Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1949: Microsoft's Big Three decision

"Steve, how is our in7 sales?" Bill Gates sat in the main room of the conference room with a cup of cold coffee in front of him. The fastest update

"From the perspective of online paid downloads, the situation is not very optimistic. The sales volume of CDs in the online store is also different from that of Yinshan. However, we are leading the way in the sales of CDs from various retail channels." Steve Ballmer replied.

Originally Ballmer was Microsoft's third-largest shareholder, and served as Microsoft's director, president and eo. There were a lot of stock rewards. Now he is worth more than $10 billion, not much less than Paul Allen.

Paul Allen snorted: "Our Microsoft has been caught up with China's products on the most advantageous products, and we don't know how some people manage the company in the past few years."

Other directors have long been accustomed to Paul Allen and Ballmer. When the two men quarreled, they never interjected. Only Bill Gates could persuade them, and no one else would do it.

Ballmer rarely came back this time. He continued: "There is still a point that everyone must pay attention to. Even if they want to use the influence of Chaowei, Yingweida, and Jinshidun, Yinshan has signed a copy with those manufacturers. The agreement that is very unfavorable to us is enough to ensure that even if our products are more popular, we cannot completely defeat the Yinshan."

"But if we even think that Yinshan's products are more popular than ours, we may be severely suppressed, so I think we should really enter the hardware field, at least to make a brand of its own, tablet, is a very A good springboard."

Ballmer has always advocated that Microsoft is doing its own p-brand. The original tablet was also made by his proposal. Unfortunately, it was a product that lost money, and Paul Alan was not ridiculed.

“Are we not signing an exclusive cooperation agreement with the company? It is enough to compete with the company in the Asian market. There are also brands such as Huipu and Dai, and there is no need to develop their own brand of electronic products. We are doing Software, this should be remembered," Paul Allen reminded.

Manufacturers do not make money at all. It can be seen from the market value of those p-factories. Even thinking, wearing, and reciprocating together are not as high as Microsoft's market value.

"Moreover, as long as our products sell better, then even the most like Yinshan is like the fruit company. Sales and profits are far from threatening us. We are Microsoft, the world's number one software company. The operating system we have made is also the best in the world, and our users have always been the most in the world!"

Some directors have the same idea as Paul Allen. They still think that Microsoft is the most powerful in the world, and the products are the best in the world. Even the silver mountain will definitely be stepped on by them.

Not only the p operating system, but also after the launch of their next-generation smartphone operating system next year, this market will be firmly in the hands.

Some directors have the same idea as Ballmer and think that they can't despise their opponents, especially this one is Feng Yu's company. Every enterprise that despised Feng Yu was finally stepped on by Feng Yu.

And since the other party can make hos form a big league, then if you want Yinshan to form a big league and open part of the source code, then how does Microsoft respond? Although this possibility is minimal.

There is even the cooperation between Yinshan and Lianxiang Group, which is not comparable to fruit companies. After all, even the group is the world's first production and sales volume, a variety of products are leading the trend, leading the research and development direction of major manufacturers.

How can such a company with funds, technology and creativity be ignored? What's more, Feng Yu is still the biggest shareholder of Chaowei, Jinshidun, Yingweida, etc. This combination can even affect the entire p industry, how can it be despised?

Bill Gates suddenly asked: "You, do you think the fruit company's system still exists?"

Everyone is stunned, the chairman wants to fight the fruit company?

“Have you ever thought about whether we can buy a fruit company?”

The former fruit companies were companies that they had to support and let them survive. In order to prevent monopoly, Microsoft was forced to split up and even imposed a huge fine.

The fruit company has always been able to occupy a small share of the market, and then Microsoft can make a lot of money, and many concerns do not exist.

But now even thinking about the existence of Yinshan, Microsoft has a strong competitor in the software market, this opponent is far greater than the threat of fruit companies.

Microsoft no longer needs the existence of fruit companies to prove that they have no monopoly market. And the fruit company has to compete with them and separate them from a market. Why do Microsoft, such competitors, still want to let it develop?

The fruit company's program is different from their Microsoft source code, but those software engineers are still world-class in their ability to develop application software.

If you can swallow the fruit company, it is very important to Microsoft. Ballmer’s plan to build his own electronics brand is straightforward and simpler than creating it.

The idea of ​​acquiring a fruit company and Paul Allen is not in conflict, and the fruit company is worthy of being a subsidiary of Microsoft.

The fruit company's share of p is not high, but there is still a certain advantage in the office, it will not cause too much resistance to other p manufacturers.

It can even be used as a test to test the attitudes of those p-factories. After even thinking about Yinshan, those p-factories will be so tough to resist Microsoft's own electronic brand.

Originally, Microsoft was considering whether to acquire a mobile phone brand to operate on its own. If it is created, many businesses are too late to recruit. The relevant management personnel are not easy. They must do it, they must not do too small, which is not in line with Microsoft's identity. what.

When Microsoft talked with Muni, he thought about buying a brand, but after considering it, he gave up. This is a brand created by Muni and Ericsson. Unless they are all acquired, this is It doesn't make much sense for Microsoft to expand its brand influence.

The acquisition of the fruit company, all this has been solved.

Whether it is a traditional p, a new type of tablet, or a smart phone, or even a super mp3, there are fruit companies, even electronic paper books.

With the help of Microsoft's powerful brand effect and capital and technical advantages, it is very possible to overtake the storm card, and even more than even the card is not impossible.

Ballmer hesitated: "Bill, the fruit company is down in sales, but the brand is still very good in our North America, there is no small influence in Europe, and the profit is not bad. We want to buy it. This is too difficult. I am afraid that the political axe will not pass."

Paul Allen said: "If we are like Feng Yu's subsidiaries, we don't cross each other's shares, keep it alone, but let its shareholders be a group of people?"

Ballmer is silent. This operation seems to be feasible, but can it be successful?


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