Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1830: Crazy short selling (subscription)

The financial crisis in the country finally broke out, earlier than in the past, but not as dramatic as the previous life.

How can this be done? If the financial crisis is not so serious, how can we achieve Feng Yu’s goal?

The simplest point is to let the stock market in the country plummet, so that the financial market collapse in the country, so that the country wants to pull the capital, so that it can hit the economy of the country to the greatest extent, and close the gap between China and the country.

Let the stock market in the country plummet. In addition to constantly releasing all kinds of bad news, some people will lead the short selling of the shares of the rice country, short selling the stock index futures of the rice country, and at the same time in the dollar market and other financial markets, to make a comprehensive blow. !

The stock of the two-room group is no longer necessary for short selling. Now it has fallen to about 60 cents, and it can’t be borrowed at all. How can it be sold short?

However, Feng Yu chose some company stocks that other people did not dare to think about, such as Morgan Stanley, the financial giant dominated by one of the top ten consortiums in the country.

From Goldman Sachs, it is possible to borrow Morgan Stanley's stock.

This is also a kind of short-term borrowing. Now the short-term borrowing interest has risen, so the average person will not borrow a lot, and the cost is very high.

However, this is not a big deal for Feng Yu. He has sufficient cash reserves and support from Kirilenko, Fu Jia and Li Jia.

Fu Rongqi personally took the opportunity to continue selling the US dollar and not giving the US dollar a chance to turn over. Once the dollar rises, investors' confidence in the country will increase. Feng Yu will sell short, and the response will not be so much.

Feng Yu also informed the domestic and let Zhang Ruiqiang pay attention to the fact that the gold contract was quickly delivered. During this time, gold will definitely not fluctuate normally. Feng Yu can't keep staring, so he can't give the best advice.

It is just that Huaxia is also planning to allocate funds to some provinces in China to stimulate the domestic economy. After all, China is also affected by the international financial market, and the economic growth has slowed down.

The economic growth rate in the first two quarters was once close to 11%. In the past two months, there have been some declines. It is expected that the economic growth rate in the third quarter of this year may be only 10%.

If other economic powers have such a high economic growth rate, they can wake up dreaming, but China is still very unsatisfied. One is because China's economic aggregate is still far from the top. In addition, China's population is very large, and there are many places that need to spend money. In other countries, it seems that sufficient funds are not enough in China.

Huaxia is a big exporting country. Even though this world has Fengyu, many industries have undergone earth-shaking changes, but the proportion of exports is also very large, just from low value-added products, slowly transitioning to high value-added products.

However, the economic recession in the country has caused economic recession in many countries in Europe and Asia. The purchasing power of those regions has declined, and the import volume has naturally declined. China's export trade has also been seriously affected.

It is also because of this that China's economic growth rate has slowed down, but it has also developed rapidly.

If exports are blocked, then domestic demand will be stimulated to ensure economic development. It is just that China will rectify the retail and other industries. The rectification of these industries requires investment.

As for letting Huaxia's foreign exchange go short selling crude oil futures, this is not enough. The black pot of crude oil falling will be deducted on the head of China, seriously affecting the relationship between China and China and East. It is not worthwhile in the long run.

However, Feng Yu also told Zhang Ruiqiang that it is now that the price of crude oil has not fallen to nearly 80 US dollars. You can sign a long-term contract with the country of opec, and pay a part of the deposit in advance to sign the price at this time. .

By the end of this year, the price of crude oil will definitely fall all the way, but starting next year, crude oil will rebound again and will once again hit more than one hundred dollars.

Feng Yu’s reason is that the members of opec will also lose a lot in this financial turmoil, their liabilities will rise sharply, and they need money to ease financial pressure.

The shale oil in the country will start to produce, so that it can be self-sufficient, but precisely because of this, it will stimulate the price of crude oil and stay high, which is in line with the interests of the oil giants.

After listening to Feng Yu's analysis, Zhang Ruiqiang also had a meeting with domestic economic experts. The experts also believed that Feng Yu's analysis is very likely to happen, and should not be in the case of the continued deterioration of the economy of the country.

When I heard the experts say this, Zhang Ruiqiang decided to make a decision. According to Feng Yu’s implementation, he would consider it in the long run. However, the gold contract can not be fully delivered, but some of the leverage is slightly higher, but the multiple is still low.

Feng Yu did not say it. By the end of the year, the price of gold will definitely come back. Funds from other financial markets such as the stock market will flood into the gold market. This is the most normal situation in the financial crisis.

Huaxia can't get a crime of manipulating the price of gold, so it is better to reduce the multiple and save the investment. Those foreign exchange reserves must also be retained. Although I have listened to Feng Yu’s suggestion, I have made some reductions, but I cannot reduce it too much.

Otherwise, even if Feng Yu promised, Feng Yu will do all the help and may fall into crisis. At this time, Huaxia cannot have any adventure.

The large amount of funds on the Chinese side was withdrawn, and the gold market suddenly caused a lot of shock. Then some of the consortium's investments were also withdrawn, and the financial crisis appeared. They must first look at their most fundamental interests.

The price of gold suddenly began to fall. And some consortiums and investors have also seen the opportunity to start selling short gold contracts with a view to obtaining lucrative profits.

Short-selling contracts in the crude oil market also began to surge, and the price of crude oil fell at a faster rate. Although members such as opec took out a large sum of money and hoped to pull the price of crude oil, it did not help.

The amount of short-selling funds is too large and they simply can’t fight. Said opec, these members are very rich, but that is calculated by per capita. Really count the total output value, they can only be regarded as general. In particular, foreign exchange reserves are not at all much.

Feng Yu also increased their positions with high leverage and reduced the risk reserve. Now that a lot of money is being sold, it has already formed a general trend, and the risk of rising crude oil will be very low.

What's more, even if it rises, it can completely deliver a batch, reverse the hedge, and the profit can be saved.

And Feng Yu also made people declare in the media that the stock market in the country is going to be finished, and the collapse is inevitable. Do not believe you see, the powerful Morgan Stanley, their company's stock, also fell 12% in two days, and is still falling rapidly!

The financial crisis in the country is more intense than in the past!


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