Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1786: Also accused

"Ralph, what's wrong? Is that supermarket group negotiated?"

Feng Yu has been staring at the supermarket group in North America. Although it is much smaller than Wal-Mart, it is not bad, and it has great potential.

After buying it, it can not only complement the purchase channel of Taihua Supermarket Group, but also make some store counters for Lianxiang Group, Wind and Rain Electronics, etc., enriching the terminal sales channels of these products in North America.

As for the funding problem, Feng Yu has already greeted the country, and his investment in the financial market is still not moving, this money loan investment.

"The boss, the supermarket group has not completely negotiated, the British side still wants to retain some shares, and does not agree with our plan to invest in their British supermarket group. But I can guarantee that before the opening of the Olympic Games, this supermarket group in North America will inevitably Successfully acquired."

“Now we have a new problem and even think that the group has been told by the fruit company.”

Feng Yuyi raised his eyebrows. He was not too surprised. This was reported between the companies, especially among competitors. This is too common in the country.

“What do they want to think about the group? Dumping, or monopoly?”

In Feng Yu’s opinion, these two crimes are also. The factual monopoly does not necessarily violate the law, as long as it does not use the monopoly position to affect other companies, that is, it cannot be tied to tying.

Even the group wants to sell in the North America through l-pad. Other products are given in white. Don't pay for it. Isn't this a tying? Feng Yu asked Wilson, it doesn't matter.

As for dumping, that is to say that the sale of the problem. Even the l-pad that the group sells at this time has a high profit, and it is also a profit to count the prizes for promotion.

But if you count the cost of advertising and booth promotion, then you will not make money. However, they did not lose money, because the big stars they invited were very cheap.

For example, Robert, who is now popular, the contract was signed very early and the price is very cheap. As for TV media advertisements, not only the promotion of l-pad, but also other products of the group, so this advertising fee is distributed to each product, it is not so high.

In other words, l-pad does not have a discount sales, the procurement system, and the internal preferential price, these are reasonable and legal. Regardless of which one they sue, Wilson has promised with Feng Yu that even if they can't win, they won't get too much fine, and they can guarantee that they will not make a final ruling within three years.

In the past three years, l-pad has already deeply embedded the brand into the minds of those consumers. At that time, even if it lost, the market has already been controlled by them.

With the influence of the brand, the future market will be completely in their hands. Fruit company, there is no chance to turn around!

"There are both dumping and monopoly, and there are also 17 counts of unfair competition, disturbing the people..."

Seventeen charges? !

Feng Yu is also shocked. He doesn't know much about the laws of the country. But he also knows that each state has its own legal provisions. After all, they are the United States. For example, some states can **** ~ big ~ hemp, there are The state will not work, but there are too many 17 crimes?

Well, the scorpion is more than a scorpion, one is also a lawsuit, and the seventeen are also a lawsuit, and it is better to give it to Wilson.

"You told Wilson that it would be better. There are not many cooperative lawyers in North America. The fruit company wants to go to court, let us play with him. The prize-winning activities continue, so that their products can only be pressed into the warehouse. Slowly falling grey!"

Wilson also followed Feng Yu for many years. In recent years, his career has developed from Xiangjiang to the mainland, from Asia to Europe, and then to the Americas.

Although he is old, but in Europe and the United States, the debate is usually a lawyer group to play, and some deputies give him a reminder to help him prepare the information, many times he does not need to attend, just hang a name, the lawsuit can Won.

Wilson's lawyer career can span two different legal systems from the European and American legal systems and the civil law system, and he is also famous.

The British royal family's Queen's Counsel, Feng Yu's legal counsel, the fastest growing law firm legal representative in these years, no matter which title, is a sound.

Moreover, it is even more uncomfortable to be in the same position.

Since he followed Feng Yu, Wilson’s personally responsible lawsuit has not lost. Either win or draw.

The so-called draw, that is, the out-of-court settlement, or the most satisfactory interests for the defense. The same is true, making Wilson the most famous lawyer in economic lawsuits.

As for the criminal case of defending the rich, Wilson chose to be very careful. His lawyer company can also have Feng Yu's shares, and Feng Yucai is the real major shareholder.

He knows that Feng Yu doesn't like those who are rich, so he won't fight for those people for money. Even if the other party gives a lot of money, he is absolutely not tempted.

For that lawyer's fee, you may lose Feng Yu, a big tree. It's not silly, you should know how to choose.

Wilson, who received a call from Ralph, personally chose a large lawyer team and flew to the country.

When the fruit company’s lawyers saw Wilson, they were completely shocked. Their 20-member lawyers group is already huge, but if you see the crowd behind Wilson, I am afraid there will be hundreds, and the momentum will be weaker.

It’s not a fight to fight a lawsuit. Is it necessary to get so many people? With so many people, it is impossible for the court to let you all attend.

There are not many lawyers attending the normal court debate. Generally, there are only a few people, and there are only one person. But even if it is more, it will be good for a dozen people, and no more courts can sit down.

Although most of the lawyers are aware of the data collection and out-of-court assistance, they have never seen such a large legal team.

Even the judges in charge of the case were shocked. The media reporters who came to interview did not even have many lawyers!

"Mr. Wilson, can you ask the representative to think that the group and the fruit company are in court? Are you confident that you will continue to win?"

"Mr. Wilson, this time you brought so many people over because of lack of confidence?"

"Mr. Wilson, what do you want to say about the fruit company's allegations?"

The reporter's flashing lights are constantly flashing. All the camera lenses are also aimed at Wilson. There is even an open interview car. There is a rocker camera on the car. If the reporter can't squeeze in, the same scene can be clearly captured. Still very clear.

"All the accusations of the fruit company, even the group does not recognize. I am very surprised, this very obvious false behavior, how can the state court accept? For this kind of obituary, I have not lost before, not in the future!"


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