Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1810: Pit out of his own bank

Feng Yu once said to the People's Bank of China that the rice market at this time is very chaotic, risks and opportunities coexist, and he must be notified when he encounters a large transaction.

This time, some people have to borrow $3 billion for a short period of time. This figure is very large. It is far more than the total amount of storage by the People’s Bank of China in the country. Of course, it must be reported to Feng Yu.

However, according to the person in charge of the People’s Bank of China on the side of the country, it should be possible to borrow, and the credibility of the other party is very good.

To borrow, it is the New York branch of the Bank of America. The Bank of America, once used in China, is the name of the Bank of America, because they are a private joint-stock commercial bank, using the name of the Bank of the United States, worried that people on the Chinese side thought it was the bank of the country.

But in fact, although this is a joint-stock commercial bank, it still has a great relationship with the country's political axe. For example, in the family of these bank shareholders, there are people who hold positions such as deputies.

Less than a year later, many banks in the country have gone bankrupt, and the lending between major banks has become more and more troublesome, and the review has become more and more strict.

The interbank interest rate is also raised by the Bank of the United States, and precisely because of this, it has aggravated the bankruptcy speed of many small banks. Anyway, big banks are mainly borrowing abroad. Of course, it is best to get more profits. Small banks will go bankrupt, and they have the same way to recover their own money.

"Feng, this is the document of the Bank of America, which gives us no low interest. And we have analyzed that after a large number of layoffs, the Bank of the United States has lost a lot of costs and can fully overcome this difficulty."

Feng Yu simply flipped through and threw the paper aside: "This interest is not the highest rated, telling them that we have to charge the highest interest, and we must give priority to the repayment right."

The so-called priority repayment right is that after the contract expires, the People's Bank of China can ask the Bank of America to pay their first money first, because at this time the Bank of America may have borrowed money from a number of banks.

Priority repayment can reduce the risk of the public voice bank. However, if the general repayment right is required, the interest rate will be relatively low. The risk is low and the profit is naturally low.

Feng Yu now has the highest interest rate, but also has to give priority to the repayment right. It is clear that it is to rob the fire.

The Bank of America was requested by the State Council and the Office of Xiaobu 10 to help some enterprises tide over the difficulties and take over some financial enterprises that filed for bankruptcy. Of course, the country’s political axe will also give the Bank of America a certain commitment, such as guaranteeing their The debt must be recovered on time and given some other convenience.

To say why Xiaobu 10 is so good with the Bank of America, mainly the shareholders behind the Bank of America, in fact, is a staunch supporter of Xiaobu.

Behind the small cloth ten stood a lot of military ~ fire merchants, this point everyone knows, so after he took the stage, he launched a lot of wars, and greatly helped the soldiers ~ fire merchants to make money.

The location of the headquarters of the Bank of America is California, what is the most important industry in California, the military ~ fire!

So why do the Bank of the Philippines support the Decree of Xiaobu 10, because this is a transaction in itself. And in the future, they will continue to push the people of the ten family to continue to maintain their cooperation.

Even now, they can't look at the downfall of Xiaobu, which will affect the reputation of the Buji family and have a great negative impact on their future cooperation.

Besides, they are even a grasshopper on the rope, of course, they have to go to the top.

What's more, to help the political axe take over some companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy, they are not necessarily losing money. First, some bad assets will be stripped, and then they can take the opportunity to expand their business and get some high-risk bonds.

A policy on the political axe can make the bonds in their hands appreciate sharply, thus getting rid of losses and making good profits.

The former Bank of America is also no support for Xiaobu. The crisis of the two-room group, the Bank of America has not been shot. From a business perspective, the two-room group is definitely finished, but if the political axe is willing to help, then the two-room group will have a turnaround.

At the moment, the Bank of America is going to borrow money for a short period of time. It must also be for the two-room group to wipe the fart-shares, or find other ways to make money.

Since the Bank of the United States has come to the Minsheng Bank, a foreign bank that is not leaking, it means that they really need money.

That is not the opportunity, the highest interest, the best conditions?

Anyway, Minsheng Bank is not a partner with the Bank of America. Everyone is still a competitor. When will you not wait?

The president of the New York branch of the Bank of America frowned at this time. The People’s Bank of China also spoke too much, not only to raise the highest interest rate, but also to give priority to repayment.

They are still hesitating, and the other party has proposed another one. At this time, the exchange rate is settled with rmb. That is to say, now that you borrow $3 billion, then according to the exchange rate of 1:7.4, it is about 22.2 billion rmb.

When you are still back, you should also repay it in US dollars according to 22.2 billion rmb, and the interest rate is the same.

But everyone knows that although rmb does not have a strong appreciation at this time, the dollar is depreciating. By the time they repaid, the original $3 billion principal would have risen by nearly $100 million!

This part of the gap can also make up for the interest expenses of the Bank of America, but now they have to lose more.

At this time, the Bank of the World was taking over some of the business of the two-room group in accordance with the requirements of the above, helping the two companies to tide over the difficulties, and of course, in exchange for some other conveniences.

The small-scale banks of the original Minsheng Bank are not within the scope of their short-term borrowing considerations. On such a small scale, it is not necessarily worth billions of dollars. However, they knew that the major shareholder of Minsheng Bank turned out to be Feng Yu, and felt that the bank was sure to get the money.

However, they did not expect that this folk bank was so greedy and put forward such harsh conditions!

Other commercial banks in the country are also very difficult at this time, such as Citi and so on, but they are not willing to lend to the Bank of America, and do not want the Bank of America to take the opportunity to grow.

The Bank of America has not been able to choose a lot, and the European side has borrowed it. It is not enough. At this time, they can't let go of any one who can borrow money, so even if the conditions of the People's Bank of China are harsh, they can only bite their teeth.

They just think that they are doing the wrong thing as the first commercial bank to raise interbank interest rates. Originally, they have been borrowing money from abroad. Of course, the higher the interest rate, the more cost-effective.

But now it is their turn to borrow money. This high interest rate can make them suffer.

A careless, lifting a rock and licking your own feet!


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