money in years and its sales in Europe have been declining year by year, even in Sweden. It has become a foundry with other brands. What kind of value does such a company have? Even the brand of Saab is seriously devalued!"

"As for the shares that the magic capital uses, I also told you that as long as my boss thinks, then the sales volume of the magical capital will be reduced. If it is not Songjiang Automobile that focuses on the development of overseas markets these years, you think it is magic. Can all of them be developed so fast?"

"There are those factories in Europe and America. Do you really think we haven't investigated them? These factories are all factories with severely aging equipment. Maybe some of them have no equipment after two thousand years, all of them two thousand years ago. Old equipment, this is the quality factory you said?"

"And I have to explain that when we buy the same brand, shares and other assets, absolutely no one employee, any one, including the cleaning person!"

It is a joke that the salary of employees who use the same car is three times that of the car companies such as Madian, and all kinds of insurance and allowances are the highest among all car companies.

The same use of these years began to lose money, and this has a great relationship, and many insurance, especially medical insurance, including the family members of employees, this is a huge burden.

This baggage, Feng Yuke absolutely does not back!

Malfoy stunned. He didn't think that the wind and rain holding group had such a good understanding of their car. Ralph did not look at any information and found out the shortcomings of these assets. It seems that this negotiation is difficult for both parties. Satisfied.

Some of the baggage that they most want to get rid of seems to let the other party see through it. What should I do with the car?


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