Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1787: XP tablet available

“The president, even the group was told by the fruit company, they are going to file a lawsuit at this time. Our new products are not launched with this opportunity, but can also be pushed to the North American market simultaneously.”

Dahe Dianxiong leaned back on the back of the chair and took a deep sip with a cigar in his mouth. Meimei spit out a cigarette circle: "This sales model is, how could it not be charged? Our new products have been tested, how is the performance? ?"

The person in charge of product development is slightly embarrassed: "The president, our hardware is based on the Intel and the core... The appearance is larger, and the performance can be said to have advantages and disadvantages with l-pad and ipad, but in the operating system. On the Microsoft xptablet system we used, although this system has been upgraded many times, it is a system five years ago, so..."

"So what? So the performance will be very bad?" Dahe Dianxiong is somewhat unhappy, if the operating system of smart electronic products is not easy to use, the hardware is no good.

"It's not very bad, it's just slower than l-pad and ipad, but the average consumer doesn't have much demand for this. Open some software slower, it should be no problem."

"Yeah." Dahe Dianxiong nodded with satisfaction: "What else?"

"There are many applications based on xp system. We don't need to deliberately develop and provide users with a lot of useful software. We even have more advantages because there are more applications under xp system, most of them are Can run on our tablet."

"And Microsoft is launching a new generation of PC operating systems, and it is said that it will also launch a new generation of operating systems for smartphones and tablets. After the new operating system comes out, we are launching a second-generation product that will stimulate A round of consumption boom!"

Dahe Dianxiong is very satisfied with this answer. Besides, the xp system is still being updated. Although it was five years ago, it is not backward. After all, it is still the most used PC operating system.

As a result, their tablets will be closer to laptops, rather than like a group and a fruit company, more like a smartphone.

They can seize this in the promotion and put themselves at a high level, thus belittle the products of other brands. And they are the first brand to launch xp tablet, unlike the tablet, will definitely make users who like Microsoft system fall in love with their products!

This opportunity can not be preempted by other companies. Dahe Dianxiong knows that several PC or mobile phone manufacturers, such as Dongzhi and His Majesty, plan to launch xp tablets.

Who can do the first thing, can maintain the best relationship with Microsoft, after Microsoft launched a new PC operating system and smartphone operating system, they can also benefit first!

“Very good, then hold a press conference tomorrow and launch our n-pad!”

Muni launched the xp system tablet, and the news quickly spread throughout the it circle. With the help of companies such as Microsoft and Intel, the limelight has overshadowed the iPad.

Of course, if you want to overwrite the l-pad, it is still impossible. After all, the advertising campaign of l-pad is too fierce, and it has been publicized for so long, which is considered to be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Feng Yu did not expect that the first to launch the xp tablet turned out to be the Muni company, Feng Yu thought it should be Intel and joined forces with Microsoft to launch it.

However, it does not matter, a look at the xp system, Feng Yu knows that this product will not be popular.

Although this xp system is also touch screen control, but after all, is the xp core, five years ago, how easy is the system? Of course, there are some people who are used to the xp system feel very good, but the products are afraid of contrast.

The xp system is lagging behind in terms of speed and function, and has a big drawback, that is, it takes up a lot of space.

If l-pad is an evolutionary version of a smartphone, then the n-pad of Muni is a weakened version of the laptop. The research and development direction of the two sides is different.

The interface of xp is far from the interface of hos. It is very old-fashioned. It is still the most traditional boot music of xp, which gives an outdated feeling instantly.

Lianxiang Group has positioned l-pad as a light luxury fashion electronic entertainment product, and fashion and obsolescence cannot coexist. The pursuit of electronic products is the constant evolution of performance, in addition to those who like to collect, there are several like old products?

After asking the Bojun to know that Muni launched the xp tablet, there is no worry, the most core point, software, application software.

Although the application software based on the xp system is the most, many of the functions are relatively old. It's not that some application software is not upgraded, but the computer configuration of xp is very low. The hardware is now rapidly upgrading every year. Can it compare with the current five years ago?

So many of the applications under xp are already old products, and the number of users is getting smaller and smaller. Many applications don't dare to upgrade too much, otherwise the xp system will run very slowly.

The application software under the hos system is different. When it was originally developed, it was prepared to be mounted on a smart phone, so one takes up a small space and the other function is relatively straightforward.

Many of the applications under xp are very powerful, for computers, but because they are too powerful, they don't work on tablets.

The configuration of this tablet can't be compared with real PC. Run this application on your tablet and wait for it to get stuck.

Many xp-based software, the tablet does not move at all! This is a big short board, not to mention that many features have not been upgraded, not smart enough?

Both hardware and software are developing at a rapid pace. Many softwares are being upgraded every year, even every month. The simplest picture editing software has evolved.

The camera pixels on the n-pad are higher than the l-pad. Muni is indeed very powerful in optical electronics, but it lacks many application functions, making its actual performance worse than l-pad.

But anyway, the xp tablet is coming out, this is a signal. Let Xu **c manufacturers and mobile phone manufacturers see that xp can be applied to tablets.

Coupled with Microsoft's claim that next year, their next-generation smartphone and tablet operating systems will be launched, and many vendors will stand on the side of Microsoft.

Among them, the representative of the island country, there are some on the other side of the island, plus several large companies in Europe and America, the strength can not be underestimated.

Moreover, several PC manufacturers have also taken the opportunity to announce that they will launch their own tablet PCs and xp system tablets.

Feng Yu grabbed the phone and called Kameda Masao: "Kameda, inform Liu Shengyu, aiwa's tablet can be ready to be introduced to the market!"


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