Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1829: Financial crisis broke out

The country’s political axe itself took over a big trouble, that is, the world’s largest insurer, the International Group of the United States, with total assets of more than one trillion dollars.

At that time, the country’s political axe had already been able to help other financial institutions. Otherwise, it would not let the Bank of America acquire Merrill Lynch, nor would it find someone to take over Bear Stearns, and it would not even ignore the application of bankruptcy by Raymond Brothers. This is also the top investment bank in the United States.

This time, the country’s political axe once again took over the two-room group, and Feng Yu’s people found out that the fiscal deficit was extremely high, and the situation of the country’s financial crisis was inevitable.

The subprime mortgage crisis in the original country was very serious. Otherwise, there would not be so many financial institutions going bankrupt, and it would be necessary for banks in Europe and Asia to inject capital.

But at that time, the country of the United States put on a pair of powerful people, and these difficulties can be solved, temporarily stabilizing the market.

This time, when the big pits were exposed, the country’s political axe could no longer be suppressed. The subprime mortgage crisis really turned into a financial crisis in the country, even a financial turmoil, and it would spread to many countries around the world. And area.

Some countries have bought the national debt of the country, or they have invested a lot in the country. The economy of the country has fallen, and they naturally lose money.

Other countries are linking currencies to the US dollar. When the dollar continues to depreciate, their country's currency is also depreciating, purchasing power is declining, and it has turned into inflation.

But the root cause is that the country’s political axe is dead!

The small cloth ten housing plan stimulated the development of real estate, allowing more subprime loans to be issued, seriously ignoring the quality of assets.

Originally, this problem is not too serious, but the financial products that encourage "innovation" on the Wall Street in the country, so that various financial derivatives are abused, the financial transaction chain has become very long, asset securitization, the original value of one dollar of products The packaging has become more than ten dollars, which is seriously beyond the original real value.

Among them, Merrill Lynch Bank, Leiman Brothers Bank is one of the leading companies, so they are also the second largest financial institution to decline or even go bankrupt.

Some people say that these fundamental reasons are due to the fall in real estate prices and even the collapse, resulting in an increase in default rates, and even a crucial relationship with the sluggish auto industry in the country. Otherwise, there will not be so many people unemployed, and the default rate will be Not so high.

But in fact, these are still because of the political axe of the country.

Around the year of 2003, when the implementation of the Xiaobu 10 housing project began, the interest rate of the Bank of America was only one percent. And in less than two years, from 6.5 percent to one percent.

At that time, the speed of real estate growth was much higher.

Therefore, many people have measured that the interest on loans is not as fast as the rise in real estate. It is very cost-effective to buy a house now.

When they bought the house, the Fed began to raise interest rates.

By the time of the year of zero, the interest rate has been adjusted back to a high of 5.75 percent, which means that many people's loan interest has increased by more than five times!

In addition, many lenders of financial institutions have deliberately left loopholes in the contract, so that the interest on loans increased with the adjustment of the Fed, which drastically increased the pressure on many people to repay.

Why should the country adjust interest rates? Because of the need to increase income, the country’s government has no money.

Originally, the economy of the country was so good, how could it suddenly have no money? It is because of war!

The United States launched wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and other regions. One is to show its own army-factual power, and it is also to prevent domestic contradictions from erupting. But the most fundamental reason is that Iraq decided at that time to change the dollar to settle the euro. .

Mi Guosheng is afraid that other ope countries will follow suit, and the status of the dollar will definitely fall. The wars of several countries in the country have all had a fundamental relationship with these.

The politics and governance of the country have not always been supported by the consortium. Among them, energy, finance and military-workers, such as Microsoft's technology companies, are not ranked at all, even the world's top 500 Wal-Mart Group, is nothing.

Originally, the country thought that the wars in these two regions would be sufficient for the military and the 50,000-60 billion dollars. It would not only achieve political and governance intentions, but also allow crude oil to be linked to the US dollar and demonstrate its strength and make them international. The right to speak increased, and the growth of the euro was suppressed, and the economic development of Asia was suppressed.

It is a pity that due to the support of China and East, such as Europe and Asia, this war simply failed to end in a short time according to the idea of ​​the country. Instead, the time was very long, and the expenditure of the country was also planned. Billions of dollars have turned into nearly $800 billion!

Is such a high expenditure, can you do it without tax? I don't want to make a profit, the political axe of the country has long gone bankrupt!

Therefore, the fundamental reason is that the decision of the country’s political axe lies in the policy of Xiaobu.

Small cloth ten compared to Clinton, it is not a little bit worse. When Clinton started the war, Corso ~ Wo, it was also because the euro to challenge the status of the dollar.

The result was that Clinton succeeded in getting the euro from $1:17 to $1,86. The dollar did not appreciate, but the euro depreciated.

In addition, in the Clinton appointment, a financial turmoil broke out in Asia. Apart from the fact that a few of China and other countries were spared, the fastest growing regions in Asia, including the island countries, suffered heavy losses.

Xiaobu 10, it seems that the economy of the country is very good, but in fact, there are many hidden dangers. Those financial conglomerates completely confuse the financial markets of the country.

Before the country, there were many investment banks. The so-called investment banks were domestic securities companies. These investment banks have gone bankrupt and closed down.

The last two investment banks left on Wall Street are Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Finally, the two investment banks have also begun to apply for conversion to commercial banks, so that they can be properly stored.

That is to say, there is cash inflow, which allows them to tide over their own difficulties without the aid of political axe.

Of course, although they are commercial banks, they still have investment banking-related businesses.

However, the two top investment banks in the world have to be converted into commercial banks, which proves that the financial crisis in the country is no longer a political axe.

The same-use cars, Colesle cars, and Fu Te enterprises, which have been dead for a long time, have also announced that they have suffered serious losses in the first half of this year and hope to get assistance from the government.

Fute is okay, the earliest sold some business, with his own ability, can also get through the difficulties, but the same car and Colles music is different, they are also ready to apply for bankruptcy protection!

Feng Yu looked at the news on the Internet. This financial storm really broke out, but it was not serious enough. It seems that it is necessary to push another one!


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